HomeMy WebLinkAboutNotice PLANNER 10/14/2010 rl LAFLEUR Karen . . Subject: Location: Start: End: Recurrence: Meeting Status: Organizer: Required Attendees: PRE10-00006 Pre-Submittal Meeting (Partition Plat) Home Federal Bank/Hayden Homes- Steve Hopkins . _SP _ConfRm616 Fri 10/22/2010 11:00 AM Fri 10/22/2010 12:00 PM (none) Meeting organizer LAFLEUR Karen Castile, Robert; DRISCOLL Jon; FECHTEL Melissa; GORDON Gilbert; JOHNSON Tamara (SUB); JONES Jesse; KRUEGER Kristi; LIEBLER Michael; MCEACHERN Clayton; MOORHEAD, Chris; PERRY RICHARD; PUENT David; Rebecca Templin; STOUDER Matt; . WALTER Eric; HOPKINS Steve A Pre-Submittal Meeting for a Partition Plat has been scheduled for Friday, October 22,2010 @ 11:00 - noon in DSD 616. The planner assigned to this application is Steve Hopkins. The applicant submitted plan to plat a 2-lot partition (Tract A - Westwind Subdivision). Please confirm your attendance at this meeting. Thanks... Karen . PRE-SUBMITTAL RECIO OCT 1 4 20\0 1 rl . . City of Springfield Development Services Department 225 Fifth Street Springfield, OR 97477 541-726.3753 Phone 541-726.3689 Fax SPRINGFIELD- - 't - - L.< Pre-Submittal Meeting Case Number Assigned: PREIO-00006 Date Submitted: 10/14/2010 Project Name: Project Description: Partition Plat - two parcel partition at NW corner of Daisy and Weyerhaeuser Haul Rd. Application Type: Job Address: Assessor's & Tax Lot #: Pre-Submittal Partition Plat 4750 DAISY ST 1702320002200 ~.:.~"'. ."., "_';;J(;;::/0""'fX~'''.C=A""." =-'"' ,""" ;0 ,<."" "" '\... ",' "."", T'.. .. ."'":1 r~~~~ra'" :'~rJtrrJ2j!it/;<; "; [4~~i~ ~Pf"L:"" "Jl!1I)_~r:2-:"""oJ ~'t': ;' ~,:> "'~ ',;i7 i< ..;'~ DISCLAIJ\IER: Applications will not be exempt from Development Code or procedural amendments that may occur between the time orthe Pre~Submittal Meeting and Submittal or the Application for Development Review, Please conlflct OUf office at 54] -726-3753 with any questions or concerns. A Planner will be assigned the following business day and will contact you to confirm the meeting dale and time. PRE.SUBMITTAL REC'O OCT 1 4: 2010 C: Item p\P L -ALL - PRES U B- F {5A8 9E2E4-29 E 4-4 7 DO-A6 F3-3 56C273 2 C 84E}. rpt 10/14/2010 . . Horne Federal Bank/Hayden Homes partition Closure Sheets October 1, 2010 Parcel name: Parcel 1 North: 6217.28667997 East: 4753.31974575"'SW Vo"~ Line Course: N 01-48-32 E Length: 80.04.... North: 6297.28679406 East: 4755.84627418 Line Course: S 88-04-49 E Length: 100.02/ North: 6293.93620359 East: 4855.81013737 Line Course: N 01-49-06 E Length: 249.9~1 (~"~;~~) North: 6543.7703?