HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1968-8-19 --'---------- - , / __....#... ___r.'~_'~' " //::~-;-:::.,o.._.._ ...._____ "_ o' U ....___. . . ~~ ;,?ITY OF SPRI~LD .f CityHaU -- ,I? Springfield, Oregon 1:'/ Build;n. Depertment OFFICIAL RECEIPT ! No.B 21808 ,'J (...... Date ~''; /5" 19 "~'X" 1>(: Rec'd From r r. -.<... ~ Il~ _ Cb.-.._ II Address 9l:"'/l' +::.: ':~"'.-:. -YIP r]jj Received For: (.'. _/ r~ , . -' ~. -J'. . '-::J \..0 -} ..:. , .' r\) '. .-or:....1h P"Ad' tJ.",,-.2.--ati: t,1. '-0'''- (r~L::_ '() '.i -' I I' " \) ~:;ll7:~ " . "tpy ~:! n :~, 't':~ ';;"~J I' 'I-'~ . , ' , ' - " -' " . -.) ., .- \ , '.....'; IlY "". Ih .' Amount Received / p" C> - ('j,f/ "'d' J ax~ " I; AUTHORIZEO SIGNATUK A "~.) . .<;'~ r~~~~.J;.. . (\:\ .~}) . '\ ..\ ) ,(,J . "_ ~..J s ~, '_n__..__ ______.__J__-".__.__ CITY ~.GF1ELD - BUILDING D.EPARTMENT._ _ DATE . PERM. VALUE 8-9-68 ~75 P Sewer Tao r 950 Fairview Drive ADDRESS OF JOB . r. (:. I'airbanks OWNER Owner CONTRACTOR CONTRAc,!on LOT BLOCK TRACT REMARKSi ADDRESS ADDRESS ADDRESS INSPECTIONS MADE: TYPE DATE S~wer Not readv 8-12-68 Sewer OK 8-12-68 Sewer Partial ok 8-14-68 Sewer Assessment pd. 8-lq-68 ;, Sewe~.;:Tap (Wi 11 be final after manhole insf ,). OWNER CONTRACTOR CONTRACTOR Lee Golden, Plumbing Inspector City sf SPI ; ,,,.,r;..lu ADDRESS ADDRESS ADDRESS' FEE 1.00 BY Lee Lee Lee lee DATE!: PERMIT NO. VAL.UE FEE INSPECTIONS MADE: TYPE DATil REMARKS. FOR THE RECORD: Fairbanks Trailer Court ati950 W. Fairview Drive in regard to: sewer trunk lires installed under the supervision cf '';v;,,, field in_pector, W. G. Wilmont, that said lires d... _L~ BY ~. ;:'''U~I ;)UII, I\t::y I:;' 1.t::1 t::U &:.f1Y i m;:.~r and Ii I S d~~~pLdOle '0 tnlS orflce. . I . .'. , / r/ . OJ 1:'- -L ~ I , ' .. ~ - (I :f Permission is hereby g ranted_____~.__:_.~..::_:......':_..f.n{~~_~.!:..l{../.s:L{.I...:_:":_~__m___mm..:......_m..Oate:.u...:L.....'!..__..:..___.................. , ~ To in.toll.................................................Gas piping :..._....~.~_....Plumbing .I '1', . /'.- ~.. . . i Location...........y::!...(!......._....,:i..L.,L(.~:f.:~,:U)m....{:.:_~.L~:_....................:mm. Owner.....(/.._.c:.:_...ft.!A.t.!~..'.~:~f/_~......____Contractor...___0:~~7::!;._~..............._.... To Install, PLUMBING No. _Bath tub _Lavatory _Kitchen sink __Water closet _Wator hootor -Xsewor tap _Wator tap _Dishwasher ---Auto. Wr;uh.r Total fee .- CITY OF SPRINGFIELD, OREGON BUILDING DEPARTMENT PLUMBING or HEATING PERMIT F.. $- No. _Wash tray _Drinking fount. _Showor _Slop sink _Floor drain _Urinals _Oentallov. _Trailer __Disposal -' Fee HEATING No. _Rango __Hoator _Dryer _Furnaco _Oth.,. $- I ..,t...L{) $- Total feo $- Total fee .- Permit N '! Type Fee --$- $- This permit issued in accordance with the provision of Ord. NO.....m.........and related ordinances. / -/ -...-.1 . CHIEF BUILDING INSPECTOP ,J<. 12775 TYPE Single fam. Mult.fam. AccolSory Public Commercial Indultrlal New Alter. . 1 I I j I GRAND TOTAL sL~ ,,r-.:\..,_ <.. _~ ,t ( ., ., , ,-, " ~ I I In conlideration of the iuuo and delivery to me by the Building Inlpector of the City of Springfield of the above pormit, I hereby ogroe to IOVO, harm- lOll tho City of Springfield, its officen, duly appointed reprelOnta!ivos from and against any and all liabilities, nogloct of the undorsigned, hit employ.r, omployee, or anyone under hi. supervision for any matter pertaining to this pormit. BRIGGS-PRINT ('/'~ / /J ,I I ,. ..