HomeMy WebLinkAboutBuilding Field Test & Inspection Report 2005-4-21 Apr 21 05 07:55a RV.C. 541-_-1638 p.1 '. ' 3~ \ :s k:l\ LOVl FAX COVER SHEET River Valley Builders, Inc. P. 0. Box 832 Sweel Home, OR 97386 (541) 726-0330. Fax (541) 367-1638 GGB 134566 WWW.HOMESBYRVB.GOM homosbyrvb@comcasl.nol SCANNED SEND TO. Companynsma Ce- ~ 0 ~t?ph) AttBnOOn. f!>D & ~ VVL N-4 Fsxnumoe;f)1f / ~ 7 ;z G - :,(, 1(,;, ~,..- From W..R.-t'1 LM/I~''-\ / 4- ,) f - 0 I} 1'2&-i) '3-~D Date Phone number o RopIy ASAP o PIosse .. D __1eW D Fcrycur "'. ,..1., TOIslpsges.lncludng cover. IE? Co.MMENTS ............."........ .,............,......,....... .............,... ..,",.::.,~+!i"...:.ti;iI~?E'~i;;............~f::~Lf:. Ap~ 21 05 07:55a RV~O. Ap,-20-200S D8:31pm F'Ol"K , A En.'n..rin., Inc. 541-.-1638 p.2 +SI1-88.-93S1 T-111 P.OOI/DOS F-m' . , '~l1I1ii1iIY Sotviceo Div, Buildill8 5.,...' Job iIddJao 3313 Fa lrpn Or" ciTY OF SPRINGFIELD. OREGON CityJob/# COM2Q05-00378 21:;' slit Su<d. SllI'lngfield. OR ~7477 Ph. ;26-3759 . AMBLEslDE MEADows SUBDIVIsIQN-in Ai>Dmo~ ..'.SlteJnvfsddon 0Ue9tI. 'OaJreforCollSUlti ~'~Io.w.s J . .18 . . ... . ~.. .. ... ng ~_. .. . . .' ..' louru;ta!J()J1 tcqin~DH;IIts - new .8~ctun:'on ~cIeDtiallOtB . . .. ".' :. '. .... .". :' . n.i.iotm~be.~".~~~~~;",",,!~to.~ue .iliD.~.g~'aDdl~~~'t;,;,t'liibo.~'.~~:ihe~'IioiI~ ....litiIbIt':. ::,: ",,:,.~,1Cdtotbe.c~lty. 'T.bkrcrit~bec'''''\4~bY a . ..,::S+i~~~~~:~~f~1~i~!:-,~~.r::Tt1ee, .""".,:".JY"C!rtJ!er~~.~.to~'~iII:': ,,~f.or~ . .. . .. ". .~. . . OwDer.andlW'pm. "'.,:, D;UAP 'iIolJ'..,,~).qA~p, 1.Da.ecit ~CleIIP pro \.",,(, "JI'IIIRe ~7 41141.2005 ,,'. . ','. .. .;-, ,,':". ',,-', .,...., ,', . ""'. ,'. ','. -' '.1'~ tbe~ ": :.~:::-.orw.r ~~~:~~..:~1.~~,:., :.~., ,,1# bji::., ".., :,. : 'fOrthetialidhiliwW.,... o;~WIth:.tbie""N'ii'; ,.::.::.7:Y",jCx No. . ~~;,,~:~i~oit~~i~~;':fj~~:~r~gr)p;fi,';I~I' iIll.in bd~rwi#! ~gI!Q~cfm.it.,!1 inft?'!!f4~l?lrfo,.,.. t:Dmp~fhU ~ . 1~~tbli~~~~~.al~~lortin7. ... ........, Th;.. px~~~l1on:tf...,;on"n)lfin"t~.'y,,!.n.1 .x: ~.5.~'jn p.Lin.... n'ot-:.'n'cludinif thA dioivelilay; . 