HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Signage 2011-1-11 ...1. ,. CITY OF SPRINGFIELD Building I Sign Permit PERMIT NO: 811-5PR2011-00049 IVR Number: 811191226434 www.ci.springfield.or.us PROJECif STATUS: STATUS'DATE: 01/11/2011 01/10/2011 Issued ISSUED: APPLIED: 01/11/2011 SITE ADDRESS: 2800 GATEWAY ST, Springfield, OR 97477-7708 ASSESOR'S PARCEL NO: 1703220002219 225 Fifth 5t Springfield,OR 97477 Phone: 541-726-3753 Inspection Phone: 541-726-3769 Fax: 541-726-3676 permilcenter@ci.springfield.or.us EXPIRES: VALUE: 07/10/2011 $ 00 ~ SCOPE: Sign WORK INVOLVED: New TYPE OF STRUCTURE: Commercial PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Signs - Cabelas Phone Number: OWNER: ADDRESS: GATEWAY MALL PARTNERS PO BOX 617905 CHICAGO IL 60661-7905 Contractor Type , Sign Contractor Plumbing CONTRACTOR INFORMATION I Lie Type CCB ELECTRICAL BUILDING INFORMATION I # of storias: I 'you to ATTHITION' uregon aw reqUires f 'I He]ght'of,Slructure; the Oregon Utility at aw rUlvS aUUI.JlCU U} h Notificar:\'H~~G!1~i!': Those rules are set fort in OAR Wafe8;j1yp~D1 0 through OAR 952-001- 0090 \R' 'il' ~rt' ['..,tain copies of the rules by , ' nge .ype, (N t th telephonp calliniia'zhJ1atenter. I 0 e:, "e ' " ' - number for the Oregon Utility N?tlflcatlon Center is 1-800-332-2344), Contractor Name E S & A SIGN CORP ES & A SIGN & AWNING # of Units: o # of Bedrooms: Sprinkled iBuilding: Fire Alarms: Energy Path: Electrical Specialty Code Edition: Springfield Fire Code Edition: Mechanical Specialty Code Edition: Municipal I Development Code: Plumbing Specialty Code Edition: Residential Specialty Code Edition: Structural Specialty Code Edition: Lic No 163470 20-543CLS Lie Exp 03/16/2011 07f01f2011 Phone 541-485-5546 541-485-5546 Lot Size: Sq Ft 1 st Floor: Sq Ft 2nd Floor: Sq Ft Basement: Sq Ft Garage: Sq Ft Carport: Sq Ft Other: 0 Occupancy Load: Site Information I Engineered Fill: Fill Volurne: Flood Hazard Area: land Hazard Area: Retaining Wall: Soils Report Required: ". :;}:.:~t~ , '~r~\\t. 'NOt'>" \'tOIlet:. 1 S\-lf\ll E'iJ'\t'>~EP,1IAH \S ~01 1\-11S ?r.Rl'J\I I.l~DEP, 1\-11S o~ED rOt'> , /'.l.ll\-10P,IIED OR IS I\\)I\~D C01lA\IJ\r.~Cr.~ ?r.P,IO\), JI-~'{"\8a\)f:I , Springfield Bui!ding Permit 1/11/2011 10:04:16AM Page 1 of 4 o/ L www.ci.springfield.or.us CITY OF SPRINGFIELD Building I Sign Permit PERMIT NO: 811-SPR2011-00049 IVR Number: 811191226434 225 Fifth St Springfield,OR 97477 Phone: 541-726-3753 Inspection Phone: 541-726-3769 Fax: 541-726-3676 permitcenter@ci,springfield,or.us PROJECT STATUS: STATUS.oATE: Iss ued 01/11/2011 ISSUED: APPLIED: 01/11/2011 01/10/2011 EXPIRES: VALUE: 07/10/2011 $0,00 SITE ADDRESS: 2800 GATEWAY ST, Sp~ingfield, OR 97477-7708 AS5ESOR'S PARCEL NO: 1703220002219 SCOPE: Sign WORK INVOLVED: New TYPE OF STRUCTURE: Commercial PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Signs - Cabelas Frontyar~ Setback: Interior Setback: Sideyard Setback: Rearyard:Setback: Solar Setback: DEVELOPMENT INFORMATION 1 Overlay Dist: # Street Trees Reqd: