HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1981-4-20 (2) I FOR OFFICE USE ONLY .. Applicatioj1.07 . /.70 () / Pcrmlt #~- l::7u4 -'1..,. DTwo Copies of Plans COHPLETE THIS BLOCK. PLEASE USE BLACK INK AND PRINT. 01'\010 Copies of Plot Plans 'I\1Wtl.:;,l-[il' 7 I RANGE CJ..3 I SECTION'.,. JL // I TAX j,/, OOU'1' Of' "I DMcchanical Checklist / o:f 3,7- r //'7 OI'Jumbinq ChccUist ~~W~d~t:')9l7. i~'''"''OO''"'o,","' LOC~O~D.s...RESS J " STREET ~ / ~~ . ~ ~ PROPOSED USE OF PROl!ER'rY 0-<'7-'6 t:J , ~h/..,....v w,,/.~~~ ~79'//' ~esidential DIndustrial (sT~EZN:.~~::~/~V'7_~' o Commercial DPublic D" 'IPTCOoN OFSE5'WDRK . r" " I :i?aE~ !;!!. · '"ED~~ 1T~6F h:l~ I # OFE'd"M I W~~ ~~~~~~~~~ 7"7::: ~~ '/' TELEPHONE NUllBER CLt-t. ,~._..~ ~A'?ZfP~ ~~ 7~~~5"Sh' ~R"; J4E AN ~L5j/-5- /(/2# ,~L#-97~77 ~;v~~;;.- / ::ffaRt:.9# ~~~ _dv~~~.~.~/_ ~~/~ ~ ~~:.;; ~~~.~ "',," ,., e' '""..,,~ '""0" ,_ .," "'"'00 "" '''''0 ccrtiEy tha~ Ll'lj' ;:or":!. all ltIorlt performc:d shall be dcne 1n llcccrd<lon("~ ~!.t!1 LIle Cr1in'~ccs of Lane Cour,ty and the Laws of the Slote of Oro)goJ'". perlaining to the !o::.k oe-scribed herein, and that NO OCCUPANCY will be :nade <Jt .:lay Stnlct'lre ...ithoct the permission of the Building Oivision. I Curther certify that r..::tlZltrc.l..1on with the Builder's Board is in full f~rce and cffc(.t a.s req'lln:d by ORS 701.055, that if exempt the basis for exemption is noted hereon. an~ ~h4t only subcontractors and employees who are in c~mpli~nc.c with QP$ 701.055 will be used on this project. I HA\~ READ AND CHECKED THIS APPLICA'1 IC:~ THO~t!GHLY. ", . ~~~h - d-o VA ~r\D.fd CONSTRUCT~N/PLACEMENT PERM IT ' , . ~ " ,(l/l,.fLLF~4//~~ - NAME (please print) - Downer ~~ ~"-f,~~contractor DATE 0 Agent D PLANNING/ZONING: zone.~rt't'on. J1//t9- Pa"cel # AlA Min,mum Setbacks, CL. front {Is' C~::%k!.. 'ntenor /5' co_nts'~__~ L.-'~/~ ,~~ ,;:?dL: Parcel Size /~y /3..5"' rear ..:<'t?'" ~ GRiD COORDtttATc N E Date,3-.,;(l~tf/ ~ n n Date: o 2LOODPLAIN: (J RURAL ADDRESSING: )){ SANITATION: s. 1. # In flood hazard area? t(lJO [] Yes, see attached sheet. Date: B. P. .'/..2.91J- 6tf. Installation Record Issued? ~ Yes r=J No In5t:~llation S!)ecifi.:::ations: '"Ie: Lineal Feet of Draintield Maximum Depth of Trenches Commerrts: sd~/ ~~~~~ ~i-:~~./ Sq. Ft. Fixed Fee/ Unit Cost Da::'~ /~ J ~ BY ~ PERMIT /.J?/1AJ:-/-_ ~~, FIOOdPla~~ $ Subsurface Fees $ .-::? ~ !:!!. s . ~'Z . t) 0 S S S s 4C,.OO State Surcharge S 3.fDt:> PJ6~Z~,(gfiJ FEES PAID ~~I.ie:...1\. -6 Cash .-#- :S:-";f.s--tf'/ c~/2t)kJ , 1 DATE ad&m: ~lUiW~J ()J-'f1'U- bOiL "'I\) W- reg"f/11l4rt I'eCffl1ect ~ o Corn.:r.e:n'ts: CONSTRUCTION AUTHORIZED """ . +,t.5:f:s Building Fee Sewer/Storm Drain/Water Plumb.ing Fixtures Mechanical Plans Check Fee .-, k~// (ft. - .JAL VALUATION S &oOX) By' -"--.'''--'-''-, , ~ ...'