HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1983-11-10 (3) . .. RESIDENTIAL.. APPLICATION/PERMIT 225 North 5th Street Springfield, Oregon 97477 Building Division 726-3753 Job !.oc~:ian:~~5 J1J~ Asaeeoa.. ,~ap N \ ~ a~ ~Cc \ \ Stduii:n.stcn: ~."e", A-U?//y / JoDY :5Teveus Adt!.-m: 2'5z~ 1:l>B&.JS Cioy: ~J2IA::C,Pit'3tA/ n r'Zl n n '[""'.1 SPRINGFlE1.C Tc:: Lot N "'u ~()() Phone: Up: Q7V77 Dsscribe L'ol'k: Add:i. ticn ~~~ Remodol ,'!oo-i.1.g .9om3 Ie /u /If~ Date of A?pticaticl"I :':on:l'a.c::ors Gen4ral 1f17/Mb-VoeA:::. (lLlIVST Value d\ [)()() Q3 j::. Add..-es3 Pl.wnbing 1:lectri.cal 1//0[/ ~' eO, &_~, ('.p~, ,'.fe::har.1.c~l Const,,"cn:m L=i.. , MN r; f1.o, I-fn/j c; /IU~ ,;WJ71-ftJ2./T Y . .=?cce::;t ,ii /o)qy::;- :::, S-iqr.ed: (I-'A1~ ii-//} "*-5 Date: Li3C.# E;a;il'es Phon€) I~ i4 ~M resFonoibiHey of ehs permit hoLdeu- to Bee that aZZ inDpections are r.tade at the propel' tim~~ that ~h .:ddress is l'ea.::a.~:s._ from eluJ strefil't. and that the pcrnri.t card is i..xated at ths fl'Ont of the pr<perty. "Eui!dir.g ::H.uido~ approved plan s;..aZZ l'er.ta~n on the Bu.-:.tding $it:;. at aZ"; timss. P.'?OC~D(Jp.e FOl? I,'lSPECTI()f/ R~OlJEST;CALL 726-3769 (recorder) state your City desigr.ated ".;ob nur.:bel'3 job adizoess3 type of in3pe::~icn z-aquested ar.d w..:en: you ;JiLl. bs ready for' ir.8pCC~;0113 Contractors or Ct...ners name end phone number. Requests received l;eJ..:'ore 7:00.:: :..'iZl. be mads th~ sems cf.t::h rsquests mc:da afta' 7:00 a:n 1.)'{.7,t be mads the next :.JOrki~ day. :)~''''t'''~''PA T'1~P'1'":~~r.r'~ o o SITE INSP!C-:TJ.V: To b8 madB af:2l" e:cavat~On3 ~ut prior :0 86: up of l'":Jrms. UNDfRS[.AB ?!.L'M3I,'lG, ELEC':'PIC,t!. j ;~CP..J.."/IC~L: To be made be!'ortl any work is ~ovcred. . L.:::j""'-:;"'OOT17IG ~ FOW1DATIC:l: TO:,Q .-:ud.a after ;renches =rEI e=cavat.d ar.d f~s are erect~d3 but pM.or to pourir.g ccncret.. U.-:Dt:iG:~U.~'D ?:'~'M:JI;"lG. SD"ER. ;.r.1~!'~1 DP.ADJAC2: Po oe r.a:1.e prior ;0 J."i"i.- l.i.r.g :rer.cr.ils. [J O U~If)E:~FWCR P!.u...~r::G ~ ;,.fECEANIC,;!.: To be mads prf,cr ~ in3't.:%i.'-a:tion ()f f7,<Jor -::r.suZat:ion or d8ckir.g. r--J-?JST AND 3EAN: Ta be r:o.aU pr-:.ol' to L=::::J instaLZat:icn of r'"2oor i"'.814La:i071 or ,u,cki,,!;, r:::1......_=i',.,'!GP. ?:.[j~gj!:.'G, ~!.E~F!~C;'!. ~ .'.(EC!!- L:::J ANICAL: No 'JO!"k ia ~o :,C aOL'e!"ea ur.til :hCS4 ~ns~ea:ior.s ~~v~ ~eer. mads tZr.d ==?p'?"Je.:. D ,"I,',.~!. 'C~,' .""'. '"r '" .:..-.... - ....,.- pl.t.:.::.r.g fcci.,...g mc.t.an..ai.d ::.:.",.d before jh:r.rir.g inspec- tior.. r:::t..... FPAHI.W'J: f.!U3: be req-..ul3ted af"';~r ~ c;pprov.=~ of rough plur..bing3 a~ea:ri- cal & mecitani.cal. AI.! :'Oo;r'~r..; bracr;ng & chinrn.cSJa, et..:. r.:-..:sc be oomDLatad. ~o ~r~ is :0 be ccn- "cuiled until :hia insoecticn ;..aa . been made and c:.pproved. lour City. Dsoigr.ated Job Nwnba Io: ld",I7lSULATIONIVAPOR BAtiRIER INSP~CTION: ., To be tr.ade after all insuk:t~n tr".a . required vapor caJTiers are in place Cut before any l.ath3 gyp(JUJT/ board or wz,z. covering is cppZi.ed3 and before any in.G:lZat:ion fa cancea7.ed. r-::l,..DRJ-,.