Paved Drive Reqd: % of Lot Coverage: Highest point on structure to north property line: REQUIRED PARKING Total: Handicapped: Compact: PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS 1 Street Improvements: Storm Sewer: Storm Sewer Available: Speciallnstructon: Subdivisi.on Accepted: Notes: Sidewalk Type: Downspout/Drains: Valuation Description 1 Description Tvee of Construction Unit Amount Unit Tvoe Unit Cost Value FEES PAID I' Descriotion Amount Paid Date Paid Recio! # Signs: 151- 200 Square Feet $200.00 01/11/2011 2011000080 -_._.---~~_.._- ~---- Sign Plan Review $168.00 01/11/2011 2011000080 Ad;"in 'fe..Ii GO/,' of applicable f;;;;~) --, . -,==~,=~==~::"'y6B:OO ------(j1i11/zoil- - --- --201"1000080 E.!~Orego~!.,~urchar!1!(12% of applicable fees) $453~. 0~l~Y2011 '-=~~~3_1D_00~O Technology fee (5% of permit total) $52.90 01/11/2011 2011000080 Signs: 101- ~50 Square Feet $480.00 01/11/2011 "~1100008-ci- Sign or outline lighting $378.00 01/11/2011 2011000080 Tolal Amount Paid $1,392.26 Springfield Building Permit 1/11/2011 10:04:16AM Page 2 of 4 ./ SPRINGFIELD- - 'iA CITY OF SPRINGFIELD Building I Sign Permit 225 Fifth 5t 5pringfield,OR 97477 Phone: 541-726-3753 Inspection Phone: 541-726-3769 Fax: 541-726-3676 www.ci.~pringfield.or.us PERMIT NO: 811-SPR2011-00049 IVR Number: 811191226434 pe rmitce nter@ci.springfield.or.us PROJECT STATUS: STATUS DATE: Issued 01/11/2011 ISSUED: APPLIED: 01/11/2011 01/10/2011 EXPIRES: VALUE: 07/10/2011 $0.00 SITE ADDRESS: 2800 GATEWAY ST, Springfield, OR 97477-7708 ASSESOR'S PARCEL NO: 1703220002219 SCOPE: Sign WORK INVOLVED: New TYPE OF STRUCTURE: Commercial PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Signs - Cabelas Plan Review ~ Department Application Acceptance Received 01/10/2011 Due Date 01/10/2011 Comoleted 01/10/2011 Result Application Accepted Reviewer David Bowlsby rSlgh;R~VleW';".:~"{~~',:;:'~':F:t':;:S-i::01/1,O!?O'1'11:'ci~Qj719I~Q'1;1~~~:'oyT6I2q~1{~~t%p~~~~~~~;;7?&rD1vr~~w[SbZi?~7~~',:; _'..<~.'. .._" " ,- ','-:i--- ""~"_'" \"~.'f.-..:' ,;' '.. ..' :'''v''' _.: ,.:j, ,'" ,', ", '=0,:(, 'Co',-", 'r '~,"-.,."" . "c!.' ,.+: ,-.->,tj';i~::;hf'f.,:r,'t:'-<'}';>"" ,,,:;1".: J~. J.' H~'S;,;ol :,,'<2 ri'>"'.;.,.n';:..r..:>":Ji"''',,:;...".'':'')~ .' <", ..' ' t,co~,~~nf;':!A1~~~~d~i~~~t;~~h~!r~b~~~~jj~ii~~~i~~~~~fO~s:f!q~~~~~~~~*Z~~:~:r~re~!f~~:~~~~r~;i~~~;~n~:f:;:{"t ~, ',<" (1 )Vfall.. Sig'ns~.!~'a?dition':t6, the,free,$tant:l.in~ signs;"the'app~~ved' de~~lopment;area,may:have~aH'}iQns'~t each'- ~ ~ ~.~~ prim'ari~htr~:nce; The~'totai;'allo\?able'a'n~a)Or~all~such'5,ign~'shaIJ1.be1fOO:O;squ,~,~~;fee(N,o :s-j~gle:slgn:s,halj~exceed~400 ~ ' O~SqJ~~~~f~t~e~'~:;n~ing~'~d~"'~:2: ~~;j~:~:, ':,. ' . .~':t ~~;,;:~t~ \i'::,d:' E:>-,' ~ ;:~:;!::~(l ;,,' '. _ . 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"'" ":. -.;7"';~-':' ,','" _', w!., '.. ..: ,.,''':-~ ,0/,", ,:. \, .(3)'AnchorTenants. A'nchor'tenantS:V1it'h'50;000 or'more'sqUar~;'fe~t.of gross area shall:be:15.e'r-mitte"di8,wail,sign for."'