HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Electrical 2011-1-5 01/03/11 MON 17:04 FAX 5417263669 225 Firtb Stn-t:t.SpriDJ:Ii.:I4, OR. 974".PH(!iIU)7:U-3753.FAX(S41)726-3689 CITY OF SPRINGFIELD ~001 " . . OEP~RTMENTUSE ONi. y. S...INOPlI1:l..D;:"-:::c:,::4:."f., ~ ~<"~.~~ 2o\1-CCO ~~~. .;~~~{ Dale 1~05~2.01 This permit is isslled undOT OAR 9IlhJ09.{lOOO. Permits are nontransferable. Permits expire if work is not started within 180 day. onssnonee or if work is suspended for 180 days. , "LaCAL..~()VERNJIII~T.APfflOVAb;.:;..' :'-"". Zoning approval verified? 0 Ves 0 No ... ')CAtEGiJRY~Of-CQNSTRUCTIOI'l'> Resideatial, per uDit, ,,"ie. in~ludcd: 1,000 sq. II. or less (4) $134.00 S Each additional SOD sq, ft. or portion $ 25.00 S thereof Limited enerGY (2) S 32.00 $ Each manufacnJl'ed home or modular S 63.00 $ dwelling &eN;.. Or feeder (2) ServiCe! or feeders: instal/ation, aJtC!r/2lion. reJOC<Jlion 200 amps 0' less (2) $ 81.00 $ 201 to 400 amps (2) $ 95.00 $ Name 40 I to 600 amps (2) $158.00 $ Address: 601 to 1,000 amps (2) $205.00 $ ZIP: Over 1,000 wnps Or voltS (2) $469.00 S R..onnect only (2) $ 63.00 $ E-mail: CCB license no.: eIP - Signing supcrvisor1s I;cense no.: Print name of signing supervisor: Signature of signing supervis PosI-it" Fax Note 7671 TO Phone a Fax 'it". ',: : "t::'~F ~G;'".. ~~ (j~ 440-25!:!-J (9'.O~ICOM)' . " ',.1'.'~:' Temporary servica or feeders: inslRl/alicm, al(l:rafi01l. re./ocarion 200 impS or Ie.. (2) $ 63.00 S 201 to 400 omps (2) S 81.00 S 401 to 600 omps (2) S126.00 $ Over 600 amps or 1,000 vohs, see 5crvicc:s Dr feeders section above Bnoth c:irtuits: ~ alt~fatlon. exltfuion pt!f panel 0.... Pee for branch circuits with puTthase of D service or feeder fee: ElICh branch circuit S b. fee for branch circ:uilS'without purchase of a s~icc or feeder fee: First branch circuit (2) Each additional branch circuit w MiscellllDeoDl fees: s,""ice or Juder ~ol jl'/Cluded ElICh pump or irrigation circle (2) S 63.00 Each sign or outline lighting (2) S 63.00 Signal circuit Dr alimitcd..cncrgy pllncl. alt.c::rntion, or extension (2) Eacb additional i..po<tion: (1) $59.00 $ f{i!;4~!Z';:V~;0,j':"S;1:{,Me"jc~t;,U$E\~,D"'A' ,'2~; ! (A) Enter .ublO1IlI of above fees ! (Minimum Permit Feo 558.00) ! (B) Enter 12% surchorgc (.12 x [All (C) Technolol)Y Fee (5% of (All TOTAL r... and surebarges (,I. through C): $ S S 63.00 S $20~O $ Z LIfo $/ O~!: sZ3Cj 1'5 TRANSACTION RECEIPT CITY OF SPRINGFIELD 225 Fifth St Springfield,OR 97477 541-726~3753 www.ci.springfield.or.us 811-SPR2011-00025 3405 GATEWAY ST permitcenler@ci,springfield,or.us RECEIPT NO: 2011000040 RECORD NO: 811-SPR2011-00025 DATE: 01/05/2011 [DESCRIP-TION l , " ,,-, ',' ;:;~L_ ;;:, ,;,:}i;;:;;:.~~,-:.- \-,;;"AC:CO:UN:f~CODEA'::";:--" ,,;:L'~AMOUNTj)UE!L:. -; _,; ~-'1 Branch circuits with service or feeder each circuit 224-00000-426102 150.00 Branch circuits without service or feeder - 1st circuit 224-00000-426102 55.00 State of Oregon Surcharge (12% of applicable fees) 821-00000-215004 24.60 Technolo~yfee (5%.of permit total) 100-00000-425605___ ____ _ 10.25 TOTAL DUE: 239.85 ~~&I~'LE~J..:,UJl.gE;;;RAiQ.B' /;;;:CAsHIE~;;@ACHA[)9H-,--..Q_c:iiVIMEN:r.S--+L-- _0'" -' : AM.0.U!iLPAlD .; n,,' ':j Check DOUGLAS L KARNES/SHILOH P.O. BOX 6097 $239.85 5397 ELECTRIC Salem Oregon 97304 _._----~.-~._- TOTAL PAID: $239.85 "