{ALL I!lSP!CT!ON: Tc '06 made L..::::J alter an Cr:p..;a7..Z.. is in place3 but prior to any ::aping. o MASO!lRY: Steel 1.ocation3 baiui. beam3, grouting or ver;ica1.a in accordance wi:h y, a. C. Section 241!. fIOODSTOYE:: After installation is acmplat.a.., a~[Sll DEf.:OLITIO.'! OR :.:OV!; 3UILVIiiGS ~ Sani-:a:r"d se:.Jer' ~crp?ed at f71'..ope;rt:J. li'!:8. ~ Sep:i::! tank p-..i1?i:d ar.d ff,Ued mt:h ~:';<1Z I Fi:ncl - fthen c.bcve ite.o:-:s are c.;.'mil.etc;c ~ ar~ when d~7.~tior. is compLete or st~~~- ture movlJd a:ru:. ;n'~aes ::leaned up. . Nobi ~e Hcmes =:J Blocking and Sat-~p =:J Plumbing connections s~er end wc-:~~ --, Electrical Ccnr-ection - BLoch,...g 3 set-u? -.-J and pl.umbing canr.:ections 11r..:.st ::e ~?r~~c.. before reque8t~~~ eZec:1";cal ir.spec~ia~ ~ Acaessor-".' 3uir..i~11f! --, Fu...::l - ~1ftcr F:J'l'cr.es 3 ~ etc. ~e acmpletc;d. skirt~~.g3 de::.:...s3 D o CURB d APP.f?CACF! AP_~N: Afte:o forms xt'e erected but prior to pou.ring .:::on.:'l'li!te. SIDE'JALi( <~ DRI'.'F:'..IA!: For all ccn- erete paving LJithin street right- OJ'-WCih :0 be ma:ie after aZZ ezca- vatir~ complete & fo~ work & zub- base .':'Cterial in ?~fZ. o ; .......y'.. FI,'lA[" P!.U:..'S!.'/G AZ,l project aor.di:ions3 $UC~ as ~he ins~a~tation of street trees3 ~~~lct~~n ()f the required l.andscc:pir';3 etc. 3 must; be satisfied bcfore tr.e 3UILDING :OI.,!,AL ~an be r2q"wl.est.::d. i ........f- FI:I;.,!. ,'..re:.'!A,'/ICA!. : ........f/ FINAL ELEC.t?ICAL D o :'ENeE: Wher. co:rlP7..te -- Pl'07.ri48 gates or movab7.e' sections through P,lj,E, ~........... .:crt/AL aUIl.DI,'1C: The Final SuiZ.ding Inspection .~t be l'eaueated'::T~t:er the Pina.l P!~bin.; \::::::/ E7.eccriaaZ,3 and .vechar:.ic::.:.l Ir:spectio1W iuzve been made and approved. ::=] D .Ar~ :.fA.:IP.CL~S A.ND CLEANOUTS ,'WST BE .4C::SSSr8l.E3 AD,ji./Sr::'2.'1T TO BE ,'.~tlCE .'~T ...:0 .:-:;ST TO t;I7Y I ?'::~e of 2 SOLAR_CESS REQ,~~~~ Oc......l-cr....... r,.......,_.~ _"":ll, - -. -......e/e........... .... .. ....... J. .........11[", " .~.... ...r......J. ILot Sq, F,.o '\Q.,%L LOT :!F::" I Lot Faces - \...~ ~\r... . ,f 1...... CJIUJrac. \"lOiI(".a-. ----:. I 3~tb'.1cks , "nu...- ,r.:,,'1.cr I O' I" I r . . :... ::ouse -.arc.ae !: of ;;;l"ies \ COni"" War:h I'~' ! :atar Haigh: \ '6. ..,. P=handl. IEos: W I TapafTl'G?hy 0 -" <if? Cul-de-sac IS",,:h 1\ r-t I IWest I (JrA' ' I JOB NoR=\20~\ I Zona: Q.l' II':'E.'.! I."k:in I~ccl! i::=:cr: I, 1...c~csao!':J I S~, F:C x Valu.e I .3~'l. tb I .I ..LJ ~\.~~,,"'\ TOT,.g VALUE \l'Il I I ISoD,C, I:X:':':4(;) I, I ~'2...00 I '2.. oe I 5l.\ .C'O I 1.5 = Sui ldir:g Perm. t Stata Su:t'~h.:rrge Total. cr.a.....ge3 II;~.'.f I N_-tuI'es I Residential (1 bath) I Sc:ni t.::zrt,! Se'..J6r I NO. I FIT I CF-:AR.GE 'l ~.l"t'I I \D.OO w'cte..'" p[,:.qnb{.T'.g Perr.:i.t \C).CO 40 \(') .40 State Surcha...""16 I I :io'l '.