. - eachpriilCi"pal:face'ofthebuilding.ThemaximU'm',:i'lIowable,sig'n:area:per,_wail'Shall not, exceed 200 SqUare'teet'per - I, bUildiQg" fase';",' .,~,-"". . ,~J\:;:~", _)~. ",;'..:>~i' J:;~~l'~~4~;-'"'~,~ "::,~, _*:<:.'>.'",,~./:~ ;,:V ';:" ,:.-._>. '-':>,,~, :'~;..~ .~ .' '~','~':. '..'J,.., "',~ :,1.. ". ~.(4)'Second"StoryJ3usinesse's'J\nd'Above~"Each,~!ructure:"'Yith..a "~econd'st6ry busirh~ss' shalbbe' permitted one --j':-j~ .0~II'~ign:t~at~s',~'JTI~xi1~Piil:9f~if's8~a!.~:,i~2~~.i;:~' > ~lc"r-,,:?',::;:'~?~~:(r:~~':..-~"~,,'-:~'.- '~~':" eY>v';~~""..f:),-">J7'. \-'+,., ,. ,"; ~., ':'. 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'~!~,'~ - ~, ;-^;';:, ~ ~::~:' ~. ?~ . _' (6) Tenants Tena:nts betw,een 20,000 and ,49,g,~9~q,yare f:,et, of gross area shaUbe per~ltt,ed a waif sign foreach)" ~~-- _ :~ , _~.... t~' ';, prin~i~al:f,acebf.buildi,ri9_:'-:Them~Xjmum"C31l0~ab;)e,si~j'h,ar_ea 'pe-;"waltJshall not exceed ,160 s'qua,re;feet.per bUildf~g..'fa~ff;~;:'~:' }"~:' ':',;;? ~._:o ,; )' _"J I' .'._,. ~Z),:~~,d/tJ.9)ral.:?vaIJ.si~n'~g~;-Jn'-~-~;d(fi6~:~0 i~~ ~aIL~~?a~e)~~PJiff?d a.bov~,"_12' 8id~i110n',al '~'C311~ Sj~nS-~,h~~II' be t ~'>~ 7> \4:' '1 ; " . ~IIOWed:9n'lhe_,ext~n9r'Y"9:.I,'of,the.!Tlall st~u~ture. The,s~~aq?l~ona!\slgns, s~hall.nqt,exceed a,co,r:nbl~~d.~quare footage'of ",..1 <J"" .' ~ i:. *" _,V' ,1,200 square feet, with no one Sign exc<:~dlng 1 oq squ,areJfeel\Th~s1 swn~cwllI.tletIOcate~.1n a p~ed",~termJned 4 foot sign . ,. .' LiL' Z....'~.bando'nthestructureWh[chbeglnS"17'6"fromgrade?4> j~"."" ~"-4~-.,1i~ ,....,"t:r: "'",:~" - ~ ~ .... _ 1 ~ ~."' "~(8) IlIummaflon ~Fro"m""Slgf!s on No~ ,13eslae[1tlal Pro~~rty Exte~nall!IUrrllnatlOn shajl be ,shielded so that the.llg'ht t,..' . ~ : i -', : '; ~:spurc~ eJ~ment~ are'~o! ~1I;ect!y vlslbl~ trOf;n pro~~ertfl~ ~lV~~:ld~t~a~~one~~h~~~ IS ad~a~e~t.to:or;.,acro~s a street from t~e" " RroRerty In the non-residential zone ,0 ^"r";>. -", ~, r\~ . ",";...~:c ~ 1'> <- ~ ...... ' . .;'-" ~" '.' .' , Permit Issuance 01/10/2011 01/10/2011 01/11/2011 Issued Kip Kaufm~n , , , I I :1 -. i''!' -, ,'.- ,.,...... Springfield Building Permit 1/11/2011 10:D4:16AM Page 3 of 4 ,\( ,~ www.ci. springfield.oLUS CITY OF SPRINGFIELD Building I Sign Permit PERMIT NO: 811-SPR2011-00049 IVR Number: 811191226434 225 Fifth St Springfield,OR 97477 Phone: 541-726-3753 Inspection Phone: 541-726-3769 Fax: 541-726-3676 permitcenter@ci.springfield.or,U5 PROJEC~ STATUS: STATUS;DATE: Issued 01/11/2011 ISSUED: APPLIED: 01/11/2011 01/10/2011 EXPIRES: VALUE: 07/10/2011 $0,00 SITE ADDRESS: 2800 GATEWAY ST, Springfield, OR 97477-7708 ASSESOR'S PARCEL NO: ,1703220002219 SCOPE: Sign WORK INVOLVED: New TYPE OF STRUCTURE: Commercial PROJECT'bESCRIPTION: Signs ~ Cabelas INSPECTIONS REQUIRED ~ Inspections 6940 Sign :f-ttachment 6950 Electrical - Sign Sign Electrical: After connection is made but prior to energizing 6999 Final:Sign Sign Final: After all required inspections are conducted and approved and the sign installation is completed. , By signature, I state and agree, that