-... II I.' . /, .' _, . ~ .J. Signed ., ( ,'-. - ""~ .....tJ './".(.,. .J;P - - . ..' . .:,'."'"",i!~!~~\'(~ '. L'A N E ~U N.TY . , ....:"i;:.!{::,lt~., "~J:~n:$rj;]~\~~"::;~I~;f~'~' . . ,-' "1'1 i; 1:'1'11111~~~:1'?:101111'l:-:!'1\ ,ii il'i'd'j , . COUR U.R ,,:,,:"i):i'::i!!:~:I:'I~I;i!: ii 'I, [lh:W\~,'~ij\il''l~W1;llu(i!'n~~1J IIii' ~~If!~ ['j' EUGENE, OREGON 97401 r;:..p'1~!~;~j'~!i~~'~:ii:i1iil!i r'ii~!J~I~Mm~~~~~r~q IIII tilil~:illl'II:,!j!;::J; J-~ '. -- --7'-' HEALTH ANO SANITATION. , f\;k~t~}j~i~'i:I~~tll::IIJ!ii'111' I ~l~irl'\ii'( l:il~,;~!,!W~~ ItrIV~.I),lli:!ih :iJ,;~II,::<\\~"ffg'4':?>"::t: \, ~~~t'I:~?JJ~~~I\il:~:h:,:!liii:;~ I &~J~uUlW[MumE~;;;'~ i I~(i. I t' )ttfi1~Z;~~~gil~~4'1m PHONU.....II ~lf..>.1g~' l~ 1U"l I~ ~ 'mi;t~"',\\'l:-AA~~~.!!~==--==.'-(~~f~~~!Bjhl}L'i . .::-I.;.;~ "._ ~.- ..: ~v~r~'--=-.'~.:- ".. . ,:..... ",'-':':",.HAROLD.D. LYMAN, M. DOl DIRECTOR. ~)",1,<L:,~I':"'<';:f~':<":"~" ',' . .' . / ! . , . . ~'I\';i/\.;;~;/.,<: '..J';?.." /~.lJ/cI/lY .--,.- '..A"~.~::'" 11)::)'-' G."/t?/kbb1,t::;." v, . .., . ~:'Hn)~~!:,"t:';:':;;'l ;.. . . ..... '. " ,,' , ... ., January 2, 196e:~ :' .', '. ".'I',:i.. " .! Fairyiew Mobile Home Park C. C. Fairbanks .950 West Fairview Drlye Springfield, Oregon " \ ! RE: Application for Certificate of Sanitation .. , , This letter is to notify you that we are canceling your application for Certificate of Sanitation. You should be licensed with us only after your Court Is completed and inspected by the City of Springfield. . ..' The cert I fi cat ion 'of Sanl tat Ion wi II .be refunded to you i'n due course by the Director of Finance and A~dltlng. . ...... ..... ", .;.. JOHN C. STONER, R. S, Dlrector:~\; '::.::'i ".:.::-:. . '~-.;. .' .' Building and Sanitation Dly.lslon;...:.''.:,..>;...... <,i:,. ;dJ ~L" ,..':'..: :::::,.../.'t:<.:: :"'\';'<.:'.<.:.:' " . ;;,: ..:: .:'"' '; ;j;'!,,~jtl[\t..,.~.~:.}.:',).,!....,. . .. . '! ):.~;~ ':;': GDG:mt .::., . . ....:.';:...;.::~;~;~/~~:,;~.~:'>.,.... "'. \~".~" .... ....::,;.. ,':.:.., :.'; :..' '.': ., C':' ",. JAN 3196""'" -11 . . ,.... '", " ~ ::l - ......... ' . . .."~ ,'. .: i.' ,.,.. .:. --.'."'<(. " " :;: SPRINGFIELD DEPT. o~ r::. '.... . '.' '" .. . . Nt.,:!; ~"'.~""/ ,:..,~/~i.:~;:,.\\:.:, ',.: ~"",'::'" . fiN' . . ,j . ,.? ". .'" ":.:~;'~\~f:- .... ,": '.,:::...:,i.:.,:.:.::'\I'.'.!.,'~.'.:.:,'.',:.::i~:.-..,{:..!.;..'.::.......~...!.:,:'.;:\..,:.:..,;.....:,~,;;,:. '.'.'. ;, '..: ~,~;:( ,~\.:: .: . . .' .'. '. '~:~?:,f;+.~:'.... , .- .' : ~' ". . ~ 1: .' '. ':/ . '. , .,"" '<,'. ...~c:v~ , .. ~ . "'o . '" ~. . ,-", ," "-, ,,". .~. " , :- . . '.' ~'. . ". . ", , " '/' . , "I: :.. ", .' , " "I '. ". --=-- . . . ... .~ 'f ..' -. ~/ c/y (~ ." .tlTY n_ SPRINGFIELD APPLICATION AND AGREEMENT FOR TRUNK LINE SEWER HOOKUP .' App I i cat i on'i 5 hereby made by the under;si gned property owner for permi ss i on to connect the following described property!to a trunk line sewer owned 'and.main- tained by the City of Springfield,' and I ag/7ee to 'pay such a hookup cha~ge as per Springfield .Code of 1965, Chapter 2, Section 2-10-3. Subsection 3 and 5 of $300.00 per diameter inch for 'any connections made. ,', t Property Description: Address: 950 F~lrvla~ B~lovard, Boglnning at il point 709 foot south ond 1755 fc~t tJOst 01' th,~ r,"!"tr.:;c:;t COliIC!" of the Robert'.. E. C<lllIpball c."ld \'lifo Do:wtlG:1 LDnd CIDlm l'lo. 59. 701:ms!lip 17. South, Rc.'