HomeMy WebLinkAboutMiscellaneous Field Test & Inspection Report 2004-10-21 Oct-21-2004 12:29pm F,am-K , A e8erina. Inc. +541-684-9358 T-769 P.OOI/006 F-617 . a ."g Inuring K ,. A Engineering, Ine. P.O.IIaI23624, EuIJ8ll8. OR 97402 521 MarblSI.. SuiIB 8, Euglllll, OR 97402 (541) 684-UlI9 Voice (541) 684-93IlB FAX Fax SCANNED b: Greg Lar1Qn, River IJaJley BuBdlll8 Bob Barnhart, Clly or Sprfnglleld 541-726-0330; 726-3876 From: MIchael Rembold!. P.E. f8ll: P8g81: 6 DaI8: 10121104 SUbJect COM2D04~1100 13493 Falcon Dr. Gleg and Bob: Attached is the geotechnicalllSS8S8/ll8nt and I8COIl1mendaUons for the fOL.."'~... excavation al3493 Falcon Dr. I apologize for not gelling this to you sooner. I did not realize Ihat cons1n/Clion was pnx;eeding. HllWlMlI'. we did make our inspections and provide on-sIl8 recommendallons dur1ng excavation in Seplllmber. Thank you for the opportunity 10 be of service. Please call W you have any questions. Sincerely, ~ Michael RembaIdl. P.E. K & A EiJJinellring, Inc. Oct-2H004 lZ:31pm From-K , A leer in., Inc. Communily Services Div, Building SafelY CITY OF SPRINGFIELD, OREGON 225 51b Strccl, Springficlu, OR 97477 Ph,726-3759 +541-684-9358 lobAddre~' 34<13 Fjlic~!". City Job II C0M2004-011 00 T-769 P.006/006 F-617 Affidavit For Site Investigation Questionnaire Found~tion Sub-Grade At't'ou tal for Residential Building Site in Ambleside Meadows - let Addition Subdivision The undersigned hereby affirms that the excavation. structural fill and moisture stabilization methods for the building site at the address shown above was ObSClVed by me or an authorized employee of my firm and that the following is lIUe: I. The foundation sub-grade is capable of supporting a minimum of 1500 psf. and is adequate to support the building proposed for this site. 2. The moisture content of the excavation was adequately maintained during the site P"~r~'~on process and was adequately covemlto stabilized moisture content prior to any significant change in moisture content of the sub-grade. 3. The site is adequately graded and drained to prevent the collection of water in the excavated area during conslrUCtion. 4. The accompanying report titled "Site Investigation Questionnaire for Consulting Design Professionals" containing field observations and inslrUCtions made on C;"n+ 1 ~-16 _ 2004 (date) for the building site was completed either by myself or by an employee of my fum under my supervision. To the best of my knowledge, the information contained in that report is complete and accurate. Name of Licensed Professional (print) nfchae1 Rembo1 dt Signature~~ Date 10/21/2004 ~~~ '/gl ~ ,~....4'~ ~. ~*' "'"",-....:!:I;Ji/~~ Oct-Zl-Z004 IZ:30pm Frcm-K , A 4IIIleerin.. Inc. Community Scrvic~., Div, BuiJdins SOlely CITY OF SPRINGFIELD. OREGON 22~ ~'b Slrecl, Sl'ringliolll. OR 97477 Ph. 726-3759 +541-684-9358 . lob Addnosp 1~C11 ".,~~.. City Job # CQ!l?nnd_nll n T-T69 P.005/006 F-6IT Thtl undtnlgnttl dtlsign p7O/tlSslon4l (or authorit.ttI BmJ1loytltl) tlttnts thlll hBlshe obl""tIIl nt[UlI'ttI moistun dabilily proc"", on this ,It" and that .rlCh procllduns w,n accomplishttl befon any clumgtlS Occruud in thtl moIsturtl conl,nI 0/ thtl'ub. grruItI undtl, and around t1uJ building (whBn tlZpallSivtl soils Wtln 1I11C01lntued). T1u undersignlld jUrIher IIIttISb that t1uJ sub-grade, as p. . 'l' ". "..1, is adeqUIIIB to 'upport t1uJ bllilding p7Oposllll/o, this .iU. Additional....."'