HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1989-1-27 .. RESIDEMTlAL" APPLICATI~ERMIT 225 North 5th Street Springfield, Oregon 97477 Building Division 726-3753 5~() r--P--H~r t7 /1 tJ 3 2-'2--- 'l.y"; ~,,: Lot 13 /'-ef/J~d U 1JnkUr/ - 5550 ~F/~~--:) Describe fl'ork: 7 , '8-'.-- h/L~/ ~ ~ irL ~ f'OGY\tL !-(1-fq Value ~ m ~tteJ! .Job Location: A8GeSGOl"C Map H Subdivision: Otmer: Address: City: n I)iq n Npl.l ,1ddi ticn Remodel 1T.'!Ob~;e lloma Date of Applicaticn Contractors Ceneral Pluiiibing ~ Electroical Me::har.icaZ Construction (2{,U /1.f2/L/ O1D/f1PV Lender ~.:...--r"j./ /66= Phone: '/Zb' ~St/s ~ . t' Rcce:p . 13/1J5 ()0 fL Sigr:ed: cc 1- Ol. 7-rf Cf Zip: Date: Li.>c. H EXfjires Pl;.on~ AddresG It is the l'esponoibility of tM permit holder to see that aU im:pecdons Me mad(j. at :JlB p'opel' timt;J tJ;at :;:::.ch .;;ddresG is rea::aJJ:e fram the street, and that the pcr.mit card is Located at the front of the property. ~Bui!ding Divi:ior:. approved plan 31u:.ll remain on tJzc: Buildill[1 Sit;; at aU times. PROCEDURE FOR INSPECTION RSpUEST:CALL 726-3769 (recorder) state youp City desian.ated .job nun:ber, job accJ'CSS, type of in.3pec-;icli rczqucstcd a~.d when you win be ready for inspection, Contractors or OlJners ncme end ;;hor.e numbel'. Reques;s received befcrtJ ?: 00 .z:: :..'ill be made the same d.cy, requests made after 7:00 a'1l will be made the n;::.xt :xn'ki1l..J. day. _R~mJi~p1 Tn~np~tir.n~ O SITE INSPECTION: To be made after excavation, but priop te set up of forms. O UNDERSLAB PLUf.mING. ELECTRICAL & MECHANICAL: To be made before any work is .::overed. o FOOTING & FOUNDATION: To be m:2de after trenches ape excavated and form:; are erected, but prior to pouring ccncret~. ! vi UNDSRGROUND PLUMBING. SEWER, w'1TER, L......... ...-1JRAINAGE:,/ To be roode prior to fil.- H"-9 "renches.I,^~#Y o UNDERPWOR PLUl.$ING & MECH.ANICAL: To be made prior to inatall.ation of floor insulation or decking. POST AND BEAM: To be made prior to installation of floop ins~l.ation or decki1'l{j . ROUGH PLUHBIllCdi.ECl'RICAL""'s MECH- ANICAL: No work ~8 ~o DC covered ur.til these inspections have beer. made and approved. FI.'?EPLACE: Prior to pl.c.cir.g facing materials and b~fore framing inspec- tior:. FRAJ~INr.: Must be requested after approval of rough plwrbing, electri- cal & mechani<1al. AU roOfing bracing d chimneys, et<1. ffl'".1st be completed. flo work is to be con- cealed until thio inspection has . b6en made and apPl'OL'ed. [KJ [Z1 D CEJ Your City Deaigr:atcd Job Nwnbcr Ia: o INSIJLATION/V/lPOR BARRIER INSPSCTION: To be made after aU insulatwn a~ui required vapor bal'rier8 are in place but beforc any "Lath, gypsum board or waU covering is applied.. and before any inaula twn i3 concea led. gqoo;;),'t . DEliOLITIOH OR ..:;OVE:; BUILDJ;iCS =:J Sani taJ'U 8e'..Jel' capped :::. t p~op.::.rt:i li....e :==J Septi:: tank p~~~d and filled ~ith gra~el ] Final - f/her. abcve ite:.7s are cc:;rpleted ar.d ~hen d~l~tior. is complete or st~~~- ture moved a~Jd pl'.::.mi3c:; cleaned up. Mobile flemer. ::J Blocking ::J Plumbing ::J Electrical Ccnr.ection - Blockina.. 