HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1983-11-10 (4) . .. RESIDENTIAL" AF?!.ICA~IONIPERMIT 225 North 5th Street Springfield, Oregon 97477 BuiZding Division 726-5753 .Joo !.oc3:io": -7q,z5 'J))8i!5;XJS As...."", ,~"!' , \ "1 a~ ~(n \ \ v sw,di:r;stc": ~_"'sr: A-L.-/zoY .I JODY 0/ e'Veus Add:-.S3: 7'3'2-~ 1);BF.AlJ5 CiOf!: ~/2.I~Aet..O n I~ n n ./...., SPRINGFIELD T= Lot # ";;) 1J()() Pi-.ons: Zip: Q7l./77 Describe ~'ork: Addi tic" ~t~~JRw Rcmocsl ,'!oo{.!e :~or.ta 1t7/U /~~ Da;ts of A,?plicaticn :"'OI1:rac:o:'s G.m4ra! If,{J/f4CZVOP'-K- (l./}IOST Value ~ [) f()() Cd j: Add....es3 Plumbing '_ ::!sotrioo! #/1)D ~' eO, &~EC, (!,dj...), .-.re::har.1.c.:l Co",',""oti"" !c..d.r ,.1-/fNt;- t?o, HnfJ<;/ltX; ,tH)THo2/TY . .=!C'::8~::;r; ,if. (/1)q Y? . ~ ~ Siqr..d: Date: (lhJ1da.~ //-.0 ~-1 Lisa.", E;::;ircs Phone / !~ is 'tn. responaibiZit:y of' eM pennie holder eo aee that: alZ inDpectio1t8 are r.tads at th8 ;;roper tim~J that ;;:cch -=ddresB is l'e.....:..,.:.,~. . ,{rom eM street. and that the permit card is i..ocated at the fron.t of the property. ~3ui!di~.g ./iuido:-: C?';l'Ol.'ed plan sr.aZz. rt1l':"lain on tJui Building $it~ at all tim8S. P.?OC~!)l'P.~ FOR 1,'lSPSCTIQU R.:QUCST:CALL 726-376 9 (recorder) state your Ci~ desigr'..:J.ted ,iob nur.:ber# job adi..."'Css# tY';;;s of in3pec-;icn r~estcd ~-.d ~hen you ~ll be ready jor irApcc~;on, Contractors or ~~~S ncme and phane number. Requests received cefcre 7:00 ~ :.'iZl. bQ rrr.tas th~ sarr.s C::J, reques:s mcail afta' 7:00 a:n win ba mcu:ie t.~ n.c:t :JOrkin; dtr:J" ~eat~i.,._d l'l"!srpcticn:t o o snE I!IS?EC':'ID.'1: 'J.'O oe rrr::c;e al:Jr e:eav.::t::::"n, .;ue ?MC'r :c set u? of j'":Jrms. UllDERS[.A3 ?!.L':.f!JI.'lC, EtEC':'.r~IC,l!.. ~ ;(ECiiA.'lIC.U.: 'i'o be m::uie be~o'rtt Q'I.;j uor~ ~s ~ovcred. . L.::J.........fuOT.!NG ! FOU.YD,tTIC,'I: To:,e r:rzde attar :renches .::r9 &:cavat~d ~A ferms are erect..d# but priar to pourir..g c::ncre't.. o U,'!O::::fG.=!O!J.'!D ?:'~~\f3r:I(;. ~"'.=R. ::J.l~~.? DP.AI.'lA,G2: ro 06 ~e pz-wor ;0 ,,-I./.- l.i.r.g :rer.er..s. o Ullr:E.f?F!.CC.f? P~U.'.9r.,'G ~ "1EC!1.~,lJrc...:!;: 'Io be r.'.aCe p:ri.c'l" =c -L1!3t:.::i.k:t-::on of f7,<J0r insuZa::ion or deekir.g. MST AND 3EriJ.f: To be ~ :J"!"'":.or eo -::nstal.~t-::Cn. of fZoor ir.a:.;~:i071 01' dsok,,,>, La" r::1.