I have carefully examined the completed application and do hereby'certify that all information hereon is true and correct, and I further certify that any and all work performed shall be done in accordance with the Ordinance's of the City of Springfield and the Laws of the State or Oregon pertaining to the work described herein, and that NO OCCUPAf;JCY will be made of any structure without permission of the Community Services Division, Building Safety. I further certify that only contractors and employees who are in compliance with ORS 701.005 will be used on this project. I further agree to ensure that all required inspections are requested at the proper time, that each address is readable from the street, that the permit card is located at the"front of the property, and the approved set ~f plans will remain on the site at all times during construction. 1-1/-11 Date Springfield Building Permit , 1/11/2011 10:D4:16AM Page 4 of 4 Electrical Permit Application CITY OF SPRINGFIELD, OREGON 225 Fifth S~reet.Springfield, OR 97477tPH(541)726-3753t FAX(541)726-3689 DEPARTMENT USE ONLY ~~ -... ~ Permit no.: S"~ l - 41 Date: 1. ~ 1..! ~ JAr This permit is issued under OAR 918-309-0000. Permits are nontransferable. Permits expire if work is not started within 180 days orIssuanee or if work is suspended for 180 days. LOCAL GOVERNMENT APPROVAL Zoning approval verified? DYes D No CATEGORY OF CONSTRUCTION D Residential D Government u;rCommereial JOB SITE INFORMATION AND LOCATION City: "S ZIP: 97477 ii Reference: G-~ \UA-ll DESCRIPTION OF WORK City: Phone"jlll -71f1- E-mail: This installation is being made on residential or farm property owned by me or a member of my immediate family. This propertyiis not intended for sale, exchange, lease, or rent. OAR 479.540(1) and 479.560(1). ZIP: 974-77 Signature: City: Phone:s'" -1185- E-mail: ", CCB license no.: ~ \,~ ~~ 440-2584-.1 (9/08/COM) FEE SCHEDULE Number of inspections per item () Qty. Cost Total ea. cost Residential, per unit, service included: 1,000 sq. fl. or less (4) $134.00 $ Each additional 500 sq. ft. or portion S 25.00 $ thereof Limited energy (2) $ 32.00 S Each manufachlfcd home or modular $ 63.00 $ dwell.iog service or feeder (2) Services or feeders: installation, alteration, relocation 200 amps or less (2) S 81.00 $ 20 I to 400 amps (2) S 95.00 $ 40 I to 600 amps (2) $158.00 $ 601 [0 1,000 amps (2) $205.00 $ Over 1,000 amps or volts (2) $469.00 $ Reconnect only (2) $ 63.00 $ Temporary services or feeders: installation, alteration, relocation 200 amps or less (2) , $ 63.00 S 20 I [0400 amps (2) S 87.00 S 40 I [0 600 amps (2) $126.00 $ Over 600 amps or 1,000 volts, see services or feeders section above Branch circuits: new, alteration, extension per panel a. Fee for branch circuits with purchase of a service or feeder fee: Each branch circuit S 6.00 S b. Fcc for branch circuits without purchase ofa service or feeder fee: First branch circuit (2) $ 55.00 $ Each additional branch circuit S 6.00 S Miscellaneous fees: service or