HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1976-4-20 " ", " ~'J . . . LANE COUN1:Y PERMIT FOR: . PERMIT No.699-76 ",0' ~. " CONSTRUCTION [(] MOBILE HOME [] PLAN REVIEW [] CHANGE OF OCCUPANCY [ ] DOwner Trlln~ Yp~tl!rn Inv2stors Inc. NAME ADDRESS t40dena Hom2s NAME P,O. Box 2522 CITY EUQene OreQon SB6-220! ZIP COOE PHONE o Contractor ADDRESS CITY ZIP CODE PHONE O.S. Reg. # lliR Tw~ 17 3 .:z~...., ,J;- o :I!~' ..-I; Section /. f~ Tax Lot IF- f./a~ Codo " Census Tract Range Fc.mda1e Subdivision Lot 4 _ Block 3 Acreage Width Access to Property (Road Name): 1630 F1c:.ll1inoo Eugene Oregon Depth Existing Structures on Property: Directions to Property. Address: , c:..:am.o ~d :ahn\lo 1'\ STRUCTURE 1# BEDROOMS) , D~rm;~ ynr nw~11inry r PA~;ni T f'n... C::lo...Jli2'o ~ SQ. FT. I Q<;I; (,l 1UJ.1 (,l 11; 1n <; ~n VALUATION ~,~ ':201 no r ?::n7.00 - .$17. nll.on SEWAGE DISPOSAL: PUBLIC [] SEPTIC TANK [] OTHER [ 1 BUILDINr. 84,nn PLUMBING ?? 00_ 3% SURCHARG" 1.1 R MOBILE HOM" WASTE DISPOSAL ?I\OO PLAN REVIEW . PLUMBING INSTALLED BY: OWNER I 1 OTHER r I NAM" WA TE R SUPP L Y: PROPOSED [ ] EXISTING [J [ ] PUBLIC [ ] COMMUNITY. NAME: [ ] PRIVATE WELL [ ] OTHER. SPECIFY: TOTAL 114.1 R CONSTRUCTION PERMITS & INSPECTIONS AND WATER POLLUTION CONTROL SPECIFICATIONS MIN. SEPTIC TANK CAPACITY: GALS Qnn MIN. DRAINFIELD ~'''""", ifiPniii,~"'~ nrnn",*, 1 i"", TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION 5N 11';0 lIN. FT. MAX. TRENCH DEPTH '.le::" INCHES Tnc::t;'l" in +ho .=:lnnl"n\lD.rI :t"""-l~ n.. {oo^~+ h"'^1!' t'+~u 1n .&....,..... f;,::~ ,",CU:t:lr\Ir.:lI :In )'lrCn':'\I...~~n+ ~",".a, ?^Wt ...4",~.f.."4='';..,,,... - ---,J -- STAY 100' FROM ALL WELLS USE CLASSIF. I&J FIRE ZON" GROUP SETBACKS. FT. FROM CTR. OF rfIN: FRONT 111\ I SIDE EXT. FT. FROM PROP. LINE: ~DEINT. 5 REAR 7"PUFzON" AGT Rt\ AUTHORIZED SIGNATURES: /s/ J. E. Boss by Harbuagh GGray Sanitarian ISSUANCE DATE: 4/20/76 elm BLDG. PERMIT - WHITE OFFICE COPY - WHITE COUNTY TAX ~ PINK PLUMBING - CANARY BUILDING - GREEN SANITATION - GOLDENROD IMPORTANT: Call 687-4065 to schedule all required construction inspections. Call 687-4061 to schedule all required septic system inspections. All construction shall comply with the Slale Buidling Code, D.E.a. standards for subsurface sewage disposal and the State Plumbing Code. All buildings require a certificate of occupancy before being occupied. (See Details on Reverse Side). t\ C55.13 LANE COUNTY, DEPT. OF ENVlRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT COURTHOUSE ANNEX, 135 EAST 6th, EUGENE, OREGON 97401 , '1..-/ (POST THIS PERMIT ON MAIN BLDG. AT SITE) BUILDING SITE EVALUATION . Gh leI!- ( ) ':.BU"iLOING PERMIT APPLICATION NO. b1'l-1(" () SITE INSPECTION PLANNING OIVISION Not Applicable 1. Zon i ng Ord i nance Camp Ii ance: Zone Af!:ilr () 2. Subdivision Ordinance Compliance L~) ( ) 3. Requ i red Access ( ) 4. Building Site (Area. Width, Frontage) () 5. Other (see comments) ( ) COMMENTS: T n.05 SUBDIVI N: LOT: 4- t.- S ?"1..!AX LOT 4-erb L1l- BLOCK: ;;c:: APPLI CANT DATE r\ 1't 6. ( ) ( ( ) (~') ( ) ( ) PLANNING DIVISION ACTION PENDING: YESl } NDl } APPLICATIONH BUILDING INSPECTION DIVISION Not Appl icable ( ) ( ') ( ) ( ) 7. Plans Submitted 8. Soil Stability (footings) 9. Flood Plain 10. Other (see comments) COMMENTS: WATER POLUTION CONTROL Not Appl icable ( ) ( ) 11. Meets Department of Environmental Quality Standards. 