~ _~(J'-1t;;; ?~[J'!$r.7G. ?r:E:~_f?!"(:~!, { 'EC:?- L.:::J ANICA[,: :'io '.JO:O';': ia :;0 :,e eaI.'e:oea. ur.~iL th~Sf in.s~6e:i~s ~~ve =eer. mad. ar4 =ppr?vQd. O Fr-,~::?uC!: .?1-.:or;o plc.C"';,..g .;.~~".g mc:'ttil"".:.ai.a ar.d !J~fo'l"e irc:r.rir.g inspec- tier.. y/ FPA.!I"!f;~ NU.3: be reqo~~--::C!d af=ar . c:.J cpprcv.::... of 'l"ough pLtc.Dt.ng, "'!.~e::1"'!.- CelL ;& meeitani.:;aL. ALZ roof::r.:; bracing ;1 chimneys, st~. r.::.lSZ:: ~e com'Ol...::cd. .'/0 :JO'l"'( is :0 oe ccn- . csa'L~d unti Z. :hi:J insrec:icn ;..as . b~6J1 rr:ad~ and approved. lOW" City. Desigr.a.ted Job Nu:nbQ' 1D: I _:.l,..-nlSUL..lT.!O.'1IVAPC.'? BARRl?? I,~'SP=CT!ON: L:::J To be rrr:uie after aLL insuk:ti.?n cr.d . rcqu.";rsd vapO'l" cCIl'!"'iers are in place Cut celere any Lath, gypsum board or !.):%l.Z covering is appU.ed# and before any inculat:Lc,n ,~s conceaLed. G D.r"'~,JALL I!lSP=CTTON: Tc be maaG atter all. ez..:lwLl is in pZace, but proia!' to any taping. MASONRY: Steel 1.ocation, bo1u!. beam~, grou=ing or ver~icals in accordance IJith U. B. C. Section 241$. 8090\ ! D::i:OUTIO!! OR ,':OV;:; 3UI!DI:iQS 'I ~ Scrni-:ary Se.Je!' :a;;?ea :::t f'l2op.r~' Li'!':e' ':1 =:J Septi.:: tank p-.il?~d WA lil.Z.ed uith ~:;a," --, PinaL - (/hen aXvB i:e::-:8 are cc::mtet~d ~ and when demolition is campZetD or st;~~.::- turs moved an.: i?1'c:miaes cZeaned up. . Nob? le Bc.-nes :J aZocking and Sat-up :J Pl.W71bing connee-;~ sc.Jer cnC. wa=.lr I ELectricaL Ccnr.ection - Blockir.g, sst-u;; --.-J and pLwnbing ccnnectians m:.o.st ::e ~?r~!:..c. before requ.es=~ng sZec:M.caZ ir:spfle=io~ =:J Aecessor;' 3ui!.:!ing --, Fi~..:J..L - .1ft:::r prer.ea, ---1 etc. ars ccmpZe=.d. s1Crtir.g, deci--.s# o D ;;oODSTOVS: Af":er instaLlation is ccmplet:&d. .... D AL! proiee: ~or.di;ions, ~ueh as ~h6 ~ns~aL~tion of s:1'eet ~r8es. ~~Co?l~~~~~ o{ :he required Zand;;ccpi,,..;# 1:tc. # must be sac::slied 00::j01'9 tr.s 3l!ILCINC Fl.'!..!L c.::m be r3quese.::d. :-===1 ~ Fr.~'A:' P!.U:..'9!.'lG ;-:::=:]- Fl:IAC. ,1.!E~,ttA,'llCA[' ~-=1/ FloUL =!.E=:.~ICrit. o CURE & Al'PROACF! APRON: Afttir forms are ar6cted out pzoiOl' to pau.r-i,ng con.::rets. SID=WALi( & DRn'F'"dA:f: For aU 0071- CT'eee paving within street right- ol-wcy# :0 be made alt21" aU e::ea- vatir.g compLete & ;O~ work & 3uO- base material. in ?l.ace. /\ ~-- .':'INAL a:JI!i)!::C: 11:e Fina~ 5uil.dir.g !ns?ec~io" .":'IUst be l'eque:Jted :;ft:er ::he .