HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Mechanical 1998-7-2 (2) L~ Ia: t(~ LOCATION OF PROPOSED WORK: _975 Ef.lIL1-JLit#J 17 b3 1-7 1/ .:JOhn i fJa~ {!JulfduiL ADDRESS' (115 ;;:'(JL/rJJLuu ~Jufi1~./~ J{/UJ~17I1t'l, ~ REMODEL ADDITION RESID ENTIAL PERMIT APPLICATION Inspeclions: 726.3769 Otlice: 726.3759 ASSESSORS MAP' LOT: OWNER' CITY: DESCRIBE WORI(: NEW CONTRACTOR'S NAME , 5pnlNCFIELP BLOCK: STATE: -!Jv - JOB NUMElER 7fo t(f(~ 225 Filth Street Sprll1gllcld, Oregol1 97477 TAX LOT: _II 2.. / 00 SUBDIVISION: PHONE: 7f/-7~J9J/6 ZIP: Q7#'7 . ()j~.J f!tmd JJjJll1/b Ad r 7P 'J! J DEMOLISH ___ OTrIEIl ADDIlESS CONST. CONTRACTOR # PHONE GENERAL' PLUMBING' MECHANICAL: &rJl&uJ /95/ fJ?A~c;J." /if,J) ELECTRICAl' NOTICE: I HI::; I"l:HMII SHALL E~~I~E'j}Erl1EV'VOOi-\ I'.U I nvru,Cf> UNOER"rnfSlfl'i:!~~lIT 13 NOT C01MNCEO OR IS ~cmEmro:-: # OF STORIES: __~ PERlort,lEAT SOURCE: _____ WATER HEATER: RANGE: ___ QUAD AIlEA: # OF BLDGS: OCCY GROUP: tJl2i/.t.,O - OFFICE USE - l,XPlllES b --;7- 99 '1dh-()/CY) FLOOD PLAIN' ZONING CODE: ____ It or- DORMS: SECONDAflY HEAT: ___._n SQUARE FOOTAGE: ...__. To request an Inspection, you must call 726.3769. This is n 24 hour recording. All Inspcctlon5 rcqucslcd before 7:00 a.m. will be made the same working dny. In::;pcctJon::i requested after 7:00 .un. will be made the following WOrl< day. D Tcmpormy Electric D Site Inspection - To be made aHer excavation, but prior 10 set ling lorm5. D Undcrslnb Plumbing I Elce trienll Mechnnlcnl - Prior to cover. D Fooling - Afler Irenches are excavaled. D Mnsonry - Steel locnllon, bond beams, grouting. D Foundntlon - Afler forms are erccled but prior to concrete placement. D Underground Plumbing - Prior to filling trench. D Undcrlloor Plumblnul Mceh.1nical - Prior to Insulation or decldng. D Post nnd Oeam - Prior 10 floor In5ulollon or dccl<lng. D Floor Insulnlion - Prior \0 decking. o Sanitary Sewer - Prior to fllling trench, D Slorm Sewer - Prior 10 fllllnn Irencll. D Waler Line - Prior to filling trench. -, D Rough PIUlllbin(i .....: Prior to cover. ., REQUIRED INSPECTIONS o Rounh Mcchnnicnl - Prior to cover. D (lough Elcclricnl - Prior to cover. D Electricnl Service - Must bc approvccl \0 oblnin pcrmilncnt electrical powcr. D Flrcpl<1cc - PrIor to fnclng malerlals Jnd (raming Insp. D Framing - Prior to cover. D Wall/Celling Insul,ltiol,' - PrIor 10 cover. ~ D Drywall - Prior to l.1pln'g: o Wood Slove - Aller !n!";lall;l:ion. D Inserl - After (Ireplace npprovlll ilnd Installation of unit. o CLHbcul & Appro.lcll - Afler forms arc c.'reClcd but prior 10 plnccment of concreW. o Sidewalk & DriVCW:I\, - After excavntion Is complctc. lorl1l~ ancl Sul).b.1se ma!<:rlnl In place, D Fence - WIlen compleled. D ~llrool Trees - WIlen all required lrces arc planted. D Final Plumbing - When all plumbing worl< is complel,e. o Fin,al Elect~cill - When all electricat warlc is complete. ) ( - F' Mcclwnicnl - When all I1cc/lanical worl< I~ complete. D Fin.1I Ouildin{J - Wilen all required Inspecllons have been approved and building is completed. DOthcr MOBILE HOME INSPECTIONS D OIocking nnd Set.Up - When all blocl<ln~l is complete. D Pllllnbinu Conncction~ - Whcn home 1101:; been connected 10 waler WH.! sower. o