HomeMy WebLinkAboutMiscellaneous APPLICANT 8/30/2010 . . TRAVELERSJ Kim Price 450 Country Club Road #320 Eugene Oregm 97401 Date ofIssue: 4/1312010 Policyholder: Agent or Broker: (541) 687-4799 ALLIANCE INSURANCE GROUP 360E 10TH AVE STE 101 EUGENE, OR 97401 REED'S TRUCKING, INC. 4080 LLC 4080 COMMERCIAL AVE SPRINGFIELD, OR 97478.5767 1'0licyNulllbe':S: Expiring Underwriting Company: Renewal Effective Date: . __.__6824N,,~.L@ _ 6824N432 820 6824N432 CUP Travelers Property Casualty Company of America 71112010 Dear Policyholder: . Thank you for choosing Travelers. We are providing advance notice of changes affecting your renewal policy or notification of renewal premium. Please consult your agent or broker for guidance in reviewing the information contained in this notice. Your renewal premium will be increased because rates have increased for one or more of the coverages provided. Your insurance program provides critical financial protection for your company. Your agent or broker can provide expert and professional advice on Travelers' extensive insurance products and services. You should regularly review and update your insurance program with your agent or broker to ensure it provides the protection you require. We appreciate your business. Thank you for choosing Travelers. Sincerely, . rff"1'1 ~'- Kim Price Date Received: Planner: SH S } J(} 'If) Form CP.6307 Ed. 05..08 P00007-DDO"lb27 -'- --rfJregra TELECOM. 1201NEUtlydBIvtI,Sle500 Portland. OR 97232-1259 3404 1 AT 0.357 . ),oz C1 TFJ, CC03'lC'lUT].4 REED'S TRUCKING r~4080 COMMERCIAL AVE SPRINGFIELD OR 97478-5767 111'11'111111'11111'11;,",11111'""11""1111"'"111"'1111"1' Account History Previous Balance Payments Applied Balance Forward Summary of Current Charges Dati Service Local Service Long Distance Service Account Level Fees Taxes and Surcharges Current Charges Tntal Amount Due on 1111/09 '~ID-';(O-D <7 4t I ~.sl $166.23 $166.23CR $0.00 $29.95 . $110.45 $0.76 $6.75 $15.49. $163.48 .f; l" \ $163.40 To avoid late charges. please pay the Total Amount Due by the due date. Amount Paid: Check Number: Date: . 'Communications Invoice Page 1 01 5 . . Invoice Date . . ,Account Numbsr 'Slib Account Number Invoice Number' 10/11/2009 639431 639431 . 5985271 . . Customer Service Information Customer Service '.Fax Repair . ,ISP Support . . Web site "E-mail . . . . 503-953~77470r800-727~8484 ,'. 503-953-7706 or 888-464-7878' 503-953-7400 or 800,360'4467 . 503-453-8220 or 866-871-1114". www.intearntelecom.com . orcare@integrnielecom:com . . . . . ,'. . . . , . . . , '. ." ..' . - . . '. . ..... . Learn more about Integrn's online account management tool.. at intearateleconi comltrvinteoracare It's. cl?n~nient. se~u.re." : . and.!ree. Experience integra9re today! . . . " . .. .. . The Federal Communicaiions CommisSion(FCC) reviews the. . Universai Sennce Fund (USF) each quarter and adjuststtie ....... .... contribution factor as needed. Integni mirrorslhis contribution . . factor in the FliSFSurcharge lhaiappears on your invoiCes: . . . ..' . . " . '. Earn up to a $) 00 cred~ toward your Integra invoice. Doyou' knOW.somi,"ne wflo couid benefit from Integra's commitment, to service? Our ReterralCredirProgram gives you a one-time. . cred~on your monthlybill for eve.yrefernilwtiobec~mes an Integra Telecom customer. Find out' more at ..... . intearalelecom.i:omlreferral/ . . . . .. , .' , . In accordance w~h your .Service Agreement anitthe Master. Serifice Agreement, please remember that you must provide' In,egraviith ihirty (30) days' written no~ce in advance of the . . . date you need to have any or all services. disconnected. Your... . timely notice 'will allow us ample~me to process your request . and ensure accurate selVice charges . . .. . . .......-.-.- -- -.-.-- - - - - -,_.- ---:~Li'stGiii~etum-;&9-----'- -,-- - --,-,- -107fi"l2009't;1'1t'-012009''' ++Continuous Redial *66 10111/2009 to 1111Q/2009 ' InterconnBction Fee 10/1112009 to 11/1oi2009 . Total 541-743-89113 EAS Interstate Access Charge Digital Business line Interconnection Fee TOlal541-743-8904 541-743-8904 Sob Total Long Distance Number 541-743-8902 541-743-8903 541-743-8904 Sob TaIBI ..1 . l' 1 $0.00' $0.00 $2.95 . $0.00 ..$0.00 $2.95 $32.6S . . $2.85 $7.85 . . $19.00' . $2.95 . $32.65 $110.45 . 10111/20091011/1012009 10/11/2009 to 11/1012009 10/11/2009 to 11/1012009 .. 10/11120091011/1012009 '1 1 .1 '1 . $2.85 $7.85 $19.00' .$2.95 Description Basic Intrastate Long Distance Basic Intrastate Long Distance; Basic Interstate Long Distance . Calls 1 2 2 5 ,Minutes Total'Chorue 6.7 . . $0:34 3.4. '$0.18 4.7 '$0:24 14.8 . $0_76" f:J~o lid Date Received: Planner: S\-\ . PCOOO?-OtJD'l3?2 - ~ !.':!co~g['f!Uoyd B,,", ,.,00 Portland,OR97232-12S9 lozOJ. "!l:I. Page 1015 . Communications Invoice -' 3226 1 AT 0.357 lID0322bnn~ REED'S TRUCKING ~4D80 COMMERCIAL AVE SPRINGFIELD OR .97478-5767 "1111'11"'1""'1111""1'1'11"'11,,','1,,,1,,1'1'11,,,1,1"11 Account History Previous Balance Payments Applied Balance Forward Sum";ary of C~~";nl Charger . Data Service Local Service Long Distance Service Account Level Fees Taxes and Surcharges Current Charges $163.40 $163,40CR $0.00 $29.95 $110.45 $4,44. $6,95 $15,90 $167,69 -! , 1/7 $167.69 fel /I-N-01 . dl/~I.oCJ Total Amounl Due on 1212/09 To avoid late charges, please pay the Total Amount Due by the due date. Amount Paid: Check Number: Date: ,--..-.----.. -,.-----.----.