6et-u~ and plwnbing com:ectio,lS rtr...3t t:" apprcn.:ed bef"orc request~lIg eLectl'-icaZ inspectio:: and Sat-;..J.p connections saJer ar.d wa ;er w DRYWALl, INSPECTION: To be made after all drywall- is -in place, but prior to any taping. ~ Acces::;ory Building ] Final - Aft<:r p:Jrcr.es, skirting, decks, etc. are cample;ed. D All. pro.ject condl:tions, :JUc!: as the 1..,nDtallation of S"!;l'eet tr>ees, cv.7lplat:'vn of" tne required landsccpir..a, otc.. must be satisfi.?d b.-~jope the BUILDINC FI1.'AL ~Gn be request..:Jd. o FIlIAL PLUf,fBIlIC o FINAL MECHANICAL o FINAL ELECTRICAL C=:J o FINAL BUILDING: The Pinal Buildi1/.[J InspcctiOll must be requested cfter tlw Pinal Plwnbing Electri>Jal, and Mechar:ical Inspections have been made and approv.?d. o MASONRY: Steel location, bond beams, groutina or> verticals in acc:orodance with U. B. C. Section 2415. Ix I WOODSTO'lE:: After installation is ccmplet€d. //Y.$P.!!rT/""P' &>,IC' ~~fi"~ D CURB & APPROACU APRON: Af"ter' forms are l!r>ectad but prior to pouring .:wn,::pete. SIDF,'f{ALK & DRIt'EW/lY: For all CO1/.- crete paving within :;tpeet right- of-wcy~ to be made after> all exca- vating conplete & f01'i.l work & sub- base material i1/. pla:Je. *Af.L f.fANIICr.ES AND CLF./lNOUTS HOST BE ACCl:S:JIBr..F.. A[).1lJST;';EtlT TO BI:.' f.t,1Vl:.' /':.1 /.'0 C'}ST TO CI'I'Y I Paf;c op I o D fENCE: r-.rlwn co:npl.;te -- Pr-ovide gates or movable sections through P.U.E. D I JOB NO. R'qOfJ2R : J!Jf' _ --:1- - L-COG~ SOLAR ACCESS REQ.- Dccuoa"c" C. P. "'3' LOT TYPE I ' - I Lot Faces - I I P.l,. IN01'tJi If.'oat South II....ent Zone: Lot Sq. Ftg. z ~f tot Caverag~ .q of Stories Total Height Topogmphy I lITEM I Main I Cc:racu~ Ir.tericI' Corner Panhandle Cul-dc-sac: I SQ. FTC X Va lue Car'Del't AcceS80ru 11/__ np;t? I' \S.V.C. ~&>t? TOTAL VAWE -, (VCWC) 1.5 :c Bui lding Permi t State Surchwge Toto. l Char>ges lITEM 1 Fixtures Residential (1 bath) I flO. FEE Sanitary Sewer Water' Pl:unbing I'err::it State Surd'.arge Total Char>rres 11nu I Res. Sa. fta. IN~/Extend Circuits I NO. I PEE 7"'~""""AEI Temporary Service Ele~trical Pe~it State Sur::harae Total Charces 7~""'" ] J ' I b'Z-:>6> 1 5'-/31 I ~S:6"31 I CHARGE CHARGE --:Z'2~ I I 27 -SO 1 /-/? '23.b3 ' IITSM NO. PEl:.' Furnace BTU'E E=haus t Hood Vent Fan CliAReE Woods to", /N5P~T & ~.r~ /,<):-- Permit IsslJ,,7.nc::: Me::hanic:1.l Permit State Surcharae Total CharaeD I -- ENCROACHMENT n Ise~~rit~ Deoo3it I Storage I Maintenance Permit Total Char(1as I Ourbcu: I Sidew!k I Fen:::e I Electrical Labe!J?= ~ lfll/.fJi Mobile Home 1 /;S: ~ 1 -7S /5: 75' ."'20 I TOTAL AMOUNT VUE:' I #' /ttfJ5". '"2 I Type/Cor:st: ~~. Bedrooms: --"I Enerny SOU1"ces Setbacks II Heat House Caroge Access. I Water Heat"r I I Range 1 I Firevlace 1 I Wood" tove 11 T.lJDe FeeD Building Value & Permit This permit ia gronted on the erpreDs condition that the said construction shall, in aZl 1"capecta, conform to the Ordinance adopted by the City of Spr.ingfield. including the Zoning C'rdinance. regulating the ccnst1'U.:lticn and use oj" buildings, and m:lY be sUDpended or 1"evoked. at