.. .,.",J (Note); A copy of this . .., ... shaD be kept on site with the a", .,r ... , .1 plamJ at IlIl times. This report shall be followed by an affidavit. signed and stamped by the design professional under whose auspices this report was completed, affirming the information herein. The signed/stamped affidavit together with a copy of this report shall be submitted to.this office prior to requesting framing inspection for the building. Slgnature","':"-c.. ~ . Name !'1i"chal!cl Rl!cm~oldt. P.L 11tIe Pres-tdant Compall'v K l!. A Ena tnurtRll. tnc. Phone !\Ad _ C1 10C1 Licensee t'l.fch~el Remboldt Ucense # 19474 expires 12131 12.0Q4 The geotechnical report for the Ambleside Meadows - I" Addition Subdivision recommends immediate moisture stabi1ization of exposed expansive sUb-grades, and that expansive soils be over-excavated and replaced with at least 12 inches of fill compacted to at least 95% of ASTM 0698 for foundation preplll'llt.ion. The report also recOlDI1lellds that measures be taken to prevent water from collecting in or around the foundation areas during and after the construction r"".....a. and that positive site drainage be provided to reduce the infiltration of surface water into the expansive soils. The geotechnical report further emphasizes that the fmish grade of landscape soil adjacenl to the foundation should be at least 24" above the expansive bearing soils, tim!!l: co~ted. to reduce the infiltration of water al the surface. The adequacy of fill soil material around the building must be verified to the satisfaction of the design professional. 4 Oct-21-2004 12:30.. Fro.-K , A ~eerinl' Inc. Community Servic~s Div. Building Safety CITY OF SPRINGFIELD, OREGON 22~ 5" StfCel, Srringlicld, OR 97477 Ph. 726.3759 +541-684-9358 Job Address :ml1 fi 1 c~r . City Job # CQM2QQ.4-Qlln T-T69 P.004/006 F-6IT Low-point trawl spate drains are required to p. " ,..~ the build-up of exteSS moisture inside the foundations during (and after) c:oJIStrudJon. This drain may be installed . foundation pJac:ement gnll' with the am- oel'llllllfl2D of the d~ . ....)~b1.1,k nat a. The design professional has determined the following: TM crawl space drain is required when thefoundorion is installed..... 0 The low-point drain can be installed after foll1ll1Mion plDce17lDlr wlrhour a significant moisture build-up problem within thefoundatlon............. 0 (The low-point drain may be installed al tM f~~"" stage of construction) """ 4 fWJIN't8. mrdUII,. nc. b. Has the design professional observed and approved the installation of th8 required low point drain?.................................. Yes, _No--1L if "yes", wMre is tM low point drain located under the building and wMre dtNS tuemUnare al this rime? (must be an approved /oCQtion, i.e. street gutter, storm sewer, sump pump and discharge line to tM street, etc.) The design professional must <.:........ine whether the "rr-,.!ed pennit drawings have adequate foundation steel. Is any addJtJonaJ foundation steel required Chat is not shown on the foundation drawings for the building? Yes ___ No..!!...- If "yes", describe additional steel required (or provide drawing). The following statement must be signed by tM Individual doing the observations and providing direction for the excavation and sire preporation work 011 the property. 3 Oct-ZI-Z004 IZ:Z9pm F,om-K , A En,inee,in" Inc. . Communily Se,v;"".< Div. Building Sulcly CITY OF SPRINGFIELD, OREGON 225 ~'b Su'c,", Sprinl1lieJd. OR ~7477 Ph. 726-l7S9 +541-684-9358 IobAddres.' 