HomeMy WebLinkAboutBuilding Correspondence 1984-1-17 \ ., '. . \ /' SPRINGFIELD " CITY OF SPRING.I:'ll!iLD Department of Public Works .......,. , " , ~, . . January 17,1984 .'. .',' , ":-.., // CERTIFIED LETTER '1> '. ,. :.....1., James'A. Lemmon' 957 West Fairview Drive . Sprin~field, Oregon .97477 '" " '. " ., ',' , . .:. " '" D~~r Mr: Lemmon: , .'" " .' . '.: :',: .\x~: ....;:-..-.:,.... , , '.. . On August .5, 1981 sewer deficiencies (copy attached). . this office sent you a notice by certified mail regarding at 957 West Fairview Drive , Springfield,Oregon . , . ',' " ~. '-- ;.-.:. 'Our records indicate that an inspection has not been called for to verify that deficiencies have been properly corrected.: Please notify me at the Building Safety Division, 726-3665, to set up an appointment 'for an inspection of your .' ': deficiency corrections within the next 30 days; , . Thank you for your cooperation. ,'- Sincerely, .: ' .~J 'T'~: '.'." ,-' . Denny Bordeaux Plumbing Inspector , .... . '.\,". attachment lh 225 North 5th Street · Springfield, Oregon 97477 · 503/726.3753 It P 329 963 831. RECEIPT FOR CERTIFIED MAIL NO INSURANCE COVERAGE PROVIDEO- ." NOT RlR INTERNATIONAL MAIL (See Reverse) SENT TO ;rJllmE-S A. "Gem".,,,;"'> STREET AND NO. '. \. '?S? ~ FmI!Ull.w IV<. . P.O., STATE AND ZIP CODE ~A',:;"~...,';'.u) D.c:. STAGE / CERTIFIED FeE 97<17/ , 20 U;>' ~~ I SPECIAL DEUVEAY , I RESTRICTED DELIVERY , j,m 0 ~ SHOW TO WHOM AND -:1.l-..... ~ u DATEOEl1VERED u ;;; ;;; ]; 15 I.; SHOW TO WHOM. DATE, " 0 0 Ii: AND ADORESS OF ~ DELIVERY .. '" z 0 fi3 SHOWTOWHOMANDDATE ~~ fi: ~ CEUVEREDWlTHRESTRICTH , 0 z DELIVERY ~ 8 ffi SHOWTOWHOM. OATEAND ~ ADDRESS OF DELIVERY WITH , '" RESTRICTEODEUVERV :;; " /.~)3-1 s. < 8 ~ ~ E & '" 0. r. STICK POSTAGE STAMPS TO ARTICLE TO COVER FIRST CLASS POSTAGE, CERTIFIED MAIL FEE, AND CHARGES FOR ANY SELECTED OPTIONAL SERVICES. (.ee!roRl) 1. 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VI!-.. ~ -$J)/l.I.!JltU:::t"fiQ1 01;,-?7..t.{71 illl" T'tPE OF S!RVICE: / ARTICLE NUtlBEA ~ DRE,..,.~ DINSURED :"\ ~ I S-.~~ o COD y-32.O/9'6383? . 0 EXPRESS "A" m I (AIrJsy& -'n oIgnature 01 addressee or 8g8nl) ~ I have received the article described above. ~ ill 0 Add2D--;i:tt!hOrized agenl , I ~ n '-?~~! :. '1:, I)~~r~ 1 ~ .. DATEOFDEUVERY 0 - -; _ ;..fl ~R";" J a I -'~-~s' 20',)~ ~ .. ADDRESSEE'S ADDRESS (000/, if",,"Oh>~ ~ >-- n ~, ~tlf' . - Ui~~ I ~ 7. UNABLE TO DEUVER BECAUSE; , , 7a. Et:l J ~ , ~ (, 1/ UNITED STATES POSTAL SERVICE OfFICIAL BUSINESS SENDER INSTRUCTIONS Prlnt your name, addrut, II'Id ZiP Cod. In th. sp.aCI below. . Complete 11e1ftl1. 