feeder not included Each pump or irrigation circle (2) $ 63.00 $ Each sign or outline lighting (2) fJJ $ 63.00 $378- Signal circuit or a limited-energy panel, S 63.00 $ alteration, or extension (2) Each additional inspection: (1) $58.00 $ APPLICANT USE (A) Enter subtotal of above fees $ 578'.00 (Minimum Permit Fee $58.00) (B) Enter 12% surcharge (.12 x [A}) $ 4 <; 3f" (C) Technology Fee (5% of [A}) $ /8.10 TOTAL fees and surcharges (A through C): $ 4Ll;:)..dt. c: 225 FIFTH STREET. SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 . PH:(541)726-3753 . FAX: (541)726-3689 0; 'I'..J: <<~~ ~) ~.\l{ ~NJJ Owner: ~)\ Address: , . ~ ..... City '!fi!!'\; r a-bdo.-'~ "....I~ Business Name; Firro, etc. ~~ gescription of Proposed Siga(s): (Please check and complete all appropriate information) ,- \ ~ Wall Freestanding. Projecting Roof ~\(; -L Single Face Double Face Billboard Other uc.5A" <I' !, Square Footage: I 7- '1. s'" b Total Height above Grade: _ "_0" " I Vertical Dimension of Sign or Enclosure: b . , ; Dimension from Grade to Bottom of Sign Enclosure '2-'- '- SA .. J:..J- ~ II~i ~ ~ r' , . ., J ,-I ~: ~'j ~'.\"" r '~ . .. I I........ .~t 00/. . \ r: , . 51 b-kj A . ';,' . C]IyCiF'S'Pl~WN6FtRLD dREGG>N' ',' ,'.',' , . "-~ ~. ,; , ~ '-;- - ,~_. ~ 2, I ~ .' ~ k '1..A' _ ~. ~ (;;ily Job Number st'1L 'ZOt { -0 <::::.0 c..[ ot Site Address: ~ G-<L~ ')-i-, Assessors Map \ 1 D3 ?.-'Z--Qal6:;;' '1(7 . Z BOO GIt"J1:wIr'f Tax Lot: OZZI' &~l Cr r^out-'" p.,-'r>'fl"",yf.t't'S '2,000 ~I.l.i{ 'S-f-- "ulk~";,~'<.-[cI Phone: 5'1-1.747, /..P1/t M2... Zip '771fn State Marquee ( ,~" '2-/-7/(f Material Sign is Constructed of: -Alu\<,;", vIM t!<//<-yi,'l., Lf?n / , Horizontal Width of Sign or Enclosure: Electricallnstallation:1Yes _No (If yes additional electrical permit required) . -$ . Value ofSigo: "/,30/") List ALL existing signageand attach a photograph of each sign: ... (~) Type (C) Type Sq. Ftg, Sq. FIg, (b) Type (d) Type Sq,Ftg, Sq. Ftg. dontractor/lnstaller;~A :')i "(Vl rJ.~ Address: '\i'~'i7S1'rGL;,.;~QA, City: ~ . JA."_ Cpnstruction-Contractors Registration Number: A, LlV1 ;\,L~_ Co. Phone: 5#;' 4BS-5Sfh. State: oQ. Zip: 'J'740 z... 31/~/z.OfJ /,(,3476 Expires: S~gn District: I<;; vvt;4-i I OFFICE USE cc ZonlDg: B'y signature, I state and agree, uJat [ have carefully examined the completed application and do hereby certify that all information herein is true and correct, and I further certify that any and all work performed shall be done in accordance with the Ordinances of the City of Springfield, and the Laws of the State of Oregon pertaining to the work d~scribed herein, I tU'rther certify that only contractors and employees who are in compliance with ORS 70 1,055 will be used on this project. I further agree to ensure that all required' inspections are requested at lhe proper lime, that projecl address is readable from the street, that the pe it card is located at the front of lhe property, and the approved set of plans will remain on the site at all times during the i lallation oft sign(s). ,. /i "- Signatur '" !z/S'/C Date Shared Driv<:(T:).'Buildil1!! Fi:>nn~!Siim Pt'rmit A:1plieation!'02_do( ~: 225 FIFTH STREET . SPRINGFlELD~ OR 97477 . PH:(54])726-3753 . FAX: (54])726-3689 Q City Job Number-.SPt2-z.o1 (-000 l.