-----.+-rL:asrGa:rnl'lmnn--mr-------- -..----- -~-. ++ContinuOU5 Redial *66 Interconnection Fee ToI,,541.743.8903 541.743-8904 EAS Interstate ^ct:ess Charge Digital Business Line Interconnection Fee Total 541-743-8904 .Invoice Dale Account Number, Sub Accounl Number fnvoieeNumber 11/11/2009 639431 '639431 6102286 Customer Service Information Customer Service Fax Repair ISP Support Web site E-mail 503-95H747 or Boo-727-B484 503,S5H706 or 888-464-7B78 : 503-953-7400 or 800-360"4467 503-453-8220 or 866-871-1114 . . wwlv.inieoratelllcom.com . oreare@integratelecom.com . . Effective Dec 1', 2009 the Network Access Assessment will change to 6.95'}',. TheNAA' is assessed as a percentage of. local,'intrastale, Interstate, international,' data serViCes, . '.' private-line services, Interstate AccessCharge'(IAC) and . · Interconnection Fee:(ICF). To learn more; go to . inteoratelecom.comlNAA . , . .' ":. ," , For manyyeais now, Oregonians tiavebenefilled Iromthe Extended Area Service (EAS) program. Monthly EAS ~dditives .... . permit unlimited local calls among communlties'of inteieSt, . .. which inthe)aSt would have been long distanc~ calls, Integra mirrors this program in its rates and se",ices.. ' Enjoy simplicity,convenience'and a greener tomoirow! Enroll" . in paperless billing today and save time, miineyand the . , enviiOliman!. Signing up is lree, last and simple at: ,intear,atelecom:-comlooI?aoel1ess' . .. , . . .'~" -'. " Learn 'more about Integra's online account managementtooi, . at itltearatelecom.comltrvintearacare It's convenient,' sec'ure . and free. EXperience integraCare today! .. ----1111112009 to 12i10t20ii9--,"---$o.00-- t1/111200910 12/10/2009".1 $2.95 Sub Tot,1 Long Distance Number 541-743-8902 541-743-8903 541-743-8903 541-743-8904 11/11/2009 to 12/;012009 11/11/2009 to 12/10/2009 11/11/2009 to 1ufo/2009 . 11/11/20091012/10/2009 . Description Basic Interstate Long Distance : Basic Intrastate Long Distance Dimctory Assistance 411 BasIc Interstate Long Distance ", 1 1 1 1 $2.85 $7.85 . $19.00 . $2.95 :ttl!.UU $2.95 $32.65 $2.85 $7.85. '$19.00 $2.95 $32;65 $110.45 can. Mlnul..rolal CharD.. ' 2 41.1 $2.06 3 62 . $0:32 1 0.0 $1.95- 1 1.4 $0.07' , "... '. 7::>/ "!;>d / /(\ Date Received. . Planner: SH P00007-00D"Iu.n eJ,OZOJ. ~(1 - !E'1!o~gr:.~Ly,"",S"500 Port~lld, OR 97232-1259 . Page 1 of 5 Communications Invoice 3134 1 AT 0.357 DDD3J.311 SJ. TB REED'S TRUCKING ~4080 COMMERCIAL AVE ~SPRINGFIELD OR 97478-5767 111111'1,11111,1'1111111,1,11'1111'11,11'11';11111'11111"111,,11 Account History Previous Balance Payments Applied Balance Forwarll $167.69 $167.69CR $0.00 Summary 01 Current Charges Data Service Local Service Long Distance Service Account Level Fees Taxes and Surcharges Current Charges $29.95 $110..45 $0..23 $9.45 $15.73 $165.Bl j) $165.B1 '-{d 1:1.:<:2 - <::1 } J: /81 t To avoid late charges, please pay the Total Amount Due by the due date. Total Amount Due on 1/1/10 Amount Paid: Check Number: Date: Invoice'Dafe Account Number :SubAccount Number Invoice Number 12!11I2Dtl9 , 639431 639431, 6246988 Customer Service Information ,Customer Service Fax , Repair .ISP Su'pport Web site E-mail 5DH53-7747 or 80.0.-727'8484 503'953-770.6 or 888'464-7878 50.3-953-740.0. or 80.0.,360.-4467" 5D3,-453-822Dor 866,871-1114 www.inteoratelecom.com " o[care@integratelecom.col11 - -'. . . . Reminder: All customers should begin using alllo-digitS whenever placing a c311 from the 541 area code effective . ' Jamiary 10.. 20.10.. ailestions? Visit, ' " , inteoratelecom.com/DreoonDvertav , ' . Enjoy simpliCity, convenience and a greener tomorrow! Sign ' up for paperless billin'g andsavefime, moneyand,the, .. environment' Visit inteonitelecom.com/oooaoerless' . . . .... . '...'.... .' .,. In 2DD9,lntegra:s Community Matters program donated over, ' $10.0.,0.0.0. andrjearty:6,DDD volunteer hours to ,charities and, ' , organizations in the'Communitles'we serve. This December We '" .. are proud to participate in the annuai Marine Corp TOys:fo" Tots Campaign. " ,Leammore,aboUt Integra's 'online account management'tool ' at inteoratelecom.comltrilinteonicare.it's convenient: secure,' and free. Experience integraGare today! ' , " , -----='-"" - - - - - -- - ""'=-~-""-=--~--=-=-""fffa1if"WITne1l:irlf":b~-""= ,"",-"--"'- -."..,.., "" ..,.-.".-",...'""'''''-''''I'LFl7i2wS-lu"1.i1i'i~UiZUiiJ..~' :-.:-.::-.'1-::"......,......, '""'-"""" -: -:-",;{;~: -:_"""_"""" - - ,:..::::_:: =-;:-=-.~: - - - ~ ++Gontinuous Redial '66 12/1112009 to 0111012010 1 $0.00. ,. $0.00 Inlerconneelion Fee 12/11/20091001/1012010 1 ' $2.95 $2.95.. ' Total 541-743-11903 ' '$32.65, EAS 12/11/2009 to 01/1012010 $2.85 '$2.85 . Interstate Access Charge 12/11120.09 to01l1iJ!2010 $7.85, $t85 . . Digital Business Line 12/11/2009 to 01/10/2010 '$19.00' $19.00 , ' interconneelion Fee 12/1112009 to 0.1/10/20.10 $2.95, '$2.95, Total 541-743-8904 $32.65 $110.45 541 -743-8904 Sob Total long Distance Nomber 541-743-8903 541-743-8904 541-743-8904 Sub Total Description Basic Intrastate long Dista'nce Basic Interstate long Distance Basic Intrastate, Long Distance , ,Calls 1 1 1 3 -';-." Minutes 1.9 ' 1.8 0.7 ' , 4.4 . . . . Total Charge " $0.10 " $0.09 ' '$0.04 , $0.23. , Date Received: Planner: SH ~/~/~6 P00007-0DD875D . ([Zegra . TELECOM 1201NEUoydBMl,SIe500 Portland, OR 97232.1259 . 3037 1 AT 0.357 REED'S TRUCKING ".