'fhe'mlix.lminit.deDth';'Ol'.cut'was 'aPDrOXlmlttelY 3". along the' east .,nre::... ". .' ..... . .' ., "",.. . '. . ",. . " .... . was exisliiig'itOncSlru~iil1iJi at .. .' ~iVc:~i1 CDc.Wiiiiml ~iktot? .' f.:~ . Noi:ii'til:8"whllrl :::~ftnciIOCBUOii~?An old drainage. iti:t~11as',:apparentl.y.10c~\a'lOn9tl'l~. w~st .,sf ae. Dr:t!1e..'JOI ,:-....'htl ~-I ~!t ....,a.~ l,'} I;~U_ ....i.~~.. ~nu.l;Juu~!l~H":~~; 1O~1! ':~If"':' -~Jr G~. .,..,' "'.. . '. . . .<;11 tr. ~tl\~..'t~r.~~l';,:, rr~~~;'; :~ji~~: t';.~ili:tar..,"~if ~f '"..:.; "6YRd~t'tl>~ . a'e~ .and' tnc'llded".~1IlP "nn~1:I>u"tlnn'A.l\ri'~ .Th"iti>pfR tif n..... 'f;'Us: ~. . I'" to"". S'; .. .'. . ..:.. ..". . .' . ..' .. ... . ": ~ "I', ':" ;,-- ....." -." ": ' ~ .... ", .:" " .,' ~~~~~~t~~~i!,~y~~~~~cif .'. .', .eoBiDcci'cd fill ti8ed ro'StibiIUei~ 8Oill? Theil1tv. fi'l1;n' the.'trenc/\ area . WItS' excavated 'aod femove:d.froni:the' s;te,... Select'graOUlar material conslstf"? . . of '3~j'nCl1. opeil. grade~ qu~rry ..none .WIIS' P lacea. 1 n tne. e.cava.~elt n"il.ch . '. . : .~811, .In~ "'~' ,n I If" 'ne.ea$~ nalr or~ne 'rounaa'~lOh arell wa5.'removed entl'rel.y. . . '. ... '1 . , I Apr 21 05 07:55a RV~nO. ~.,-ZO-ZOOS Oi:3i.. fro.-K , ~ E."..."... Ine. 541-jil-1638 p.3 +S.I-614-83S8 ~ r-Ilr P.OOZ/OOS F-836 , ' eo"."...ily Se7vio.. Diy, Buildillll SafOlY CITY OF SPRINGFIELD. OREGON 22~ ,.. SWot, SpriDSfield. OR 'T/417 Pll.726-:;759 lobAddro... 3313 Falcon Or. Cit~ Jobf r:~nr\~_nn~7R Unsuitable brown top-soil was rem~ved f~om the rest of.the foundation pad area. a thtn nr.t of crushed 8~qregate was pI aeeO oyer. tDe entlre Tounoatl0n paa aTter graalng. Is the siic as .'. ..",,-Jadlquak D iMdiq~ D IV maintaiDcOIlStal\t JDO!slllrC ...,....iD theBUb8f8de? NOk: v., 'i.~..I.3f1 ofmolnuruttlbUUllrfqn JJltlluub g~ /sa ~q,.,.,,,..,,JOldte g4oieclrtllC41 report. and nuutbe aJPirrled btfo~ CtHlS,,,.CIiQn can COIUim/.e. . If~. .\..,.... What nic85Iin:s Blll.ncc:cIcd 10 provide c..",,,,,': moistuJeconlaltin the sub arBde7 .. Is the site as prep8itd adeqlli:#ee!} ~ui1tc 0 to support the ....;. ~.,:d , ;ti:iii:fure?. An4/lir:rMtlVt ~rJJ "qUiiuc to p~udutgWith ~ion. lfi.,i:'I..~wh8t~cUtiOM,I'Woit(I5.~tq~Yi...~ . ,4,.', .;,.I~J'.~\Pl!:"."jl" . . ", .'., ',' ", ." "'-';...:" ",'. . . ," ... '," '. . . ... P1du.edeslpp~on"''''tDtllip~t~ ......',,,;:,. OItht "ilil~redftD;OI''' tber8.......:~~,,~~... ..:. :..",rrwa. Q1l8IIIIed I,... ~.17 tWjIllUmlPltlumDtr,@ SpeciDll11ip1ctJ1ftpad1oii'lYPOftO . ;'. . . . 