3493 F<4I.Dr. City Job # COM2004-011 00 T-T69 P.003/006 F-6IT A thin 11ft of dense-9raded crushed aggregate (3-inches) was placed on tne quarry stone ana compacteo. Is ehe site as prepared adeqUOle all inadequale 0 co mainl8in conslllnt moisture content in the sub grade? Note; Verification of moisture stabilization in the sUb grade is a requirefrWrIt uf the geotechnical report. aruI must be affirmed before construction can cOnlinue. If inadequate, what measures are needed to provide constant moisture content in the sub grade? Is the site as prepared adequate 12!1 inadeqUOle 0 to support the r"-r-~ structure? An affi/7lliJtive answer is requisite to proceeding with C01IStructiOll. U lD8dequate, what additional work Is ..,,:,] to provide adequate fouclatlon support? 4. Did the design prof ""J", ," aI wituess pia . ,...,. .t and ..,. ",:" coon of the mg!.., , ,. , ] tin, or Is there a special inspection report forthcomlDl from 8 quallfied agency? I wimessed Placerrwnt iiI SjncialInsp/compaction report 0 S. The design professional Intends to use the following metbocI tor Installation of perforated perimeter footing drains: The design on the attached drawing provided by the design professional...... D. The method shoWD on the original consrroction drawings.... ....,................ 0 The typical 'Foundation Drain' drawing attached to permit ..,... ......... ...... Ii] Pe.rfotBled perimecerdrains are nOl required ....................... .... ..... ....... 0 Comments: Note: City inspectors will inspect installed drains prior to cOlier upon request... CaU; 726-3769 to schedule inspecrion. 2 Oct-ll-1004 11:19pm From-K' A Ena;n"rina, Inc. +541-684-9359 T-T69 P.OOI/006 F-61T , " CommunilY Sorvic~~ Div, BIg Surely Job Addres. 34g3 fi; l'C.!'. CITY OF SPRINGFIELD, OREGON CilyJobil (:01120Q4-01100 225 S" Slreol, Sprinslicld, OR 97477 Ph, 726.J759 . AMBLESIDE MEADOWS SUBDIVISION-1ST ADDITION I Site Investigation Questionnaire for Consulting Design Professionals foundation requIrements - new structures on residential lots This form may be used 88 a temporary verification toaiJow construet.lon to continue ',Il" ' on the job site until the consultant's ~tR~ aft'idavitpn the site IlOlJ .,."., I"~ ". .lion and stabUi..,..i.,. is submitted to the City. This form IllU8t be completed by a ll(e1lsed design professional (engineer or architect) or blsIher 8L..L.,',...l employee, and submitted to the buDclIDg Inspector prior to requestIna City In.... _.K.".., or pladng foundadon concrete. It Is Important that aU questions be answered completely tor the foundation site to be approved tor CODStnldlon. Owner and/or ContradDr RivA" V.llpv BLIil~I~...~ 1. Date of the desip professional's site evaluation? Septemlier 15~ 16. 2004 2. Has the deslgn professional reviewed a copy of the leoteclmlcallntormat1on tor the subdlvlslon that W88 provided with the buDdJng permit? Yes4 No_ lf not. please contact this olfu:e for a copy of the report. The design professional must be familiar with the geotechnical information before completing this form. 3. What W88 the size and depth of the ........ ....tion and lor fill? The ~i~te sJze 9f the excav~t1on 1s 55' x 55', T~~ excavation consisted of cutting lnto the nortll-facrng slope ana cl'eatlng two llencnes. "fne oencnes were approx1mauLY 1,:1 l'0 '-re.eL. Tn f1elgflL. Was existing non-structural fill or expansive soil ellCOUlltered on the lot? Yes.xll No_ If ''yes'', whallypeS, depths and locations? Thprp wpro jc~l.tpn p~trhp. ~" lp~ip~ ~f n~~v ~j~rlv-plastfc sflt in the excavation. not exceediDC1 12-inches In thickness. Tnese. soils; were removed, What measures were taken'lo remedy the soil condition (include type of engineered fill used to stabilize the soil)? The too 1. 5 - 2. O-feet of dark b!'own silts and patches of qrat plastic silt were removed from tne excavat,on. Ine tounaatlon area was excava.ea .0 aenSe, unal~"'turDea yellow-t.a.n WeQl.ner~U tour;-, a.,j~ ...vyt:(e~ ft't~;f "1\41011J ~....", e- to footing grade. I