~inaZ P!ur::bin; ~/ 2lectM.~aL, arr.d .Vechar:ie:;l Inspec:;i::m.3 have been made and a.pprolud. ,=:] D o [2!g: Wher. co:rrpZ.te -- Provide gates or movable secticns through P,U,F:. ~A':: :.!A:IP'Q!'~S I.ND C!.SANCUTS :!US': 8e .~C=ESS:3l.2, AD.jC'S'!'.':~:/T ::0 BE .'.~1C!' :~:; ::0 :~S'!' T'J ~I'::f '?=;a of 2 o I JOB NO~I[()",\ \ !Z~a: \7--t ('ct:'.l::ar.c-J :;!,,;".l=:\~ .-"~ ! 1:ot Sq. F.,.: \(2., C\(') \ L'::~ :'!F~ !: ,f !ao C",J<ro,: \ ~'1b .......- '"02ricr I. f"" . \ ~". 0 .::..01'"':.68 I.,." h \"-.'-" I ..o...a'- ...rr..c ::: u 1 . ITOpo~hy O-'2.,l.h IJ"'."'~' 1">:,-,, l~:':.ce r I~C!""::' I "^ --~ .:... ....J I I 1 I 1?-.~'2.~ I, I .iC~CS3':"!':J L ...>..\. 1\)('.r"'\.\."'lit.V"'\"'-1 I TOT..g V A!J.;E Is,o,c. I L'C~UC; 1.5 = euiz.d:~r.g Pe~t Stat;a Su......::h.:zrqe Total cr.a......ge3 Ir'I'E.'1 I!'L~es I Residential. (1 bath) I Sanit.:::r! Se'..Jer I ;,.c=.t..... SOLARAcES S Corne:" Pc:;r.r.a.."Ililc C:.4.l-ae-sac x I I I I I .~ ..:. I I I, I S'L.CO I CJ..08 I Sl.\ .0'0 I, ~'alue I I\r)\.'j I I NO. FE:': [ CP.A.~CE ? ~.ro \0. CO I I I I I " ) r' = l '\ ~...e..~~ "'~".','" - \e/!:}l"- \ L. " , ) 00 I !C'Pl" ...,,<;><'>. _ "?, ...~......~ 'li", I ;JTAE .t',!OU.':'T ~~~:. \ ~ c 8B " '-L1~ Pl;.un1r;r.g Pflrr.:';t Stats Surd".::I.!"ge Tcta! C',..,c!'oes I ':~,',I I Rr!s. Sa. fta. l.'laJ/E--tJTUi Cire-.Li:8 l.'iO., '-- \ I\~,= !'emporc.rry SerlJicfJ <;:.~'" ",..1" (' 'r..':>.\'Y'\@ I \ ; \(),CO !!e::tM:cal Pe~t St.:te Sur:;'.a:rce Total O.c:r!:es IZl'E.'1 I..' I .<t,;. 1 ' i\ F"...trr..::e,q ?rU'S E=ha:i.st !foo.:! I Vent F::n I ' I I iI:Jodstc":Je ~,1".,",. ,_ "",=,,,,, ~~u.. ..~J I.l. ,EC '::loCO .'. Pe!"m'it Issu.=nca f"ff\\l,)Vl'f\\')(""'f\ \ l \C.~ ~ ~ " t ,......:-; Me=r4nic~l Perr.r;t State Sur:hi:::!'ac '!'n"":~r ~"'!P!J I -'/--'ACot"-'I'7' -- ;, l..":..... ......:.......-- ISe~~;~~ De=03it Stor-::.qe ,'k:int:en.."""~R Pa..~t To-:~l O..cr~cs I C'..a-':'C"wl-: I Side..x1l< I :'1nce I.:Zee:ric.::r L:.b'ill , j ,Vobi.!a rJ:;me :;'1:':' \C).OO 40 \(') .40 I I I \'5.= C::A?GZ I\,() . C:J::) I?..~.CO I \"co I 'Uo. 'l>O I CH';_F.~E I I ":\.= ~\ .. SO \D.