5. The dai&n ...,4....:j)Oi... intmds IOWJe l1li: i'oDowlilaJidhod foa.lDshori';Uo';' lJfL';':;:".:.;'.,.::.:..~r~~'~l' ..'.... . .....: .' Tbc:dc$isn ()i'j tli!i a~ drawillS P19~ by.the ~ profc56iooa1 ;~.... D The~ ~ on 1he000iillilJ~~ dr8Winp:..........~....~....::.. CJ The lypical..~~Btion Drain' dia;i(mg.:......'.1O pei1nil..................... ~ Pez:mr~tc4 ~tei: drBins are ,upt n;qWtc;d .~.. ...:...:u.~........_..~.............. [] COlllllicDls:' . . l!oie: city ~lISpecto;'S ivJU i"ipecr/n,wledr/nliiti priorro COver U{1QII rrquen:.. Call; 726-3769 to lI:lIedule in6p<<tiDn. 2 Ap~ 21 05 07:56a RV~nO. Apt-Ia-IDDS D8:37P1 F,ao-K & A En..n..rin., In' 541-6"-1638 tS41-6u-sm. 7-117 P.DWD05 JobAddro.. 3313 Falcon Dr. Ci!ylob' COM200S-00378 CormNlIIiry.Set\oico5 DiY, Building Safely CITY OF SPRINGFIELD. OaBGQN . 225 5. S""",. SprJnsfiold, OR V7~.TT Ph. 726-3759 L.." ,I ,i' nt m1wl.1IIN'al dr.das an illq~.to preV8ll~ lbe 1IuIld-ap "'.- ',' i,,:,,: . ~ dill rw~.~daIiq,(1IIid lifter) COIIItnldIoIi.11dI diBin maybel~_~ pJMem.entonl. With tile ,.."..........: ''"- !Idle ~~ D~""'~.. .. a. The dc5lgo ... .;......Jolllllluui dClclDliaCcllhe followiDg: 7hiI t:MWlIpfJU drai1I i.r rtlJl#nd .when rM fr>un44riOll "itUtrIIled..... 0 ~ low-poW. drain ctUl he itl$taUed aft~rfrnwJat/rpl ~ witMur (J slpl,fiaWriID~ buJld-up problinn withJn thefD~.............. 'eI (7hiI I8wjIDintdrain mtl)lhe illlftJllM Ilr rM f~minq ~ ,~ .,....;....:...-). . . ." ,..,'II....._,~...., DJ~"'-'~... ..' '. . b.NtIS d..! .!ip pIYfasil1r!d obsBwd DNl tI{JlH"t1WII rMbtstlZl!JIt/(NJ of tM required'lOW pOini.'dlYiill?~..............~.......~.~.,.m~~.. 'Ye,(ll...:....-;.. No ~ if ~".. .;j,hC~ i.r 1hf:..WW 1Xl.it.Jidri;b, ~ed IIIId>ertJie~i!4m81111d . when ~s irtr!rmin4(e at th4 dint? ("""" be an llpJiiuml /OqJpiJrr. i,~. ~t ,..;uf. sr.;rm sewer. iUmj,pUinp and dUduirge UntrO die ~i!t. ~~;) . . ',' . ;,. .' . ,,-, , ~_PrO~ ll\~~~.;",...,,iae.~hell!ciitbe'PProv!'d~t ~wioPbavc . ~~~~~:'l\T~:.~~#~~;:,,~,:,;,~:lthilt...DDI . r.., .;;.....;.No .xx . If":y4....~s~ild4i1iOMlnul ntfuiml(orpiatNlebawlngJ. . '. ~ . , '. '. . . ". '" ......;. T1It frJUowing SIt1t","m' mu3! ~ s;gMd by d,t lndM4l1111 doI//f ~ 1!1)'et'i!tl~ I1IId prDlliditigdwclkHJfo"'~~nairdslt..p: '"~,. ,lionworlcon.the.."r.. "i" :4 p.4 F-136 Ap~ 21 05 07:56a RV~nO. ~pr-ZO-Z005 06:3Tp. Fr...K , ~ Enll...r;n,. I., 541-.