HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1978-11-16 (4) -- . POST THIS PERMIT ON MAIN BUILDING AT SITE CONSTRUCTION PERMIT # 3464-78 ,JOB ADDRESS: 2472 Dumas Drive, Spfld TRS, TL: Subdivision: 17-3-23.44/116 This permit for the referenced property is hereby approved Setbacks and other conditions of approval must be strictly observed. Violation can result in revocation of this permit, citation under provisions of Lane County's Infraction Ordinance, and/or other remedies allowed by law. Applicant/Address: Barry Owner/Address: same Contractor/ Addresssame Contractor's OS # Burtz, same address as above Telephone: 7126-0694 Telephone: Telephone: Total Construction Value: 8085.00 Structures on porperty: SFD ~onstruction approved by this permit:, . Addition of bedroom & family room Water Supply: D....;.....h....T,1' PLANNING DIVISION WATER POLLUTION CONTROL DIVISION # Bedrooms" 0 # Plumbing Fixtures; # Employees: Zoning: RA Partitioning # Parcel # Minimum required structural setbacks, from: lM'nterline of road, front: side exterior: ; interior property lines: 7' ;rear property line:7, SpeciallnstrucW6ns: Parcel Size: ; centerline of road. 100x80 na 45' PUE For information call 687-4394, Donna Lee Meigs gal. min. septic tank capacity; Site Inspection # na Installation specifications: na lineal feet of drainfield required; max, depth of trenches: Special Instructions: New strueture may be connected to the existing SDDS under permit 375-73 at the time ath this system has been abandoned. drive over drain field. installed Do not Setbacks Septic Tank .terior property lines XMX:> ' _ge of road right-of-way 10' Building foundation 5' Wells, other water sources 50' CONSTRUCTION PE RMITS/I NSPECTlON DIVISION Directions to Site: Date Issued: 11-16-78 C5S-13 Drainfield 10' 10' 10' 100' For information call J:~ween 8:00 - 9:00 a.m., 3:~6 3:~}' Fire Zone: 3 Use Classification: SFD Type of Construction: 5N Instructions: R3 Group: See bther side for inspection information For plans information call 687-3767 between 8:00 a,m. and 9:00 a.m.,Jim Lamb For inspections (see back of this permit) call 687-4065 between 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. bne county ~ DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT COURTHOUSE I PUBLIC SERVICE BUILDING 125 EAST 8TH AVENUE, EUGENE, OREGON 97401 By: Jim Lamb/jl \ ~ ~ame . R",,+i. Application II ,~+f9+-78 for . I Ph"'Tu:, WORK SHEET Construction Permits & Inspection ~;\! Type of Construction 1<- ~ Group :?; Fi re Zone ~F n Use Classification ..T.(l RF TVPFn ON PF.RMIT, .$e IJ: orH ~ iC. .oS, l?~ ..,c"~~ Date-L.!-/4 - 7E- 74-164 / /1/< :o~a. 77.,,,.,,... w. / / .q Signature / V F """'2-. Application # 3 '-16 C;~ for ~(UJt. . 0- '--"""' WORK SHEET Water Pollution Control SITE FEASIBILITY REPORT Site c:J meets State standards; r::J does not meet State standards. SOS INSTALLATION Minimum Septic Tank Capacity (Gallons) Drainfield Required Maximum Depth of Trenches D Equal D Serial D Other Distribution System Setback ReQuirements From: Septic Tank Drainfield Interior Property Lines Centerline of Road (Front) Centerline of Road (Side Exterior) Building Foundation Wells, other domestic water supplies except public Stream, lake, ponds -~ /6 5 /7) S6 So /iYC /&0 !:!..u.) ~A..e..