~4080 COMMERCIAL AVE ~ SPRINGFIELD OR 97478-5767 '111,1,,11111111'11""111,1111'11111,11111,1'111,1111,1'1111111, Account History Previous Balance. Payments Applied .. 'BalanceForward Summary 01 Currenl Charges Data Service Local Service Long Distance Service Account Level Fees Taxes and Surcharges Current Charges 10201 0003037 Sl. T12 $165.81 $165.81CR $0.00 $29.95 $110.45 $0.23 $9.44 $16.41 $166.48 Total Amount Due on 2/1110 $166.48 -I; /-,J'S-J lJ 11 /9CJ4 To avoid late charges, please pay the Total Amount Due by the due date. Amount Paid: Check Number: Date: 541-743-8904 .+:;:las'fCaifRe.tum*S9.... ++ConUnuous Redial "'66 Interconnection Fee 101a1541-743--8903 EAS Interstate Ar.cess Charge Digital Business,Line Interconneelion Fee 10131541-743-8904 SuH_1a1 LongOistance Number 541-743-8903 Sub 101a1 . Page 1 of 5 Communications Invoice . Invoice Dale Account Humbe( . . Sub Account Humber Invoice Humber 01/11/2010 639431 639431 6.377606 Customer Service Information Customer Service Fax Repair '.ISP Support . Website E-mail 503-953-7747 or 800.727 '1l484 503-953-7706 or 888-464'7878.' 503.953-7400 or 800-360-4467.. 503~453-8220 or 866-871-1114 wwvijnt~(]rateleconi.com orcare@integratelecom.com Reminder: All customers should begin usingafI10-digitS. . .whenever placing a call from the 541 area code effective . January 10, 2010: Questions? Visit . .. integratelecom.comJOregonOverlay " .. ' " , ' Eff6ctive FebruarY 1 , 2010: The charge fo( calls placed to Directory Assistance will be$2.50/call. . . You l)1iIynotice a change in the ainouni oftheFederiIJ .' .... Universal Service Fund su~cliarge on,yol:lr,.invojc~.'The'Fe~eral. ',... Communications Comniission.mayadjusl the contribution . . factor each. Quarter; as needed; andlntegra mirrors this. contribution factor in the surchaigethat appears on you,: . . invoice. The USF provides support to promOte access to, .telecommunications services at reasonable. rates forthose' living in rural and high-cost areas, incOme-eligibie consumers:. rural'heaith care facilities, and schools. and libraries: . -$0:00" ----$0.00"'""------ . SO.OO '. $0:00 . S2.95 .$2.95 . $32.65 ." S2.85 $7.85 . . .$19.00 '.. $2.95. $32,65 $110:45 ... ...oiiiii20iOto(2)iol2oio..'C('---- 01/1112010 io 0211012010... 1 : 01111/20101002110/2010 1 01/1112010100211012010 . 1 01/1112010 10 02li 01201 0 1 01/1112010 to 0211012010 1 01111/2010100211012010. r $2.85 . $7.85. .$19.00 $2.95 . . Description Basic Intrastate long Distance ..: : Calls 1 1 toilnDies 4.5 4.5 . -i~IaIChar!i~ . .. $0:23 so.za . Date Received: . Planner: SH . 6/:50 It)) .' ..' .' , . ;..i,;:n.C7-00!l8'l1\7 ~l!g;!:~L"B1"'s,SOO . Partland.OR97232-1259 ],0201 Page 1 of 5 . ,Com rTlU nications Invoice 2931 1 AT 0.357 0002'\3), t1 n.2 REED'S TRUCKING ~4080 COMMERCIAL AVE , 'SPRINGFIELD OR 97478-5767 ,.111111'11'111,,1'1111111111111111;11.1111111"11111'1'111'111.1 Account History Previous Balance Payments Applied Balance Forward , Summary 01 Current Charges Data Service Local Service Long Distance Service Account Level Fees Taxes and Surcharges Current Charges $166.48 $166.48CR $0.00 $29.95 $110.45 $0.15 $9.43 $16.40 $166.38 ,Id ".$'- d.? - It! $166.38 11=- I'll ff , Total Amount Due on 3/4110 To avoid late charges, please pay the Total Amount Due by the due date. Amount Paid: Check Number: Date: , 541-743-B904 ++Last Call Return "69 ++Continuous Radial .66 Interconnection Fee Total 541-743-8903 EAS Interstale Access Charge '. Digital Business Line lnterconnm:tion Fee Total 541-743-8904 Invoice Date 02/11/2010 Account Numbei 639431 Sub Account Number' 639431, Invoice Number ' ' 6502334 Customer Service Information Cuslomer Service Fax ,Repair ISP Support , Web site: E-mail 503-953-7747. or 800-727.-8484 503'953'7.7.06 or 888:46H87.8 503-953-7.400 or 800-360'4467. '503-453-8220 or 866~7.f'1l14 www,inteoiateleCom.com'" orcare@integratelecom.com , ' Enjoy simplicity, convenlencB and a greener tomorrowl Sign ' up lor papertess billing and save time, money and the, environment Visit inteoratelecom.com/oooilOerless 02111120101003110/2010, 0211112010 to 03/1012010 0211112010 to 0311012010 0211112010 to 0311012010 02111/2010 to 03110/2010 0211112010 to 0311012010 02111/2010100311012010 . . "". 1 '1 1 $0,00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 , $2.95 '$2.95 $32.65 $2.85 $2:B5 $7.85 ' $7.85 $19.00 $19.00 $2.95 $i95 $32.65 $110.45 Mlnnl.. Total Charge 2.B $0.15 , 2.8 $11.15 1 ,1 1 1 Sub Total Long Distance Number 541-743-8904 SobTotal De..ripUon Basic Intrastate long Distance Call. 2 2 Date Received: Planner: SH <O/~ II/) , . . PDDIl07-1100Al.'ll. ,(Jegra TELECOM 1201 NEUoyd BIvtI,Ste5llO Portlarid.o.~97232-1259 l.oz 01 Page 1 01 5 Communications Invoice 2924 1 AT 0,357 0002"121.1 SJ. n,2 , 'Invoice Date Accounl Number' . Sub Accoiml Number 'InvoiceNumber REED'S TRUCKING '. r.,~ 4080 COMMERCIAL AVE . ~SPRINGFIELD'OR .97478-5767 11111111"11,11,11,111111111,,,,1'1.111,11'1,1111'1'111,11.,1'1'1 0311112010 639431 . 639431 6615294 ' Customer Service Information, AccountHistory Previous Balance Payments Applied Balance Forward Summary of Current Charges Data Service Local Service. Long Distance Service Account Level Fees Taxes and Surcharges Current Charges ' Customer Service . :Fax , Repair 'ISP Support Web site E-mail $166,38 $166,38CR $0.00 . . 503-953-77 47 ~r 800-727,8484 .' 503,953-7706 or 888;464,7878 . 