HomeMy WebLinkAboutMiscellaneous Field Test & Inspection Report 2002-2-15 Feb 15 02 11:33a 02/15/2002 12:21 RVB,Inc. 54:.&.a 541-367-1638 K&7.~ Job Ada,... '!-4S '? ~L..c." A.I Ci'ylob# 02-- ~I /1.01 p.2 PAGE 02 Con'''\lunily Scrvi~c,li Di\l. Buildinc Saf':-lY CITY OF SPRINGFIELD, OREGON 22:\ 5\11 Strc~l, SpringlioJld, OR 97477 Ph. 726.3759 S~~~g~ ..::-- AMBLESIDE MEADOWS SUBDIVISION-1ST ADDITION I Site Investigation Questionnaire for Consulting Design Professionals tounc:laUon requlremems - new SlruClures on resldentlallolS This lorm may be used as a temporary ..erilleatlon 10 allow construction to conUnue on the job site until the consultant's 51amped affidavit on the sill: soil CODlpll<:t.ion and stllbilization is submltted to the City, This form IIUIst be <:ompleled by II licensed design professional (englntlC!r or lIrebitect) or hislher authorized employee, and submitted to Ihe building inspector prior 10 requesting Cily inspections or pllldng foundation concrele. It is important that all questions be answered completely for the foundation site to be approved for construction. Owner and/or Contractor ~'v,;:ow I/~L. """ ~... f f.n ~IZ~ Ewe.. dO I f 1. Dale of the design professionol's site evaluation? '2:/ /"'t /o~ 2. Has Ihe design professional re..lewed 0 copy of tbe geoleehnical information for the subdi..ision that was p~o..ided with the building permlt? Yes~ No_ If nOl, please contlUt this office for a copy af the report. The design proJeS>'ionoI must be familiar with the geotechnical informa.tion before completing this form. 3. What was the size and depth of the excavation and lor fill? rtt;.'~1: If/!.A,~". -.. 4d' ..., G-"" ' /?f; fll'TU ~'l. -rd ~#.. Was existing nOQ-slructuraJ fill or expansive soil encountered on rhe lot? Yes " No_ If "yes', what types, depths and lcx:a\ions? 4$--- JJ.,l",. ,.,/EM.. r_ ~""~(o.. ~77Q,.'^,1=l:1 ___h~ Je..," (.'1!..-~"-"1 <'",1=r/ T1tJ/J. #1t;...'"-'1- 'r.A-rne '-.J~~c, rf'f?! ".e"M~",;"n,""d.- ~-r>J-J&" ~<.,~" ~-L..$.J:r~ 1.2'::-Iw 1</ -- P~#t!J:. II>~AJ. N'lLL> p~nc.". ;'1'1"'. ,,,r ""4""1'" "f:'~~ ~ ~~QA.u _/. _J Wt::"r~,,"l:::" '-'Ft!~...c. ":' What measures were taken to remedy the soil condilion (include rype of engineered flll used 10 stabilize the soi!)? 1It..._ov__ av;. u "'1" <A , 7'!iP;.tJ.~ Sc'.' c....~ A.N.i:1 tz.Fp\"'A.e",.....tt=""".. .~,~~O lIlS ~.lL.L.1 r-;' ~ ~,..._: ~~ 1t...g..A... _1"'/_ 01.- Ht....~.., 17~I'VII'''r'''Q rl./"~ WfrJt "pC-l......r,.^"F q,.. 1~-.JIIf'"...""'" $ ee>h~"'l"'"6. Feb 15 02 11:34a 02/15/2002 12:21 RVB,Inc. 541e..a 541-367-1638 K & ~ ENGINEER~ p.3 PAGE ~3 Community Sc'\'icl:~ Oiv, B\,IildinC stJrcty CITY OF SPRINGFIELD, OREGON 2n ~. SlIce,. Sl'rin~liclu. OR 97477 Pi>. n6-37~9 lob A.ddtes$ 34 C;-C; PAL ~D oJ Ciry Job 11_ ,..rz. -.10 I 11 - n I ~ r~~ "DDA...k... ~# c:;;,.~ ""~~ ~~dtA!C~ Aa~I::"~ ~ ,IA"t../rl ~.(" 6dtA"'LAID'1 e:."J,,4' r"N,C"~ ~ 11;' 'h-?F....J. fO',-"!. I!?~~.,.. AN.." .""-:-4'" o~ ago at'".