2, 3. and 4 on the r.nrae. AtladIIO 'ronl of artIdt if space permIU, o_afflllObaciol_.J EndonI artIdt"Return IItcelpI Rlquesled" _10""""". PENALTY FOR PRIVATE USE TO AVOID PAYMENT OF POSTAGE. 1300 RETURN TO . '-'II T Ut" ~bl'l$~IELD OEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS ""C: ~IORTU ~~ J~ SPRINGFIEL6:ttfi~ W>m (City. Stale. and ZIP Code) .( .~"~ < U.S.MAll @, . \- '-. ~: . " . . 'ii' ." .~ Address ?.5?-, &iRJ/./.EA/ ZJ..P. Name \ TA. L~/-?Mt'::JN p.5PR SANITARY AND STORM WATER SEWER CORRECTIONS '.Listed below are the deficiencies as explained to the sanitary or storm sewer system: /C. A. Outside footing drains or roof downspout drains seem to be connected improperly to the sanitary sewer: "<', B. Outside sanitary sewer piping or fittings are leaking at: Inside.plumbing pipes seem to be leaking at: /~~/~;- D. Other: -- CORRECTION PROCEEDURE &LL ft?E m.-e 7:#.E ""OAi?~...PE...e, ~-2"e..6'"~r/~A) ~~6""8".o~e.6"" /.#.AA/~)6d ~ &--Z/L ~.5-cP/ . . SENDER: 3 Completoitems I, 2.:tcd.3. ' ... Add yOUl' ~s:I ~~ "llETURN TO"sp ""'"'" ;! 1. The following service is f'K;,uested (check 000.) ~ Show to whom nnd ll~:e delfvered............_4 o Show to \litom, date and address of d.:ll\.cl)...._.;, o P.ES",lCTED DEU'/f,RY Show to whom and c::.:e :.1di...ered............_4 o RESTRICTED DELIV'ERY. Show to whom, date, and address of delivcry;S_ ~ e m ~. 2. (CONSULT POSTMASTER FOR FEES) ARTICLE t.OiiJAESSED TO: .. ~ J .A. Lemmon .. 857 Fairview Dr;ve ~ ~Jidngf;eld. OR 97477 PI 3. ARTiCLE DeSCRIPTION: ~'i R.GISTEREDNa..] ::";r;~:DoND. I I~SUR<DNO. ~ {Alwaya cbtsin dgm:turo ,Of addrCS!OM or DQ8:\tJ ;: I have recel~d article escribedabovo, ! \,"A7E 'ddrc DAuthorlzcdqcnt ~ .\1\ '>< r .A/V\ < a / DllfEO- D ~"-rP ... oa~/'/ ~ 5. ADOR'" ICO""'Io"~ly"~ ~~o\ g 0 9 w ~ C,\ ..II\~ />."J ;; e. \,,rNABt..E TO DI:LIVER Ct.CAUSE: "0l.":J -I -C~L!.,JS o . J .iIlIT/ALS ~- ;: *GPO: 1D1G-300-4GD UNiTED STATES POSTAL SERVICE OFFICIAL BUSINESS PENALTY FOR PRIVATE USE TO AVOID PAn.teNT Of POSTAGE, $300 SENDER INSTRUCTIONS Print your naml,lddrus.lnd ZIP Cod, In tltespa below. t, . ' Compl.telttms 1, 2. and 3 on the mine. . Attach to front of mid. If splC. petmlts. othltWlsI affix to back of artkle. . Endotw IttIdI"'Rltllm "RlCllpt Requutld"" idlzant to numbM. 'RETURN II TO ... [~t;~~ 4~ - u.s.MAIL ...~~ , , " 'CITY 'lA.i--"~'~GFIELI> Department of Public W orka . 4th and NIilmI ot~: B8tl-eets Springfield, Oregon 97477 , (Qt)', State, aDd ZJP Code) .