-1638 p.5 +541-684-9358 T-11T P 004/005 F-936 COMmU"iry ServiE:e!i Qi\', BuildidgSafcty Job~. ';1';111 J:':11rnn nY'. CITY OF SPR1'NGFmLO, OREOON City lobi C0M200S-00378 22:1 S" su..,~ SprinSfiold, OR g7477 'Ph. 716-37S9 n.. 8/1 ; ..iu," r4 4Mp ,roJ-is""i (or illlil"Ri%fth1llp~1H) IIIIftb du#U,1u ob,,,,,., ~iNUIrIn '1iIIiIiIy". . '",,..; i", IIIlI ,itr. GIJII 0IdI1rIIiIr. ~ wN~,.,asW ~_ ~ c1uI,.;iI iJccll1Nd Iii the /MIl""" cOMMt ofthtt aUb- ".". rin4D'GIJII~_ thtt lull"l1g (w.,. aptm~H'oIII w~ 'n-:-~). n.. ",. ".'.' . iJ., ~/wtllw.." tIItJt t~ ifIb.::~ iU,Nptuttd, iulhflllllt! iii '1Il'flD'I tIl. brdi4/ng~i4fo,tlllulk.. . AddItIoDaI.._.,t.,~": . . The footin~ drain should be !llaced at or near the native soils at the' D~se or 'tne.lmpOrl;.80 5oell:CJ; 'JnmUI,<ar 1.'11 "'u ....U'II\:a..... "~ ....." ~J"''''rl,,_.I...,..t.. ,,~ t.""",.,,)'~...,~ U.I"~ ",wi"; ,"~'~"'" ...:...11"'~":"::':'1' :.. ~L... ~.I........i:..... L_...... (Nofe): A Copy or this repOrt'.Wibc kept 011 site ~1Ib the I,,,:.' . Ipl_utllD t.iIDeI..' . This repol1Shall bcfqllowedby anaffi4ayj.t, ~ lUll;! ~~by.ti!e desill~ pro~onalllllik:r whOse auSplClCSlhis ;cPoit'wu ~D1J:Iletcd. ~ ~ l~rmalion 1IcJcUi.. 1bC sigi!allsraDipalafndliVit 1O~ wilb. I:OpyQC thiS iilJiarl ~bc RlbDiiued to this Offi,ce prior to........;:lil\l fimninit..,c _._':.._for II1B builiIiita: 81........ . ~'.. rll'rP'ip':'p'smbo1dt. . ~~ k & A. En~ineertn~. PIiOne. . '.: llll'I-~;)~~ . n., .. .TltIe.Presldent .: I.nc... UeeDni M1r.h.~l RPirihnldt p ~ Liamsel. 1.9474.... 'clqlil'C': 1213112006 ~ ~~ rcPoitfo~ihe ~~~ 'd- !.jjditiOJ!.Su!l4iViSillil . . . :.....,, .;,:iimmcdiatc,~ stllliil~ qf ~~CltP_ve lIlIj);.iitadCs, And that exp&ilsi~~lSbo. :,;.. -:.eaY.a~'aDd~,aQcd~~:ai IciIst lZinC~ offiJl ...:...::.~ II? lit ~19S~ilf.~S1?wf ~ ~ f()li~j"l).pfepan!rl~ Therepoit 1IaO._,.~ ~.;.::jnds dW In....~'"' be ~la pl'CVCDt,"* ft9~ ~!l~ng in 9' a,mund IheI",!"Iloli911 ~ doriD "i!iidaftm ihe :';.";':~mon .. " lilid 1ha1. 'tivesii.eA-:ft"";' be"";;'ddcd to g .. . .