> ......... ,4__ ::J...-~ ~ ~ ~ ~.1).,<; _~ tA~ f~~/v'-H3-7S-7.3, 6tf' ~ ~,_,,_~ ~f- ~ ~ ~. /no ~,.. 1k ~ ~ > P,,!~ ,y. .~, V 10 -21: Ii?' Date ~~ San~rfan L/ M74-l65 TRS. TT \ 'l- -(,:) ~,~ ~ . L\ L( Plot Plan SUbdivision~. 2;' C\.Cd ~t f\';~"'" ;~k ~'"') ~ ------- . ~~., ---- ------ -'~ ;><', \ I / . _.---/ ~ "'\ " - ~ Q ~ " ~c, ) ~ ,> "- ~' " ~ I j-/ /10 or .l3 P..I ::)(;E -/? I f,1 ~7Pv! r . tl , ;,~ j Vicinity Map ... I"'J ~ - ~ Job Location Permit Q Permit Q Permit Q rffS17I'J'- S&PTlC, P'!!ii. \-{! tj ~ ~ () Q ~ ''lJ I" l\ ~ ,I ~ '\~ ( ~ I ~ -- .',;.." (Addrel!s) 2'1? 2. For For For OCJ/'Y)~S Permit Permit Permit R.s s I.DE.r)r:. e f 100 ~I \ - --... i / ,';:(14'//1 "J - \, '&,,\ _ ~ $if./-ucr., '- //Je I _I ,-, , - - - - - -=---= --~/--:r- ~-f I >:,.-1- ~// ItOD/rION 13/;1'0.{ _. -- - - - - - -.-- l?-. ::,"01.;...........'_../ D~ Q Q Q .':'.:'..:-:':':'~-::-:':.'- For For For ......f;J.. .......J.......,' ~:.:::G:.'..'."f. , I l ~ ~ v, 't ~ ;:) C) " () Ju.li1f.1! 00 o /1 '\. I . ~ " , , " ,r. ~// / '~j:~ " , . ~ ,- . . FLOOD PLAIN MANAGEMENT Department of Publ ic Works 125 East 8th Avenue Eugene, Oregon 687-4195 TO: v PER~IT PROCESSING PERMIT NUMBER 34-6.4 -IB PLAimING PARTITION NUMBER PUBLI C WORKS SUBDIVISION OTHER SITE ADDRESS PERMIT VALUE IS A SUBSTANTIAL IMPROVEMENT. YES NO V-- SITE IN FLOOD HAZARD AREA YES NO SITE LOCATION IS WITHIN A FLOOD HAZARD APPROXIMATE STUDY AREA, EXTRA PRECAUTIONS MAY BE APPROPRIATE TO ASSURE THAT THE BUILDING SITE WILL BE REASONABLY SAFE FR0/1 FLOODING. MOBILE HOME TIE DOWNS REQUIRED. SITE LOCATION IS WITHIN A FLOOD HAZARD DETAIL STUDY AREA. 1. MINIMUM FIRST FLOOR ELEVATION OF (M.S.L.) REQUIRED. 2. MINIMUM FOUNDATION ELEVATION OF (M.S.L.) REQUIRED. 3. MOBILE HOME TIE DOWNS REQUIRED IF GROUND ELEVATION THAT MOBILE HOME WILL BE PLACED ON IS BELOW THE REQUIRED MINIMUM FIRST FLOOR ELEVATION. 4. SITE LOCATED WITHIN A DESIGNATED FLOODWAY CHANNEL, BUILDING PROHIBITED. RECOMMENDATIONS: ;i; -0 - -J \ o oJ I ~ l}J ~ I ~ --l )0> >< r o --l DATE II-'Z.-le, BY Cc,mc ~ C99-21 ...a.._ . . ~ ...... Jif41o::1 ,,~~e~ A}:7i II NO~L1V1.n':l-~tS lu5aroc:.l9l ~'t.nS 1/ \~ .J / sepuc Tan:t: Ft. from ""U Stc"lO J"no1.Q.o U~lW;U:lll.:j. ~: / LC!ngth J,~ tlidth 7,J ApP~~l OE~~'S A~D BRENDA CLAr-K !toiling lIddress "'"!'~th of Lin<>s - Pt. . ''i'ttnCh 1.7.ra.kn"p4. s. 6. tlidth.J . Sha't'2'f (S~ inauucUQnn) ~ '~Ll.' $--4/ lIQJVIDwu. SEt:AGE DISi'O:J\L SVST.:IJ m:COlUl Innt~llor: Ca;plete top port of fore to oi9naturo and roturn toth copion to L.:\no ~ COunty Building SaniUlUon Il<>p:lrucnt. C ----- Dr"'tMIT Nn Uf '7.5:..'" - I prcpo:rtJ IU1draas raut,.",...~ lO'iNSO"f ("R~{1'l ROAO I lla.