503-953-7400 or 800-~60-!I467 503-453-8220 or 866-871:1 114 www:inteoratelecom:com' , orcare@integratelecom,ccm . Enjoy simplicity, convenience and agreeilertomorrow! Sigri .... upforpaperless. billing and save time, money and the ' enviromneilt Visit intearatelecom com/oooaoerless . ' 031111201010 04/101201'0---1'----'$if60- 0311112010100411012010 1 $0.00 03l11120101004i1012010 ,.. . $2,95." $29.95 $110,45 $0,20 $9.44 $16.41 $166.45 . ;>,C< )~~;\" $166.45 . f?j 3-d'd-//> 419. ij Total Amount Due on 4nno To avoid'late charges, please pay the Totai' Amount Due by the due date. ~mount Paid: Check Number: Date: 541-743-8904 ++Last Call Return '69 ++Continuous Redial *66 Interconnection Fee TOlal541-743-8903 EAS Interstate Access Charge . Digital Business Line Interconnection fee , . Tolal541.743.8904 0311112010 to04il0/2010 . I 03l11i2010 to 04i1012010 '1 03/111201010001012010 1 03/11/2010 io 04(10/2010 1 Sub Total Long Distance Number 541-743-8903 541-743-8904 SobTotal Description Basic Interstate Long Distance :' Basic Interstate Long Distance, Calls. I 1 2 '.-"', $2.85 -, .JT85! ' . $19.00." ,$2:95.; .$0,00 . $0:00 .' . .$2.95 .... '. $32.65' , $2,65', $7.65 $19,00 '. : $2,95 $32.65 $110.45, Mlnut.. 2,5 1.3 'S.8 . Tolai Cbal'1le . '. $0:13'- . $0,07-'.. $0.211 Date Received: Planner: SH 5 J~) It) ." ., .. / .- , . PDDDD7-D007'121 . tJ ~ ---r;,ntegra _ . TELECOM 12I11NEUoydBIYd,Ste500 Portlalld,OR97232-1259 looz01 29171 AT 0.357 0002"11? :n TJ.), REED'S TRUCKING . ~4080 COMMERCIAL AVE SPRINGFIELD OR 97478-5767 1'11111"111'1"111111"1"',1"1'1'111',"'11111"'/11/"'1,"1'1 Account History Previous 8alance Payments Applied Balance Forward $166.45 $166.45CR $0.00 Summary 01 Current Charges , Data Service Local Service Long Distance Service Account Level Fees Taxes and Surcharges Current Charges $29.95 $110.45 $0.42 $9.45 $15.55 $165.82 Tolal Amount Due on 512nO $165.82 f/j *.1;- /~ -i= I Cf~ To avoid lale charges, please pay the Total Amount Due by the due date. Amount Paid: Check Number: 'Date: . Page 1 of 5 Communications Invoice 'Invoice Date :Account Number Sub Account Number.' Invoice Number 04111/2010 ' 639431 639431 6733513 . , . , " , , Customer Service Information Customer 'Service 'Fax' 'Repair ,ISP Support Web site E-mail, 503-953-7747. or 800-727;8484' , 503-953-77060r888,464-7878 503-953-7400 or 800-360-4467 503:453~8220 or 866".871:1114 , www.inteoratelecom.com ' " orcare@integratelecom:com " . ." . . , ' You may notice achtmge in the amountqfthe Fed~iil Universal Service Fund surcharge on your invoice. The .Federal CommunieationsCommission may adjust the ' coritribution factor each' Quarter, as needed; andlirtegrn ' mirrors, this coritribution factor inthe ~urch~rge that appears, on your invoice.: The USF provides support to promote aCcess: to telecommunications services, at reaSonable raieslorihose" livingin rural'and high-Cost areas, ini:omil:eligibieconsumers,:,', rural health care facilities, and si:hoolsandlihraries:' ' . .' . '., . . '. . .' . . . " '. . .,. . Efl.ective onyoin next invoiCe the OregQnUniversai ::;ervice (DUS) surcharge will decrease: The DUS Fund provides ' , , ,support to promote access to telecommunications services at: ' ' reasonable rates for those living in rurafand hfgh-cost areas, ' .: income:eligible consumers, rural heahh care facimies, and schools and, libraries. ' , " . ., . , ,. .' Enjoy simpliCity, convenience and a greener tomorrow' Si~n,:, ' " up foi paperless billing and save time, money and the , envirOnment: Visit iliteoratelecom.comlooriaoerless' ':. ....._--_..........--..,..,-~.....'..,.--...........-._---.- --.-.-.-.-.-..---.-.--.---.-----.-.-.--. - -.-- - -------'--:"-~.--_.- --.-.,--,...'---'--'_._-,--,............._.---_._~- ++last Call Return "69 0411112010 to 05/10/2010 l' $ROO $0.00, ' HContinuous Redial "66 0411112010 to 05/1012010 ' 1 ' $0,00 , $0.00 Interconnection Fee 04/1112010 to 05110/2010 ,1 $2.95 " $2,95 Total 541-743-8903 $32.65 541-743-8904 EAS 04/11/2010 to 05/1012010 ' 1 $2.85 $2.85' Interstate Access Charge 04/11/2010 to 05110/2010 1 $7'85$7.85 Oigital Business Line 04/1112010 to05t10/2010 1 $19,00 $19.00 Interconnection Fee 04/11/2010 to 05/1012010 1 $2.95 ,$2.95 Total 541-743.81104 ,$32;65 Sub Total $110.45 long Distance Number 541-743-8902 541-743-8904 Sub Total OesortpUon Basic Intrastate long Distance Basic Interstate Long Distance Calls Minutes TotalCharge 1 5.4 $0.27 3 . 2,8 $0,15 4 8.2 $0.42 Date Received; Planner: SH ,'3 I1A1l1tJ . ... PD0007-nOD77'l~ . 1.0201 (j. (integra TELECOM 1201 NEuoYdB!vd,SteSOO Port1and,QR97232-1Z59 . Communications Invoice Page 1 of 5 7512' C3CC I'lULTI RP U 05l.l.20J,O YHNNNNNN COD2llll3 Sl. no 2883 1 AT 0.357 . REED'S TRUCKING 4080 COMMERCIAL AVE SPRINGFIELD OR 97478-5767 11"1'1'1111',,,"'1'1,',1"11"',11,1'.,1,'1'1111"","1'1,'1,11 I Account History Previous Balance Payments Applied Balance Fnrward Summary of Current Charges' Data SelVice Local SelVice Long Distance SelVice Account Level Fees Taxes and Surcharges Current Charges $165.82 $165.82CR $0.00 $29.95 $110.45 $0.13 $9.43 $15.52 $165.48 IJ $165.48 rJ 5-/g-/0 4f:. /96-:5 Total Amount Due on 6/MO To' avoid late charges, please pay the Total Amount Due by the' due date. Amount Paid: Check Number: Date: . Invoice Date Account Number Sub Account Number Invoice Number 05111/2010 639431' 639431 6854273 Customer Service Information Customer SelVice Fax Repair ISP Support Web site :E'mail' . . 503-953-7747 or 800-72H484. . 