Eleclric..1 Connection - Wilen bloc::ldnO. ~ct.up. and plumbIng In~;pccIl<.)n~ l1:wc been nppfovcd and tllC 110IllC is connected to tllO $crvlce panel. D Finnl - After all required inspections <1re approved and porches, sl<irllng, dccl<s, and venting tlavc been lnstnllcd. Lal (aces Lol Type _ LOI SQ. /.Ig. Inlcrior' Lot coverage Corner Topography Tolal helghl Panhandle Cul-{je-sac BUILDING PERMIT ITEM SO. FT. X $/50. FT. Ml.1in Garage Carport Total Value Ouilding Permit Fcc Slate Surcharge Tolal Fcc (A) ACC I I I it THE PIlOPOSI:D WOIlI< iN THE. ""HISTOIlICAL DISTRICT, OR ON THE HISTORICAL REGISTER? II yes, Ihis appllcallon must be signed and approved by the Historical Coordinalor prior 10 permit issuance. Sctb.1C]<S. I P.L. HSE GAR N ---- S w .----- --- -- -- ~ APPROVED: ~-,---,,, VALUE " (El) SYSTEMS DEVELOPMENT CHARGE (SDC) PLUMBING PERMIT ITEM Fixtures Residential 8athlo) N' Sanllury S~wcr Water FT. FT. Storm Sewer FT. Mobile Horne Plumbing Porrnll Stale SUfctHH{le \, Total Chorgc (C) MECHANICAL PERMIT Furnocc Exhausl Hood Vent Fan N' Wood Slove/lnscrl/Flrcplacc'Unit Dryer Venl ~-,!,r'C1- f7 ___ Mechanical Permit Issuance Slale Surcharoe Tol<ll Permit (D) MISCELLANEOUS PERMITS Mobile Horne State Issuance Stale Surch<lrge Sidcw<llk /.I Curbcut " Demollllon Slate Surcharge TOIOlI MI:;cellancous Permits (E) TOTAL AMOUNT DUE (exclu(ling eleclrlcal) (A, 0, C, D, and E Combined) FI:E {I(.) /5.00 La OJ -- '(illl 2'- z.,..> BUILDING VALUE, PLAN CHECK AND BUILDING PERMIT TIlis permil is gronted on the express condilion Ih.11 the said con:.;lruction :.;11<.111, in all rcspects, conform \0 Ihe Ordinance adopted by the City 01 Springfield, including the Developmcnt Code, regulating the construction and use of buildings, and may be suspended or rcvol<ed at any lime upon violation of any provi:;ion~ of SOlid ordlnonccs, Plan Check Fcc: Dale P'-lid: Receipt NUlIlber' Received By: PI:Ins Reviewed ..0-;,-.----.-. Dale Systems Development Charge is due on all undeveloped properties within the City limits which are beIng Improved, ADDITIONAL COMMENTS :'J: :-\ ~ ~: 11 i ' . I! i , I .' :~' \ ' I . '., :'1."/ .., ,",'J"."'- .' I '.I'I"oJ" . . ...'f' .;.,.... " . . ~ ( By slgn<lture, Istate and agree, U,at I hqve carefully examined tile completed <lpplication ond do hereby certify that ill! Information hereon i:.; true and correct, and Ifurlher certify that any and all work performed shall be done in accordance with the Ordinancu:.; of the City of Springfield, <:lnd the Laws of the Slf'ltc of Oregon pertaining to the worl< described herein, <:!nd tl1<lt NO OCCUPAr'IJCY will be made of any slruclure without permission of the Building Safety Division. I furlher cerli fy Illal only contra~tors and employees who arc in compliancc'witt, ORS 701.055 will bo used on this praiec!. r furl her agree 10 ensure Iha\ all required Inspections arc requested allhc propcr limo, Il1at oach address Is readable .---- from tile street, I It 1 permit ca.rd Is localed at the front of the property- :lnd C .:lpproved set or pl<Jns will remain On tile sile a all ti during 10 . (I Signature -<J Oat,... VALIDATION: (nO ~'-f~ DATE PAl" 7(2/1'9- AMOUNT RIOCEIVf:Q ___ '2-~ ~ /J FIECEIVED DY trY wa-v:; RECEIPT NUMBUl