- I I \ I \5. CO I \ 15 . 00 Tempo-rary ServiclI I j .$P\'\\\N' t'~ I~ \O.C$:) ::!ectl"ica! Pe=it 'Lib. 00 \. eo I '2.(0. eo Total Ciu::''!'oes I IT::,'.J I Res. Sa. C.~~qGE f"to. .VaJ/E-.-tend Ci1'C".li tS St.:te SurcharGe Total C'r.arces I Ir::.~ I F't.tn'..::I.C~a ?TV'S I E.:haust Hoo.::. I Vent F::n iI~d8ta"Je :/Q'I 0"' I \ 13.00 C!!;'.ii~E ,,:\.01:> ~.., _...... t...l...L 4..1:0 I P8!'m'U 13su.znca . m\\t-)\t'I'I'\UITf\ '1\C.~ ~......-",~1 .'1e::r.anic;:.l Pe'l'm"';t ~.50 State Surcht:zo!!c \D.= I .~(:) I \D }~() '1'n'!:.-:l C1-ar'7R!J I -- Z;lCRCACH,\r:::.rr -- 1< '_ D . l...eC".a"",...:I .r::03i.. Stor!Zq(l Mcinten-"""~1l Permi t I Total cr.ar'~cs I Curb"". ! Side>1alk I I I i I l.i..\ R.~~ ~.... -\ ~J 1'2..00 I' 00 'P"" CO,.,.,.. ~ - 'i\ ~'-.. \r.. ?!o. I :'TAL A;'!CU,:-r DU:::' - \ ~ R 8ce I :c'I'Ice I ::1.ec-:ri.ccZ L.::bel. lu ~o " : .~ov...:.a l1,jr,le . L-COC"lo 3eCr~or.:s : I Access, I I :ner'T../ Sc-..a'':es I I "eao II II II II II Tu:::a ilc1;2!' P~'1"';~yt Ranqe ?-:'I'ev~cce ;{ooa:;;ot:e Fees Building Value & Permit This ;ernr:.t ia gl'(:nted on the express condition tr.at :he s.aid. constl"'dc:-ion shalZ, in all respects, cor.;crm to the Ordinance ;:.dopted cy the C~ty of SVZM;r~fieZd, ir~!udina ;he zoning Crdi~~ce, I'€~dlc;ir.a ;r.e ccr.st~~::cicn ana u;e of buiZcings,Yarwe: m=y b~ su:;pended or I'~vokad at cr.y time ~;cr. uic- lction of any ?r~Vi3ior.s oj said Ord.ir.ances. -p..~ CX\ec:..'<. ~ \...:)O~ \:=>~~C ~~ ~,~ e~ \.).~~\\c:..~~'Cf\) IPlan Check Fee: f)J'_,.OO Irao. Paid: IRec.ipt #: ISig>:ed, ,..~ , :";>,'~'-....--- Plumbing Permit No person ai1c.lZ constt"'..4ct" ins;aZZ" a!ter or change c:.ny r.sw or e..-istir.g plumOi~.g Or' drainage system in whole or in part, unless such ;er80n is tr~ lA3gal possessor of a valid pLwnoerls license" ucept ~r.at a pe.:oson rr.a:J do pl~o~~g work to proper~~ which is owned, lecsed or operated ~y the appli- cant, ,. * Electrical Perm it Where Stete LaLJ requires tr.at the electI""':'ool work be dene :,y at: EZe::tl'ical Contractor, the electr.:cal For'Hen of thia pe~t shall roOt 08 valid. untit the label has bf:en aigned by :he Elect:r";cal t::ontractor. Mechanical Permit I I I I I I I I. ~ ~l~~ \'\ \=t 'fr-.\. ) \ \ \-\0- ~~ Uc.:a I I HAV3' CAREFULLY SXA.l.!I:'1ED th.e cOtm)leted a:;>;::;lZ::cation ;,,'01' :Je!'m";t, end de hereoy certify that aLL i~fo~.a=ion hereon" is true a~ correct, and I I f..aother cer:(fy that any ar.d a'Ll work perr~o'r.'ned shalZ be do7:B in: ac::or'- 'I dance :.Jith the Ordin-'?lC8S ot" the City of Springfi::Ld., and ;hz Lc:.;s of tr.o .. State of Oreg:m p~r"C....~ning to the work cesC!""':'bad hel'8""':'n, c=r.d tr.at .vo occu- I PA!ICY :Jill. be ll'ta.de of any Jtructure withou.t perrmis3icn :;f :ha 3uiZding rr;- vision. I further certifJ t~~t on:ly contra~tor8 a/4 ~Z~yees wr~ are in I ~lianc6 wi:h DES 101.05& wilL be used on this projsct I //,1~/&~~.J 5i~r.3d / Data