-~ ~E&~JT nPPROVED BY BUILDING OFFICIAL/DESIGNEE :per CRS 456.8C5(lTl L^N~ ~,-:;m1?: DEPARTt-mNT OF ENVIRONMEN'fAL MANAGEMENT / 125 EAST EIGHTH AVENUE, EUGENE, OREGON Date: ~ 97401 C7...;" - L9~ SEE REVERSE , >tmACKS AND DTHER CDNDITIONS OF APPROVAL MUST BE STRICTLY OBSERVED, VIOLATION CAN RESULT IN REVOCATioN OF' THIS PERMIT, CITATION UNDER PROVISIONS OF ~ COUNTY'S INFRACTION ORDINANCE, AND/OR OT.REMEDIES ALLOWEO BY LAW. . ' ". \~II[lj REAOY FOR INSPECTION CALL 087-4065, A MINIMUM OF AT LEAST 24 HOUR AOVANCE NOTICE rOR I1ISPECTION REQUEST MUST BE CIVUL . Have the following information'ready: Permit number, job address, type of inspection. when it will be ready, your name and phone number, and any special directions to site. " BUILDING DIVISION: REOU I RED IIISPECTI ONS 1) fOUNDATION IIISPECTlOtl: To be made after trenches are excavated and foms erected and when all materials for the foundiltio are-d~elivered on the job. Where concrete from a central mixing plant (conmonly termed "transit mixed") is to be uspd, materials need not be on the job. 2) CONCRETE SLAB OR UNOER-FLOOR INSPECTION: To be made after all in-slab or under-floor building service equipment, conduit, piping accessories and other ancillary equipment items are in place but before any concrete is poured or floor sheathing installed, including the subfloor. 3) FRI\MIIIG & INSULATION INSPECTIOI,S: To be made after the roof, all framing, fire blocking and bracing are in place and JTCpipes, fireplaces and chimneys and vents are complete and all rough electrical and plumbing are approved. All wall insulation and vapor barrier are in place. 4) LATH AND/OR GYPSUM BOARD INSPECTION: To be made after all lathing and gypsum board, interior and exterior, is in place but before any plastering ;s applied or before gypsum board jOints and fasteners are taped nnd finished. 5) FINAL INSPECTION: Tu be made after the building is complete and before occupancy, APPROVAL REQUIRED. No work shall be done on any part of the building or structure beyond the point indicated in each successive inspection without first obtaining the approval of t~e building official. Such approval shall be given only after an inspection shall have. been made of each successive step in the construction as indicated by each of the inspections requ ired. iIOTE: All building permits require inspections for the work. authorized, such as but not limited to: A. BLOCK WALL: To be made after reinforcing is in place, but before any grout is poured. This inspection is required for each bond beam pour. There will be no approval until the plumbing and electrical inspections have been made and approved. B. WOOD STOVE: To be made afte~ completion of masonrv Jif aD~!cablel and when installation is comolete. Installation shall be in accordance with an approved nationally recognized testing agency and the manu. facturer's installation instructions. C. HOBILE HOME: system for: cormec t ions" An inspection is required after the mobile home is connected to an approved sewer or septic setback. requirements, blocking, footing connection, tiedowns, skirting, and plumbing (1) (2) (3) footings and piers to comply with State foundation requirements for mobile homes or as recorrmended by the manufacturer. Mobile home minimum finish floor elevation shall be cert-ified when required by a floodplain management letter. h Hobile home tiedowns, when required, and skirting. shall""be installed and ready for inspection within at l~ast 