C.1:y time upon vic- lation of any provisions of said Ordinances. Plumbing I/O. b g }-I-1-If'l l'302~ c.r Permit I Plan Check Fee: Eate Paid: IReceipt H: jSigned: No per~on ohall constM~ct. install, alter Or change any neW Or e=isting plumbing Or drainage sY8te~ in whole Or in part, unless such person is the legal p088essor of a valid plumber's license. except that a pe~son may do plumbing work to property which is owned, leased 01" operated by the appli- cant. 1 I, Electrical Permit Where State Law requires that the alectrical work be done by an Ele~trical Contractor, the electrical portion of this permit shall not be valid until the label }~S b~en signed by the Electrical Contractor. Mechanical Permit I, ~- ~ ~P~/~ /' I H,1VE CAREFULLY EXAMINED the completed application for permit, and do hereby certify that all info:mation hereon is true and correct, and I further certify that any ar.d all IJOrk perfomJed shall be do~e in aCCOr- dance ~th the Ordin~nces of the city of Springfield, and th~ LT~s of the State of Oregon pCI't.1.ining to the work d.escribed herein. and that NO OCC!J- PJ.NCY will be made of any structure without p@~iG3ion of the Building Di- vision. I further' certify that o~ly contra.:!tOI'B ar.d e:nployees who are in compliance with ORS 701.05E will be used on this proj~ct /-25'-3'7 Late srt~ 1-17-S1 Date - ..._~~ RCrJA:l't.'1 . 13/1J5 ~~,~." '" ~~-_.~- .. ~~;~?~,~~~~.. 225 North 5th Street Springfield, Oregon 97477 Building Division 726-3753 . 5>?() Fh;~(r~) /1 tJ 3 2-'2--- 7 0':- ~= Lot 13 -". -~ "l 1eL . .'-'-~ /66= .Job Loca.ti01t: ASGr.:wor.-; Map H Slilidivision: ().mer: leJ/J ~ ~ & fiJ1[l1r11 - 5550 --=--F/~~--:) Phone: '12b '~St/s AddrC"" : _City: Zip: r-l N",,' f?Z=.l ,1ddi ticn n Ramodel ~!Ol)~~a !10m:] Data of Applicaticn De~d:~ &t-- (LLv , /L~ "" t:'u - .f'. / C\.-0Vl ~ V\-. ~ 1 OQ~ j-(1-fCf Va!uP. ~m ~ - ContJ'actorG U-.w~ D1D/f1(JV /lddren3 General Plwiibil1tJ F.lectrical Mf!~har.if!:ll Construction Lcndt!1' [.i:u:, II 1 I I ()G fL / ?\/~? I \ ) I S-O I Sigr.l?d: cc i-0l.7-g'Cf Date: Ex:;i1'..~3 PhonE; It io the responsibility of tM permit holder to sea that all illnpactions arc mada at tilt! pl'oper' tim:;~ t,1:at ;;.~ch .::.dclres:J is rca:fab:t2 fram the street. and that the permit card in locatfld at thp. fl~nt of the propt!rty. ~Bui?dina Di.vi:;io~ approved plan siu:.lZ. pemain on th~ {Ju~ldl)l~ 5-::;;; at aU times. f:WCEDURE FOI? INSPECTION U~QUEST:CALL 726-3769 (recorder) atate your City desianated ,joc nw;;ber, job adc:':'c3S, typa of i,::Jpec:icli requested a!':d wh~n you tJilZ be ready for inspection, Contrrzetors or O/Jners nc:me end phone nur.1hcl'. Reque:J;;s reeei;;ed cefol'~ 7: 00 :; ;,.'iU be made the same dc.y, requests mGde aft~r 7:00 am will b:: TrUde the n:::.xt :.JOrkilLJ day. ....'