12. Other (see comments) COMMENTS: No He T") ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) No Yes T")<P<! ( ) ( ) CK'D By:-J I"'~~b..ct-l c.. Setbacks~'~)l ;'f road~ Front ~ I 5iA... i_.~_. :.... Setbacks from Side Rear interior ~es: .....--1 CK' ~U-L/-/9'7(, (p {( I DATE CK'D B~J..dfr t/-N-1b DATE TO APPL I CA~: /') ou Building / Site Inspection: ,/t Can be approved. \ 0\. (, Cannot be approved at th i s time as i nd i cated on item NO. above. r \~~ Questions and further information on items 1 through 6 contact the LANE- ~\ COUNTY PLANNING DIVISION. Questions and further information on items 7 through 12 contact the LANE COUNTY BUILDING AND SANITATION DIVISION. ( ) Will be held in this office until you can resolve the problems indicated. ( ) Is being returned. ( ) Your building permit al'pl ication fee is being.X~t:.~o:.r:>~d under seO.elilM r.n"pr vEPARTMENT OF tNVIRONMENTAL HAN~ue~eNI 135 Sixth Avenue East Eugene Oregon 97401 PHONE: 687-4065 LANE COUNTY PLANNING DIVISION PHONE: 687-4186 C55-28 ,---- INSTALLER: PR6sED Complete top part o~orm SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM RECQA .. to signature and submit bot~opies with applicatio;.'~ PERM IT NO. 699-76 GG PROPERTY ADDRESS INSTALLER'S NAME Perreo No. Liling Units Septic Tank: Ft. from well Bedrooms 3 Baths 2 Flamingo Basement Yes No x Water Supply Pub Ii c x Other-Li st Steel D Concrete Ii] No. Compartments 1 Gal. Capacity 1000 Inside Lenqth OWNER NAME Dimens ions: ft. 8 Width % Diameter Transwestern Inv. Depth 5 . Tile Disposal Field: Distribution Box: Yes X Other Distribution-Type No Total Sq. Ft. 300 Feet from WEll Lot Li ne Front 100 1Ft. Between Li nes 10 Foundat i on 10 HAILING ADDRESS P.O. Box 2522 Eugene Oregon Length of Li nes-Ft. I Trench I 1~0270 3. 4. 5. 6. Width2 'lot Plan (see instructions): Side IFi ller IFi ller Depth Tvoe l-lrRlAbove Tile 2 Rear 10 IFi 11er Below in.ITile 6 in. ~ - - -...........-- "/0' -...., I \ I I , J - -- - ~O'- - I ,u/,- ~I I I t -n ,- ~ '3 -;> l/' o /0 ' \ RECEIVED &; _~u MAY 061976 ~~~~~UNTY ;;;;mr. AL MGMT. Date \ .J_.L_lb S i 9nature LLOYD J. PERROTT CERTIFICATE OF SATISFACTORY COMPLETION Date: ~-'1-7f, is issued at the above For Sanitarian Use Only: In accordance with 1973 Oregon Laws Chapter 835. Section 214 this certificate as evidence of satisfactory completion of a subsurface sewage disposal system loca~~~. Approved: System Installation conforms to current standards c==J Disapproved: Does not conform to current standards Remarks: C55-11 sanitari-ads~ LANE COUNTY OJ g.~affJ STATE OF OREGON DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY r " . J',;.~ ,', . LANE COUNTY PERMIT FOR:,., PERMIT No0C:;o;'3 " .. CONSTRUCTION'r.] MOBILE HOME [] PLAN REVIEW [ ] .0 Owner 11':'::\1 t:2JC:Jn1 Xm;:nC0Kl ~r.(1. P.O. CC;1 2322 NAME ADDRESS CITY CHANGE OF OCCUPANCY [ ] " cor'" r-' ~t.wc?::.: :r:::-;-,J~l .Ii.::. ><>n:. ZIP CODE PHONE '0 Contractor ~2C:~C1 IL....~g NAME ADD R ESS CITY ZIP CODE PHONE O,S, Reg, # n .Tw~ Range :':'':''~::J~Q Subdivision. . lCr, "I Section 'I. - . -. Tax Lot . Codo Census Tract Lot o Block 'JC::) [1;':l~;:~,:1 ;) Acreagp Width Access to Property (Road Name)' ~_.::,/...:':~~ C'?(?~)~:1 Depth Existing Structures on Property: Directions to Property, Address: ~-n"') nn r1Yn;,') STRUCTURE 1# BEDROOMS) ~~~~~ ~np ~~l~c~ ~_-~01'H: v;:)p r"'r?l~~ \L ' :'SO. FT. 0,'G n ~(\. ~C) (l.m n G.::::') .....' VALUATION ~1~1 ,,:' -,~ < '\ , ~:,,;;::. ::'; ;~~ t !1 'i(~Uo '. '; SEWAGE DISPOSAL: PUBLIC [] SEPTIC TANK [ OTHER [ ] PLUMBING INSTALLED BY: OWNER [] OTHER [] NAM" WATER SUPPLY: PROPOSED [ ] EXISTING '[ ] [ J PUBLIC [ ] COMMUNITY, NAME: [ J PRIVATE WELL [ ] OTHER, SPECIFY' Bl!ILDINC' PLUMBIN" 3% SURCHARGE MOBILE HOM" WASTE DISPOSAl PLAN REVIEW 2').8 -.'':) ............ "'~c..( I ::1. ~:3 c:l-" 1'''' ,.Jf>'~ ,) TOTAL n'1. ~C CONSTRUCTION PERMITS & INSPECTIONS AND WATER POLLUTION CONTROL SPECIFICATIONS MIN. SEPTIC TANK CAPACITY: GALS._yrn",_ _~I~. D.RAINFIELD TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION J;~ ~G~ L1N. FT. MAX. TRENCH DEPTH :;~i:; Xu~r~n]t~ ~:) ~~~ e;r;?G~r;,[~ fl~--::1 n{' .....-~0. !"...,:~cr,~ V0~'}v~~ C1 m:;~r.r::-~:l? n!i\n (1P ;-;rrv~n~:q(""'~i STAY 100' FROM ALL WELLS USE C LASSI F, INCH ES 5'",'~;"Fj ~ ~~ '~r"'"r: 'lr-:-' ....;~ .J- ~l"""'-:0J- ;)\"v ;.wu"J ~~;:Cl GROUP lieJ FIRE ZONF SETBACKS, FT. FROM CTR. OF rfIN: I'--i FRONT ,,'J SIDE EXT. FT. FROM PROP, LINE: SIDE INT. " REAR TT:';CZON" nr""? l",-.: ~ ~'. AUTHORIZED SIGNATURES: /sl tJ. lio CnUD ~V i;:av;:!r.~;: r.~ruy Sc:;~l.;[W1T! ISSUANCE DATE: 'f""''>'' l~, .:;,) ,u c: BLDG. PERMIT - WHITE OFfiCE COPY - WHITE COUNTY TAX - PINK PLUMBING - CANARY BUILDING - GREEN SANITATION - GOLDENROD IMPORTANT: Call 687-4065 to schedule all required construction inspections. Call 687-4061 to schedule all required septic system inspections. All construction shall comply with the State Buidling Code, D.E.a. standards for subsurface sewage disposal and the Stale Plumbing COde. All buildings require a certificate of occupancy before being occupied. (See Details on Reverse Side). CS!:L13 LANE COUNTY. DEPT. OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT COURTHOUSE ANNEX, 135 EAST 6th, EUGENE, OREGON 97401 ',' /'" //1/1/ '-' /, " I~ (POST THIS PERMIT ON MAIN BLDG, AT SITE) SLAB FLOOR PLUMBING GROUNDWORK . ApPROVED /7 DISAPPROVED /7 DATE REMARKS GAS PIPING GROUNDWORK ApPROVED / / DISAPPROVED L:::l DATE REMARKS ROUGH PLUMB I NG ApPROVED fZ1' DI SAPPROVEO L:::l DATE.<r-..f<r--"4 REMARKS ROUGH GAS PIPING ApPROVED L:::l DISAPPROVED L:::l DATE REMARKS FINAL PLUMB I NG .... ApPROVED /Je::f- DISAPPROVED L:::l DATE rJ-'d.- ?/{ REMARKS FINAL GAS PIPING ApPROVED L:::l DISAPPROVED L:::l DATE REMARKS CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY READY TO ISSUE L:::l NOT READY TO ISSUE /7 DATE REMARKS ~ . INSPECTOR INSPECTOR INSPE~~~ INSPECTOR INSPE~~ INSPECTOR INSPECTOR r , . LANE COUNTY PERMIT FOR: . PERMIT NO. CONSTRUCTION t: ] " MOBILE HOME [J PLAN REVIEW [ ] .:J CHANGE OF OCCUPANCY [ ] DOwner f.'~_,":j :::G~--:E~ ~:.;"~::J~~'.-J ,'~.\.() '/ ~ \ ',~. , . .' J 0 . _'- ~ . > '. ,'rr-" \ ..,,'/ " NAME ADDRESS CITY ZIP CODe PHONE o Contractor '''''.''-''' : :-:::'~) NAME ADDRESS CITY ZIP CODE PHONE O.S. Reg. # 1.' Tw;, ^O' Range J Section , i Ta<< Lot " I Codo Census Tract ..:',:) ~ ~ ' Subdivision Lot " Block ,) Acreage Width Access to Property (Road Name). t: ~ '~"'"\~:~ t".-:'~ /"\ . ,~ Depth Existing Structures ani Propeny:'.( ,\, . ~.= -. .-........ ,~ ~"/-~.\ ,." .....' ,....A' -J~' , ". LJ c-.....~-...)....~;.. ~:'., ~':....,_...._"...... ,\... '* , . Directions to Property, Address: ~:..v 'j I:;; C>~\i:! \ , 1".1. ~~ r'-, \ ~'" ~ ~'-.:', ~\' NC":"l' STRUCTURE.l~ ~E~R~,?~~,-- ..)...... '" - \ __ - \. SO. FT~ or q_ . .,.1:' i ,),.kc"... -----.- -__-=:...,~;;--.--~~::1~' II,,'.~, ',\~:),'~~4:. ~:_~-. :'~~~J'~~.:~~~'~''-'-,\_~ (-/~J~J"':~:5o"'; \.-- "--.J- - \. .. ~,~~ , ,~ ' \."'''''~~'''-'- ~ k'-~....\."",,\ ,'~!::\. \~"W\.