HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1990-4-26 (2) I C; - (01 lS- Rccdpt if \ la '6 ~ f.t? .. RESIDITlAL" " APPLICATI /PERMIT 225 North 5th Street Springfield, Oregon 97477 Building Division 726-3753 Job Location: t:j4/ /7 (LrC-cY E4"~........ -f to.:..",.. C> '3 ->.:d- / 'S JI,,!!.:; /~ 101 400 AsoeS80rc Map II SubdiLlision: (}.mer: ~~..- Address: ~b" e City' ~t:--Ic, r / I3t-o s . 40-1<. ~' !. ~I<I Addi ticn n n Remodel !lobile Hom3 nisi gq Date of Application Contractors . General i Plumbing , Hechanical ,r T= Lot # Pr.tme: 60 b -Cft7'J-1 77405 . ~~ Zip: Describe rl'ork: 1) 7~ ~">1 - t?"->e (/,'<41 Value 64/'2-::? Bldrs Board ReI!. Exoires Phnnp 68h- -r41!/ '74.5"- >t::>?5 t::..~7: Lise. II ' Sigr.ed:t1t~I~ )1' '\ Date: . v, /:;q _ LL7 -Lf { } ~/':kl~ h/~/f"O #~9o ~C./:J.I/ <?/'J C/. 5' .:>1 ' ' It is ths r(lBponoibit~ty of ths permit holder to 868 that all in ections are made at the proper tim€., that each ~es3 is readabte fl'Om thB 8tl'eet. and that ths permi t card is 'tocated at the front of the propel'ty. .Buitding Divicio~ approved p~ shatt remain on tha Building Sits at all times. PROCEDURE FOR INSPECTION RE:.QUEST;CALL 726-3769 (recorder) state your City designated job number, job add:rcss, type of in3pectic'l roquested ar.d when you will be ready for inspection, Contracto1's 01' Ot.mers name and phone number. Requests 1'eceived before 7:00 C':"l ...'il't be made the same dc.y, requests made after 7:00 am IJiU be rrruie the nc:ct :.JOrking day. . - y~ City Desigr.ated Job f!wnb<r Ia: 'if q /;)- Cj c; Address <f:2-J1A?~~ ~ 7.7 AI,.,._rf- d......t ,c;...~ ?O-Z~6> ? ~7'fhJTff~ --'7~4cyy .d./?'4-~ EJ,,,ctrical - 7~",,"'ft>>~, e;...,.~ Zo- fbG <;--- ,SlIoervOl."9ing Electr~cian~........A!r~5J h~ J1w1il"j'j:( TtJJ;r;"1t:1:r.,,!~ D SITE INSPECTION: To be mads after excavation, but prior to set up of f01'mB. O ' UNDERSLAB PLUMBING, ELECTRICAL & ,MECHANICAL: To be madB before any . work is aovcred. ~ rooTING & FOUNDATION: To be made ~ after trenches arB excavated and forms azoe erected, but prior to pounng concrete. UNDlSRGROUND PLUMBING. ~~1J'5? J?R1fINilCK!';J To be m:uiB prior 0 1.- ....1...,it -.:; sncMs. ~' UNDERFWOR PLUMBING & MECHANICAL: To be made prior to inotallation of floor insulation or decking. POST AND BEAM: To be made prior to installation of flcol' insulation or deckirro . ROOGFl PLUMBING. ELECTRICAL & MECH- ANICAL: No work is to be covered ,ur.til those inspections have beer. made and approved. FIREPLACE: Prior to placir.g facing matBrials and before framing inspec- tior:. r\:if FRAMING: Must be requested aftel' ~ approval of rough plwr.bing, alectri- cat & mechanical. All. roOfing bmcing h chinmcys, Bt". must be : completod. No work is to be con- .., aeal.ed until. this inspection has ~ b6~n made and approved. I"V'I INSULATION/VAPOR BARRIER INSPECTION: ~ To be made after all insulation ~~ '. requi~ed vapor barriera are in place . but cefore any lath, gypsum board or LJaU covering is applied, and before any inouLation is conceated. r\/1 DRYWALL INSPECTION: To be made ~ after aU drywall. is in place, but prior to any taping. O MASONRY: Steel l.ocation, bo1ui beams, grouting or verticals in accordance r.>i th U. B. C. Section 2415. O WOODSTOVE: After installation is ccmp'L8t~d. r\:7I CURB & APPROACH APRON: After forms ~ are oreated but priOl' to pouring . aonar6te. . f'::7f SIDEWALK & DRIVEWAY: For all ~on- ~ crete paving within streot right- of-way, to bc made after aU exca- vating complete & form work & zub- , rose matBriat in plaae. o IT] 5~ -h,JP (z) PENCE: When compl.;te -- Provide gates or movable sections through P.U.E. ' . DEMOLITION OR ;".:OVED BU/LDIiICS =:J Sani~a:ry setJer aapped at p:..op&rty tine =:J Septic tank p:<r.rped and fi'LZe~ LJith ;;:rG.:JeZ I Final - r{hen above items W'e cc:rrpleted ~ ardi when demolition is complete or struo- ture moved and pro::mi3es cleaned up. I Nobile Homes :::J Blocking and Set-"p :::J.Plumbing connections s~er and Water ~ Electrical Connection - BLocking, set-up ...:-J