HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1980-10-8 (2) ) .. .') ,... ~..:Sv,d I /,,; i;ISPECTIO" L11.E 726-3769 CITY tlf SPRInGFIELD COMB! riA TlON APPLl C~,T101l/PERI1I T Job Address 95'0 W. FA/RV/SW l/;p ~A:"?' l.e9al De,cription 17-<J?-77. ~I 7"L.~. ::ro/ '-foe:> r I - " , ~6~ 7t!>O,?a/ ~':2 111 ~. Owner' (name/address/phone) '-p.....NN.I ~ WA4€k 9~o W. FA~pV.leW i::>ii? ~rl'?/ ,y~F/c:="P. I ~.- Vent system apart from I heat;na or A.C. 158~~ Mechanical exhaust I hl"lod nnd rllJrt . I I I ~lood stove/heater I n I n I n 211 COMN./INO. FEEDERS Install/alter/relocate .d..i..s1J:jh. fppf'lprc:. Of '. amps.1 New circuits. alts. I ..o.r.....ext.en".5rnc: M~B';.tf: ~Q- I'A.- ~_.c: .., UP;:>t. V Y...... "", I I SSUAriCE OF PER!1lT I I I I ..tr ~............ TOTAL CHARGES TOTAL CHARGES W' :;> ~'"'" that the Electrical work be done by an Electrical Contractor, the electrical portion of this permit label has been signed by an Electrical Supervisor and returned to the Building Division. Construction lender (name/address/phone) UI:.~Hiil ItA/1 ,(name I Primary 13'7<A;"c.# Structural 6,c::.,.; ~!.:b~/~ E1 ectrica 1 /1echan;cal CQrlTRACTORS enamel General Plumbino Electrical ~'echanica 1 I FEF [HARC.F i NO I I I I I I Sewer /8oo'<€~' 1/.!b.~ ~ Storm Sewer ';lQ:l ~ ~4i>' M"I!JIL~ HoMe 1',....- Hoe>k'lJ~ V;J. ar I - I PLUllBlIIG 1':0, Each single fixture I Relocated building (new fix. additional) "s. F. Res i dence {1 bathl IDuplex (1 bath) each Additional bath ~!a ter serv i ce I- I TOTAL CHARGES WHERE STATE LAW REOUIRES shall not be valid until the I 8:;5" p~ NFORl!A II Qrl Ll liE 726-3753 IInergy Sources: /Sq. rt. maln&accsy, bldg.' heat . \ Hater heater Lnew _add _a I ter _rep. ~. ranC'f'\ ____ [~.~ fence demol Hion 1 -fk-tc::: I -;:';";"':lbc';hangeTuse other ..a ue 0 war: ~..:llr-'. lA.....LI. L...:::::::.-.~ _-=-__ _._, C. ~Ulldin9 pennit info.: describe work (~e.. bulld -, ; kinole fam. res. with detaChed ouaael ~ 'I~ . . \ 1;() 1-/1 A h .tJ.i) , \ .......J. I U 7;t!(;-6803 I I I'Jfr.;f.(~_tt()V'\ Dl ~_'r--+--- . e , . -, tI , (address) (lies. no.] (exoiresl /c:;S 'Q" 6-r. S-,,~7tS :?-B /W;~~ \ \ \ (ohone no. I , (addrpsc; 1 (l ice;. nn.) (".xoirp<:. , (ohnn". nn_) \ \ I MECHANICAL ELECTRICAL FFL'~\ \ furnace/burner to BTU's l~~1=" I r~ -HP I I New circuits alts. or extensions I SERVICES I Res i dence of SQ. F1. I Floor furnace and vent Recessed wall Sn~l'"'" hp~tpr ~nr1 v".nt Appl iance vent c;eoarate Stationarv evan. cooler ~ . I Vent fan with sinole duct I I I I ITemporary Construction IChange in existing 1"''''~j1Pn'''e I mult i fami ly. corrm. or TnnlJ<:.trial Of amps.1 I HAVE CARE FUll Y EXAl-1ItlED the comp 1 eted app 1 i ca t i on for penni t. and do hereby cert i fy that all i nfonnat ion hereon is true and correct, and I further certify that any and all work performed shall be done in accordance with the Ordinances of the City of Springfield and the Laws of the. State of Oregon pert.aining to the work de~scribe herein. and liha NO OCCUPANCY will be made of any structure without the permission of the BuildinQ Division. .' , J J I !1 / IIAr.IE (please print) _/),~ J.i ;,;'/5 .S ()JL) J. p ~JSIGrlATURE .... 4"-nf...{J .t{)c:tlkd'& IOI<::;,;,r<r--, ._____.1/ . .... . ... .. / Zones ;:zm- .MNP Flood Plain Bdrms Type Const. Oeey L~3d. O~cy Group - Sto~ Units :3")( A L [ U U rl r S U 1-1 ~1 A R Y Plan Ck. Comm/lnd 6Sr./Rldn Ppr F".p Plan Ck. Res 30%/Blda Per Fee Fence BUILOIrrG PERI.IIT Charges and Surcharges __n.:27J. eo I 'i .8'1 ';;;>0 CO "'co ____Si!..'_iti'...!.___ :1'2.:10 ____~2'q~~.:__ 1~(j;O PLU1.IB IIIG PER11IT Charges and Surcharges ELECTRICP.L PER111T Cha rges and Surcharges 11ECHANlCAL PERMIT Charges and Surcharges FOR OFFICE USE 011LY Sq Ftg. Value ~'7~/UNlrVnluc /S'~.