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Permit Correction Notice 2011-1-13 (2)
'i: "" ....-\:<_h:,. \ _,J" _ "{ ~<,~q.., ,,,"7-'- 'q.."I'r.l'\1~~... r-/IY., ~~'\n,," _ :t"'''':;Y. --<"",~...~,....-..tL..r;I:J~l-~w/"f' -. "~J' ; t-;''''' "I}' -'~~.."~...,J:;:~r""~ <,:1.. .', e';' ,f\. '",-'I..~:t;>...~.{~"lI ..~~-i"'<.ol"")1-f~~"'t.~.i'>W~" .~ ' ., rt1 ''''''. .10':..."',. , ,. 1</1./ .......~ l City of Springfield/Development Services BUilding Safety 225 Fifth Street nr ~\\'~\ 1,0 ,'i '" Date: I 113-/ II Job# S II _ '72- Address: q/.17 72-'" vt ~f. TO: 4G}VI Eil<:.dv,'c- Inspection Type: El~c./",~ <;.......I/~ ~ / ~w Volh.:J... i1Iec.-zstJ,Q2--f3: 1fJ~-t.J./() ~"'1~ C,.evtll~~ Mast: (a"" HOr UH_ 5I-tA""d",,,v( IOc-kwl,(,k 0" nu.rI,,~ CiS 5tJl.. 14'UUHS 10 v {?(!JlftA-'.y /IIetf!;(;(J,/()O/~tO.I()O : 1fJt.~.1 91'0/4,"" uJ/"ve Jov IV f,lJhMt:. fJ.(?~~ 11/1~t'C-~:/J "7 IS o.i- fo I'" ('<-< /.J-e Corrections and reinspection request shall be made within _c;alendar days. I /2_ Call for reinspection gyes DNa Inspector Y GIt'! I ,elf 0"'-' Date: - 7 /1 ~~~~~~~~~~NNNCall for inspection 726-3769NN~NN~NNNNNQuestions 726-3759~NN:'NNNNN