?ear-Lir>p,-1, TI'!!'in(>rt1:r:n!1 O SITE INSPEC'J'J()N: To be made after excavation, but prior to set up of form". :J Your City Deaigr:a.ted ,fob Nwnbcr Io: o .TNSlJf,A'rION/V/lPOR B/lRRIER INSPECTION: To be mrzde after all inoul.:.ti::m mui required vapor carrier3 are in place but cefore any Lath, gypfJum board 01' r.xzz,z, covel'ing in apptied, and before any inauLation i3 concealed. q I ( UNDERSl.A8 PLUf.fflING. ELECTRICAL & ",'ECH,!NIC'III.: To be made before work is ~oocrad. any 'b- ~ FOOTING ~ FOUND,1TION: To be trade 1.. f"";:l ~ aftt!r trencheD are excava ted and ~ LK.J fOl'Tl/:J are erected, but prior to pouring concret~. )(l UNDSRGROV....D I'WM,nIlG.. S.':I{E.~. W.1TEH. 0 /' I.....-rmAlfJAGE:;? To be roode prior to fil:.-.4/ ~ Ii"-J "rcnche".//,~/yY 'V" DRrTIAU. I/1SrE:r:TTON: To be mado aft'cI' all. drY'.Jr2U is in pZa.ce~ but prior to any taping. MASONRY: Steel location, bond beams~ grouting 0" vertical:: in accordance with U.B.C. Section ~41S. :::J Ix I W()ODS'roVr:: Aftr;r installation .j.r; '5z... completed. /~5?d::7/.e>;Y .:?,z:' c:;:t"~fi'~ / ;~D UNDERFWOR P[,lJ!..'B ING & MECHANICAL: To be madn. prio1' to in:Jtal.Lation of floor in:Julation or decking. ZJ POST AND BEllM: To be made prior installatic'l of floor insu.Zation decking, ROUGH l'r.W!BI!.Ic4T,ECTRICAf:"$ MECfI-,II}.rI ANICAL: No work is c.o LtC eOL'cred jVL.j w:ti l these inspectiot:::; haIle beer. made and approve.:!. FT!:f.:PI,ACE: Prior to plc.cir.g facinl) mc.ter'ials and before framing inspec- tior:. CURB ,~ AJ'T'RCM:l! Arr?ON: Aft(?~' formr. are-nre~t;l-but--p,'io1' to pouring .:!O/1.Crcte. SIm:1VAr.K ,~DUI!'Ef{.".Y,. F01' aU cot/- crate paving within Dtrcet right- of-I.x:y~ to be made afteJ' aU I.!xca- vatillp cunplcta & fOl'::! to.lQrk ,~ ::ub- ooDe matel'ial in pZa.::e. ZJ ~ IJ D !"ENCF.: r..'1w~ cO.'TIl'l.-;te -- Prov1:dr; gatar. OJ' movable sections through I'.V.E. FRA,':nlr.: Mu::;t be rcquasted after approval of rough plUffbing, electri- cal & mechanical. AU roofing 1 n b1'acing t1 chimncyn, et~. m'.lst be W 0 complatcd. no work is to be CQn- caaled until thin inspection has , been made and appt'OL'ed. 6qoO~'t . DEliOLITIOH OR ;~.'afE,: .9!JtLDli:CS :=J SaHi~aJ'iJ S6'"JeJ' ~ap?ed ::t p~op.;;rt::,' lir.e ~ Septi~ tank p~~cd and fi~led with grQJel I FinaL - fl'her: abeve ita::ts are cc,-:rpl.eted ~ and when de~litio~ is complete 01' stl~:- tU':"f! moved an.: pl'c..~i:;cs cle.;ned up. MobiLe l/cmer. ~ Blocki/la and S~t-:.Jp ~ Plumbina comtrl,:tions sewer and wG.~er I P.lectriea.l Ccm:cctl.on - BlockillO, net-u:: ~ mid pLumbing ccm:ectivmJ nr..3t !;~ appro::;;J befOl'c request:'llg e!ectrical in.spec=io~; ~ Ilcccscvr,y Bui l":'-:'IIIJ :J Final - After p-,rcr.cs, etc. are ccmple;cd. sk~l't~na, decks, D All. proJect condit1:ons~ ouch as the 1.',nr.tallat.ion of o1;J'l..!ct tr.aes. e.:,~~Lat~,:m of ti,t! required land::ccpir.!J, etc., 17t/.wt be satinfi,~d b'"!i'oJ'e t1:e BUILDII,'C FINAL can be 1'2qucst.zd. :=J FI/lIIL PLUNBIIlG ~ FIth1L MECHANICAL 'Zl FIliAL EU:CTRIC!.L =:J ~~ IY\ PIN/lL DUll,nING: The f'inal DuiLdina ImJpr.ctiolt muct be requested after t}l': Pinal Plumbing 'C:..J \~Elcotrical' and Machado.:! rn"paotion" lIava been made and approvd. .~AJ.I. /.f,1NIIC};f;S /lND CU'/lN0U'f[.' nllr,T m: ACCF:S:;n1r..r:, AD.llJST:r,~;"J'!' TO .rJR ,',:.1l)/.: /'.7' l.'O :.-}S:~ 7'0 c~'!''! 1 P::::,~ of:; I JOB I Zone: NO. rq 0 ()2& '()/( - L-COC' I \ I 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 SOLAR ACC.S REQ.