{ C} .~( , :Site Address: ~.' '~Asses-sors Map ~.\ l,i,: ~ j "Owner; ~'\ (, I'Description of Proposed Sign(s)' (Please cbeck and complete all appropliate information) ,,^,i ' -L Wall Freestanding , Projecting Roof ~< -L Single Face , Double Face Billboard Othcr ~ ".,~ ",-' "Ph" i" 'Square Footage: ~~~ . Total Heig~t~bove.:rade: >-~..,. ''1: ; I Vertical Dil)lension of Sign or Enclosure: 0- - () ! ~ ' Dimension from GradetoBottom of Sign Enclosure ~' lit " 0",', ! . j 'i~i ~: J.:.j', ~, OJ~; ~, ~, . . '~ ~ ~f:I, wi o~ r!1 51 &W 6 , ~;;.,f , ;w-. ~-;;, - ~ ~ - - ~, '''"J , . ~ '. ' ,., X';;ITy''()'Ws'PRINoinELB: -O~tiQN " ~ . ; '., ~"iL' ~ E., -r:"r/.;.-_1~[:1.; >-~, ~ ~ ~~"li-"':' ~'n_'~ "4~-"::i" t~c'~ " ~ 300(:) . C:rc....~ y. \ 1 ()3 "Z.-'Z-();,\:'",-;,e . C"')'z- "Z:-\ ~ Tax Lot: (7 e.w>JI'l:>..-.t Cr 'r.,,~+-l-. Address: ~oOO ~"-'f "i.J.- . "vj)<~~r.;~Jd 'Business Name, Firm, etc r.li. bdc..: ') P"'-"(Jprf-it'S 511-747/.1'14 Pbone: 6Q. Zip '171(-77 City State Marquec .iJ(..! ~4""" 100 '_0'1 IMaterial Sign is Constructed of: u' , HorizontalWidth of Sign or Enclosure;.. Electrical Installation: vYes _No (If yes additional electrical permit required) $ I~,~= I!< V' 3 ZVal~~::'I; 'List ALL existing signage and attach a .pbotograph Of each sign: "(a) Type '(c) Type " , Sq: FIg. Sq, Ftg. (b) Type (d) Type Sq.Ftg Sq. FIg. ::Contractor/Installer:~A ;:""!Vl ('~ "Address:' '6''7 '17 S '? n>-;.,. ; e.. R ,.,. City: ~ € v..e.. AI.vY\; \.<-'}- (0. Pbone: 54 (. fB5-SsM State: oi2.. Zip: ?740z... Expires: 31(~/2-0!l Construction Contractors Registration Number: ~ - . . (l,347b Sign Dislrll:t: SS- /Mfi-I! OFFICE USE Zoning: c(' _ ;!3y signature, I state and agree. that r bave carefully examined the completed application and do hereby certify that all infonnation herein is true and correct, and I further ce11ify that any and all work perfonned shall be done in accordance with the Ordinances of the City of Springfield, and the Laws oftbe State of Oregon pertaining to tbe work described herein. r further certifY that only contractors and employees who are in compliance with ORS 701.055 will be nsed on this project. I further agree to ensure that all required inspections are requested at the proper time, that project address is readable from the street, that the ennit card is located at the front of the property, and the approved set of plans will remain on the site at all times during ( c installation fthe sign(s). -1 Signatur~ t2,jS-;o Date ~: 225 FIFTH STREET. SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 . PH:(541)726-3753 . FAX: (541)726-3689 0' I~' , "Site Addrcss: ~, Assesso~s Map ~~ ~~, Owner: ~l Address: ~v ;City I:~; rlLbdc....