503-953-7706 or. 888-464-7878 503-953:7400 or 800~360-446i . 503-453-8220 or 866-871-1114 . www.inteiJratel~om.com orcare@integratelei:om.cof!1. " - ". "" " 'Go Green! Go Pape~ess! integraCare Online Account .: .... . . '. .' Management provides the security and flexibility to. manage . your.account lrom any Internet connection. Wrth integraCaie you'can view detailed account information, receive immediate'. . status in trouble resolution; and access a variety'ofreports:.' ,. You can also enroll in P~pe~essBilling and select one 01 . .. Integra:s automatic p~yment options. Save lime, money and . the environment!. ViSit .. . .'. .... . .' wwWintematelecom comltryinteo"racare for an online" demonstration:: Experience IntegraCare today! . At Integra, one of the best ways we offer thanks to the . communtties we selVe is by partnering.with charitable ... . organizirtionsand supporting 10ciJI events thal:improve the. .'. quality oflffe. for our employees a.nd:custqmers.To learn more. . . about our CommuDlty Matters miSSion, VISit . . . .,. . . . wwy,ijnteoratelecom com/aboul/communitv 'matters. "" "" - -- " '. '"". Are you moving? PleaSe contact us atleasi 30 daY~i~' advance to schedule the, move of your. Integra selVices: This will allow us ample lime to process your move' order. and . '. ensure'a smooth transition. we'arpreciate your assistance in '. piving us timely. notice as this wil help to' avoid interruptions m yourtelephone service. . .., " '. .' ---, ""-------------.---1J57T17'll)TOtoD6711l72lIfO--~--f------------ ++lastGall Retum"69 05111120101006/10/21110' 1 $0.00 ++Continuous Redial "56 0511112010 to 0611012010 1 :.~ Interconneotion Fee 05/1112010 to 06/1012010 . Tolal541-743-8903 1 $2.95 EAS Interstate Access Charge Digital Business line Interconnection Fee TOIa1541-743-8904 541-743-8904 051111201 0 to 06/1 Ot201 0 0511112010 to 0611012010 0511112010 to 061.1 01201 0 05/1112010 to 06/1012010 Sub Tolal Long Distance Number 541-743-8904 Sub Tolal 1 l' 1 1 Description Basic Interstate Long Qistance Calla 3 3 Date Received: Planner: SH so.oO so.oo. $0.00 $2.95 $32.65 $2.85 $7.85 .$19.00 $2:95 $32:65 $110:45 $2.85 $7.85 . $19.00 . $2.95 Minute&:. Total Charge 2.4 '$0.13 2.4 $0..13 fS 1-;;0 /;6 " , . PQOOC7-(JIJ06D'I1. --- ~!lf.grl!:~", '",'0"" PortJand,OR97232+1259 ],ozOl Page 1 of5 . Communications Invoice . 7S12 0300 nUL TI RP 11 O"'J.1~lJL{I 'tHNNNNNN 1l003060:5:3. Tll. 3080 1 AT 0.357. REED'S TRUCKING 4080'COMMERCIAL AVE SPRINGFIELD OR 97478-5767 1,IIIJII'I'III"I'IIIIrPlllllill'IIIr.II'I'III"hlhlllll""'1 ~ Account History Previous Balance Payments Applied Balance Forward Summary of Current Charges Data Service . Local Service . Long Distance SerVice Account Level Fees Taxes and Surcharges Current Charges $165:4B $165.48GR $D.DD $29.95 $110.45 $0.05 $9.43 $15.36. . $165.24 Total Amount Due on 712J1D $165.24 Pd 'i~4j,tJ:/J: /91...~ To avoid late charges, please' pay' the Total Amount Due by the due date. Amount Paid: Check Number: Date: 541-743-8904 -+';[asfciill j:fetum.;'6~r-.- - HContinuous Redial-56 Interconnection Fee Tolal541-743-8903 EAS Interstate Access Charge Digital Busin"ass Une Interconnection Fee Tolal541-743-8904 : Invoice Date Account .Number ,Sub Account Numher Invoice Number.' 06111/2010 639431 639431 699377B Customer Service Information Customer Service . Fax Repair ISP Support . Web site . E-mail' ". --' 503-953-7747 or 800-727'8484 503-953'1706 or BBB-464~7B7B . 503-953-7400 or BOO-360-4467 5Q3-453-B220 or B66-B?H 114 . www.inteoratelecom.com :mcare@integratelecom.com" . . . . Arilyou moving? Plea~e co~tact us alleast 30 days in . advance to. schedule the move of your Integra services. This' . will, allow us ample Ume to process your move order and... . ensure a smooth transition.We appreciate your assistance in .. giving us timely notice as this will"help to avoid iilterruptions . inyourtelephorie service. . .... Go Greenl' Go PapehessliritegraGareOnline Account Management provides the security aildtlexibility t6manage youraccounttrom any Internefconnection. With iritegraGare' . you can view detailed account infonnaUon, receive immediate status in trouble resoluUon, and acceSs a variety of reports. . . You can also enroll.in Paperless Billing and select one of . Integra's automatic payment options:. Save Urne/money and .the environment! Visit www.inteoratelecomcomltrvintearacare . tor an online demonstration. ExperienceintegraGaretoday! ..... . ........06lm20101'f07710/2Ul0 06111120101007/10/2010 0611112010100711012010 .....c.T 1 .1 06111/20101007/1012010 1 06111/2010 to 0711012010 1 0611112010 to 0711.0/2010 . . 1 06111/2010 to 07/1012Ul0 1 Sub Total Long Distance Number 541-743-B904 Sub Tolal Description Basic Interstate Long Distance Call.' 1. 1 . $0:00..... $0.00 . $2.95 ..........'WtJlT""-.,.. $0.00 .$2.95 $32,65 . $2.B5 ". $7.B5 $19.00 $2.95 $32.65 $110.45 .'. . $2.B5 $7.B5. $19.00 $2.95 Minole.. Total Charge' 0.9 $0.05 0.9 $0.05 . Date Received: Planner: SH Cf:,/~Cf lIe) , ~ POD007-0001l071 /.(1t...... .... (in1 egra .. ~ 1201NEUcydBIvd,StB500 Pllrtlaru;!,OR9723241259 . l.ozOl . Page 1 of 5 Communications Invoice 7S12 0300 MULTI RP 1107}.l,20l.0 YNNNNNNN DOD31.3b:n. n2 3136 1 AT 0.354 REED'S TRUCKING 4080 COMMERCIAL AVE SPRINGFIELD OR 97478-5767 ,,11111111'1'1,.,,111111'11,11.1""'111111'1.1111'111"IIIIII'h ~ ~. Account History Previous Balance Payments Applied Balance Forward Summary of Current Charges Data Service Local Service Long Distance Service AccounlLevel Fees Taxes and Surcharges Current Charges $165.24 $165.24CR $0.00 $29.95 $110.45 $0.03 $9.43 $14.78 $164.64 Total Amount Due on 8/1/10 iii '-Ie g - d - / t) .:# /1'13 .