- OccutJanCll G~ ~-=:r LCT TYPE. ~ I Lot Faces - I I P.I,. IN01.th If:ast ISouth Ilrent Lot Sq. Ft.. : ~f l~t C~vcrag~ ,q of Stories Total Height I Topogrophy I j J'J't:M If.1ain I SQ. FTC x Cc:race Carn01't I ACCC3soru l!ar77P/7 [ Is.D.c. 1.5:c ':2~&? TOTAL VAWE (VCLUC) Building Parmi t State Surchrrge Total Chn:"ge3 lITEM I Fi:::turct; IResidential (1 bath) j Sani t:z.ry SeLJer I NO. I f'gE Wc:tm' PZ;.qnbin(J !'err.:it State Surd'".argc TotaZ Charges 1.1'/o;U NU. ft.... ,qes. So. fta. N~/Extend Circuit~ I Temporary Service I Interior COrner Panhandle Cul-dC-SQf! Value 7~~ . 1. 1 ' I b'Z''S<!:> 1 5-/3 tbs:63 ' CllAHC" I I 1 I I CHAffGr: :7.... ,..-"q<!i -Z'2~O Ele~tric~l Permit St::.te Sur::harqe Total Charces IITSM INC. FSC' I F'urJ1.:Ice .~TU' S I E=haus t Hood I Vent Fan I W:>odGto'c MZ>.tr.ZT <5>' O'Sr.mz::. I ' Permit [SGu:znc~ Medlanic:zl Pe-rmit State Sureha-rae Total Charaen ENCROACHMENT -- ISe~~-rit~ DZDo3it I Storage I Maintenance I Permit I I Curbcu; I Sid""", lk l.r;>en:::e I Electrical Label J1!: I Mobile Hame Total ChCT''1e8 r ~ (p 11-/ Ii I TOTAT, AMOUNT DUE:' 27 _50 /./'7 23.6.31, I 1 1 /'rS' -=1 I I /s -=> 1 .7S /5: 75" Cl/ARCr: I I 1 .'201 /7 j,:::JS'. "2/ ~, 8ed~t'00ms: ___n2rOIl So:~r(!e:J !leat Water' Ht?ntm' [{auae Pi rer! lat:c Wocx1..toi:e T./r1C 'Fijpe/Cor:st: Setbacks flotiue r.fLr'Q(N Access. __ P:JC:J Building Value & Permit ThiD permit in arontfJd on the e:cpre88 condition that tlle said construction shall, in all rCDpccto, conf01m to the Ordinance adopted by the City of SP1',:naj'ield. inc!urling the Zoning ardinancc. re(Julatil19 tit.? CC1wt1'Il.::ticn and UDe of building11, and may be Du:;pcnded 01' revoked at C1:y time uron uic- lation of any pr:Jviuior.s of Baid Ordir.ancea. ( /~ Pec: /.f'(). t:, g J-/'1-;? 9' 1'302'i? Cf. Permit I Plan Check ICate Paid: IRecdpt 1/: ISig"ed: Plumbing No percon shall conat1'Ilct, instalL, arter or change any ne~ cr e:isting plumbing or drainage system in whole 01' in part, unless such person is the legal pODoesnor of a ualid plumber's license, except that a pe~son may do plumbing ~ork to property ~hich is owned, leased or operated by the appli- cant. Electrical Permi t Where State Law requires tr~t the electrical ~T'k be done by an Ele~trical ControctOT', the electrical portion of thia remit shall not be valid until the label }~8 been signed by the Electrical Contractor. 1 Mechanical Permit (0 ~~~-~~ /-ZS-3'9 Late ~ I H,1VE CARSFULLY gXAMINED the completed application for permit. and do hereby ce-rtify that all i~fo~tion hereon is true and correct, and I fu.rther cel'tify that any ar.d all IJOrk pcrfol':'fled shall be do:1e in ac~or- dance :.nth th2 ordin.:mccs of the city of springfield, and th~ La-..;s of tho ~ State of 01'eg~n p~l'~ining to the work described herein, end that NO OCC~- PI:NCY will be rmdc of any structUl',; without p3miuaion of the Building {)i- : uision. I further certify that o:11y contractors and e~l~yees who are in I compliance ~ith ons 701.0SE will be used on this projact ~~ srt~ i-I]- S? [)ate ,