&.ot~~ ~ '"7'J:1::!"'"". ~'r 0"'(':7\1 he ~. A- 1'7 "4- 7-~" --"",,",eft' _IN <-ITU 4"0;. I'FfLP. ;,pr::--r 'Nr~t<o0~""'1i1 S'o~ QP(..~qtt.~I/. Is the site as prepared adequQje J8... inadequale 0 to maintain COnSHlJlt moisture COnlen! in the sub grade? Note: V"'ijicQrion of moiSlure slabilQ.Qllon in the sub grade is a 't:quiremen' of the gt:orechnical 'eporl. and must be affirmed before co"slrU€rion Can continue. If inadequate. what measures ate needed to provide constant moisture contem in the sub grade? Is the site as prepared adequate S inrulequo.u 0 to suppon the proposed slrueture? An affirmative answer is requisile /0 proct:eding 'Wirh construcrion. I( inadequate, what additional ....ork Is needed to p.ro"lde adequate roundallon support? 4. Did the design professional witness placement and compaction or the cngince....d flll, or i~ the..., a speeJaJ Inspectlnn report forthcoming from a qualified agency? / wimessed Pla~ement JZl Spt:ciallnsplcompacrion 't:port 0 S, The design proresslonallntends to U54i! the following melhod Cor loslllllalion of perforated perimeter footing drains: The design on the attached drawing provided by the design professiol1;aJ ...... g] The method shown on the original eOl1s!n>ction drawings.. ................. ...... 0 The typical 'Foundation Drain' drawing attached to permit.. ............. ...... 0 Perforated perimeterdrail15 QfC nQtn:quin:d ................._..................._. 0 Comments: l/Vsf"A..u...tr" ~t2.nvcJ,J. rJrz.n. au e. ('"'>.c.~-=-- ,o1S"1? '",-^,"i.-. "--,c........ Note: City inspectors 'Will irupecl i",'allt:d drains priQr 10 cov", upon req"est... Call: 726.3769 to schedule inspecrion. 2 Feb 15 02 11:34a 02/15/2aa2 12:21 RVB,Inc. 541&aeB 541-367-1638 K & ~ ENGINEERI~ p.4 PAGE 04 COnll\Umaly ~rykc... Diy, BUildIng 5L1(ety CITY OF SPRINGFIELD. OREGON n~ 5" S'n:OI, S~ringl1ol~, OR 97477 Ph. 726.3759 lob Addre.s.s ~5'C; ~ "" Cil;)' lob" "." """"1 I -.0 J Low-point crawl space drains lire .....quired Eo prennlthe build-up of elltCSS moisblre inside the foundations during (and after) COBSlnrctioJl. This drain may be installed Rfter foundation plllcement on I.. with the eXDress Dermission of Ihe de<i..n Drofesslonal, \ a. The design professional has delermined lhe following: The crawl space drl2in is required when the lounda'ion is instl2l1ed,. ." I:l1( The low-point drain Can be insralted I2fter foundation placeme"t withal" a si8"1ica"' maisture buil4.wp probl"", within the foundation............. 0 (The low-pai"t drain may be i>lStalled ot the 'tage of construction) pur' &; beam. /1'Ottti"(l, fl"/firtH. f!tc. b. Has the desiRn professional observed and approved 1M installation of Ihe requir.d law painldrain?.............."'