~ ,~,..:"-~~\ .. SEWAGE DISPOSAb'~- \"~--e ~~"'\ ," ,":,. . -' , PLUMBING INS-C):>.lGgJ,BXj~~\,ctl~:'J, PUBLIC [] SEPTIC TANK [] OTHER. [ ] OWNER [] OTHER [] N"'M"" \, \ .::~\C\ VALUATION f . do'. ~ ". ~\.:\ , . ,) ~ u' i~\ ,~ .1\ ....\) [ ] PUBLIC [ ) COMMUNITY, NAME: [ ] PRIVATE WELL [ ] OTHER, SPECIFY: [ J [ ] .'"". ',' \j , "I,', '" "\'.\' '. 1'"'\ \ .~" I WATER SUPPLY: PROPOSED EXISTING BUILDING PLUMBING 3% SURCHARGE r\ \ ,. MOBILE HOM" ,~\ WASl:E DISPOSA'1 PLAN REVIEW " (- TOTAL '..' J """", CONSTRUCTION PERMITS & INSPECTIONS AND WATER POLLUTION CONTROL SPECIFICATIONS MIN. SEPTIC TANK,CAPAClty: GALS. .'~_~\~~N':~~":'NFIELn , -: /\ L'IN. roo, MAX. TRENCH DEPT~: . INCHES ..T,j"'.':- : '~:J ~~l") C" :j" ~'!,,\""~~'~; - '; ~ ,"::" >>:.<,';. . -"",'i '\~, --'.\'~~-JL\L ~:,""\ t::'\~~- :~~\\ ~:...'_ ;:',--'-!''>,~::::-~.\ {:~-:"1-~-l:-\'::_~'~,"~\'~:";-;~_lI. --..J<:.l":O'\-~,\~~~"~\--,,\. ~~~ I'''' ".,,'-)~~'\ S~~"'S'l'AY 100' FROM ALL WELLS TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION GROUP ~,.' FIRE ZONF USE 'CLASSIF. ~ SETBACKS. FT. F.ROM CTR. OF rfIN: . FRONT SIDE EXT. FT. FROM PROP. LINE: SIDE INT. ' REAR ZON" AUTHORIZED SIGNATU~.E.S.: .,. Isl ~~~~:,YJ :;~..:'J;::~'''~(.'' ISSUANCE DATE: /: .J. .Lt-" BLDG. PERMIT - WHITE OFFICE COPY - WHITE COUNTY TAX - PINK PLUMBING - CANARY BUILDING - GREEN SANITATION - GOLDENROD '-~ IMPORTANT: Call 687-4065 to schedule all required construction inspections. Call 687-4061 to schedule all required septic system inspections. All construction shall comply with the State Buidling Code, D.E.C. standards for subsurface sewage disposal and the State Plumbing Code. All buildings require a certificate of occupancy belore being occupied. , . .' , 0' (~ee Details.o~R,everse Side) . (POST THIS PERMIT ON MAIN SLOG, AT SITE) C55.13 LANE COUNTY. DEPT. OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT COURTHOUSE ANNEX, 1.35 EAST 6th, EUGENE, OREGON 97401 ,~ . . SITE INSPECTION ApPROVED L::::l DISAPPROVED L::::l DATE INSPECTOR REMARKS FOUNDATION INSPECTION ApPROVED 1-1 DISAPPROVED 1-1 DATE INSPECTOR REMARKS (0 /i..) t:/~;Iie.&,/"J;;?~.~.. .s-- irJZ~~~_ (C/ _';/ ..1 .4 . _-..--.._______,'r,2'1.7i, :0-1:: d6A / ApPROVED DISAP;R:ED I. 1 D;;;:j;;iiFxr~;;"",r ~'Jl;:~7fj;1 ~EM KS ~~ .;::77',7)#/ 7 . ~~k4tfJ." . r~ .r:Z~/0.-'~~-Uh/"'L::'/:"" ~,"'f;1'l, I , LATH OR S~E~K INSPECTION ApPROVED i DISAPPROVED L-/ DATE b../ J. I J f, I NSPECT()t @/, , ~ REMARKS ApPROVED /' ,Ll DATE 1/'b~/j_ I NSPEC.". fZ;/N ~ ~~lft<<- I .. I REMARK 5 CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY READY TO ISSUE L::::l NOT READY TO ISSUE L::::l DATE INSPECTOR REMARKS ,- 4 /.1 ./ / ~, /1 // // ' "t.., '''t.1:--'L--r..A-~ 6?q"?6'~40U~ I /~.'JO (:Jr[~r ... . NOTE: NO PERMIT WI.BE ISSUED UNTIL THIS APPLICATI'HAS PERMIT iF BEEN APPROVED 699-,7h ';(CJ .APPLICATION FOR: CONSTRUCTION ~ MOBILE HOME CJ PLAN REVIEW CJ CHANGE OF OCCUPANCY c::::J 6Rdt"-Zz4? OWNErlP......,.s U..J6s.~..cl ~~-"'1< .d,,_ ~I'ge>f' ZS".;>,> E'd~ 5??~~~ Name Address City Zip /' rhone CONTRACTO~.I?.,o;r.N..Q- 41~.E.s & J'I">' .P'. /.:)..S ~p V~ Name Address City irp"- Phone r::=::J O.S. REG, U 1/:;>< -( 'lWp, /7 Range 02 Section c2:2 SUbdiVisiO~# r~~~ Lot? Block 3-- _Property Acreage / ACCESS TO PROPE:TY (Road Name) P5 ~"","-,;c.Ji;.c:9~ C' / Tax Lot Code Census Trac t Width______Depth Existing Structures on Property: Below \..