HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Signage 2011-1-19 F;r'om~ jj~c 541 485 7000 01/20/2011 14:10 #422 P,D01/D02 1){Q~ _I QJfLIBERTY TAX SERVICE JAN.19.2D11 15:30 511 868 3009 '0267 P.001 /002 225 ru'HI ~TRO:r . SPRlI'i!GI1I:LD, OR 'J7477 . l'H:(Ml)7Z6-8753 . TAX: (S41)726-~G85 ~ C P{LZ-b{(-DO IO( _.~ City .Job l'i!utllber .> ...~ Job Location '=Sllc?\ C1,^~ ~ ~ \ Q Assessors Map_no::s. ~ zo ~ ...~ ~ ~ ..~ " Description ~v-.. {\ 'f'---J>-L \=)0 ( ~ \d ^........"::)\ (~ .. ~ Date of Installation I. d'-f' \ I Date ofRemovnl ;::). d- I I , ~ Pel"mit Fee: $225.00 indudin" $100.00 Deposit and applicable fL'(OS. 5 " ~ By signature, J state and a,,-ec that I have carefully completed this application and moreby certify that all infOlmation herein is true and emmet. I further agree and understand that thc above deScnocd t=l. baDn.cr(s) and/or portable sign(s) is not larger than 60 square feet, and will be removed withiil30 days ..~ from the date listed above. Iftlle bllIlIler(s) and/or portable sign is DthotremOved within the timeline ~ specified,. I will forfeit the $] 00.00 deposit. I also understand that is special pennit c:;m be issued only twice per calendar year per develupment area. I a150 agree to call the in:lpection line at 726-3769 ..,$! by the end of the 30th day to request an inspection to verify the removal of the banner(s) and/OT portable ~ sign(s). This in:ipeCtion will begin the process to return the $100.00 deposit iftbe banner(s) and/or .~ portable sign(s) has been removed. ~~"- ~. . . <s SignatUl"("(~,'" D " . ~ 0-- .., D\ln, I. ) q - I '- - Issued By ~'j Amount CollcC1ed ZZS:- ~ ~.<;.:::,~" ,". :Cn:~"Oi:'SPRiNG:FiELD: e)RE(JON;:"J} ..: :.' . ", . . . '. h - . .~. . ..' .' " . ,.; _' .':' '. s+-- Tax Lot 0 "5/(,:)U ~tQ~~~;i"l'?~*#t~~~~f~~b~:g~;'~:!~1:Gri~lfi~~:~;~~:'f~:;~r~tjrit';;~~~~rS3G}~:~~is;:'JXt~ o~er~fPr{lpe~.c ~iQ.~QA\~ ..- ---- -. '__'H._'.'_ Address.'-~\ 1'.oC\ r4-A....~..v..Jc."'~ City ~~<\~0 ~\ ~ ;IkC~~~WZ;,t#}~;~~~i:~~~;~~1~;wlr;i~*~~[~9:~~~!~~kFi;~mr!~1~tl::'~~il~tr~:;!;:s~~ti Contractor ow /I/~tL- ~. P~on~ \. <t1()~ . \ ~C) ~ Zip CA;, (,(7'7 State d( Address Phone City ~ ---State Zip /--- Cunstruction Contractors License # Expirel' . SlI2lW DrM (T:)iBuildina 'Fl,7r11IZi/.Bmmcr..1ortabla Sian Vc:nait CSD 7-o&.doe j! "-? . SPRING.. F IE~ ft,L.~.... . '<~ >"'\. OREGON TRANSACTION RECEIPT CITY OF SPRINGFIELD 225 Fifth 51 Springfield,OR 97477 541-726-3753 www.ci.springfield.or.us 811-SPR2011-00101 3169 GATEWAY ST permilcenter@ci.springfield.or.us 224-00000-426605 224-00000-425602 821-00000-215500 100-00000-425605 TOTAL DUE: LJ:'AYIVIEl'lf tYE'gS:~c,f'1AYQRf;f;:c':}'ASHIER,.D,,6w':SBY' ~t0~cbMMElmL:=_;!;- < '''. ~ Check tc tax services Hc refund to: tc tax services 3169 296 galeway sl springfield or 97477 RECEIPT NO: 2011000142 IDESCRIi>:tlt:lN t'~-L:~:_L_~;~'t:??:<':: Admin fee (10% of applicable fees) Banner, Portable Banner, Portable Deposit _T~I~~x!ee (5% of permit total) RECORD NO: 811-SPR2011-00101 DATE: 01/21/2011 ;,:~;:;- ):i~.:; ;....J;;;J;;,i\.c:cbUNf~cODEVy:::<' ~ ';""f lAM0UNT;DUE"':;" -';1 20.00 100.00 100.00 5.00 225.00 .. AMOUNT'PAID'" ., . I "._._~_. .-..--. ----.',~,~~%,-~--,--,_..._, $225.00 TOTAL PAID: $225.00 -