.................. Yes, _ No-.2S... if ''yes'', where is the 10.,., poinl drain /ocated under tile building and where dQes if'lermlnate at Ihis lime? (must be an approved Location, i.e. Streel gUller. storm sewer; sump pu.mp and discharge line to the street, etc.! The design professionaJ mus[ detennine whether the approved pcmU[ drawings. have adequllle foundation steel. Is any addilional foundation steel requind Ihat Is nOI shown on the flMlndlltion drawings for the building? Yes _ No~. If "yes". describe additional Slul required (or provide drawinll). The/aI/owing statemenl must be .'igned by the individual doing the obserYations and prr;>vidi"g directio" lor the ucavatia" aruJ sile preparatio" work On the property. 3 Feb 15 02 11:34a 02/15/2002 12:21 RVB,Inc. 541&a. 541-367-1638 K I/. '" ENGINEER1. p.5 P",GE 05 COn\nl11nhy ~crvh:c~ DIV, Bulldin~ SUft:lY CITY OF SPRINGfiELD. OREGON 22.~ ~" Sl'c,(, Spl'in~r,"I~. OR 97477 Ph,726.3759 lob IIdd'es$ 3</$'9 /Z~,J Cilylobl/ "'2..&n/II'''1 Th, undersigned d'sign professional (or authorized ''''ploy",,) Illtestslhat hvsh" ob,,,,,,ed relj"ired moislll1'e 'flIbiJity procedures Oll this site, 'md thlll such procethtres Mlere: accompJuhed before any changes OCCUlTed in the moisture cont"nl of the $uh- grade ""d"r alld aroulld the building (IIIhe", expallsivt! soils "',,'" t!ncou"t"",d). The undersig1ledjurth"r Illksts that (ht! sub-gr'll4e, fU prepared, is ade'lWJJe to sU'pport tlu building proposed for this site. Additional E:onunenls: (Note): A copy of this report sh....l be kept 011 site with the approved plans at all times. This repon shall be followecl by an affidavil, signed and stamped by the design professional under whose all:lpiccs this repon was completed, aCfinning the infonnation herein. The signedlstampeo1 affidavitlogethcr with a copy of this repon shall be submitted to this offiCE: prior to requesting framing inspe<:tion for thc building. Signat....e.J:;._. . ::.~~ . <<L- Name n'/~7 rz".....AIJ..P~ Tille ~p.1lJo> :. ,~ Company & ~&,AJ.;:>tn ,oJ/!!- ~ Phone ~ s:o -, 'So ~., Licensee License #. ~,,- ~AI,rL-. ,4 4-"7 ~ ~~'Dr . expires r......'''S' /."L-- J / The geotechnicalreport for the Ambleside Meadows - I" Addition Subdi..ision recommends immE:diate moisture stabilization of e..posed cl\pansive ,ub-grades, and that ellpansive soils be over-excavated and replaced with at leaSt 12 inches of fill cornpaeled lO at least 95% of ASTM D698 for foundation prcplll8.uon. The repan also recommends that measures be talccn to preVent "'a~r from eolleeling in Or around lhe foundation areas during- and lIfler the conSWCliOI1 process, and thai positive site drainage be provided to reduce the infiltration of surface water inlo the expansive soils. The geotechniCal report further emphasizes that the tlrtish grade of landscape soil adjacent 10 the foundation should be at least 24" abo.." Lhe expansive bearing soils, finnlv comoacted to reduce the infiltration of watcr at the surface. The adequacy of fiU soil mate,ial around the building mUSL be verified to the satisfaction of the design professional. 4 Feb 15 02 11:34a ~2/1512002 12:21 RVB,Inc. 541&.8 541-367-1638 K ~ l> ENGH.EER1e p.6 PAGE 0& C:omnnmily .scrvk~,~ Diy, lh.ildin&:. Safely CITY OF SPRINGFIELD, OREGON 225 s'" S.."",. S~,ingli"ld, OR 97477 Ph. i26.