-1 I 11;;:3 () -,- I C; f1'1 . Yl CD . ~~,;1 r- ~ C('7 ("{d( ~ for Off ice Use On! vXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXxxxxxyvvv'r'nrv.xxxxxxxxxxx~~XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX fl. () .. Sq'Qt. Q II UBed~olllS-) Valuation ().upx.x..A^~ /-<:) 0 10'/0,~ 11{: ,<,!I. - ---J lj\.j I @25:<../\ ,::;),63.7- Property Location - Address/Directions: SEWAGE DISPOSAL: Site Inspection U Existing Sewage Disposal SY6tem~ Public ~ or New System Required 17 72b--- r::::J WATER SUPPLY: Well Spring Other Community c=J Name of Community or Public System FEES: y; tf- ,.- ~:J.. 3,1 ~ ,:,? c:: __ PLUMBING: Installed by Owner c=J ~3 Fixtures Other c=J Name Bldg, Plumbing 3 % Surcharge Waste Disp. Plan Review Mobile Home PLUMBI~G FEES: h g of Sewage Connection ~ Water Connection :2- ........ o CASH -- ~ CHECK TOTAL 1,5'/./"6 Min. Septic Tank Capacity ~ _ ~ Draiffield Required - Lineal Feet .fro Maximum Depth ...Yc.. j.~/!J ~ -;d:n ~ a-<,.u, of~~ ~. /~ lall ~. ~ ~ ~~7f ...(,. '.^-' I V A~..oJ - A - . ""f./. ......,... - jf-/ _.4.l/.-;.p.h J , ,,-. I ,S U Type of Construction -, Group / ~ .:f_Fire Zone Use Classification BIdg Setbacks -,from Center of Road Right of Way: Front AS Side Int. r:::.' !o_.'::_ -: 7' RJr Zone~T( f2.A] ~i;7t, ) ~~~~-/r-7? ENVIRONMENTAL J(NAGEMENT..,j Rear c ~ LI-\~~ DATE: L/;]Z; (5\.12' LANE COUNTY -DEPARTMENJoF , . April 20th.e6 Permit t 699-76 CURB CUT " DatE' PERMIT IN THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF LANE COUNTY WHEREAS, the attached application has been fully considered by the Board of County Com- missioners of Lane County, and it is the opinion and judgment of the Board that the said application should be granted, and that a permit should be issued, now, therefore, it is hereby, ORDERED, that a permit be and is hereby issued to P.O. Box 2522 Eugene Oregon / Modena Homes or constructing the following facility: TransWestern Investors Inc/ Contractor: for placing, building Farmdale Lot 4 Block 3 1630 Faminaa Euaene OreaDn upon the right-of-way of County Road No. , Mile Post in strict conformity to the exhibits attached hereto, and subject to all terms, conditions, agreements, stipulations and provisions contained in the appl ication and permit, the Rules and Regulations Gov- erning Facilities to be Permitted upon County Road Rights-of-Way, as set forth by the Lane Man- ual 50,190(2) any amendments thereto, and any other applicable regulations, law or ordinance. Special Provisions: 1. Driveway will be constructed in accordance with the attached driveway approach specifica- tions (Drawing M98-50). 2, Permittee will be responsible for the immediate removal of all mud, dirt and debris from the roadway and right of way caused by his operation, leaving the roadway and area in a neat, acceptable condition, 3. Sidewalks will be constructed in accordance with the attached sidewalk specifications and drawing M98-49. The Standard Curb Type shall be constructed unless otherwise specified. This permit is revocable at any time, and will be strictly adhered to and no work other than that specifically mentioned above is hereby authorized. This permit shall be void unless the work herein contemplated shall have been completed be- forp April 20 19--2? Expires , 19_. Inspected and Approved Approved by Board of County Commissioners By Date & /tJ~_ By Director of Public Works WHITE - OFFICE FILE YELLOW - REAL ESTATE PINK - PERMITTEE ORANGE - BUILDING & SANITATION DEPT. C74-129 ," '.,' " .'-J. . . ~, ~ , ~J>"':;1l . .. >:. ,.;'.,. .,., '"'. iff .. ". " ?