30 days after occupancy. ~.liedowns and skirting shall be installed per enclosure. D. SWIMHING POOL: Below grade when .steel is ih place and before concrete is poured. Above grade when pool is installed. APPROVED PLANS MUST BE ON THE JOB SITE AT ALL TIMES DURING WORKING HOURS. THIS PERMIT WILL EXPIRE IF WORK DOES NOT BFGIN WITHW 180 DAYS, OR IF WORK IS SUSPENDED OR ABANDONED FOR MORE THAN 180 DAYS, SUSPENSION OR REVOCATION MAY OCCUR If TIII~ PWUl WAS ISSUED ON THE BASIS OF INCOflPLETE OR E.RRONEOU5 INFORMAT ION, ANYO/,E PROCEEDING PAST THE POI~IT OF REQUIRED INSPECTIONS I/lLL 00 SO AT HIS OWN RISK SUBSURFACE AND ALTERNATIVE SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEHS (1) (2) Permits shall be effective for one year from the date of issuance. Upon completing the construction for which a permit has been issued the permi~ holder shall notify. the Department by submitting the installation record fonn. The Department shall lnspect ~he constructlon ~o detennine if it complies with the rules contained in this division. If the ~onstructlon do~s comply \'lIth such rules. the Oepartment shall issue a certificate of satisfactory completlOn to the pernl1t holder. If the construction does not comply with such rules, the Oeparbnent shall notlfy the per~'t holder and s~all require satisfactory cOlllpletion before issuing the certificate. Failure to meet the requlrements fo~ satlsfactory con:pletion within a r..-..eas.ol1a~le time cons,t~t~t~s a violatiorr of.()RS 454.605 to 454.745 and thlS rule. Setbacks - Subsurface Sewaqe Disposal r~om: Interior property lines .~qg.of road right-of-way ;. ~ ",ClIttd'ing foundation Wells, other water sources SeDt ic Tank 10' 10' 5' 50' Drainfield 10' 10' 10' 100' , '. " _ '~.f., ,- .. \-. ._'..-". ...._'" '. " ' '.' ,.. '. ~ 1 ~. . . ,. . . . IL I . .' . . . · APPLICANT HIINTEf':.. II TLI 0000000000000 . NEI~ Bl.DG TYPE COllE' APF'l.. NO BP enl'" liF' pr:' liP eHI::, . LANE COUNTY DEPT ENV M~T RECEIPT CHARLES ADDR NA SUBl)]:V USE X NO BDRMS 00 NO UNITS 001 ACTION DESCRIPTION SQ FT UNIT PL NO. FIXTURES: e MECH SUF~ epCI< E<I::- PCI< eSl.m PCI< ~. CATG: SEW:J: Tr,I<EN . '\ I t L.C NO. CONNEClCms: MECHANICAL FEE STATE Sl.mUMF:GE' PLAN CHECK FEE ,,:':10Bl SUPP AF'F' I E<Y PLH I'!A FP SDS SI PCI< EST. COMPLETION DATE 042281 .11. '" 63081 e I I, . . e . ,j 1'1 e . e e :,' . el I . DATE 0421 E. l.OT IJI.I<.~ NO STORIES NO BLDGS 001 COST VAl..UATION FEE DAY~~ J .f . ~ " IS ~ i ~; . 00 EACH- 4;{. OTH ISS TOTAl... F'[HO:,,)I, 92.00 46.00 3.6B -4\~).. 0(-) 9~'; . 6B CI' . . I " e , e " . r/~ . . . . . . . J. ., . . . .. . . . . " , . . . . I , Iii. . . . -\ . -- --- . - .- - - - . APPI..,ICANT HUNTER, TL; 1703234400114 I) INEW BLDG TYPE . CODE AF'f"l. NO BP Ill'" eBP BP BP .Bf"'. PCI< PL . MECH sur~' r'CI< .SD'S C.C '630Bl I'(AAI1 NO. nXTUI~ES: LANE COUNTY DEPT ENV MGT RECEIPT ; '63081 DATE 0325B' CHARLES ADDR i 505 N '7TH, SPIUNGFIELD, OREGON . SUBDIV JRD ADDITION NORTHWOOD ESTATES LOT 19 BLK 4 USE: 1'( ND BDI'::MS 04 NO UNITS 001 ND STmnES NO BI..,DGS 001 .liI: ACTION DESCl'npTION SQ FT UNIT COST VAUJA'rIOH FEE DAY.J <;l ~ .' ~ I : ~ << ~. '. el ~ NO. CONNECTORS: MECHANICAL FEE ST A TE SIJRCHAI~GE PLAN CHECK FEE 20000 1 5.00 E:M:H ,= 4~~ 50;~ 4e"N) 2~}'. 