$164.64 To avoid late charges, please pay the Tolal Amount Due by the due date. Amount Paid: Check Number: Date: Invoice Date Account Number Sub Account Number Invoice Number 0711112010 639431 .. 639431 7097246 . . Customer Service Information .Customer Service Fax ..Repair ISP Support Web site E'mail 503-953-7747 or 800-721-8484 .. 503-953-7706 or 888,464-7878 . 503-953"74000r800-360-4467 503-453-8220 or 866-871'1114 . www.inteorateiecom.com: orcare@integralelecom.com In an effort to reduce ourenvironmenta( impact we are annoUncing a change to OUf- standard jnvoice..Effective With your next'invoice you 0 will'receive a summary bill that has your itemized long:distance usage detail removed to reduce the amount of paper.printoo:each month. All . pertinerrtinformation will still be p'rovided on our normal summary'-' . pages: Your lORn-distance detail for recent'account activity is ". available, online. Simply 10 in to your'integraCare account at. .', . www.int tel co. lea You can a,so enroll in PaperteSs" <,' , .1 mg an se ect one 0 .ntegla 5 autom~tlc payment-optlOns.-'Save' . ttr~e,.-~oney ~n.d the .envlronment! ~p~~lence mteg~~.re t~~y!. Go Green! Go Pa~r1essl mtegraCare Online Account Management provides the security and flexibility to manage your accounffrom any . Internet connection. With integraCare you can view detaIled account information, receive Immediate status In trouble resolution, and access a variety of reports, You can also enroll in Paperless Billing : " and select one,of Integra's autorT)atjc paymentoption.s. Save:time, money and the'envlronmentl;Vlsit . . ' . .:". " _ . :.' ~-,nteoratelecoE.com~rvmteQrar.are for an onlme demonstration, . xpene~cemteg~ are to. ayl " ".', .." .', ',"_' 'Are you movlng?'Please contact us at least 30 days in advance' to' "_ :". "schedule the move of your Integra'services.This will allow,us-amp.le', . _ time to process your move order and e,nsure a smooth transition; We' : . ~'. appre~ia~e,you~a~sis~nce in giving us timely nl?tice'as this will help" '. ' to aVOId interruptions In your telephone servICe. ,..." '. . " " . . . . . ' ," . . . At Integra, one:ofthe,best,ways we'offer thanks 10 the tommunities; ,.: . . we serve'is bypartnering wiffi charitableorganizalions and'supportirlg . . . local',events that improve the Quality of life for our employees and' " -". customers. To learn more about our Community'Matters'missicln, . . \'isitwww;~nt~ratelecom'comJaboutlcommun.itV'~atters. - " . -,... -.....-=.="...=...._-.=-.,,-=-~.""-=,..~-[;stCaJi-Re~':69- ",..."'.~-o ~..-.=.=.,.,,- - -,...-.... o7i.r;/~iu -:-roUii;~iL~iu -::- -.... -:-:;-_ - -~,... -_~ ~~.J:= ~ -0 ~;~~~ ~::~::~~~'~":_~ -=- , ++Continuous Redial "66 07111120101008110/2010.1 $0.00 $0.00 Interconnection Fee 07/11/2010 to 08110/2010 i ~95 . $2.95. Total 541-743-11903 $32.65 541-743.e904 EAS 0711.1/2010 to 0811012010 1 $2.85 . $2.85. Interstate Access Charge 07111/2010 to 0811012010 '.1 .$7.85 $7:85. Digital8usiness Line 07111/2010 to 08110/2010 .1 $19.00 .$19.00 .. InterconnemionFee 07111/2010100811012010.' $2.95 $2.95. Totat 541.743-8904 $32.65 . . Sub Total . $110.45 Long Distance Number 541-743.8904 Sub Total Description Basic Intrastate Long Distance . Call. 1 1 . Minot.. . Total CharDe: . 0.6 $o.D3 0:6 $lI_03. Date Received: Planner: SH . "0. /-SO IA . . - -.", POOOOr-000670b rfJregra TELECOM 12D1NEUoydBlvd.SteSOO Portland,OR97232.12S9 . J.oz 01. S81. spa 15).2 (l300 nUL TI RP :u 06LJ,201.0 'I'Y'I'NItNNN 00035l.i2 Sl. n... 3542 1 AT 0.354. REED'S TRUCKING 4080 COMMERCIAL AVE. SPRINGFIELD. OR 97478-5767 11'11111'1111111111111"1111'11'1'11111"1'1"1,111'111111111'1" ~ ilccount History Previous Balance Payments Applied Balance Forward Summary.of Current Charges Data Service Local Service Long Distance Service Account Level Fees Taxes and Surcharges Current Charges Total Amount Due on 9/1/10 $164.64 $164.64CR $0.00 $29.95 $110.45 $0.25 $9.44 $14.80 $164.B9 .f! . $164.89f' ' To avoid late charges, please pay the Total Amount Due by the due date. Amount Paid: Check Number: Date: Payment FOTIIJ ~ctl:thl~ !D~.~d.retum i! ~-yo~ paymem . Payment Due By.. Tota.IAmourltDue 'Amount EnClosed 9/1110 $164.89 . For address changes. please contact customer service by phone or e--mail. REED'S TRUCKING 4080 COMMERCIAL AVE SPRINGFIELD OR 97478 $ . . eJ'XL I/~- (late HeceIVed.- I ,; Planner: SH . Com m un ications Invoice Page 1 of 4 . . Invoice Date Account Nomber Sub Account Number . Invoice Number 08/11/2010 639431 . 639431 7230296 Customer Service Information . Customer Service. Fax Repair . ISP Support Web"s;te' E-mail 503-953-77470r 800-727-8484' . 503'953-7706 or 888-464,7,878. . 503-953-7400 or 800-36.0:-4467 503~453-8220 or 866,87'" 114 wwW.inteoratelecom coin . orcani@integratelecom.com , - . . ". .. '. . . You ~ay notice a change in the a,rT!ount of the federal Unive.rsal . ~~rvice Fund surc~rg'e on, your invoice, The FC~ niay.adju.st.the . 