~ ~; ,iBusiness Name, Finn, ete ~;l,';DeSCriPtion of Proposed Sigll(s): (please check and complete all appropriate information) f"- ',~ Wall Freestanding Projecting Roof ~i!:,: -L Single Face Double Face Billboard Other ~ I 0 eel "'O~~3Ih" I 'Square Footage: '1-'-';>0 Total Height above Grade: <c_ or I" " f' 'Vertical Dimension of Sign or Enclosure: (, '- 0' I 'Horizontal Wiilth ,of Sign orEnclosure: 2-1 ~7 )If " i . r_ 311t" \ Dimension froin Grodc to' Bottom of Sign Enclosure IIf a, Electricallnstallation:LYes _No (If)'es additional, electrical permit required), Value of Sign: :$ 7, ~6G> ~' , , '. , ~- li~! /h, !;J,JI ~'" ~; ~, ~ ~.~: ~. I~' r/J.. S[&k1 ,~ ., "-"1"f!~ ~ ,: ~.-4_ '- ~'I!:,",,~....t~ ',_, " _ I' -" l?~k';. ,,'< _ . , , CI;r;~tO~' S!PR-rN'(},F[:JE'L::m;.pJR~~Q;W ~ - ,:; ~ '-..".. '~. , ,1" "_ _' , _".# ,~ 'A_ _ i~", ~" ,;, 0 ~ . City Job Number S fa. 'Z.OI ( - 00 0 f./ cr 3006 G-C..J,IOJ.Ua.y OS+- ' \1()37-'2-~ OZ"'Z.I , Tax Lot: &eAAQ~l C'r r6LUf.-f" -2,000 ~RY 'U- "'uP<':4r,'tlJ Pyn(Jvylit'};, Phone: 5'1-1. 747, /.'J-?lt 6F7- z:ip ~ 7ft?? State Marquee Material Sign is Gonstructed of: -.iluh-,;",uWl J (.<.{;vyl,'i., LFD List ALL existing signage and attach a photograph of each sign: ,(a) Type ::(e) Type (b) Type (d) Type Sq, Ftg, Sq, Ftg, Sq, Ftg. Sq, Ftg, Contractorllnstaller:~A ~i '11/\ ru...d ,Address: '5'~'l7S1'r<L;v;e. RA, 'City: ~~ Vl.-e. AIL''';' ; l.<-J- Co- Phone:541- ff3S-55f~ , State: 012- Zip: 'J740z.. Expires: 3!1, / ZO() 'Construction Contractors Registration Number: 1b347o :Sign Disl1ict. 5'5 VV' ,,4-if OFFICE USE C'C Zoning: By signature, I state and agree, that I have carefully examined the completed application and do hereb)' certify that all ,:information herein is true and correct) and I fm1her certifY that any and aU work performed shall be done in accordance with 'the Ordinances of the City of Springfield, and the Laws of the State of Oregon pertaining to the work described herein, I 'further certify that only'contractors and employees who are in compliance with ORS 70L055 will be used on this project I ful1her agree to ensure that all required inspections are requested at the proper time, that project address is readable from the Istreet, that.the per nit card is located at the front of the propeny, and,the approved set of plans will remain on the site at all 'times during the stallation 0 the sign(s), iSignature 1?'6/Q Date c: ii5 FIFTH STREET- SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 - PH:(541)726-3753 - FAX: (541)726-3689 ~ z.e .n. ~; CityJobNumber S(J(l~ -OC-Cl..{ cr. t,.~' . Site Address: ~: ,Assessors Map ~: Owner: ~. ) Address: - 'City t:~: {r-~~~ fBusiness Name, Finn, etc. ~\ :,oescriPtion of Proposed Sign(s): (Please check and complete all appropriate informatiori) ~ (. ~ Wall Freestanding Projecting Roof ~:~_~1'1 Single Face ~ 5"c, Double Face Bill:~9 " Other .J:; i.::. 'Square Footage: (1.