01;) . SDSF: "r.. , / . . CIHG: .SE:(W: TAKEN ApP I;) BY RLH I~A FP SDS SI I COrlpLETION DClrE: PCI< OTH. ISS ") ~ ., '" I. 71.00 CI< EST. 04'16Bl TOTAL FEElH' . IJ J . . " . . BOLD . SLIP bne county - APPLICATION # LC 630-81 LOCATION 2450 DUMAS DR I VE CHARLES HUNTER NAME ADDRESS 1505 N. 7TH SPRINGFIELD, OREGON 97477 ZI P CODE The above application is being held for the following reasons: PROVIDE TWO SETS OF PLANS IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE ATTACHED MINIMUM PLAN REOUIREMENTS, THE SUBMITTED PLANS ARE UNCLEAR AS TO THE AMOUNT AND TYPE OF WORK BEING DONE, THERE IS A DISCREPENCY REGARDING THE TYPE OF WOOD STOVE BEING INSTALLED. THE PLANS INDICATE AN EARTN STOVE ~T THE INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS ARE FOR A FISHER STOVE. PRO~~E ~UFFIC ENT DETAILS AND SPECIFICATIONS TO SHOW HOW THE STOVE WILL US A(i/~D. PROVIDE DIMENSIONS T~OCATE L QRK BEING DONE. THERE APPEARS TO PROVIDE THE MANUFACTURER AND M L UMBE A 10 INSTALLATION DETAILS AND INSTRUCTIONS. SPECIFY THE HEATING SYSTE~ TO B IN THE NEW(?) B.R. CLARIFY WHETHER THE 16'x24' SLAB IS NEW AND WHAT 1$ TB GOING TO BE U~ED FOR. SIGNATURE BY APPO I NT ME NT ONLY OFFICE HOURS 4/14/81 DATE 687-4061 PHONE This application will be held until above has not been furnished by that 4/29/81 date your If the information required application will be cancelled. Building fees paid for permits cancelled under these circumstances will be prorated according to the work that has taken place as of the date of cancellation. BUILDING & SANITATION / ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT DEPARTMENT 125 East 8th Avenue / Public Service Building / Eugene, Oregon 97401 / (503)687-4061 ,~ e e . e . . . //8r.?MIT /4~> t1J /)~c./'f I &,t/~ If.e~tr tJ~ /u.-us&,- (j) kc.r/'N'6; ~ ~~~ p:::,.s*?z.. jk/l7t1~ /dBfflZ- ti) iitce ~rAlri Wcec/ S~;.Jt:;-1 Wit! dS6~ ~tfldc hY"t> /f"dt.c.f/tJ;.J 1N'5411C} /kc.N'~r^7 ,~ cdafe_ .;;yec. , /vh7'?tL.6~~.s ~/' ;::./"6 eJtl##"Y FII./G .syS~M.. c~:;'1f;~S6p w,/I WPr1c1 ff<1l;A6-1 ~1)/"1 .,(M~ __l:fJt.rP?AJ(j /~c..l...rc:r._ _._ ,__ ,____, __ _ ,_ _ , " I'EJ /fe~e- A'e.4.Y .s-tcler'".j4=YCVA.G"? /-vs:hH/ , ;z r 6~Yt~ G;t-,"? cZ,ore. . (:0k,,;d ~~~;17 /30 I ('lJ_~~-hH1 ~CY~ /a,,,,-,k,,,? S/~ IbrZf Mk /y'~{/tft.r ~nJ~ HrdlV{ M../h'{) }--e,v(:7 -..> - - -l.- - . -.-----. ---" ~-~ ----- ._--- ------ - MEM(tt{ANDUM . lane county TO --J I, , n-o~n, y,,/ 'F1/Y 3rI 'lrid (1h}/illffi"J fm7i&l j"YJ1 bl_ FROM j(fJStI.u' wWdP,(}Ib/;// \')(hJjjCUl.oyu SUBJECTLcJo3D-~J SJJpAu/lPfYlUv 24!bD~mflQ DATE 00 tIJfWJ ITl./ ()uAJe) Jr:lJhd UJfJh ~ aj- &; if ~d PcdJI0 ().:m2kf abtut stWeh au:W~rid.J, ,fjJ cJ1uo ~,0k sr/tili(j W-I1cd ~ {l//h no .suvev ~ I.., O/ha;t 0/U4 VluW ClMd MVLR JAa:; / ~ ~ /lJd- ~ ---to lf€CL<J (an J/I.tP~ ~ ~ he-- ~ ~ _ 5o'U{ pfwfo .5A4 3f' 2'10 4- ~ Cj/I~ sa... lYIappzd 2&oA /I1afahav S/f-L /+z.6 "'k:z,6le.) G I o - 12 IJetIj dl< br 51 'CL I?/~O cf)I:.br S/CL~S"c.. 30-1{3 c..L Lf?,-r brCL ~L 110 (}J1iJi:r ~h/IV ~ l .