= I ,tit:> 1\(').40 P:::::a 2 . L-COC"" ," R EQ,- \', .... '-' \'-,' --'. -:,:peIC:;r.3~: Lot ,oces - \;" CQ ","'"" 3~i...-:::or.:a : :."!er'T.I Scur-:es .~'ea= T:I':'3 ' ?,!'. ., 3,,!~=~q~.~ ! ::ousa I..;;.r:;,ce 1,0(...... I I \~. I I~;;:;f : ilC":2r' .:Jf'>;"::>"!, Paru;e ::.:'eo~cce ilcoc;;:;.:Jve Access. l!lo:'~i1 IEcs't 'Sou6t Iweso F,'}es Building Value & Permit This pel"m'";t i3 grcnee.d on the express aor.dition tr.a: .t;r.e said, constl"'.lction s;'4l~, in all :'es?ccts, ~r.;CMm to the ardinar.ce =do;~e~ cy the Ci:~ of Spr{,.r.g./Y.eZJ, :.na!ud~ng ~e :oning C'rd-:.nar.~e, l"'E?q'.dC';-":r:g :;r.s ccr.S::'".l.::~;cn and u~e of bui~ings, ar.d m=i b~ su~pended or revok~c at c~y time ~;cr. vic-: ktion of any pr:n;iaions of said Ordir.ances. -p..~ ene-c.''- ~ \....':Ie>"'; ~""",o. \'_~ :..,.\.~ C~ C4.~\)\\~~~'Cl\,;) Iplan ChiZek. Fee: Ca'C~ Paid: IReceipt #: IS,:g,:ed: I"''\D.", 9 r._,. = '::-:::> ' , \ . ...._... 'A,_'-"'" Plumbing Permit No person ahc.LZ constro.lct, ins::a.ZZ, a~ter or char.ge C1'!Y r.elJ or e--istir.g plumbing or drainagQ 3YSt~ in ~hole or in Fart, unLess such ~erson is the l-egal possessor of a vaLid pLumber's license, e::Ci&pt tr.c"t a pe:'son rr.a'if do plur..bing work to proper=-d LJhich is ot..-r.ed, ZecseG or vpere:ed ~y the appZ-i- cant. .' ,. I I, Electrica I Permi t Where State Leu requires tr.at the eZectr;cal work be dene by an SZe::tr-icaZ Ccmtractor, the eLectrical portior. of this pe:omit s;'4LZ roOt be valid untiL the tabeL has b~en signed by the Electrical Contractor. I, Mechanical Permit I I I I I, I I I I I I I I I ~ ~ l\'C"\\'\~'F,\)\ p'[,an E:::ar.rir.er \ \-\.()- ~~ [;ar:a I HAVE: CAREFULLY EXA.'a:'/ED t,'ul aompZ~t.ed applicat"ion f'or ;e!'mi:, end de here~y certify that all i~;o~.a~io" hereon is true a~~ ccrrcct, and I !,.aother eer'!:ify that any c:r.d aU /.:ork F"lr.~~or:':led shall 09 Co~e in aC:::lr- dance :Jieh ~a Ordin.::nces of er.s City of SpM.T'.gfi<:!!.d, c:nd ch.z !.c..:s ol ei-:a .. State of O'l'eg:m ?~r~rting to the. war:': c.esc::-{.bcd her~in, =r.d ;;...at" ::0 ~:CC:':-. Pl.!ICl :..>iLZ oe :rr:J.:::e of anu Jt:-UCt-..I.l'Cl r..ritr.cu.: :;Ja~s,]io~ :;i :r.e 3u:.!dir.a 0-:.- vision. r !Ur:her ~~'l't~j~ t;..~t o~Ly ~on:rc:~ors ar~ ~L~yees ~r~ cr" in ~liance ~'Ch CRS 101.05& will 09 used on this ~r:ljzc: !/~~/Ah~Lo ;;t.:;r:3a Oa:.