HomeMy WebLinkAboutBuilding Miscellaneous 1996-4-16 ~ '0 Memorandum . . retter of Transmittal o For approval o As requested o For your use o Rejected o Furnish as submitted o Revise and resubmit o Subm~ specffied item o Furnish as requested . HEERY To 61'\/ ~ <;;~~e....""" ~..1 JC:J nPFMF-1I.fr -4=i21.Hl' €b BUll hi"'''' U--~tvlR\Jl /~'\518~1Q> 00. ~ HeelY International, Inc. f" ~ .. .... Maintenance Center II) 1ft ~ 1890 North 42nd Street CII)"" Springfield, Oregon 97477,5602'" l:l Telephone 503,744,6375 Fax 503,744,6374 \...". If..l 'oe8Z~~ n Date: -4 - I S -~ (., Job No: ~5t<<57 - z-'<' PO No: Attention: b\:>AlUF. I-I~Y Re: JJ6W E3/F.MGVr~ C"-) R~ 'O=2Mrr 1d/J2P 4.TTAD-{~J"')f')j2L"AJlJlJr'7S I ~jFtLA.TII:JjlJ<"', ..;TPII'"77J/)A(. (AU-51 a2a-lo_, IJ:"rTEJ? ltLVh ~U('7 FE2~ff AJ>pD/'-A.flt'l/J.L &1Z. Ju13/il 1"0/ ;:.ftIEJUr7'412l1 ~~L"!,_ jWn::;-YGeMff Af>PLJrA/7nA) is ~/V PElJIF.u.J [~E\ '- - if~ C/)/lJ']'f;!,d.C.niR=. WII-'--8a J...2E..ALL EJ;3J2Mrr-;, >4AJb PAL,' ~~ '77-It3!.4AM;=. .iJ.r4/} 1Ut:JrF; JEi?M/'r -Ai>PuCATIOJU Pii2 &'8 Ai?12- 97E- lIuu./JD;;:;,<; b&'L1cu77/o/V /-1::;;4l1/T ,)!,~c.-Af/oII.J. P/5 ~/r evE AcLD/..I.uT ME ..c.:PPi2t?'PB..AJl7 H::t:;."S ~ wE- w/LL AL-'D/, ~/T ALt'DUJ.Yr IV ./V5:\2- ;::::arv'l2-l5.. Item: o Attached 0 Under separate cover via If enclosures are not as noted kindly notify us al once n Copy to: '0, -rANIS - ~vJA >~ "OM ~~l ~, -5 " ~eeE7T 5",n7 _ d.-I (H) Ml-v ~7 1),D e0 , , .. ' \ ~ \. - , , .; . .-"" ~ '. City of Sp~ingfie1d 225 Fifth St~eet Sp~ingfie1d, OR 97477 (503) 721>-3753 -Building- , Job t: 91>0511 Descdption . ,Plan Check/Coll1l11 -Hisce11aneous- Desc~iption School Dist Deposit " Total: " Thank you, Lisa H. . ~t:'''' "'l" .> :,-." Pj. ,'I;:':','_'~"~F'i"', ...:'a.>'~.l' ,J:'~"" . ." .\ . i' T~ansaction nUll1be~ 021125 ~~E ~, 1991> 4:33 PH f\\)" \ 1\0 Received f~om: SPRINGFIELD SCHOOL DISTRI Cont~act/Own : FOR 935 FILBERT LANE iAdd~ess: 525 HILL STREET .;City: SPRINGFIELD St: OR Zip: 97477 , I ~ .. ~. .. ", . ~,\ I . .. '. .. '..... '. I- - Fee . 5,829.20 I I , . . , Fee -5,829.20 .. " .00 '. .. , . > , . . , ~ ~ \ . . , , \ .. .\ .... . J , , " . . .. . . III . DULL OLSON WEEKES ARCHITECTS ReCeiVeD APR 1 1 HEERy 1998 SPR INtER INGFIEL6 N"'tION", SCHoo L Ls April 8, 1996 ". Tim Woodley Heery International Inc. c/o SSD Maintenance Cenler 1890 NoctU2nd St. Springfield, OR 97477 RE: Springfield School District #19 Prototypic Building Mt. Vernon Replacement Elementary School New Elementary School Dear Tim: This letter is sent for the record of the Archilect and the School District and is recommended to accompany the Permit Sel Application to the City of Springfield. As indicated previously, we have recognized the Slale of Oregon 1996 Edition Structural Specialty Code in the design of the prototypical elementary school and sile packages. In regards to children accessibility, we have taken an additional step by incorporaling the United States Architectural Transportation Barriers Compliance Board recommended for Accessibility for Children's Envirorunents where we felt that the space is primarily utilized by children. Since this is not an adoption by the code, but reference standard, we felt it necessary 10 inform you and the City of Springfield of our intentions. Sincerely, Dull Olson Weekes Architects ~hAutw Deborah Tanis Project Manager f:\spmgfldldocllw040896 ARCHITECTURE I PLANNING I INTERIOR DESIGN . III . ACCI2 DULL OLSON WEEKES APR I'vCD ARC HIT E C T S HE", 1 1 1998 sPAt" livrE 319 SWWashington, Suite 200, Portland, Oregon 97204 Phone (503) 226-6950 / Fax (503r~~ To Tim Woodley Company Heerv International Inc. 1890 North 42nd St Springfield. OR 97477-5622 - -" From Project Title Project No. Date Deborah Tanis Mt. Vernon Replacement Elementarv School 950391Cf9J40 . , 4.