~-- 1R.eciOloo OK fudlivicdhwill ~wage a. _....0 . --' D~spo52ill ~ys1tem " .nsoolbr'. r.eme CJr..J., h~ \t..S\,\ 'E -I}~, Odl~:r.. ta""il nc",!lor _ _, _13'l,O.6f! ProPfir!v eddrcoo lot 19. B 1 05k 4. ,rij Add to N0rl~a E'~Dte5 Ycm:l nombcr: li.ing anih-1.... Oedroo"'~ Oc~1l..- OCto"",nl: Vas IJ No r': 2350 )""'05 C r', P, r. We"", soppl) "f: Poblic oy>lam t./ lodi.idool oysto'" Com", unity srslem,__ S=;::it tan~: Distanca fro", tloII ,Foot. McteriolCoI>I(" _ No, "I comporlman!L ___ Yc?cj lill_id cCF';ily OJ f'l e-. !I'll. Insido 1c:.v~l~ It 'nside "idth, _,~ $."- _ _ fl, D,=:ator ~'cJ " fl. Liqoid dapl~ '-I' t,) /, ft. Tila ~isl">SG' m'd: Oistlibulion r:..n~ y", ~o 0 Ol~ar Lcovltl a<l<b line _ ~ ~ _It. Yold bngltl ~J ,~6_ ft. Wi::tl 0' 'lrcnc~ ~ It. Y~lol SQuare ""'to~a _4ErC It. oem:::<:a bo~o lines '11( d) It, Ty;:o olliltor ",olari..l: Gro",,~"'l' f'?oc!1~ 00"" ~ of iii"", "",toTicll o<ar tile t,,,, incb",. VO IJIE COM~UnD El1f INSTAlLlEll: P~ClMIY ISSU[D YO: Doug' QS Fennell I"~ M=:!bD 1ldd.l1"o P. O. DOll 445. Spfld. SWfCH ISo<> :.._,_,:...._., , ~ ~"!;'" - ~S . ~:..i-' '1 1958 Distance from: w.n, _ _ feel, Nearest LoI line: Fr..nt _-= Side cs...aeor tV, i L Foundotion _ __ , _ _ .l'I 'eel, _ _. Dppth of fIIt~, material ben~r,th ti:c ~ f:2 lei;;. _ :n-::'u.-. .> -V5---.,- \'"" I oJ/, ../ =c~ t I BE SURr TO INDICATE NOOIHftl.LY DINCi'lQN l ~o~_. ~~-~g,~~~~_~_ ,~~__~=_~,~51~no"Jr< ___:;.!!-z,::./d!.~:t0-),~~:"-- ~ FOn USE OF SANITAnlAN ONLV: S~tem apparently will f!' t1ill not 0 fu,ct;on satisf~ctorily, and is therefore approyed fDr occ\:po~.cy (~:, DistJ~ prCl't'C.'d =- R.E'marl.s:__ _~__ ___ C':J / r-J DOle'/ - .:"'kLlf v. ~ .\- ~ ~_<I -.~ . . -,~ .~ . ".......- lAf!U9t~T 'rf,;.Al. T('frO~"\llH .,)(Jd /X V 0 ~"d.::U-~-/ OAN,TARtAN ---l I , J ~~~.:-t7lt:1 ()':-,.:."')-._.._.\ t..'c.:::')Tc-';-_"":1 ~~:-~. ~~~~~~:n~ .-~~ - f1 ('0-, r7','" ~-~-'~ ,--C;", .- ;'/ J -,,,. ---', --' " ,.,,,,..-:) "~7 -.:..-,~, ..::;,) i.; -...:...,,~j.. ,. oJ L . . 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J'119 H"~_;'. . ~;t. ,; --- .1 " " DY BY ~ "',.- ~ "" . --" Doto " r> r--________. ^-.... "~,..----"~_-...., ~__--'\ __, _. ,") (' {' r-....., (' , (,:,;) ....... ~ILO,-.1 :...~~__....'v_-..r,-. , ,', '"./ ....',) ~,~ ,~:;.'. ,IA'l WM:!N $!vNcO or THE SANJTAQIAN At-:D CUfl0lXG INr,nCTOJ. THIS F--O-'~~ ::-:C("'u.i3 YOUS: c.u:1D1NG PE:MIT fOr! 1M;: !T'lUOURlS 1MIS Pi:;u.o.I',. IN A P:;OMIHENT lOCATION O~ 01 ADJACENT TO TH2 u.:-\:~ ~:l.~IXO :''::ING CO:->olSTt2UCTED. r<~-=-~' .-, llS"":[, Ht:f~\J~ ;C"~ ~J.~~'" r~ ...---...-,- - " ,~,-- '4. ....'1t'~_h-.{, '.--' _r~_ ~. : .-:a..'~-- ~- -~.-.- , .; I ~ "'(I", .' - -~-'. 11.,.,_ - -';,-,. .- '-TTI\lIl' _.r-W.. _ ._1. r , , , - ------ ":,; '- ,,- - '.'- '\. -, --\ , . . - --"'- . \'---- '\ ). : I ,. f :1 .~/': I I l~ I : " I i\ ~ T I, , j , , I I I'~ \ J.f~u N, 'I I"~ " . ., ----'- _. ".- '?..!:.oo I r..',' t ~ .:. ~. . 1- _1~1 -'-"'.~.., "'- 0 {"'";-H:'- .... "I _ ~Q.=~~-'" i-_ W/:,". r...., .?'<-->>v ,_'~~~;:>"-'--__' r-- _"_ r, ..... 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O~ l)=:~ROO~UY II ~ OF :~~~7/AJ I # OF' E"IP;;:7/~-, WATER;'SUPPLY..f~/: 7' , (./ /'1 n,//rr 4:,d.;::/~ OWN)'H' S r-<Al~ AM) Ai:1DRE?.::l/.., .... I ~ '/f"'" -,-' A/ /, _u? ' ,.j/- ..'; .r'/ ';~/-::.::,C.,:-:... ~ ~r.