HomeMy WebLinkAboutBuilding Correspondence 2000-6-7 . 14 :.06 FAX 5417467. PSI SPRINGFIELD .. 1/11001 " 06/12100 / l"'~;lInformation ",.... .To Build On &""'neerlng . Consulting. 7ltstlng June 7, 2000 IfJ-dO.?S'II-O! ? L/Ol F~ Mr. Greg Larkin River Valley Builders, Inc. P.O. Box 2041 Corvallis, Oregon 97339 Sllbject' Pad Completion Letter Amblealde Meadows SllbdivlBlon, Lot #I '9 Springfield, OrcgOD PSI File No. 72:1..00154 Dear Mr. LaIkin: Professional Service Industries, Inc. (PSI) has completed a hOllse pad subgmda evaluation at the abovo refuenced lot. .11u: foundation 8ubgrada soils within tha house pad area ....re visually olassified as dark brown. .ilty clay. 11u: house pad area was probod with a ~ inch diameter .oil probe and appeared fino at the time of our site visit. Moisture content t=rts wero taken at ",ariollS locations throughout the housa pad. The moisture content tests ranged from 29 to 32 pen:ent. Based on previous testing l"'.....i-.-..ed an this soil type, the moisture content tests taken are acceptable for this type of potentia.lly expansive soil, Tha contractor has gnuled the house pad subgmde such thllt it slopes downward from south to north at approximately 2 porcem. The contrnctor then placed up to 12 inches of 3-inch miDu. aggregate fill within the north side of Ibe Jot and 4 inches of crushed aggregate. granuJar fiU over the house pad area to achieve fioal grade and camp acted the material. A proofroU of the compacted granuJar fill WBS pedDrmed using a loaded dump truck. No deflection WIlS observed within the bouse pad area at the time of our Bite visit. The crushed aggregate, granular fill viaually appeared to be woU compacted at the time of our site visit. We recmnmcod that finished grade adjacomto the exterior portion of the footinS" and slabs be at least 2 feet higher Iban tlte expansive bearing soils. This is to provide a buffor from environmental cbanges that conld caUBe the expansive soils to dry and hydrate. It will be impe",tive that the 2-foot buffer of land.~r- soil be compacted to a firm condition to reduce the infiltration of water at the surface. During fowulation construction, water should not be IIll0wed to collect in foundation e",,"vations, on floor .Iab areas, or on prepared. sub grades of the cons1IUction m:a either during or after construction. Undercut Or excavated areas should be .Ioped toward one corruor to facilitate removal of my collected rainwater. grOUDdwater, OJ" surface JUl\off. . Positive site drainage ac4Ior foundation draina should be provided to reduce infiltration of surface wale< aroWld the perimeter of !he house BOd beneath the floor Blabs. The permanent grad.s sbould be Biguificantly sloped away from the honse building are.. BOd surf""" drainage should be collected and discharged such tbat water is not permitted to infiltrate the bacldIll and floor slab areas of the residence. ProfCllSsional Ser\lice Industries, Inc.. 1040,A Shelley St. . Springlield, OR 97~77. phDnB 54'1{746.9649 . Fax 541n46-7163 2'd BE9! L9E !VS ~uI s~apl~n8 ~al1e~ ~a^~~ dLE:vo 00 E1 un, 1 06/12/00 14: 06. FAX 54174671. PSI SPR}~f!.lELD ... 1/11002 .~ AmbIeside Meadows Lot #99 June 7, 2000 Pago 2 on All <rawl spaces should be provided with a low-point crawl space drain connected to the storm sewer or ......_...J disposal system (outlet). All areas of Ibe CI1lwl "P""e should be graded to drain to the low-point drain. AU crawl space aro.. should be covered with a v1squeeo moisture barrier. The low-point drain should be lower than the elevation of the visqucco moisture barrier. Based upon our observations. the house pad subgrade has been constructed in general accardancc with industry standards for lightly loaded (1,500 pounds per square foot or less) foundation loads typical for this type of caDSlNction.. If you have any questions regarding this report, please feel free to contact us at 746-9649. RespectfuJIy Submitted, PROFESSIONAL SERVICE INDUSTRIES, INC. ~~ Brian Cunier. E.I.T. Staff Engineer I EXPIfIES: 8J3O <21. J Troy Hull, P.E. Project Engineer E'd BES1 loSE ll>S ~UI s~aPl.JnH ~al1e^ ~a^J~ . dloE:l>D DO E1 unr