\O.Q(/ " " D Fax D Mail !8-J:ourier D 1.etter/Memo D Subminals D Cbange Orders D Specifications 'D Drawings ;K1 Other - D Per your Request No. D For your Review/Comment D For your ApprovallSignature ~ For your use \ I} CODies 1 I I I I I I ")"""""""""""1' ?',Oilte .' I 4-lIi'1 fI ' I I I I I :-,'No: '1 .. ".,..;.......;;........'.....;:....--....,.-....,.,..-....... iii .'.'..,..' ?,'.?i.'\','.' ??",',',}'...','ii\,?'.., ..""\?????i"'.'",,,'" Description,?""" ".',:-', .,' ,', ' lili~tCh1tJ&1 rd. io~latJa.0 S I I I I I I ", "",.,"',.,".,.,..'i?i,."....i...,.....'."i j J I I Comments , Signature ~,'i Copy To file . '-., -.'\ ~.Q;'~~..:;-...ir..-~I=~.:":"&..,~.o:. :;;;.:.,~..7:0:h;:!..,,"Pr::~~~~;!:J..i"~..:~:; :t,;!;~,-:,,~:~,_,: ,fA -.. ...I.-~~-",'~.:.' '~/':t,.~:~,~~..:._~.~...t'~:"".'~~{:~~~;~~.______r~;__ . . <-..~ ~ SPRINGFIELD ELEMENTARY SCHOOL ~ ~ - .. '. - ,.." . ~ STRUCTURAL CALCULATIONS I- - KPFF Job No. 95607 - - ) ~ ~ - Submitted: April 10, 1996 Prevared for: I I ~ . ) c-... l - - ) ,-L:) CD ... Dull Olson Weekes Architects 315 SW Washington Street, Suite 200 Portland, OR 97204 Pre va red by: . - KPFF Consulting Engineers 707 SW Washington Street, Suite 600 Portland, Oregon 97205 - . . Consulting Engineers April 10, 1996 Mr. Deborah Tanis Dull Olson Weekes Architects 315 SW W.a~bington Streel, Suite 200 Portland, OR 97204 RE: Mt Vernon Replacement Elementary School Prolotypical Building at Callis and Bob Artz Sites Dear Deborah: Attached please find calculation sheels 1 through M4, dated April S, 1996, which verily the slruclural adequacy of the Mt. Vernon Replacemenl Elementary School Prototypical Building, as shown on drawings SO.l through S6:3, daled AprilS, 1996. Design was based on the requirements of the 1991 Uniform Building Code. If you have any questions or require further information, please call me. Sincerely, ~~ Bradford C. Blaise BCBlhlg Attachments _"'i 707S.W. Washing Ion 51.. Suit. 600 Ponland. OR 97205,3523 (503) 227,3251 Fax (503)227.7980 $..111. P0111ud S.n FrlD"'" LOI Ang./u Phoenix S,,, 01'110 C,I'D '. . - ~OB ARTZ MEMO_I. PARK Springfield School District No. 19 Demolition Permit Application March 22, 1996 . Submittal Page I WRITTEN EXPLANATION OF THE PROPOSAL Pronosal On September 20, 1994, Springlield voters passed a mail-in ballot measure authorizing the Springfield School Disuict No. 19 Board of Directors to issue $37.6 million in general obligation bonds. TIle bonds are to grant the resources to Iinance the construction of a New Elementary School as well as seveml other major capital improvement projects. '. In keeping with the intent of the Bond, Springfield Public Schools is scheduled to construct a New Elementary School in the central core of the City of Springfield, Oregon, at the existing Bob Artz Memorial Pa'rk on North 51st Street. To accommodate this goal, the School District, with approval and full coopemtion of Willamalane Park & Recreation District, herein seek approval of a Demolition Permit to remove all park features and prepare the site for construction of the New Elementary School. B..rk"..onnd Information At the time of the Bond offering, Splinglield School District received preliminary approval from the present owner of the Bob Artz Park site, Willamalane Park and Recreation District, to convert the 'site from its' present use as a two-plex softball complex to a neighborhood elementary school. 