~~//,~Y ~ ,..-:::~;.~,:.?~ CONTRAC70R';,,'N1,ME A..IjP/DDRESS.J' " .. i? ...t# - /..~ /"':/' . ~,z'/~jM?",:;:?'%/ /MS- /?l7- .J--fr:.::t:-/;":<1;,,,,;/;{//-97(/77 CON'I:'~CTOR'~, OSR # I DIRECTIONS TO SITE. ;. '.; .r ,~' J." ,- .- .~ / ~ ~?r-'"" // /', ./.. . ,.v --/,"..d __-~ h" ,-'"'/,.;>"\ / '/ ,,<'J/<~-7;,':;-:.->'::;~/V"'.4/' A~~,&'.I"A /:/?#,o'?'::2rY _ IL ,/ : ,of' ,"'Y /' ...-/' . /~? ",~~'l":~~~.r.'~7-"" - . ,,~:Y. ~tJ;. ~~/ ,'" i.-..?~:;:>-. IBLy PROPOSED USE OF PRO~ERTY ~'Res~de~tial [JIndustrial o Commercial Dpublic $ VALUE ~ ,:5/ a ct;r'~ -~ o Proposed .&Existing TELEFHONE NUMBER 7 -0::.l~5' S< TELEPHONE NUMBER 7{//,;?;:,// -;/- ,..::;::'--~,./',> - :;..... ;.-' '-- '.-;; I 'r !lAVE CARF."'ULT,Y EY.MUm-:D THE COMPLETED l\I>PLI,:hTION FOR F-;::F.Ml'1', l~c. do hcrr,by c::.::~ti'::,/ that all ~nformation hereon is true and correct and 1 r"rthu certify tha~ i!.ny and .111 worK perfortllUd shall be dcne in <lcccrda~c;e (/.:.t!1 lnc Crii<li>~.::es of Lane C::our,t.y <lnd the Laws of the SU.te of OrC10r. pertaiuing to the .1O:k. ojcscribcd herein, and that NO OCCUPANCY ....ill be ::lane of (Jay struct'.lre ...ithol.:t the permission of the Building Division. I further certify that r..;,fistrat.lon ....ith the Builder's Eoard is in full forCE and effect as reql.llred by ORS 701.055. that if exempt the basis for exemption is noted : hereon, an~ d.at only subcontractors and employees who are in c::~mr,li'1ncll with OHS 701.055 will be used on this project. I HAVE READ AND CHECKED THIS ,APPLle.",O" THORO"GHLY. /// /.;/ /. I =;1- 0 Owner J ,~~,?- ,/,..s r>,/,-/J7/- A--' ,Mw /vlJ! :{/. h. ;Z Ii:' ))tl~ /~/ '>i2Lcontractor NAME (pleasE: print) 5lGNhTURE DATE 0 Agent ~ . ...J n , '~J:' " J.:>' . . .".;", O'PLANNING/ZONING: Zone I J'~,partition. I"t//.. c ~/.:--' '-"'c. -";>1/ / '" I' L, front .,~., L;".B-ide ,/?/..;~ '/.4 . (,"/"" ;>",__ I h...-:~5.v ..,/..; .../d/ /:.~/ ~:;dL~..-"::~ I' , Parcel # /q,6 ......" . /../,.... " Parcel S1.ze',...~ .... ~~ .. Minimum Se~backs.:. ,r.' Conunents: /./'-'/ int'1rior . 7?d,q: /5-1 rear 0;...,: " (--'\ -; Date: -, ~" :-.1/. ... . 0./ 1S"l' A::......~ n D o FLOODPLAIN: o RURAL ADDRESSING: !';:!. SANITATION: ,"'-",- GRID COORDINATE:: ~JO N c=J Yes. see attached sheet. Date: In flood hazard area? E Date: S, 1. # B. P. # /Q90- (// Installation Record lssu~d? ~ y~S [] No Inst:2'llation Sflecifi:::ati.ons: . Gallo.n {'"i~. t"i.71 Tank 1 .,'/\ I t -.,. I ;1 ~\:\J ,j' ,(f" ., r Lineal Feoilt ~i, Maximum Depth of Drainfield I" of TrenchoilS " ,- ',l(H II) '7" , 'Vi { .. , , ( ,', .. 1\ Comments: / t' . I , . , ~:i ~J 7'"_ /,\", . t!, i i":.:;I, ,,, ",/. :, I, , ~ / ' ..J .. >~ :-:~ ' " "11 ',j::',. ,. .. ;-0-'; .1,. )j.'~ .'f .//',i, ';"'JYIl'~i:i'~"J ./~. I ~'I '10 Type \J. t I G~oup r ~_ -;". ,. " , ~ .' ',. . I . .;. 'J 'F. '. I " ..' / ~') I . \.~ 1_ :~" ~. n' .J "'1/ U1. ~U,.~'S \~xk;ntATI6tt) - ",~ . I, .) , ( , Use ~1~'r"'" Date: I- '1 .,t! - " .,',. , {I D" Corn.'T:an't.s: '. J:!'!, r, 1\ ,; " , '. I' '" 1/ , ." 1 /-"7', I.~~~ I Date:G:..I.~/J . r , , 0' .