HomeMy WebLinkAboutDeed APPLICANT 1/18/2011 (4) ,; . ~~~r ReCording'Return. IN 'tern Title.& Escrow Company 49~akWay Rd Suite 340. Eugena OR 97401. ~&'Ocno Recording request~d'by: . - '" . f . Division of ChieF Deputy Clerk Lane Ccunty Deeds and Records , l~I~.~m11 !,:- ,. . When reCorde~. mail to: . 1111I11111111111111111111I1111111111111I111111111 $47,00 01141998201000222770020025 05/11/201001:43:38 PM RPR-DEED Cnt:1 Stn:9 CRSHIER 06 $10.00 $11.00 $16.00 $10.00 . First Tennes.see Bank 6522 Chapman Highway . Attn:. Foreclosure Dept. Knox~iIIe,TN 37920: Forward tax statements to the address given above."' . . . . Space above this line for req,orders use. . TS #031'009771 Order # 30210803. Loan # 10436973 Trustee's Deed.. THIS. INDENTURE, . made on 5/5/2010, between LAWYERS. TITLE. INSURANCE CORPORATION hereinafter called the trustee, and. First Tennessee Bank, NA hereimifter called the. grantee; and this true and actual consideration paid for this transfer is the sum of $5,004.00. . , .. . ". WITNESSETH:.. . RECITALS: CHRISTOPHER A. ROGERS AND TAMRA ROGERS, HUSBAI'IP AND WIFE as grantor, executed and delivered to FIDEU1Y , as trustee, for the benefit of FIRST TENNESSEE BANK,N.A, .as beneficiary, and recorded on 6n12007 as Instrument No. 2007-038659, In book, page of Official Records of lane County, Oregon:. In said Trust Deed the real property therein and hereinafter described was conveyed by said.grantor to said trustee to secure. among other. things, the performance of certain obligations of the grantor to the said be,neficiary. The said grantor thereafter defaulted in his perfomnance of the obligations secured by said Trust Deed as stated in the notice . of default hereinafter mentioned and such default still existed at the time of the sale hereinafter described. By reason of said default, the own.erand.holder of the obligations secure<i.by said. Trust Deed, being the beneficiary therein named. or his sucCessor in interest, .dediired all sums so secu~d immediately. due and owing.: a Notice of Default, containing an election to sell the said real.property and to.foreclose said Trust Deed by advertisement and sale to satisfy granto~s said obligations was recordedi.n the mortgage records of said county on 10/112009. . . After the recording ofsaiddafault, as aforesaid.theu~derSigned trustee gave notica of ihe timef~iand place of sale of said real property as fixed by trustee as required by law; copies of the Notice ofDefaull and Trustee's Notice of Sale were served pursuant to O.R.CP. 7D (2) and 70. (3) and mailed by both first class and certified mail with return receipt requested. .tothe last known address of the persons or their legal. representatives,.!!. a.ny, named in O.R.S. ....86.740 (n and (2) (a), at least 120 days before the date.the property was sold. and the Trustee's Nolice.of Sale was mailed .by first class and certified. mail. return receipt requested, to the last known address. of the guardian, . conservator or administrator or executor .of any person named in O.R.S. .86.740(1): promptly after the trustee received knowledge of the disability, insanity or death of any such person"; .the Notice of Sa[~,was served upon occupants of the property described inttie Trust Deed' in the manner in whk:h a summons is served pursuant to O.R.C.P. 70. (2) and 7D. (3) at least 120 days before the date the property was sold; pursuanttoO.RS. 86.750 (1). if the foredosure proceedings were stayed and reieased from the .stay, copies .of an Amended Notice of Sale in the fomn required by.O.R.S, 86.755 (6). were mailed by registered or certified mail to .lhe lasHnown. address of those . . persons listed in O.RS. 86.740 and 86.750 (1) and to the address provided by.each person who was. present at the time and. place s~t for the sale which was stayed within 30 days after lhe release from the stay. .Further, the trustee published a cOP'l.of said notice of sale in a newspaper of general circuiation in each 'county in .which said real property is situated, once'a week for four sucCessive weeks; the last publication of said notice of sale. occurred more than twenty days. prior to the date of such sale.. . . .'