~7$9 lobAddre.< ~'M:"9 FA".. ~ Cil~ Job # _~ '2-""" '~J ~L~_ Affidavit For Sile Investigation Questionnaire Foundation Sub-Grade Approval for Residential Building Site in Ambleside Meadows _ 1St Addition Subdivision The u ndcrsigned hereby affirms that the elCea..ation, structural fill and molSlurc stabilizlllion methOds for the building site at the address shown above was observed by me Of an aUthorized employee oC my finn and that the following is tNe: I. The foundalion sub-grade is capable of supponing a minimum of 1500 psf. lIIId is adequate to support the building proposed for Ibis site. 7.. The moi5lure coment of the excavation was adequately maintained during the sire preparatjon process and was adequately c:'Qvcred to stabilized moisture content prior 10 any significant cbange in moisture content of the 5ub-grade. 3. The site is adequately graded and drained to prevent the collection of water in rhe excavared atea du,ing construction. 4. The accompanying report tilled "Sile Investigation Questionnaire for Consulting Design Professionals" containJng field obse....ations and insllUetions made on -i) z.r:J,,"'-- (date) for the building site was completed either by mysdt or tfy an employee of my firm IInder my supervision. To the best of my knowledge, the information contained iothal rE:pon is eomple[e and accurate. Name oCLiceosed ProCessional (print) I4rc~PI.- Rv,""..,,,... Dr Sjgnature~ ~~-- Date "Z-'/t +r ~ , EXPIRES: 1'17, /. "L/- . Feb 15 02 11:34a 02/15/2e02 12:21 RVB, Inc. 5d1&aeB 541-367-1638 K & 1\ ENGINEERI. p.7 P4GE 07 k-a f:'nqinprr'inq Mieha,,1 Rt'mboldt PE CIl!.~""at.1 & C...I &a.QiftNt'.... ~21 M..... S. S.. 8 . Euq"". OIl ~7'02 ~1 M4 9'" . f.. ~I 'SA 9!~ '" ,..--.................. .........~.................. ~~........,.. ..-...-.."'.......,.-.........-...-..-,--..,- , . ..---_.._~-"".....- ---~~--.--,---_..... . ' , I ' , I 1 I ':. I ' i I i I ~ 1 1 . , , I' l,,' l' I I I : I :! 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II. .:. ....0... ,.--;..- ; ..., '-... .L__I._....I-._,,,.4'~4t--P~.~r..!2S.c.f?II-p.e.-~ EXPIRES: '::J l f~ I I Ii' : I ~ ~,...:.' ~ ..t"..'. ..~ -'T""'~ 'g... : .--. -. ..,. ,. - i.-: .!. -~'-+--r-.' --;-.--[-"'j-" r-r"r-.::bp'fQ:1-<t-..-l--.-t---~.--~, .. . ..--- -.!. ..i---,-...'.....~--...L-_;--.I---. ---+-+-.t..~.--(...f-..i...-.-+_._-~..:--."j-_... . : _.. .~_. __.:_.__~_..:... J. . ...:.....L.....L?~,lJ.,~,~-L..B-~---'--_ J.n .J.___ ....... ~_...'"~.._.L J......!.. ..J... -' II,..",.. 1'-':' 'I Job N~ lb. Q "'1.- 003tr;:"l~JI~~c:7"&-- eli.." P." "'~ II ~'., 'h\A'~ Sh.l't~of....L.... Deiocnptlon ~c; I3lY ~ \"\ll~l^- \ t-...P~ . 02/15/02 FRI 12:33 FAX 5417263689 . RECEPTION OK TX/RX NO CONNECTION TEL CONNECTION ID ST, TIME USAGE T PGS, RESULT CITY OF SPRINGFIELD ~001 ********************* *** RX REPORT *** ********************* . 6089 541 367 1638 02/15 12:30 02'23 7 OK