~~.:,",., ~. ".. '. . ',~ . :. . " .1 ' ;":~~i~{: :': ^', ,. ".1 (:", 1" .., , " , .. " ,::J )//" /,~ . ',. .,<, ...... ., . ""f." 1 ~. . " t" . r~: ' ~,,' J. ... ,";'"" ;'., " \' , ." :. ::~' : ~, ~.'. .;.~"... ,; , !('~ . ". '''' " '( ., ~ '''''. ;,.". ,i "" , ..~~ ",-<<t, '^ ',j'~,~:;'(f" " 't;<.'~"f: {~ '~'&: ::~~~rl{j~~, '~{I~Y: ;Xi,:~~;;t! . ~,,!f- 9J. i 4,. ;~~1,)1t * ,'.llill.' ',l':-!i'.: ,':.l(." "~i("" .~~ .:,~Iol! ."' ~ ~ ~ <II!~\,. ;I"'..:'I"~" f", "h fii" 1,1t,'''''r..'','''~', , ,;J~,,!.\ Jf' ,)., ~.", -\.,,-,:: . :fl"1.;t.l.'" './f ' ~ I','.t,~, ~ 'I .t..'I....~ IU ' .:~;t,:r'," ....~, "'" r.,\ ," to' i'!t-7 'H " j ;..~, 1 '1-' tf ~", .''''. . !',;. :.,',I.':~' :"{if .,.h:'" .': '( '~:)~~~;;'!ilt!~(:';;.' .. ..' " .1 'df,j;.<. .:' ,W:, ,. .-~;: ,', '. .:,\~:'!-,;'.~;~:;~':'...'~' ". · j,', e.,'" 1'1 ?',~:> _"1.. - ; .~( ~ ~ t'" ri I " . ~;t'..' 44..,..\t~.(~'~~'/i{i",,;j(jll-~_ 4>1 .' ...;Y' ~"t'~'t~'7' · ' . *1~',,,"~ ~"~,,...{ t~,<; " .. II ",,", "'c'~:,r~.: ';,,:~ ;':. ~r:.f' ... : t' '--'. ~,tl., ., " ,~ '. .'..1.. ',..' . I '..: :-, 1 '!' .<< ;"'.1 .' ;,.. o . 1~ . '. ..",':;'.' .'-,-"--<' : . ,I ,/ 0' ,., '! .. 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I.~,. ., i "1Ii~~_-t" t:;ol:I.;.. orCi, ':-......,c ~'" .~,'.... ..~... --........~~ ,. 3/~4 , _ \,>,0011""' . ~UEST FOR SITE FEASIBILITY STUDY ~'1 ~-~ \0 """".. IFor OffiC6\))'NV1J\ flt ~ \( \ ~ Use Only Received bv," COd~ . C.T. Number Soeciai per~if"~rea ~~~a!izinQ Ar~~ THIS IS A PRELIMINARY REPORT WHICH DOES NOT INSURE THE ISSUANCE OF A FUTURE BUILDING PERMIT. PLANS OR EXPENDITURES MADE IN RELIANCE UPON THIS REPORT ARE AT YOUR OWN RISK. ~I PLEASE PRINT ::J. ~/~/.t1 ~ Lot #.L../ Block #0 ) 7 a3,.)1 _ ~ -Y3-tftJ '/7J~ Yes / No Township Range Section Tax Lo No. Owner of Property Owner's Consent 1?X:-lt1'/.JL- ~..<J~ / No. of Sites J $ '\S~ ~a~t>S p~rz.e.l.A.aJ No. of Acres ~ Mai!),g Aderess ~ 'l"'\~ .,.C!:>~ 7A'~1- "r--' Total' \= ~?V--/)/.Jl.~ X 0V1b~~ ~~L~CheCk ' Telephone # / Si'gntureofApplicant /"OatJ7'6 OwnerL.. Seller (.n-IS~l,.. ~/ Proposed Use / '-+-- Appl icant's Interest Buyer Realtor .:2:::: of Property: ~ AU1..J in Property: Other (Specify): ./ ...YO l?jQ:2. \::j(~ ~L- / Property Size Legal Access oad Name Existing Structures on Property / / Ot~F' (Specify): .6 h/j!-~/ ~~ r !) /i7d \ / 1"'_. ~ Gr-/-'-- .~~V~q) J --- If Subdivision - Name: " V> ~ r 'It , Is Prope,rty Within one~ile Of~it ? ~es V What City? <:! No ' I . ;'Cu75../1-. Proposed Wayer Supply Pub) ic i/ District: Spring _ Well Property Location (Directions): When Will Test Holes Be Ready?~ MARK TEST HOLES WITH OUR FLAGS ).\ \. (Date) Location of Test Holes on Property: Draw diagram of property showing location of any I~dmarks and relationship of test holes to these landmarks: { .- ., , ", MAKE CHECK PAYABLE TO: ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT MAIL TO: LANE COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL CSS-5S Phcn e: 68]-4065 MANAGEMENT, 135 E. 6th Ave, > Eugene, Ore, ~ ,.I. i ~, , t ~ NOT APPROVED APPROVED .-:. ~ ~ 't' ,.:tt;u ~ ..-M.., ,4~/~ a~ ~ ~ l' s/JS. 4, , , ~ " . Ll-tr/ ~ ~ '1\uthor ized -S ig~atulf" ';;-2tf~ 7f.. Date . NWI/4 SWI/4 Sec. 22 TI7S. R.3W.WM LANE COUNTY 1"=100' Center of 'Section See Map 17 03 22 1 3 .' .~ ", .: . \.... "'- ~ FLAMINGO .................... .................... .................... .-~~t:.::;~~:.:...:<~, ::i..:.;:~:-;-::.:.::t7j /"/ 6~~=4-~+"i6:.yt~ ....' '" ;';';' /~I'/'" ,/,/.1" .I ; .I) J / } ;' , , , )),. 