~ Ccscripti on ,....-;1 /.<' ,- ,/ . . .', ~-; ..... ') /+'" I ,/;.- 'd...<<0-~' y...... '.;: . ~. ,'-;;' ...'.' ,...... ' I /" __:-::'L.:'!L~.:...._ ~ ~.,...!~7':4..(? ,.'/, .,' /-" .) .::..c:i".:"':e..I'~, /- ~#/y/__ CONSTRUC~~0~ AUTHORIZED BY Fixed Fee/ Unit COSt Sq. Ft. THIS PERMIT /I~" 't;: / // - /.; .i'. ~)~ .of; - ,y&;:,.. ,_... ....-/~G!/...' . Floodplain F~e S Subsurface Fees S Building Fee S Sewer/Storm Drain/Water $ Plumb.ing Fixtures S Mechanical S Plans Check Fee S ,I~'.. State Surcharge $ . I....:; ?,"'''-!'J.. -,-~ .;;i";';.!,)~ ~"J:"' r: ...::.-' :..::'~ " $ ........j.' ',"/-, ! ;' TOTAL FEE $ r.-J/ ;E~9!'-':; .~~f; FEES PAID BY: 0 Check ;/.;{,."l. :"),' . ~ .... ,) } ../-t:.' /' ."'1 ''/'''_'') . "....; , ...-;".... " '-00, 'Iv':/ C ,~ '. J '. ....f, . .. , f ...--;"~ / .~{~.. -: '" -','TO .lA!. VALUATION ,,,,y" ~ . o Cash By, ,~,.r _' . /(-.."';~- Date: ,;' ?,( .5,-, ,/f / "\ ~E~~jT APPROVED BY BUILDING ~ r, ; ,'. ,. \,,/',... J ;,\' , ~... -" '.., I " OFFICIAL~DESIGNEE ':per eRE 456.805 (1)) . ' ''l:'\,...' I ;,..' 1 J/. . - DATE ~ LANE (\~)mJTt /,DE?ARTl-\ENT OF ENVIRONMEN'rAL M NA / ',. A CEMENT 125 EAST EIGHTH AVENUE, EUGENE, OREGON C7~.l9"" SEE REVERSE 97401 " . , :!mACKS AND OTHER CDIIDITIONS OFeROVAL MUST BE STRICTLY OBSERVED. VIOLATIIAN RESULT IN REVOCATION OF' TillS PERMI;, CITATION UNDER PROVISIONS OF LANE COUNTY'S INFRACTION ORDINANCE. AND/OR OTHER REMEDIES ALLOWED BY LAW. \mErI READY FOR INSPECTION CALL 687-4065, A MINIMUM OF AT LEAST 24 HOUR ADVANCE NOTICE rOR INSPECTION REQUEST MUST BE CIV[N. Have the following information ready: Permit number, job address. type of inspection. when it will be ready, your name and phone number. and any special directions to site. . BUILDING DIVISION: REOU I RED IIISPECTI ONS 1) FOUNDATIOrl IliSPEClION: To be made after trenches are excavated and fonns erected and when all materials for the found"tion Me delivered on the job. Where concrete from a central mixing plant (col11TlOnly termed "transit mixed") is to be us{>d, materials need not be on the Job. 2) CONCRETE SLAB OR UNDER-FLOOR INSPECTION: To be made after all in-slab or uoder-floor building service equipment. conduit, piping accessories and other ancillary equipment items are in place but before any concrete is poured or floor sheathing installed," inclUding the subfloor. J) FRAMlliG & INSULATION INSPECTIONS: To be made after the roof. all framing. fire blocking and bracing are in place and iiTfpipes. fireplaces and chimneys and vents are complete and all rough electrical and plumbing are approved. All wall insulation and vapor barrier are in place. 4) LATH AND/OR GYPSUM BOARD INSPECTION: To be made 4fter all lathing and gypsum board. interior and exterior. is in place but before any plastering is applied or before gypsum board joints and fasteners are taped and finished. 