-. Total Height above Grade: , Vertical Dimension of Sign or Enelosure: c..' - () " Horizontal Width of Sign or Enclosure: ;t./ ~7 '4> ' Dimension. from Grade to BoltomofSign'Enelosure ('t'9 " Electrical Installation: VYes _No (If yes additional electrical permit required) Value of Sign: t ','3tX> ~, !Sign Distriol: QfJ, ,; By signature, I state and agree, that I have carefully examined the completed application and do hereby certify that all " .: I,information herein is true and correct, and I fUliher certify that any and all work perfmmed shall be done in accordance with ; \ . "the Ordinances of the City of Springfield, and the Laws of the State of Oregon pertaining to the work described herein. I t.~. ,!further certify that only contractors and employees who are in compliance with ORS 701.055 will be used on this project. r!l .li..J' ~. t,\-/.! '~', ~j): ~} ft,. , ~: 'SI &-/-..1 D , .. ;; - '\ ~ . .V. ," 'II' ^" 'li'i .;"' '. t :', 'C1&,* ,QF';SPKmG.fKtEi::D~ ?CIR:E<:Gib~ '" . :',;," .~' Jt4..; """t. . '\;'~:"- ',-: ~,"",i' -_" . _.J.....__.I" ~ "iL:;, ~ ~J ~1l!'~1,\l :!,OO6 ~~ 'fro \ 1()3?-'2--~J:.""e Tax Lot: <:> "Z. "Z , ., Pborie: S'fI-747-t.J..'1ft. State 6Q.. Zip q 7lfn Marquee' Material Sign is Constructed of: -11/U':"\Il!J!M J I!J../,vyl.-L, LET) "List ALL existing signage and attach a photograph of each sign: '(a) Type "(e) Type Sq. Ftg. Sq. FIg. (b) Type (d) Type Sq. Ftg Sq. Ftg. ContractorlInstaller:~A:;'i"tV1 ('UU;). :.Address: ~~~7S"?n>..;". ie, R..r1. ';City: ~. ",-e. "Construction Contractors Registration Number: t:\/.uV\; v..'} Co- Phone:5/{(,465-55+4 State: OQ. Zip: ~'740L Expires: 3//(,/2-0(J /1,347b :IS:- 1/VlJ1.-1! OFFICE USE cc. ZOlling: J further agree to ensure that all required inspections are requested at. the proper time, that project address is readable from the street, that the pennit ca d is located at tile front.ofthe property, and tile approved set of plans will remain on the site at all ;'times during the install ion of e gn(s). i I :Signature /:?IS-/O Date ~SP~~N::FIElO ,,,;~i~Y': ~ "~'OREGON TRANSACTION RECEIPT CITY OF SPRINGFIELD 225 Fifth St Springfield,OR 97477 541-726-3753 www.ci.springfield.or.us 811-SPR2011-00049 2800 GATEWAY ST permilcenter@ci.springfield.or,us RECEIPT,NO: 2011000080 RECORD NO: 811-SPR2011-00049 DATE: 01/11/2011 . [D'. "E' S' "C:R. ':'I~.:r' .10 N' ',' ..:~ ,,~,(,~ -: ~;;;;~{;;:;E;:Z;~,'~~,i:~~<~~~J:Y~Jf:l;;,:.~E:;~'; ;~~.-:;:';... ;':;~-A', C.C-- ~O' .I).-N....'T':;'C .O.O......'E';. ~r,t"r~~. .~~ '" 1:c AMOU NT OU E 'J r..__ _ _ _ . ... u _ ~. ',", , ' , ,'. ...., .'. ......:~_~_:::.. Admin fee (10% of applicable fees) 224-00000-426605 68.00 Sign Plan Review 224-00000-425602 168,00 Sign or outline lighting 224-00000-426102 378.00 Signs: 101 -150 Square Feet 224-00000-425602 480,00 Signs: 151 - 300 Square Feet __ 224:00000-425602 200.00 _~ate.9~.?-",~on Surcharge (~ 2% of applicable!ee~___" 821-00000-215004 .__4.536.___ __2",chnologl !ee (5% 01 permitJotal) .__..___ ~~:00000-42560~___,_. 5290._. ____ TOTAL OUE: 1,392.26 1,..;;et'.-i'.JYI~NT-r;Yl1t..:;;::j>AY()R,,:. -;,'cASH.~R~KKAUFMAN~-::'c_6~N[M~~lLS:';;~L~.,_',:,', ';-AI'.'I9.uI:lT':'~IO,. .'-:',;.' -_ Credit Card Linda Padilla/ ES and A Sign $1,392.26 011385 TOTAL PAlO:' $1,392.26