1'> ;. ) , , " "// ;," , .." , .. ;' " I , , , , , ~ /') J;, , ", I ::.... 77' 6 "5 u 4 "3 77'. 2 114-.8~' I 80 ~~ 600 ,500 '400 . 300 200 \ /00 ~ ,:.. ~ 1'4 Or. .. - ... ~ ~ ~~ \1 ~.'1.1~l"\\;-\\s:l'\\.,Jl ~ 3 .: ;: t ~;.. . ~. ....... l~ '''.. :: (, ... a ....... ... ... ... .. .... Q .....' ... ,1 "~.'- ... il ~"oPll't y ~. "~f. t ... 77' 77' .77' 77' 77' a.B/' .N8F:S71/l'J..;-..uU'~1'd' :-." I, L" i I~." (J" , 'i!' / ' <" "" '1/ . "I.." ~,//"'t;', , . '/ ", ." ~_[( " " t. IJ.... .AldO.04-'IC/-U~/O'(,...4 ''''-t!JI7.d' \. ""'.51:'.4' '" +... 6tu1' .....,,~ """~O'~' """croo' __ ,):;j/l" ../. w:- ~ xht::CLa..n7 .J'QYrfl/ p:~.e, - 6212 6213 6214 ' 6215 62/6' 62/7 in ~ ~ " ~ ~ . ~ n- . 1 '... ~' ~ ..' . ~ ~ ')-\ b-.J2 ~ I > ~ ~~', .~\.J.Gr?..,c' G\ :z /0 J"c' " :::.f;j ~. Rlrcel " r . rv I'V . V.,.J . A -n ' PINE D.A L E ::. d:Jd' 6211 #eI'!r Ar NW. ~d' o:/D.4' 6209 6208 AVE, d/II.d' 62/0 Jac' ~07 , ~ , . , ~ =.-"'. . :'\ . 620l1\ / '. ~ k\. J. ~~: ~ ~. ~ <t , . n. N N r<> o t: 8 , t~. ~ .,,0\ ~ 6 \",,~ :::.~~~ ......,.. p",' 5600' 6~08 D r r1'8~J . /, ./', 1., .Af...... " p , -r '5 4 .",_ _.......,./h...~ _~-.4'- ''''h ~I' t!f('.oP .:r.a.0' 5700 ' 5800 5900 .s~COND. !~ ~ 3 2 I,\"'b"" ........ ..........' ~ 77.D" c" ,......... ----e .A7.d' Q. o ::0 .~ :. . \ oJ. , ",' .' l t~~t;)jf';~~t: ,., ",-"',-,'",:,-;,:;,,, /."""77 ~ 700 /&7.73" . ~ . , ~ ~ ~ . '" ~'" ~ ;"~~ ' 'J //{/I(/{/// "{I"~ lq:, .'-... ~-," ..,..(; ....."....... --- , I< 6202 ~~\ , €eO I ~ ~ ' ~.t\ 1.,;/,0 I~Y " . ,'. .p'" \; ,~b-),p fl.}/' ........~I -..,...~.-:", " ~ ~ ~ ;, . , ~ . ./ ;""',..."... ,1. h'+ 1.20 ............."'. .,'r ... l'J\,~~:~.~ 6~04 ~6205 ~~ . "" 11 \i Ii; ~. ,..._~ 5""'"............,fk? ~:e............ 4900 '/Tss' 4800 ~ ~.~ ~~ " l , ~ S " 1 .. # 1 T EST eO L E -- PERCHED WATER PROFILE Predicted in. Inch Observed in. Date :;1-. 12- #2.ST PREDICTED WATER H 0 L E PROFILE Predicted Observed Date in. Inch in. 12 - SATURATED ZONE SATURATED ZONE Predicted in. 24- Predicted in 24- ~/ Observed in. Observed in Date Date 36_ 36 - Restrictive Layer inl cf~L Restrictive Layer in Impervious Layer in. 48 - Impervious Layer in 48 - Mottling .ll.t>-' ~ in, Mottling in 60__ 60 - SITE DOES ~. DOES NOT 0 MEET MINIMUM STANDARDS. ~MINISTRATIVE RULES REOUIRE ~ MINIMUM DEPTH OF: ON YOUR PROPERTY THE DEPTH WAS: 0 36 inches to an impermeable layer 0 30 inche s to a restrictive layer 0 60 inches to a permanent water table 0 24 inches to a temporarily perched water table OTHER REASONS FOR DENIAL inches inches inches inches PLOT PLAN: Stream - Drainage or pond 1...'IlI."....,.... Road ---- ~~r;/ ~~ Test Hole QD ~ ')'0 Slope Cut Bank ;;i ,;; Fence /t-1C-Jf f) . . SITE EVALUATION WORKSHEET n ~~ PROPOSED USE: ff-/y /mJ' LOCATION: TWP. RANGE_lP).:J ZONING: SIZE OF PROPERTY: WATER SUPPLY: COMMUNITY c::xr IF SITE MEETS STANDARDS FILL OUT: ;1.2 f~ SECTION AMOUNT USABLE AREA: PUBLIC 0 Type of structure and approximate sewage flow: Single Family Multi-family gpd Industrial Cormnercial gpd Institutional MINIMUM DESIGN REQUIREMENTS: Length of disposal trench required Distribution Method: Equal lKJ Yes 0 Curtain drain required: Othe r: /1Yb'1-~ Serial 0 No IJ4.. TAX LOT # <(:l - i.ff)-O JiH INDIVIDUAL D ;?;v /150 gal. SPECIAL SITE CONSIDERATIONS OR VARIANCE OPTIONS OR OTHER ALTERNATIVES: NAME: ~. ~ c/ '- C74-126 DATE OF EVALUATION: .-2-.:2 4/. 