HomeMy WebLinkAboutDeed APPLICANT 1/18/2011 (3) FORM No. 963 - WARRANTY OEED _ STATUTORa. STE"ESS lAW PUBUSHINCCO.. PORTlAND. OR _1l"'MSNIS$ rom EOB NO PART OF ANY STEVENS.NESS FORM MAY BE REPRODUCED IN ANY FOAM OR BY ANY ELECTRONIC OR MECHANICAL MEANS. !& '- J~.1,,>,='~\..~b~_J=lah"'-~_~_h_.d"'J)_nm -nnl_B.Y_"'_....R!~____RI.-~~k~.)__nn___nn__n___' -~~.Il--~--~~I~J?.""~_.,~__"bp.r:,=-<~_C'--\~c_~~ '0 GlllIntOl"~ and Address K--~-~~~-'-'=-'S,.-----L-t:."'!.-Ul..--~:':'~__A_""<;i -----~~~~!~------------------------------------------- -~-e~!.<;---!=-_~~L__S.f>.;_:_~_:J~,....\~--C'!~- Grantee's Name and Address ~~:~:C;;~~~:;~;:~:::~fi~~___________________ L... ST~~n~:o~~~~~~_____h__________ } ss. I certify that the within instrument was received for recording on _n_nnn___n_n_n____' al _n_______n o'clock _____.M" and recorded in book/reel/volume No. __nmh_ on page ______h_ ,. nivision of Chief Depuly Clerk Lane Counly Deeds and Records -Jj_ __ C_, H'" "_.. ~~~~.~Im~ -------------------------------------------------------- 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 $26,00 ~1063165200900171840010012 04/06/2009 09:07:54 AM RPR-DEED Cnl=l Sln=15 CRSHIER 02 $5.00 $11.00 $10.00 ------..------------------------------------------------- Unlll requested otherwtse, send ell tax slDtament3 to lName, Address, Zip): -:---~~-~-------~:tf,?~.:_________________ -------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------- ----c..)L~~~,~~~J:'o;t?_'>n~~~~_~~~_~_~~~_:_~::~~~~~(.,g:~~L---_____________m____________m____ ~~i~~E:id~~~~~~~::~~~gi~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~:~~;~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ the following described real propeny f~e of encumbrances, except as specifically set forth herein, situated in __l.,_~""JCnh______ Counly,Oregon,to-wit: LaT 19 (3LL!(_I<..2.... Fu<-:s.-r A~~lr',.:....)la L~~'...~G ,-l";:Ic:"'I"\''(S t!\'";) ?l.~\,~.l') ,..:\A..-~ ~~'-OI'l...u\!.rJ I N ~'L..Z 72../.5\.. ..)t=s (l<; A~~ 120 L,."l.IV":;: c...o.............17 L.'~~e:...o_...., Pt...-'\' 1<~C.'::"ll.1\ IN c...~.:.l,..-.\.:..- (0.......-.,..11 ("\'~l$&,~..'" (IF SPACE INSUFFICIENT, CQNTl"lUE DESCRIPTION ON REVERSE) The property is free from encumbrances, except (if none, so state): i~.....) ~ 0 f v( (' o......d . The true consideration for this conveyance is $_3Cj.c.C:Q,_-::::'. (Here, comply with the requirements of ORS 93.030.) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ mm -DATE[i-_-_-_}IEl~T~~~~~~~~~~~~~~S~::~:;-i-f-~-~~~~r;;t~m---t;;r:-i;-;;~;-~~~~~di;;-;;~~-;~b~~-i~-;;d-~~d-;;;~~;;':-if any, affixed by an officer or other person duly authorized to do so by 0 tier its ard of directors. BEFORE SIGNING OR ACCEPTING THIS INSTRUMENT. THE PERSON TRANSFERRING FEE TITLE SHOULD INDUIRE ABOUT THE PERSON'S RIGHTS. IF ANY. UNDER ORS 195.300. 195.301 AND 195.305 TO 195.336 AND SECTIONS 5 TO 11. CHAPTER 424. OREGON LAWS 2007. THIS INSTRUMENT DOES NOT ALLOW USE OF THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED IN THIS INSTRUMENT IN VIOLATION OF APPLICABLE LAND USE LAWS AND REGULATIONS. BEFORE SIGNING OR ACCEPTING THIS INSTRUMENT. THE PERSON ACOUIRING FEE TITLE TO THE PROPERTY SHOULD CHECK WITH THE APPROPRIATE CITY OR COUNTY PLANNING DEPARTMENT TO VERIFY THAT THE UNIT OF LAND BEING TRANSFERRED IS A LAWFULLY ESTABLISHED LOT OR PARCEL. AS DEFINED IN ORS 92.010 OR 215.010. TO VERIFY THE APPROVED USES OF THE LOT OR PARCEL. TO DETERMINE ANY LIMITS ON LAWSUITS AGAINST fARMING OR FOREST PRACTICES. AS DEFINED IN ORS 30.930. AND TO INDUIRE ABOUT THE RIGHTS OF NEIGHBORING PROPERTY OWNERS. IF ANY. UNDER ORS 195300. 195.301 AND 195.30S TO 195.336 AND SECTIONS 5 TO 11. CHAPTER 424. OREGON LAWS 2007. L O f AI ( STATE F OREGON, County 0 _________m~__~____nmu~______) ss. . ~is instrumen! was aCknA"ledlltd hefore me on _._h~--(.-----~,--~~~-~j------~------, by _______~~,_';>1_(,j_~_~_L______ _ __.L ~,2~,_L_EI "~_~n___L~~l;?"tl.__l_Q__L'?'.1.~_~5<_ _____. This instrumenl was acknowledged before me on h_nnn__h__n_u_n____hn_n_nnuu__n' by _____________________________________________________________________________________________________ as ____________________________________________________~________________________________________________ "C.i.-':. ,,>~p"':':"" - A -~-~n-----------h-----n --;----;::~.~--~:r~---~-~~~-4~;-------------------------- _~~J<;ri.~_~~~------------------------ . ofi:iCW.8EAL .I08EPH 1I1II1.ENCII . .' IIOTAAYPUBUC-OREOON COMMISSION NO. 4357llI IotV COWISSION EllPIIIES FEllRUAAV 19, 2013 ----------~-~'--~-------;--------------------~---.c----___________________. ~~~~;o~~c-:~.~~-?!:~<~'-----:-------- My commission expires -----~-m:!-BatEY_R8Gejved;-- PUBlISHER'S NOTE: II Ullng tills torm to convey r8llf property 5ub)ecllo ORS 92.027, Include the required ralerence. JAN ,- 8 2011 Original Submittal