=n~ I ""'to: Supply A Yos 0 tlo IJ Public 0 Other-List !II :..iA C""~rote tJ No. Co::lpo.r=ts I Gal. c..pocity I tln" . ~,f-- I Tl1~ D1opc:3al i"ielrl~ . Di=tar - Il<>pth 7, i Di.tribution ea:&,yos l1! tlo 0 , Othor D10tJ:1DUUon- 'j'YP STAR RouTr MARtOlA, OREGOU Foot (EF!! , f('l Lot Line Front. Sid" ~P.lf. rro~ cqf-'~.bod ~t }.Illit~r e....,;U,l~t~~ Cfop~ 1.!:.7.lo Ihncs gr "" -l.. IWn 7--- tn. l. h\o. Pour.dnticn I~ r "- . 'r '"J Ie: '\'\ ''11 ,~ \,,' . ~ ' W: l;!,.c '. ,e u) \ 1\' JUN ~ i \913 - If.;'.HAill:i1 f fr-:El'lllIltlll ,I - -' /' ..- / / ..' -- .---- ,.. \. / ./ . - -- - -~ -- r' -, --'- - - - --- ,ovD~ ~?::. f)"'.1 - -- -- - - ~(l_ r \.. \ '" t I. -).-7-117 3u----' f lS'_ : I '1 'I __.1 D~to Il - - ---, -Il"- -'I S1qnaturo ....", () 1~/1 to l~ / -0 _.0 ll<lte: r.)~3 601 B.1 \);11..., tB/Jiqftlk4!!.kJ , 17-" sanHaritretf !lJ.fiiture & So.nito.tion Dopt. i! > . VO,.r ~ltarilln Uso only: lQ. Approved. Syotc IllllUUoUcn CCnfottlD to current Stllnd...d. C Dlol:,.-r'~hd. Doon tlnt CCn!om ta currant Stllndl>rd. ecnarh!)J FCN 1 ') ..; 1 2 i1 1=.0 County llulld~g CU.II -_ .. - ...__. '.= =..-=or..>oa "'-==- \ ....~ L _J LANE COUNTY D~RTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL M~AGEMENT .d 125 EASTa AVENUE EUGENE, OREGON 974_ ~ ~ING OIVISION Current ~ning -Q ~ Fee Partitioning' []pending []Completed Parco I No. PortitioninQ Reouired Other I ./ ~NAT" POLLUTION CONTROL How Site In.pection(.) 6DS Construction [] New N Bedrooms, . ot Sitea o Repair Cammer strial - . ot Employees .....l -.P \# \:) o CONSTRUCTION PERMITS AND INSPECTION (Seo above tor . ot bedrooms/' of employees) FEE o :-iobl hi Home $ o Permanent o Temporary I'\St~c ur~ Renew~ !..t~.lu.t1~n \.\ .\r\ ~ -""-.>f.. :!,~. $ ~J..,.O . 1:.\ '--:1.. r,,;n::::; _ . \ ~ $ ~r""~ - /, $ "\.Pl Q. '-::L Total V,lu~tion ~ Plumbing fixtures at Scwer/W^ter Conn. ~t :~ s $ $ \~ DU Each I:ach ~ Subtotal $ ~ . ..::."- ""<.-= $ ,YY. $ -~"\ O(.j $ G..:y~C FEE ~, Stato Surcharge plans Check Fee Change of Occupancy TOTAL BUILDING PERMIT ~Sf Minimum ttructural setbacks: From centerline ot street: Front o o o Exterior Sid. . Ll ~ From interior lot lines: SidH I Rear l"1' y~ [J Comm'l plans sheet to applicant [] Curb~applicant PUBLIC LANDS fJOAddr~nimum Elev.fio0 PUBLIC WORKS QDaci~"~h HEALTH /' V I:NV 1 RON:-tENT A L by L~~ Ctuh Check t Rec'd (~'< Address A. ~ ta) "-----\\L.J ...... l $ $ $ $ $ \.C{~ _"\.t:) $ C\~~o , ,-e:t- ,.rtO-:, -~ ~ tor an a9ricultural building. I hereby declare that this building will be purposes dS allowed by zoning r the State Building Code, and for no er purpose. 1 further certify that the statements and other information submitted on this a on are tr e and accurate, and that I have the following le9al interest in the proper wner of cordI contract purchaser; leS8ee; holder of an exclusive option to purc du uthorizeato act for a person wMhas the !OIlowin9 le9al interest I ; or that the owner ot ~cord is knowledgeable of this ::p~~catlon~tl'__I am not tha OWner. ~ fu~aqree to ,omp~y "th ~l applicable codes relat!nv 0... \("~/:=:'l~PPlic.nt'. Sign"u e \~ \r.J ( Iv\ . L ' ) - 0 THIS IS YOUR RECEIPT. AND DOES NOT GIVE YOU PERMISSION TO BUILD. lOA INFORMA ION ABOUT THE PROGRESS OF YOUR APPLICATION, CALL PERMIT CONTROL. 