. ". ..' . - ". . .' . .. . . Themailing.servi~and.PUblicationot..said noti'ce of sale ar~ s~owri by c.ne or mo~e 'a~davits 'or. proo"fs of service duly recorde.d prior to tne date" of sal~ in the Official.Records of Lane County; Oregon;" said affidavits and proofs, . Date Received: . JAN 18 2011 Original Submittal . - "' .. ~ . . . . . -. . .. '. . .':,'" . '". . ....., ,".: ,";", . ". , ' , together with the said n~tice 6f default and election to sell a~d the notice of sale; being 'n~w referred to and ' incorporated in and, made' a part of this trustee's de'ed as fully as if set out herein, v,erbatim. The undersigned trustee has no actual notice of any person"other than the persons ria'med In said' affidavits and proofs:as having or claiming alien onor interest in saiddescrtbed real property, entitled to notice pursuant to, O.R.S. 86:740 (1)" (b) or (1) (c). . ..... '. . . ":NOW THEREFORE, in~onsideralio~ of ,the said su~ so paid by grantee ;n ~sh"the receipt whereof is acknowledged, and by the authority vested in said trustee by the laws'of the,State ofOiegonand by said Trust Deed, the trustee does hereby convey unto grantee all interest which the grantor has or had the, power, to convey at the time of granto(s execution of said Trust Deed, together. with any interesl.thesaid grantor or hl~ suCcessors In interest acquired after the' execution 'of said'trust'deed)n and to the follOwing described real property'to-wit:', ' .. . . . , . . '. . : . . ." .' .' . ." Loi20, Block2;FIRST,ADDI:f10N TO CASCADE HEIGHTS, as platted and recorded'in File 72, Slides',119 and 120, Lane County Oregon Piat Records, in Lane County, Oregon. ' -- ' , , .' .' Tax Parcel No.1'7~02-35..33-o2200~00 "., . . . '. ".' .", .".. . ."..: ...." : . . , " 'TO HAVE AND TO HOLD'the same unto grantee, his heirs; successors-in-interest and 'assigns forever. " , '. ..".. In construing this instrument and whenever the, context, so requires, the masculine gender includes feminine and the neuter and the singular includes plural,the word."grarito(' includes any successor in interest to the grantor as well as each and aU other persons owing an obligation, the performance of which iS,secured by'said Trust Deed, lhe word "trustee" includes any successor trustee, the word "beneficiary" includes any successor ,in interesrof the beneficiary first named above, and the word "person" includes corporation and any other legal Or commerCial entity.: . . , .... ' - "' ..' . IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned trustee has caused its corp~rate nari;e 10 b~ signed by "ilS 'officers duly , authorized,thereunto,by order of its Hoard of Directors.- ' ,,' , ' , ..' . ". '. '. . :THIS.INSTRUMENT WILL NOT' ALLOW USE OF ,THE PROPEilTY DESCRIBED IN THIS":INSTRUMENT IN VIOLATION OF APPLICABLE LAND USE LAWS AND REGULATIONS, BEFORE SIGNING OR ACCEPTING THIS INSTRUMENT, THE PERSO~ ACQUIRING FEE TITLE TO THE PROPERTY SHOULD CHECK WITH THE , APPROPRIATE CITY OR COUNTY PLANNING DEPARTMENTS TO VERIFY APPROVED USES, Dated: 5/5/2010 / ... . ". "... .' " , , , LAWYERS TITLEINSURANCI; CORPORATION tQ;6;. , (l~:'~ ~~p'._-,' ,':~ By: Patricia A Sabatino, Assistant Secretary , State of California County of Orange " Signature On 5/5/2010 before me, ,Notary Public, personally' ,appeared Patricia .A, Sabatino, who proved to me o~ the basis of satisfactory, evidence to be the, person(s) whose name(s)'is/are'subscribed to the within instrument and a'cknowledged to me that he/$he/they executed the same in his/her/their authorized capacity(ies), arid that by his/lierltheir, signature(s)on,the instrument the person(s), or the entity upon behalf of which th'e 'person(sj acted, executed the'instrument. ' " ' , ,.- ' ,,' , " .. . .. '." ',"'. , . , " , , ' NICOLE L1NOERMAN , @' , Commission ",1868257 z , :;:. _ ' , Notary Public. California z zt. ". ~ . z };l::;. . ' .orarige.county~- 1 . . My'comm., EXPi,res.oct 15. 2013 . . '9 _..9"___. - ~;- ': .- .-.Pa . calved: WITNESS my hand and official seal. '(Seal) . . . ' .1AN 1 8 2011 , 'Origi~al Submittal