HomeMy WebLinkAboutNotice PLANNER 9/2/2010 " - ~~-.. . . - 1-j~ RECEIVED SEP 22010 ~, By:l~ ~ .De~6trrr-- jo-f-3. ~ AFFIDAVIT OF SERVICE STATE OF OREGON) )ss. County of lane ) I, Karen laFleur, being first duly sworn, do hereby depose and say as follows: 1. I state that I am a Program Technician for the Planning Division of the Development Services Department, City of Springfield, Oregon: 2. I state that in my capacity as, Program Technician, I prepar7d a.o caused to be mailed copies of:Dl2.G 0 .' 9t-B ~ (See attachment "A") on 9-1- .2010 addressed to (see Attachment B"), by causing said letters to be placed in a U.S. mail box with postage fully prepaid thereon. ~~, ~~~ KAR LaFLEUR STATE OF OREGON, County of lane ~ 7.2010. Personally appeared the above named Karen laFleur, Prog am TechniCian, who acknowledged the foregoing . Instrument to be their voluntary act Before me: . OfFICIAL SEAL DEVETTE KELLY NOTARY PUBLIC. OREGON COMMISSION NO. 420351 MY COMMISSION EXPIRES AUG. 15, 2011 ~1iL.~ g /;S /11 I I My Commission Expires: . - ........... . . DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT September 2, 2010 225 FIFTH STREET SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 PHONE (541)726-3753 FAX (541)726-3689 www.ci.spn.ngfield.or.us Bill Kloos 375 W 4th Street, Suite 204 Eugene OR 97401 Re: Completeness review for DRC2010-00025 BJ Equipment. Addressed as 4080 and 4100 Commercial Ave. 17-02-31-14 -04300. LMI (Light Medium Industrial) zone. 10-20 year . Time of Travel Zone for the Maia well. Mr. Kloos, Thank you for your response to the completeness review letter. I have reviewed the supplemental information and it demonstrates that Reed's Trucking, Inc. has continuously occupied the site. In addition, the proposed business, BJ Equipment, is a similar use and will not constitute a change of use, assuming no explosives will be stored on site. However, the Drinking Water Protection Overlay is sti11 applicable. In accordance with SDC 3.3-225, a DWP application is required when: . There is a change of use, occupancy or tenancy of a property, and . The action above will affect the storage or use of hazardous materials, or will increase the quantity of hazardous materials that are stored or used. The DWP application will determine what site improvements, if any, are required to comply with the DWP Overlay regulations. If any improvements are required, then submit a Site Plan Modification. Essentially, this approach recognizes the nonconforming use but still addresses the need to protect the ground water. If this concept is agreeable, we can meet to work out the mechanics of processing the applications. Sincerely, _,. / j 5 L;-pv-- Steve Hopkins, AICP Planner II Urban Planning Division DRC201D-00025 BJ Equipment Page 10fl . .;-0,,;. . . SeR'NGe'.w~ ~j:J;II"[tf~/:1' ,.. . DEVELOPMENT SERVIC~ ~ PLANNING DEPARTMENT 225 FIFTH STREET SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 Bill Kloos 375 W 4th Street, Suite 204 Eugene, OR 97401 "'. "...0<:,; ,~.. ',"' ........ . ..... ..... jQ.