687-4357 1687-HELP) C74-170 AVERAGE PROCESSING TI.... IVlr, l ~ 1 k-' ~ g ~ 5 o ... .. .. " ., n ~~ o J..l~ I~~~( ~ iljJ ~ ~;:: JJf ,},l) ,).!}. X JP "'?~ ~ ... ') f,J - .... . .... ~ll ~-, o .., bne county - epPLlCATION APPlICANI A~A1 /S ~d;- ADD"" _~,4"77 l~) _~_._~L) OWNER (IF OIFFERENT~' V AcORU" ~ _ ---.so ~ ~ . PHD'1f 7?-b -(')b9Y rny ~-J1 ZIP o/? V7? i V PHONf ~ 0 >>. c , . ~ ~ 0 ;: ~ n ~ X ~ 5 " 5 z ~ z >> z z ~ -, ~ Q/ m n " ;:;. ..... ~ -J , 0 W , I & ~ .A> I 'i ~ , ~ .~ "-+-J /l 'llY ZIP CONTRACT""" PHONF rONTRACTOR'S ORE. STATE L1CENSF ONE) 0 PREFER TO PICK UP CAU R~~~~'J AOOIP,,,r )l:!:J MAil COMPLETED PERMIT TO APPLICANT WNER/CONTRACTOR (CIRCLE I. PRESENT USE OF PROPERTY (r.sidential: type of forming; commercial or Indultrlol: vocant: ek.) Z. DESC"?:i~~WO;o';;~ANYSI'UCTU"SIOBEDEMOL:HED -; n~ , Ro~~ 3, IMMEDIAIEPlANSFO."iISPROPEIlYIIHISAPPllCAnONIA'" ~~ :;2&;.;yv,-::/) tIC,,,.. I ~ ....,...-.".-:tPA ~_"..1 ' /6/ k '~. -4. FUTURE PLANS: "It! (,;,,) ~- 5. PLOT PLAN. Sketch (A) 011 rood. (8) boundarl.. o' prop.rty (C) IIlx;lting/propo.ed building. (Dj ...iSllng/proposed ..wog. dlspol(ll or~. (E) IIlll1fllng/propond driveways (G) eo..menll (H) drginogewayl, Ilr_ms, cr_ks, any olher perllnenl '_fures. If commercial or industrial. show freestanding signs, park. Ing areas. INDICATE DIMENSIONS. ~l i3'\ ~ ~ ~ ~ o ;; 11 5 z ~ o ~ ~ " . R ~ Ci ,Jj J-. .~ 6. TOTAl lOT SIZE OR ACREAGF J()() I ')( S'O YDAJ'.r , ,~! III ')~' l/, 'J d .., ,~ I 7. SITE INSPECTION TEST HOLES READY (DATE\ e. METHOD OF SEWAGE DISPOSAL STR~ LAKE-rl.UBlI~: ~~ /( , . L.,U ';tI~ '71-""'./Jt_~ r 9. PROPOSED WATER SUPPLY 10. EleCTRICITY FURNISHED BY 11. NATURAlGASBY 12. FIRE DISTRICT 13. SCHOOL DISTRICT 1". PLUMBING BY WEll_ SPRING_ m:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::I::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: DO NOT WIITE aElOW THIS LINE ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::m::::::::::::::::::m:I::::::::::::: ::::::::::::: -' nlv BEFORE YOUR APPLICATION CAN BE PROCESSED YOU MUST FURNISH: ~ , A'Io..l1 PLOT PLANS (DIMENSIONED) I ~GAl DESCRIPTION "~\\~\~ LANE COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT (y~ DATF ./ D - L. "/ -"7 e- 125 EAST 8TH AVENUE, EUGENE, OREGON 97401 0".171 TRS TJ \'\--Q~,~~.L\~ , .' Plat Plan Subdivision ~. 2;' C\61 L:t 035"" - ~;l~k (-0 Job Location Permit (J Permit II Permit (J '. -... \ u ~ t$' ~ /IJ ~ .----. o rJ~ ~~~.., I'll, / I~: , Li -___fl1i121:!!~5I{OTGL::~_g__ ___ . f~tll~1, ,a Vicinity Map ~ C74-150 (Address) 2. '172- For For For Duml9S DI'<.. Permit (J Permit II Permit (J R&S'I:)E/lJC~ I /00 ~ () fO~f~rJC. - ,#P']jl.c. \ /. - IP1j1N _ _ _ $fIf"E~IU,v" \ q'l'_* - - - - - -=- -= ----- - J- ~--=e..... t' 1'". I 13~rtf 'I (I, .~ ~I ~' ,/ ~ ,~( \ -----.-. RES "JE/lJU fl J For For For ~ ~ <-, "" ~ ;) q 1 .... () fv111[1( 00 -0 ./ '\ I.