'contribution factor each quarter, as needed, and Integra mirrors this' . contribution',factor in' the surcharge th~i appears on 'your invoice. .,'The' . '.:USF provides Sl,lpport to promote ac~eSs totele~omriiuni'cations . serVices'at reasonable rates for those'Jiving in rural and high-cost areas~-,inc~me"e1igi~le-cohsumerS; ru~1 heaith ,carefacilitjes, and. schools and libraries, . . . . . . , . :. . " .'-. ". .,'" EffeCtive October 1, 2010, a neW toll free prefix of 855 wli, go into .' . . effect. .It .is.impol1ant that your phone sYstem recognizes' thiS ,new..., ". prefixas atoll tree number. Please contact Integra;Teleeom' or your'. . : - phone systemvendDrf~rfurther-assistance:: ' . . '. , . . .' ..,. . :. .... -.' ArO you movlug1 Please contact IJS at '.east3D days in advance io ..' . ~chedule the:move'"or your Integra services." This will allow, us ample, time' to process yciu~move'o~erand ensure a smo()t~ t~nsition. w.~. . apprecia,te'y~.ur assistance in gi.ving us timelynotice as this,~i.1I help. to avoid interruptions in. your telephone service~ Account Name Invuice Dale . Account Number Sub Account Number Invoice Number REED'S TRUCKING 08/1112010 639431 639431 7230296 (u.s. Dollars only) Write your Account Number on your check or money order. Make checks payable to and mail to: Integra Telecom PO Box 3034 Portland, OR 97208-3034 .1"1"111.,.'11'1"11,11,1,111111...",,,,1'11,111,111',1111,1., 0000639431000723029608102010000000000164893 . . PREVIOUS BALANCE 1,358.84 PAYMENT(S) - T~K YOU \ 1,358.84CR .-- S. U.B. CHARGESC.(<,C'tio:<..; F totTtrlL 414.63 / ~S TRUCKING INC .m::COUNr NUMBER: 1467603 STACI'EMENTDATE :-02/09/TO. SEWER CHARGES 1,026.61/ Covering folindati6uventsirt. winter is a . good way. to stop frozen pipes . .. If you haven '.t uncovered them yet, do so now to . keep moisture from becoming a problem. AMOUNT DUE .{Jd ~- /'1-1 () Jf JC/I L .1,441.24/ METER j SERVICE DESCRIPTION PREVIOUS CURRENT MULTI. DAYS I us IGE CHARGE READING READING PLlER -ELECTRIC 07225112 01/06/10 02/08/10 SHOP & . GARAGE ;).n Basic Charge 1 33 DAYS 28.25\0J.'. .. KWH 4008 4046 40 1520 74.02 KW .146 40 5.84 .00 ELECTRIC HPS 200 Watt 2 16.30 Pole Charge 2 6.60 ELECTRIC HPS 400 Watt 8 100.72 Pole Charge . 7 23.10 WATER 43841426 01/06/10 02/05/10 Basic''Charge--.. 2. "-- .30 DAYS --30;-00 .. Units 5827 5827 1 0 .00 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CITY OF SPRINGFIELD SEWER BILLING (SEWER QUESTIONS ONLY CALL 726-3696) Storm Drain Fee 413.26 /' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------~~~ .. ~~ t/':Z' C tl...,;:_.~~""!l ~-,':'-._-.::-,- :~'- :~, '-'~:"::"":~ ':~':. ~:',~,'1!>!" ~~;.~':'1 iPRINGFlELD UTILITY BOARD 250 A Street. P.O. Box 300. Springfield, OR 97477-D077' 541/746-8451 . www.subutil.com Date Received: Planner: SH <=6 J30 [11 / / SPRINGFIELD UTIUTY BOARD 250 A Street. P.O. Box 300' Springfield, OR 97477-0077 . 541/746-B451 . www.subulil.com REED~ S TRUCKING "~OUNT NUMBER: (STATEMENrUATE: INC 1467603 . 03/il/ 1:0 . PREVIOUS.B~ PAYMENT (S) - THANK S ;U;'"B.- 'CHARGES YOU 1,441.24 1,441.24CR '375~'91.' SEWER CHARGES ;1.,049.29 . .. Avoid COrlstruCti6hdelays!. Pay your ." . bill by mail, at a drop box; via SUB's "AutoPay program, or even over the phone (lr by internet. See ins'ert .for details! AMOUNT DUE .f) 1,425.20 r1J g-/'r-U> 4F If&) .. METER I SERVICE D"SCRIPTION PREVIOUS CURRENT MULTI. DAYS I USA~E CHARGE l: READING READING PLlEA I .. ELECTRIC 07225112 02/08/10 03/05/10 SHOP & GARAGE Basic Charge 1 25 DAYS 28.25 ... KWH 4046 4060 40 560 2.7 . 27;; . :KW .067 40 2.68 .00 ELECTRIC ,. HPS 200 Watt 2 16.30 Pole charge 2 6.60 ELECTRIC HPS 400 Watt 8 100.72'" Pole Charge 7 23.10 WATER 43841426 02/05/ro 03/05/10 .. Basic-Charge-' -., 2. '-28...DAY-B-- - 30,.00' Units 5827 5827 1 0 .00 CITY OF SPRINGFIELD SEWER BILLING (SEWER QUESTIONS ONLY CALL 726-3696)' Storm Drain Fee . 413.26 ---------------lj--------------------------------------------~---------------- . . 281.5 . .27 ;li J(b~ J 00 !! '172 ~~ r~;:;-v;;:;-:,: :';~~~}~1 ~~'!~~: ~';l~.;:"':~'"::: .:C:,,:,.:" ~",cu?' ~'.1;;-::.:)~:":~ SPRlNGRELD UTIUTY BOARD 250 A Street. P.O. Box 300. Springfield. OR 97477.00n . 541.746.8451 . www.subulll.com Date Received: Planner: SH 'ZS /'tcJ /;(\ , , SPRlNGRELD UTIUTY BOARD 250 A Street. P.O. Box 300 . Springfield, OR 974n-DOn. 5411746.8451 . www.subulil.com REED'S TRUCKING . . :.ACCOUNT NUMBER: STATEMENT DATE: INC .1.4616.03... 04/12/10 . PREVIOUS ~E PAYMENT (8) - THANK. YOU S:U.B. CHARGES 1,425.20 . 1; 42:5 ,2tlCR- 403.26 " '.- . " . ", . . . . . ", . ' .' . . . . . . . ., . . , .' .. With SUB's AveragePiiynient Pian, you can even~outthe ups. and doWns: of iofeasonal. heating costs. Enrol I merit card enclosed or call 541-746-8451 for details. SEWER CHARGES 1,062.90 AMOUNT DUE 1,466.16 fd t-. ~~ -J~ . ~/9+r9... MEfER I SERVICE DESCRIPTION PREVIOUS CURRENT fllULTI- DAVS I USAGE CHARGE READING READING PUER ELECTRIC 07225112 03/05/10 04/05/10 SHOP & GARAGE Basic Charge 1 31 DAYS 28.25 KWH 4060 4093 40 1320 57.29 KW .084 40 3.36 .00 ELECTRIC HPS 200.Watt 2 16.30 Pole Charge 2 6.60 ELECTRIC HPS 400 Watt 8 100.72 Pole Charge 7 23.10 WATER 43841426 03/05/10 04/05/10 Basic Charge 2 31 DAYS 30.00 . Units . 582T .-. 5827 1 0 .-:00 CITY OF SPRINGFIELD SEWER BILLING (SEWER QUESTIONS ONLY CALL 726~3696) Storm Drain Fee 413.26 ~~""',:~'7,} f':';\:':~:; l~.-:~'ti :~;:'~':~.:',':':{ '.~,':-' ~:,:ur, SPRINGFIELD UTIUTY BOARD 250 A Street. P.O. Box 300. Springfield, OR 97477.{)On. 541.746.8451 . www.subuliLcom Date Received: Planner: SH '6/r.J /.rt . / SPRINGFIELD UTIUTY BOARD 250 A Street. P.O. Box 300. Springfield, OR 97477-0077. 