11lis application represents the tirst in a series of activities required to convert the existing park to a school. Concurrent with demolition, three temporary adult soflballlields will be constructed on School DistrictlWillamalane property to allow Summer 1996 softball league play. Ultimately, a new facility to replace Bob Artz Park will be constructed by Willamalane. At an appropriate time, title to both facilities (school and park) will transfer from the respective agencies. In the interim, Willamalane will cosponsor all demolition/construction permit applications. Demolition Annliration This proposal for demolition includes removal of all on-site features as noted on the drawings, A portion of the existing parking/driveway access area will be retained and incorpomted into design of the new school. All reusable Iixtures and equipment will be removed and delivered to the School District for salvage and/or reuse. Below grade installation will be terminated and abandoned in place, or removed completely as indicated on the drawings. In palticular, all existing underground installations within the footprint of the new building will be removed entirely. The site is currently served by City storm drainage, City sanitary sewer, SUB water and SUB electric, New, larger capacity utility infmstructure is required for the new school and therefore requires termination of existing lIlility connection. TIlese utilities will be terminated and capped as described on the drawings. Licensed and bonded contractors will be contracted for this procedure in full cooperation with City/SUB Utility authorities, -- (. Demolition will be publicly bid in keeping with Oregon Allomey General's Model Public Contmct Rules, Division 30 & 40, as an integral part of the geneml construction of the New Elementary School. ,- . BOB ARTZ MEM_AL PARK Springfield School District No. 19 Demolilion Permit Application March 22, 1996 . . .' Submittal Page 2 f'chedule The schedule for construction of this project recognizes the ultimate goal of constructing a new elementary school on this site for occupancy Fall 1997. To assure success, the schedule for activities at the Bob Artz Park site is as follows: " New Elementary-Bob Artz Demolition Permit Application to City Building Penn it Application to City Board approval to advertise for bids Advertise for Bids Pre-bid Conference Bid-Opening Bid Award Construction Substantial Completion Final Completion March 29, 1996 March 29, 1996 May 20, 1996 May 22, 1996 June 6, 1996 June 19, 1996 June 24, 1996 June 25, 1996 May 3D, 1997 :. June 30, 1997 11le School Disl1ict recognizes the importance and impact of this and other District projects to this City and herein olTer full cooperation and enthusiastic support; with a stated goal of success for all. Respectfully Submitted: SPRINGFIELD SCHOOL DISTRICT #19 (},.-_~ 'l.,~) -LL,...,..1. JerRIifer Heifs, Board Chair Date: ""'-~- 96 WILLAMALANE PARK AND RECREA nON DISTRICT . V.....~ /P. ./rhH Date: all/9(; ~Il, Board Chair .