!r;c :3 wast of t:~,,". .Wlllc~,tte ~~ridlari. t.nonco \'JO~t' parallel to tho south Ilno of sold Ocnation Lan~ Clclm s' distance of 450 f~t'f? a point on tho Uorth lino of Fairvl~l Drivo. thcr.co North 350 foot. thon':o \Jest 75 feo~. ti1C.,Cr.: ~lcr:h 360.6 feot. th:mce East 600 feGt to a pointj t!lo:ln.;o SOUt.l 1:0 a point tA1ich is 75 feot East and 235 foet IIcrth of tho point of bC9innln'D; t:lcnco west 75 foet to Q poInt; thenco South 235 feot more or less to tho truo point of beginnIng. in J..lno County. Ore(lOn.' ~d)l~ct to a utilIty e-;'!!:~t clescrle,e-J ilrA. recOl"r.!~ in P.ISLll> Inotr tlo. 51337 Ulnc Co.' Deed Records. EXCm the Intarest vf' tho State 01' Oregon by and thl"ou!jh t'l10 Stoto lii!J!l\':Oy Cot1llls:01on <IS the Satle oppoan; of rec'jl"d Elnd exCGpt the Interesl: ef P..elf!:: Po.'1Or & light Co. <IS tho :;~ appoDro Qi' record; ond o'so tho Solie C(lflS>3I''1ut!Q!l F'loorJwlJy !:hanr:o~ IUght-Of-\.!cy. , " C ITI OF SPR I NGF I ELD _ :OREGON: ~--. >~dl/.b./ ';(/ Ad /1; c.:/ /~ '-1/ ' f1 CU~ Date: a~j /V /W~ t/' ' STATE OF OREGON ) ) ss County of Lane ) PROPERTI OWNERS: (!'(p ~/;;1-.i/'. BE IT REMEMBERED, That pn the undersigned, a Notary appeared the within named this 19ti''day'of August , 19 68, before me, Publ i<;. in..a1\d ,forksaid c.ouoty and_State.. personally c. l#. l'-a1ruan S 3nd .Jflmes H. .t"lt:C)( ( --' known to me to be the identical individual g delicribed in and who executed the within instr~ment and acknowledged to me that t eYexecuted the same freely and voluntari Iy. WITNESS my hand and seal this day and' year last above written. ; . ~L____ ';( {(':.A~' Nptary. Pub Ii c .- 5-30-69 . My.Commission.Expires .- , . -- CITY OF SPRINGFIELD SPRINGFIELD. OREGON 87477 July 25, 1969 ...0 NORTH 7TH "RIIT . I PHONE '......e "AILING ADD"'.., 844 NO,"" A "'''IIT I I I I. I DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS OPFlca OP THE DIRECTOR Mr. Clarence Fairbanks 950 West Fairview Drive Springfield, Oregon 97477 Subject: Development of Fairbanks Mobile Home Park 950 West Fairview Drive Springfield, Oregon Dear Mr. Fairbanks: 1. The sanitary sewers which you have installed to date in subject park have been reviewed and you are advised as follows: . . (1) If you will be kind enough to have as-built drawings prepared and sealed by your private registered engineer, it appears that the lines now installed may be satisfactory for approval. These drawings shall show: (a) the actual location of all sewer lines installed to date, on your overall park plan, (b) the elevations of the pipe flow line and top of structure at each manhole and lamphole, and (c) the computed grade and size of pipe between each manhole and lamphole. (2) Upon receipt of two prints of the above data drawings and provided the reference data meets the requirements of the State and City'Plumbing Code, the Building Division will approve the reference lines so that you may proceed with the further development of your park. r t r 2. Please be reminded that you shall keep in close contact with the City Building Division and obtain all permits and inspections and comply with all requirements of the City '~l , : ~ ,. '. . ~: Ii. .. ". . .- .- _. Clarence Fairbanks Springfield, Oregon July 25, 1969 Page 2 . Codes, including sewer, plumbing and building. 3. I wish to express the City's desire to give everyone good courteous service, and your cooperation will be greatly appreciated.' . Please feel' free to call on u!l at any time. \ Very truly yours, -'e' James H. Fleck Director ., , JHF:vo '" . '.' .' \ , ~.. "1 .. ., ~, - '. . \. '" ,\ .