5) FINAL INSPECTION: To be made after the building is complete and before occupancy. . , APPROVAL REQUIRED. No work shall be done on any part of the building or structure beyond the point indicated in each successive inspection without first obtaining the approval of the building official. Such approval shall be given only after an inspection shall have been made of each successive step in the construction as indicated by each of the inspections required. rIOTE: All A, B. building permits require inspections for. the work authorized, such as but not limited to: BLOCK WALL: To be made after reinforcing is in place, but before any grout is poured. This inspection is required for each bond beam pour. There wtll be no approval until the plumbing and electrical inspections have been made and approved. v WOOD STOVE: To be made afte~ completion of , masonry .fit appltcablel. and when installation is comolete. Installation shall be in accordance with an approved nationally recognized testing agency and the manu- facturer's installation instructions. C, r~OBIlE HOME: An inspection is required after .the mobile home is connected to an approved sewer or septic system for: setback requirements, blocking, footing connection, tiedowns, skirting, and plumbing connections. ,. (1) rootings and piers to c'omply with State foundation -requirements for mobile homes or as reconmended by the manufacturer. (2) Mobile home minimum finish floor elevation shall be certified when required by a floodplain management letter. (3) Mobile home tiedowns, when required, and skirting shall be installed and ready for inspection within at least 30 days after occupancy. ,.,liedowns and skirting shall be installed per enclosure. ", D. SWIKIHNG POOL: Below grade when steel,;s in place and before concrete is poured. Above grade when pool is installed. APPROVED PLANS MUST BE ON THE JOB SITE AT ALL TIMES DURING WORKING HOURS. THIS PERMIT WILL EXPIRE IF WORK DOES NOT BEGIN WlTHW 180 DAYS. OR IF WORK IS SUSPENDED OR ABANDONED FOR MORE THAN IBO DAYS, SUSPENSION OR REVOCATION MAY OCCUR IF TillS P..c&'UJ., WAS ISSUED ON THE BASIS OF INCOIIPLETE OR .E.RRONEOUS INFORMATION. AN10~E PROCEEDING PAST THE POINT OF REQUIRED INSPECTIONS HILL DO SO AT HIS OWN RISK SUBSURFACE AND ALTERNATIVE SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEMS (1) (2) Permits shall be effective for one year from the date of issuance. Upon completing the construction for which a permit has been issued the permi~ holder shall notify.the Department by submitting the installation record form, The Department shall lnspect ~he constructlOn ~o detennine if it complies with the rules contained in this division. If the <:-onstructlon do~s comply \'11th such rules. the Department shall issue a certificate of satisfactory c?mpletlon to.the pernnt holder. If ~he construction does not comply with such rules, the Department shall notlfy the permlt holder and s~al1 requHe satisfactory corllpletion before issuing the certificate. Failure to meet the requirements fo~ satlsfactory completion within a reasonable time constitutes a violation of ORS 454.605 to 454.745 and thlS rule. I Setbacks - Subsurface SewaQe Disposal From: Interior property lines Edge of road right-of'w4Y Cuilding foundation Wells, other water sources Seotic Tank la' la' 5' 50' Orainfield 10' 10' 10' 100' '-, '. ,.., v " .., :~ 'C. . , -, ';\ . -\,' "~ . I roh1}1?Jt! /p U b;,;:, 7J'.PnS OtL__ , ~ pr1 t21rd{l ~9