~.,. .polII. . -~-. I".u.... ~.tIle iIlfil~on ofSuttaceWat.er inio.theCxpWive SOilS. .' . . ....;,. : '. ,'... ~ . - . The ~ rqxm: furtbtz ernpha&m.a ~tbe flnlilh grade ~ Ja,'':'!'" . BOil' . I ~;".. .... .la!l!c foun.i~ ~ tiC ~ "","l.?A" iIbcM: Q1BeipWj~bcat!Dg~..!!m!!x _.~._.-l:ted to recsuce the wn~lioii of waw'ailhC..SurfiCe;1be ~liffili soJI mBtmiII8tOuiIdlll6bliUdi muistj,;,~tO!tu;Uii8iiK:tioi1otlbedesi. ..' . ..' ~... ~ pro(esiioil8I. ... . . . 4 .' Ap~ 21 05 07:56a Apr-tO-ZOOS 06:31p. RVeno. Froo-K' A Ens,"..rlns, '",. 541-.-1638 +;41-664-8158 T-117 P 005/DD5 F-816 p.6 Con'ununilY Serviees Div,Building SlfeIY crrv OF SPRINGFIELD, OREGON 22S ,.. $lrCel, Sprinsfield, OR 914T1 Pll. 72~37S9 lobAddv- 3313 Falc~m Dr, Qly Job II CnM2005~0037R . . Affjdavjt For Silc Invcatiptlim Queslilllln8inl . Fo~ation Sub~ A1't.. ~ Ja,l. for Residential BuildiJig..Site in.A4ib'e.Side Meadows.,.. 1st AddjtiOD . '.' .. . , . '. '. Subdivision .' '. . . . . The ~pl!!~ ~ that.IbQ~",,\'Il1iQp. _-..,...".-4 flll aDd ~ . stiiliilizariilft ~fOrlhe bililditi 'sire jU tMiJddi-erS sIiOwu above WaS observed . . .. .. . .lL" " , . , .' .. . by a .ciriulllUlli~ ~~. of myllmi im~ lbat ,the foUOwmgis triic: . " . . ", " . 1,T!ic fo\llldatiem BU~ Is Clipl!hleol~l,ippOtti~ a./,,:., mol ISOOpsf, Uid is . adc<Jua!e1O 5llppOit1he bWl!lini." ... ..edfor IIIiS silli. .. . . . . 2.lbe~~IOf~eX~D.",~..,;.....::!..l~~~,durillgtbe &lie ~oIi~~",u*4iiatdyi:OiietedIO~iUiJiliQl!bri _. ,..: .'pribt19l11iY sJaitlficimichiuiF in In&a~Contcil\t ofthC silb-i#- . ". ". .' '. .". . ';" 3.1be .Iiie i~ ~y :,..,';. ..~. Bild ~tO~t 1Iie i:Ollclc:tiOii of -..r in. rhc 'eXCaV~~d1iriIi~~.' ,"'. ". .' .. .'. . . . 4. 1bC ;.. ~.:'.'~ ,.,,: iDS cq,ort litlCd ..site' JD~tiPucin Que~tlnnft.;", for ~1Ig Desijil Pio(eiilliOiWa" cOn!8iQing ~d'obsCi1lIlliOlls aDd iDs. ,,:..,;J1il!deon A~r"'U: .?/\no . ," .. ,(dat.e)fo/rhcbuililing Bite wa.CODIjllebid ciilher by Q1YSdfc;ll'byan.CJPp~ C!f myfiI:UI.UDd<<ln)';.t ~ .' :iio1i. To~ ~ol my . JcDOwIedse. the Info~O!\ coiitii~in lhit tepOiI is ,cOmpleteaad acCui'ale. Nime ~fJ"icensed ~.ssiQp.j cimnt> Daie.1DPt'l za, zaas . Mtch~e1',R~holdt.".e.. . ..R.....~. . ~., c..~-'.>-~:.~ ~ ~";;Ir.... :"~...... ~.. .,,,,,,. ':ii' . .,.L'., ~ ~:S-1 ~. .,~~.' OAF., ~i .... ;;..:: 4. ~ q ~ '"!oJ,...:''' ~ "'''i . ,,_.. '.... d:~~',,~~'t - Slgn.,.~..; : ~ ' ..~ . .... EXPIRE!::/21-'~~f-.G.