and plumbing connections TTr.J.st 1;e approved befol'c requesting elec~rical inspection :::J Acaessory Building I, Fin:J.t - After porc1:es, skirting, decks, ~ etc. are completed. D FINAL PLUMBING All pl'oject conditions, $uch as the instaltation of stl'eet trees~ ca1PZotion of the required landscapir.g, etc., must be satisfied before the BUILDINC FINAL can be requestad. PINAL MECHANICAL ~ FINAL BUILDINC: The Final Building Inspection mUst ba reque:Jted after the Finat Plumbi"3 Electrical, and Machar.ical Inspectionn have been made and approved. ~ FINAL ELECTRICAL o AA~L MANHOLES AND CLEANOUTS IfUST BE ACCESSIBLE, ADJUST/fENT TO BE MMJf. AT NO COST TO CrT}' J nl!:e 1 of 2 IJOB I Zone: ru9'~ e. SOLAR ACCESS REQ.- R""> I Lot Face. - IJo/t!!!S -r I Setback. I P. L. Hou.. - Carage INorth /2..' /2.. . I' East :2..",';C South AI' .t IWe.t ~i 1: L-COG~ Ty,./Cor.st: .- N BedrOom.:.:3 ] I Ensrq}1 Sources I Beat Access. 1 I Watel' .lfp.otp.7" I I Range I 1""""- FireD lace II Wooda tove NO. LllR Lot Sq. Ftg. S of lot COIJerogo fJ of Stories Total Height T.....t''''':s~._t'hy Occurxzncy c4 ~07P. LOT TYPE: ~~?'L- /Intericr I 2/)' ~ -7-",,'7- ~~ _ CUl-de-sac I }.b T J 'lie/II AEJ Jlew~V/1!E f490~) :~ '7.SD -75 po 3,7S 7~.7S I I ITF:M I_n I Gcr(11]8 I S~.F'TG /1-25 "'2 (p Cal'"POrt ACOBBBorv I I TOTAL VALUE: Is.D.c. fVCt.UC) 1.5 :r: Building permit State Surcharge Tota I Cha."ges I ITE:M NO. ~_ef AI//) 1#711 Re.idential II bath) Sani taroy Sewe1" Water" ~.(MNLY Plumbing Pem t State Su:re1-.a:t'(Je Total CharqeB ITEM NO. FE:E: Res. So. fto. NBlJ/E3:tend Cil'CUits I T ......r"'. ..... ~ Service Ete~trical Permit State Sur~ha.rae Total Cha:rges lITEM I Purnace ETU'S I Exhaust Hood Vent Fan NO. I FEE I /!2t.~n / :3 3 t7f1 WOodstove I rut?(.4kS Pe1'm'it Issuanca Me~haniaal Pernrit State Surcharae Total Charaeo -- E:NCROACHMF:NT -- 5eaurittl Daoosit Storago Maintenance (."...;.t Total Charaos I , I I \ I 1 I I I Nobile Hom. -, I I" II Z-~I 5'1 ' I Curbcut I side:Ja Zk I Fen::e I Et.eotM.cQ 1, Labe 1. I TOTAL AMOUNT DUE" FEE: COl'Yler Panhandle x Value 61. /U> q~J '1'2-1, ~pol / (P-1P 314,01// . CHARGE: _/5.~O 3"1.50 ;2t7,~ 1<00 2.O,Ot:> 1t/'7- $"0 S,3~ //2,ee CBARGE 31..5"0 CIIARGE ~,OO 4S"O q,oo 2.&0 '- ;;2.1. .)0 I, t'f3> I ~2..,$'1J, I. /3:15" I /fb.l-S ] I 1~,~3 T!ipe t4A-": 6A!i E '-/3<:- . MASON.Jt.y "2.0' : -- Fees -- I 1 Building Value & Permit This permit io granted on the express condition that the sdid construction shall~ in all respects, confonn to the Orodinance adopted by the City of Springfield, including the Zoning Crdinanco, r'egulating the constz-uction and use of buildings, and m:zy be suopended or revoked at cny time upon vio- lation of any provisions of said Ordinances. ;)-/~. :)-0 Id-- 1-tf'1 15':/7'1 /f.uJ- Plumbing Permit Plan Check Fee: Date Paid: Rec&ipt /I: Signed: No person ohall construct, instal!, alter or change any new Or' existing plumbing Or' drainage syst~ in whole or in part, unless such peroon is the legal possessor of a valid plumber's license~ except that a person may do plwnbing rJOrk to property which is owned~ leased or operated by the appli- cant. ,.. " . Electrical Permit Where State Law requires tr.at the electrical IJOrk be done by an ElectPical Contractor~ the electrical portion of this permit shall not bs valid until the label has been signed by the Electrical Contractor. . Mechanical Permit " ,e~//>L. JZ-~/- :i!>'l 1kz"Ce . I HAVE: CARE:FULLY E:XAMINE:D ths completed application for pemrtt. and do hereby certify that all information hereon is true and correct, and I further certify that any ar.d all IJOrk perfor:ned shall be do110 in accor- dance ,nth the Ordinance. of the City of springfield. and tho La-~. of tho " State of Oregan pertaining to the IJOrk doscribod here-:.n, and that NO OCCU- PANCY It1ill be mde of any structura without permission of the Building Di- vision. I fUrther' certify that o~ly contractors and ~loY8es ~ho are in compliance ~th ORS 701.055 ~ill be used on this projeot ~ ;tV 'Stinad /' -- 0Z6-.90 DG.te