~35 East: 4863.74151230 Line Course: S 88-04-~ Length: 104.97 (~~~;~) North: 6540.25443543 East: 4968.65261432 Line Course: S 01-49-18 W Length: 330.00.... North: 6210.42121)88 East: 4958.16233510 Line Course: N 88-04-,5.e"""W Length: 204.96 (V'Cu'^";'"""j) North: 6217.28621780 East: 4753.31733682 ,/ ,/ Area: 42,643 sq.ft. 0.98 acres Perimeter: 1069.95 Mapcheck Closure - (Uses listed Error Closure: 0.00245286 Error North: -0.000462176 precision 1: 436,205.08 courses, radii, and deltas) Course: S 79-08-21 W East: -0.002408929 PRE-SUBMITTAL REC'O OCT 1 4 2010 North: 6217.28667997"" East: 4753.31974575 -=NW c.o",,,o.v Line Course: S 88-04-~ E Length: 204.96(~~u~:~) North: 6210.42167605 East: 4958.16474403 Line Course: S 01-49-18 W Length: 771.55 North: 5439.26160911 East: Curve Length: 268.36 Radius: Delta: 20-04-03 Tangent: Chord: 266.99 Course: Course In: S 88-10-42 E Course Out: RP North: 5414.90508809 East : End North: 5175.01189709 East: Line Course: N 74-51-39 W Length: 153.47 North: 5215.09280255 East: Curve Length: 98.76 Radius: Delta: 13-09-32 Tangent: Chord: 98.54 Course: Course In: S 15-08-20 W Course Out: RP North: 4800.01569718 East: End North: 5229.75896497 East: Line Course: N 88-01-13 W Length: 4.05 v' North: 5229.89887545 East: 4722.14078521 Line Course: N 01-48-32 E Length: 987.88 v' North: 6217.28659040 East: 4753.32402997 ./ ,/ Area: 208,919 sq.ft. 4.80 acres . Parcel name: Parcel 2 Perimeter: 2489.02 Mapcheck Closure - (Uses listed Error Closure: 0.00428516 Error North: -0.000089569 precision 1: 580,848.79 . 4933.63815334 766.20 135.57 S 08-12-43 E S 71-45-15 W 5699.45092411 4971. 77400617 c...\ 4823.63028569 430.00 49.60 N 81-26-26 W N 01-58-48 E 4711. 33159204 4726.18836783 C1. courses, radii, and deltas) Course: S 88-48-08 E East: 0.004284222 PRE-SUBMITTAL REC'O OCT 1 4 2010 . . Parcel name: Partition North: 5229.90210000 East: 4722. 13660000'" SiN U~ Line Course: N 01-48-32 E Length: 1067.91v' North: 6297.27993403 East: 4755.84605753 Line Course: S 88-04-49 E Length: 100.020/ North: 6293.92934355 East: 4855.80992072 Line Course: N 01-49-06 E Length: 249.9f1 tv~~~;~) North: 6543.76347832 East: 4863.74129565 Line Course: S 88-04-~ Length: 104.97("",^~;....,) North: 6540.24757540 East : 4968.~239767 Line Course: S 01-49-18 W Length: 1101.550/ North: 5439.25428690 East: 4933.63552776 Curve Length: 268.36 Radius: 766.20 Delta: 20-04-03 Tangent: 135.57 Chord: 266.99 Course: S 08-12-43 E Course In: S 88-10-42 E Course Out: S 71-45-15 W RP North: 5414.89776589 East: 5699.44829853 End North: 5175.00457488 East: 4971.77138059 Line Course: N 74-51-39 W Length: 153.47./' North: 5215.08548034 East: 4823.62766011 Curve Length: 98.76 Radius: 430.00 Delta: 13-09-32 Tangent: 49.60 Chord: 98.54 Course: N 81-26-26 W Course In: S 15-08-20 W Course Out: N 01-58-48 E RP North: 4800.00837497 East: 4711.32896646 End North: 5229.75164276 East: 4726.18574225 Line Course: N 88-01-13 W Length: 4.050/ North: 5229.89155324 East: 4722.13815963 CI cz.. Perimeter: 3149.05 Area: 251,562 sq.ft. 5.78 acres Mapcheck Closure - (Uses listed Error Closure: 0.01066146 Error North: -0.010546762 Precision 1: 295,367.61 courses, radii, and deltas) Course: S 08-24-43 E East: 0.001559635 PRE-SUBMITTAL REC'O OCT 1 4 2010