7t. ,,' . '\ . V"";:". gpd gpd gpd ,BjJILDI~ SIH EVALUATION . ~BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION NO. ~ SITE INSPECTION 1& ~7r PLANNING DIVISION Not ..A'1~cable 1. Zoning Ordinance Compliance: Zone~( ) 2. Subdivision Ordinance Compliance ( ) 3. Required Access ( ) 4. Building Site (Area, Width, Frontage) () 5. Other (see comments) ( ) COMMENTS: fl,t1, iJd~ 2-2.-- T IItIttI.Rjf3 S ~TAX LOT Ye-t; SUBDIVIWN: LOT: BLOCK: APPLICANT DATE No Yes () TI 6. ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) PLANNING DIVISION ACTION PENDING: YES\ ) NOl ) APPlICATION# BUILDING INSPECTION DIVISION Not Appl icable ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) 7. Plans Submitted 8. Soil Stability (footings) 9. Flood Plain 10. Other (see comments) COMMENTS: WATER POLUTION CONTROL Not Applicable ( ) ( ) 11. Meets Department of Environmental Quality Standards. 12. Other (see comments) COHMENTS: No Yes () TI ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) No Yes ()"W ( ) ( ) CK'D BY: M5 .dh1 'i-A7t. Setbacks from cll of road;: Front 'i/ 1"'_ Side Exterior ' t ~ Setbacks from interior 1ines: Side Rear CK'D BY: DATE CK'D BY;,d!.t}.~. .fl-;Jif-7C .. (J DATE TO APPLICANT: Your Building I Site Inspection: fa J>.r'Can be approved, ? ,\:]~. () Cannot be approved at this time as indicated on item NO. above. :J- Questions and further information on items 1 through 6 contact the lANE- COUNTY PLANNING DIVISION. Questions and further information on items 7 through 12 contact the lANE COUNTY BUILDING AND SANITATION DiVISION. ( ) Will be held in this office until you can resolve the problems indicated. ( ) Is being returned. ( ) Your building permit ap'plication fee is beln~ return~d under seoarate cover. OEPARTHENT OF eNVIRONMENTAL HANAGEMENI 135 Sixth Avenue East Eugene Oregon 97401 PHONE: 687-4065 lANE COUNTY PLANNING DIVISION PHONE: 687-4186 C55-28 ~ ~.. ~ . . , r;arsh Surname ~armda1e i~ 03 'Twp. Range \ Lot I; Block 3 22 42-400 Section Tax Lot 76-76 .. I f . _.__!9-03 Code Census Tract Receipt No. Date 2-20-76 I Owner r~arsh Owners Consent Yes X No REQUEST FOR SITE FEASIBILITY STUDY THIS IS A PRELIMINARY REPORT WHICH DOES NOT INSURE THE ISSUANCE OF A FUTURE BUILDING PERMIT. ANY PLANS OR EXPENDITURES MADE IN RELIANCE UPON THIS REPORT ARE AT YOUR OWN RISK: Name Les 11 e r'la rll h 1 $ and No, Sites Address 563 Princess $ Eugene, Or. No, Acres TOTAL $ 71\.00 5prinq in Property I Proposed Use of Property dwell ina Name ISpecial Permit Area I Urbanizing Yes No X Yes Y. No Is Property Within One Mile of a City? What C i tv? 50rinafiel d Yes X No Other Specifv Area Telephone No. 6R7 -01:>'1 Property Size SO x 10n Existing Structures none Proposed Water Supply Publ ic X District Appl j cants Interest owner Legal Access - Road Rlaminoo Well Property Location: (Directions) Turn to lpft off Phpil~l\l'lt APPROVED XXX NOT APPROVED Approved in the area of the test holes. Reserye an area for replacem~nt of sewage disposal system. BEFORE CONSTRUCTION IS STARTED bring this form to the Department of Environmental Management and make application for a building permit, If the property is a por- tion only of a tax lot, a metes and bounds description of the parcel must be fur- nished. Exact specifications for the sewage disposal system will appear on the building permit. Two sets of building plans and a plot plan will be required, LANE COUNTY DEPT. OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT 135 EAST SIXTH AVENUE, EUGENE. OREGON 97401 G. !'!. Gray jec Authorized Signature 3-2-75 ~e.c...- C55-32 Date