~.- ~'I/. IS" Storm Sewer Connec. Other Other Sprinkler System Other Demo. I Total SOC Comb. Permi t I ::>Cc; e: JOt r","",."Y r;<;,'V "l7"r~H-~p. U=> ~H" ~~939. ~ A/C Paving Curb Cut .... jt). CO ~.~ I TOTAL . Sidewalk6&>O -e ee . ' ;, CO:.:BWAllG:1 APPLlCATlOrl/PER:'1!T (CAP) '1 CITY Of s-p-iii N G FIE L 0 ( City Hall Springfield, Oregan Department 01 Public Works OFFICIAL RECEIPT No. B Dote 10 - <2., 19 <nO Rec'd From Oflnnl'S U mt.pn AddressqS() Jo i h /JI j) J) D-Jr I. Applicant to furnish A. Job Adaress B. legal Description 1. eXdmole- Tax lot 100, lane County Map 11 OJ "J 2. '''.,'1,- Lot 1. Block 3, 2nd Addition Sprlngfield Estates C. flame. etc. of owner and construction lendel O. Energy Sources ( 1. eXJ:'!':oJe. heat/electrical ceilinQ/or fOI . 2. eX~~3Ie- wJterheater/eleCtrlcal/or s~ E. Slluue footage or valuation. etc. - 1. ,xamole- 1250 sq. foot house, 500 sq. f '9 2. eXfI..'7::lle- if new project. checknew - if ~,..j~ C;l'2Ck add, etc. F. Building pernit information: 1. eX~r.l::l1e - construct single family house" ,en att~cned gararye ~ 2. exa~:lle - remodel existing garage into 3. eXdm~le - convert single family residen. restau~ant (change of use) G. Value of work as defined in Section 303 (a) '.tl Structural Specialty Code H. OESIG:I TEAI.I AriD CONTRACTORS To avoid design or construction delays, Buil [g, Division Staff must be able to contact apprc ~ persons regarding design information or jab corrections. etc. II. Abbreviated ?luffioing. Mechanical, $ Electrical S ~~ A. Except ~here blank spaces occur in the descr ~n" por:ion of the Mechanical and Electrical Sch the ap~licant need fill-in only the No. Saxe to the appropriate item(s) to be installed (, B. Full Plumbing, :-lechanical, and Electrical Scl tlF are available at the Building Division 1. 70 conserve space on the permit form the have been abbreviated ~ 2. If the ite:n{s) to be installed are not cc ~ecf the abbreviated schedules you should con~ full schedules C. BUIL~I;;G OIVISlOlI STAFF WILL FILL OUT ALL FEE " CHARGES Q:j THE SCHEDULES (, O. As noted on the CAP, the label must be delive electrical contractor for signature by his el suoervisor. The general contractor is not au to sign the electrical label. - Applicant to sign and date . Whenever possible. the initial application will bl . a worksheet only. Where possible, Building Divis' , will preoare a type written copy and return it to ~ applicant at the time the actual permit is issued signature. +-. IV. Fees and Charges Plan check fees are due ~nd payable at the time of the application. and no plans will be processed until these fees are paid. All other fees and charges are due and . payable when the permi t is issued. ( ( \ ( S4842( ( Received For: 'it%P r a IV S:I..0 Y/ ~. pp.. . ~()G.OO - 37 :1.0 3'1 l ,00 IL\-. <fA 3dn.06 I~ .?,(l l?H ' U5 70. CO Received t q ::l1. ,...-t4 ~P:_= ( ( 4,01n 1- jeJP L\Ob y/r i\OIO pC y: CD\'\Wl ~ L- / .CJj) Amount .'. ( ( (, \ .. 1 , ( , I I 1. , , ~.~ \ r uQ""o "OHAW" ....(~~ON.TU....U~~ ."INU.. . ",uc;;.,,(. O. .,.0' ...",. (.. , 'V. FOR OFFICE USE ONLY Permit Clerk .. . -..". . .. .... -- ~ ....... '.". ..., ..... ,-,.,... -~......_., PROJECT CmlDITIONS 'TO BE SATISFIED BEFORE OCCUPANCY: j- ~z::?:: ~A;;rc.~5 A-.Ee z;.. ~ A/P'> . Sr.::..";' h-;:;>L~~Ll'" /5 ~7'A/~='7> Lz- #0 ~c ....;!:>~A/...-~< ~//~<sr-. U:.'!"~-:.... I I 'f C::CJ''f A:: <=- / c.~ I I I I. i tv1,,~ ( " "...1 1 )'-4~25'/<::'E" . d -J": ~ 5~;<::> k-,.v-==-<T~<S-- Additional Project Information: PLANS REVIEWED BY: na~e LoPN!E /2t!?--=. ,:,' Signature~~ , - . v ~ --............--.....-..-.--......."........,...... "'"-''''''.''' . date /e>-,b-/9. I ........... :.. ...._ .::.' . ....:,:,.....J