541n46-B451 . www.subutiLcom INC 1467.603 .OS/12/10 . PREVIOUS B~ PAYMENT(S).. - .THANK-YGU S :U. B . CIiARGES REED'S TRUCKING ACs;goNT NUMBER: -B"fATEMENT DATE.: 1,466.16 1, 4.66..16CRc.-~. . 377 . S2 SEWER.CHARGES 994.8S . . . .. , . , , . . ' .' .", .." . . . ". ,".. ,". . , ", . ,.' . Atimertu=s a hose. into an automatic sprinkler, savirig money arid. water. Just specify how long youwant.to water and the device takes care of it for you! AMOUNT DUE 1,372 .37 fJd 5-/1- JO d= l'1bf- METER! SERVICE DESCRIPTION PREVIOUS CURRENT MULTI- DAYS I USAGE CHARGE READING READING PlIER ELECTRIC 0722S112 Basic Charge KWH KW ELECTRIC HPS 200 Watt Pole Charge ELECTRIC HPS 400 Watt Pole Charge WATER 43841426 Basic Charge Uriits -- 04/0S/10 OS/OS/10 SHOP & 3 40 40 GARAGE 4093 4113 .117 30 DAYS 800 4.68 28.2S 34.72 .00 2 2 16.30 6.60 8 7 100.72 23.10 S827 OS/OS/10 5827 2 1 ...39 DAYS o 30e'00 .00 . 04/0S/10 CITY OF SPRINGFIELD SEWER BILLING (SEWER QUESTIONS ONLY CALL 726-3696) Storm Drain Fee 413.26 p+:::--;:;;:~~ ;':.:~::iln '?~~~ A:",,? VQur n,~-~:~~ SPRINGFIELD UTILITY BOARD 250 A Street. P.O. Box 300 . Springfield. OR 97477-0077 . 541-746-8451 . www.subutiLcom Date Received: <1S / ~ .lcr , Planner: SH SPRINGfIELD UTIUTY BOARD 250 A Slreet. P.O. Box 300' Springfield, OR 97477-0077' S4ln46-8451 . www.subutlLcom _ ~~g~'T ~~~~~i~.3 ;';~ATEMENT DATE, 06(10/10 PREVIOUS BALANCE -. ... _ .'PAYMENT:(S). - ~OU S.U.B. CBARGES 1, 372 .3.L~_ 1,372.37CR 394.05. SEWER CHARGES 994.85 -----------------------------------~, AMOUNT DUE 4 1,388.90.~ cfd 1..-/.5-1tJ:II /9/..'I Join. SUB for qur July 4th :~elebration Island Park! 'thanks ',to- ,Jerry" s' Home" ImProvement 'Center, 'PacificSaurce and all our event .'sponsors and donors! at MEiEA/SERVICEDESCRIPT10N P:EEA\f6~~i ~~~~~t\~ r~~,iT~- DAYS/USAGE CHARGE ELECTRIC 07225112. 05/05/10 06/04/10 SHOP & GARAGE Basic Charge 3 30 DAYS 28.25 KWH 4113 4128 E 40 600 26.04 KW .11 E 40 4.4 .00 ELECTRIC HPS 200 Watt 2 16.30 Pole Charge 2 6.60 ELECTRIC HPS 400 Watt 8 100.72 Pole Charge 7 23.10 WATER 43841426 05/05/10 06/08/10 Basic Charge 2 H.l)AYS 30.00 . 'Units .5827 5827 1 .'0 .00 CITY OF SPRINGFIELD SEWER BILLING (SEWER QUESTIONS ONLY CALL 726-3696) Storm 'Drain Fee 413.26 ~~~:;::) r.l~in ~is r::~.e;r: ~.~!" '!OUI' ~-::;'";-:'s SPRINGRRD unUlY BOARD 250 A Street. P.O. Box 300. Springfleld, OR 974n-OOn . 541-74b-8451 . WINW.subutH.com SPRlNGAELO UTIUTY BOARD 250 A Street. P.O. Box 300 . Spnngm;d. OR 97477-0077 . 541.746.8451 . www.subufil.com CITY OF SPRINGFIELD SEWER BILLING (SEWER QUESTIONS ONLY CALL 726-3696) Storm Drain Fee -~.~i~-~-~-~r~i,~-----mm---~~:~~:-- t: r~. <'i:'~':'~ .) "~1't~~%~~~~r~i;/ Date Received: "fj/?d,,hlf Planner: SH G!:;;::;::;:;~ :'::~;:~:i "::-.:~ :';:-;:::'>'':': ~,,,:- 'tOtl~. \'e"':7".;~\~ SPRINGJ:IBD LmLnY BOARD 250 A Street. P.O. Box 300 . Sorinafleld. OR 97477-0077 . 541-146-8451 . www.subuf11.com . :'- ,'-;. :,;!' . SIB'""". ,:;-;..".';7 _-!,:, /<' ,: "'\ {,;.,.{2 ;7"1;" he ,_".,.', "'i,.t,~~trp_'f;;,.,;'_: ~ P.O. Box 300 (. Springfield, OR 97477-0077 REED'S TRUCKING INC ACCOUNT NUMBER: 1467603 STATEMENT DATE: 07/13/10 PAGE 2 METER / SERVICE DESCRIPTION PREVIOUS CURRENT MULTI~ DAYS I USdGE CHARGE READING READING Pl!ER I TOTAL FOR: ~COMMERCIAL AVE ~\l>O ... 684.12 ELECTRIC 06223591 06/04/10 07/07/10 OFFICE Basic Charge 3 33 DAYS 28.25 KWH 1451 1464 60 780 37.99 KW .065 60 3.9 .00 ,-WAT.ER 00002.490 '06/04/10 07/07/10 Basic Charge 1 33 DAYS 15.90 units 4722 4786 1 64 99.07 CITY OF SPRINGFIELD Basic Charge Sewer Units SEWER BILLING (SEWER QUESTIONS ONLY CALL 726-3696) 33 DAYS 10.48 34 165.45 TOTAL FOR: Sewer Writeoff City 4080 COMMERCIAL AVE OFFICE ~-------:-:m~_ -. !'J'.~ "'" :1,~&~ 'r" h~'~, ).' ,"~ ~l! ()';\''\-1 ~:"'';:;:;'J' .~t,'; .fl 1">1;) ,~"~..",, ~VW~~;';;;;;~TURE :~~_:Y:;A": ELECTRIC 07225112 PER. DAY 2 KWH 17 KWH WATER 43841426 PER DAY .00 UNITS .14 UNITS ELECTRIC 06223591 PER DAY 24 KWH 30 KWH WATER 00002490 PER DAY 1.94 UNITS 1.03 UNITS 357.14 5,008.20CR Date Received: '5./ ZJ / ;(J_ Planner: SH ,. SPRlNGAELD UTIUTY BOARD 250 A5treet 0 P,O, Box 300 0 5pnngfleld, OR 97477-0077 0 541-746-84510 www.subutiLcom ;~ P.O. Sox 300 0 Springfield. OR 97477-0077 REED'S TRUCKING INC ACCOUNT NUMBER: 1467603 STATEMENT" DATE: 08/11/10 PAGE 2 METER {SERVICE DESCRIPTION PREVIOUS CURRENT MULTI. DAYS I USAGE CHARGE READING READING PUER I TOTAL FOR: 4080 COMMERCIAL AVE 686.06' ELECTRIC 06223591 07/07/10 08/05/10 OFFICE Basic Charge 3 29 DAYS 28.25 KWH 1464 1474 60 600 29.22 KW .104 60 6.24 .00 WATER 00002490 07/07/10 - .QJlj05j10 Basic Charge 1 29 DAYS ,15.90 Units 4786 5039 1 253 ' 320.40 CITY OF SPRINGFIELD SEWER BILLING (SEWERQUESTIClNS ONLY Basic Charge Sewer Units CALL 726-3696) 29 DAYS 10.48 34 165.45 . ... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ TOTAL FOR: 4080 COMMERCIAL AVE OFFICE 569.70 ************************ P~~~~~~NTB~C~~:~*********************, PREVIOUS CHARGES .<:h ,"', .,.f'i'"1eREDIT Ff\:!Jl, "'!;""! 2 71118CR ,~~tl~~ 'YEAR AGO' . AVERAGE TEMPERATURE ELECTRIC 07225112 PER DAY WATER 43841426 PER DAY ELECTRIC 06223591 PER DAY WATER 00002490 PER DAY 68F 4, KWH .00 UNITS 21 KWH 8 . 72 UNITS 70F 19 KWH .28 UNITS 33 KWH L 14 'UNITS Date Received: '2J l.!A:!/!.d. Planner: SH SPRINGFIELD UTIUTY BOARD 250 A Street. P.O. Box 300. Springfield, OR 97477-0077 . 541-746.8451 . www.subulil.com