HomeMy WebLinkAboutApplication APPLICANT 12/7/2010 (2) . . City of Springfield Development Services Department 225 Fifth Street SpringField, OR 97477 Development Issues Meeting (DIM) - '2110. ASSESSOR'S MAP NO: I Pro ert Address:.ELl? o Acres Description of If you are filling in this form by hand, ple<'lse attach your proposal description to this application. Pro osal: du/acre Prospective Applicant: Date: !lz - 0--} 0 Signature tJ'I.-L1vt-vVI. M. Il-ovt:,/1V Print e Fee: $0 TOTAL FEES: $ 5'2.1 ,gQ. PROJECT NUMBER: "'''.'',c';'C'"i. ,....;.. Date Received: Revised 1/1/08 Molly Markarian 1 of 3 DEe - 7 2010 Original Submittal . . Development Issues Meeting Submittal Requirements Checklist o Application Fee - refer to the Development Code Fee Schedule for the appropriate fee calculation formula. A copy of the fee schedule is available at the Development Services Department. The applicable application, technology, and postage fees are collected at the time of complete application submittal. B Development Issues Meeting Application Form 0" Five (S) Questions - list specific questions the applicant would like staff to answer during the meeting. So that each question may be fully evaluated, the list is limited to five questions. [;2j Ten (lO) Copies of the Proposed Plan - suggested information valuable for staff to review the proposal is listed below. It is not necessary to include all of these items on the site or plot plan. However, applicants are encouraged to address as many as possible given that the level of information that will be derived from the meeting is commensurate with the level of detail provided in the application. Applicants are also encouraged to include additional information on the plan as listed in the Springfield Development Code (SDC) 5.12-120, Land Divisions - Partitions & Subdivisions - Tentative Plan Submittal Requirements or 5.17-120, Site Plan Review Submittal Requirements. ~ o ~ ~ ~ !21 o o Drawn in ink on quality paper no smaller than 11" x 17" Scale appropriate to the area involved and sufficient to show detail of the plan and related data, such as 1" = 30', 1" = 50' or 1" = 100' North arrow Date of preparation Street address and assessor's map and tax lot number Dimensions (in feet) and size (either square feet or acres) of the development area Location and size of existing and pro~sed utilities, including connection points '5ee f,~ I'-\f,s~ R.A~ ~T jI J:i. On-site drainage corlection syste'ri1 an flow paEl:erns, the size and location of drain lines and catch basins, dry wells, and natural drainageways to be retained Nor 'lei I41DWN. Area an~ dimensions of all property to be conveyed, dedicated, or reserved for common open spaces - t-!orJ-e,. DIMs Related to Land Divisions ~ o Approximate location, number and dimensions of proposed lots o How streets in the proposal area connect with existing streets DIMs Related to Site Plan Review Ii'l Proposed and existing buildings: location, dimensions, size (gross floor area), setbacks from property lines, distance between buildings, and height ~ Area and percentage of the site proposed for buildings, structures, driveways, sidewaiks, patios and other impervious surfaces Date Received: @ Parking and circulation plan DEe - 7 2010 Original Submittal Revised 1/1/08 Molly Markarian 3 of 3 . , .' .., . . , ~, ;. .... ..' ,-,' " ".," ., '." ,. ..' '", -".. --',' . .' .9 . ',~ " ,J.. .' .' .' ::";'- . :. . . . . ,'..:.": ... ;gLAs':':' .:. .'. ......,-. . Architects, lIe. . )ames M.~ Lewis,' AlA' - - - . - _ Principal.' , .' ", . IraceA.,Wo(d"AIf?'. ,: ," principql . ,: WQlter~R. Gresl, A~A, . Principal"~ Relq 0, Arde.rson : Senior Associate.' : . Mary A pearcri: AlA _' . Senior ASSOCiate . , Jbnathqn S. Price, .'AIA Associate' ~ ..-", . ., i ~, ' e. ..,; " " ., ". '- . : , . " Date Received: .... . December 6, 20. I a.. '.. ,'" .1 _' ,. .' ". ',' " " <.D~t~.7. .2010' .... 'An~el:ican Medicaic,<mc'eptslnc:". 'gLP':sProj~ct7()~ !o.a:;I,', .... < . ~ . ,~.' . '. ,,',' . Developmen't 'Issues Meeting Application Original Submittal . - " . ". ( c. . .'." . , . , 'r' '-. . ".-" .. '- . -' -' , .,' :Anlerican Medical C;onc.epts;lnc. is planning to construct-a two-story management ()ffice'., . bl!ilding on' Laile County Assessor.'s M.ap No. 17-0.3-15-4, Tax Lot 350.0.. This property IS ..... within'the l.;iberiy Professionai Center Business Park,:for which a Mastc'r.:Pian was' '.' . . approved on Juiy 17, 20.0.7:' TheMasierPla~,deiiignat~s this~roperty as 'Lot #4.whicl~is' ;. , < ,. ' . .~ " . .'. . . - " . , , iden,tified fOf: 6fficeuse.' The pt,opertyi,s zoned;CrCamp~s Industrial.' . ". : >: :.:".- ;-,.~ ,~..:. "':.: :',.'/,";',,,, ...,......,' "::";"1.~' .~~,:.-';,.<..,., -'~. "',.-: " Conceptual sketches, of the 'pr6posed,building are attached to this appliCation.' Altllough~ , " very c'onceptwi(at tllisstage, they'do'descrloe the general:configuration ot:the site plai1,and ':building: Utility c'orine.ctiOli point~ will be in accordance with the Master Pl~n, per the. . . ' . . . ,-, ' . -~ I ~. . . - . attached Master Plan Sheet No: -5: ' '. , . , ,', -, ". .' " " .:". .~ ,." . We ar'eapp]yingse'par~iely..t~.th~ Sprihgfi~ld'UtilityBoarci tot a Drijlk!i1g.Wat~r - Proie'ction Exemption, ..' . . ',; , . , . " " ' .' . ,'.- . ',' . .' -,... ." . . -, '-;:; , .. :' :"". ,..' :",: " ," '..- ",. .-.... ,.". .... '-".' . ", In preparation forourDevelop~e~i Iss'ues Meeting'; we.Iiaye Identi'fied the foll~wing questlons.and issue's for discussion:.'. , ,. '. ",J, . '., . . '. ", . . . , , I' ..' .. " . " , . . " .', . , ,) .' . ,..,.'" ~,. -",: ," . _ " . ;, . . ". .'..' t '-~.; '". . '., . ..'. " '. .' :.,. .: .1; The appro.ve4 Master Plan. for LibertyProfessiollalCenter.is b'lsed upon the premi'se: . that Lot #3 would be the initlal phase of developinent. 'This development has:not," , .. occurred, and it'appears likely that.this project on Lilt #4 will be th~ first to be ". ' de~~lopeq,_Thisj:lresentS a co\,ple ()f questions related tei phasing: " . ,,'. . . ,. . , .' a.),' The !v1'}ster, Plan show~ two drive,way'eptrances forLof #~;one wi~hill the,. . , -.,' :.' common.easement.atth'e west side of Lot #5, and one 'atthe~easeriiet1t'at'the' ". '" ,s()uth~ast co~er ofU~t#2,' We propose to litiliz~,the ac\e~s~i Lot#2; and'.'; , . ~.,...to:po.stpone the 'development'oftne.shareddriveway atthe,west '~ide.o(Lot .', . ';'. .,#5 unt,iltl1e adjoinin'g Lot#3 ~ahp #5 properties "mi develope,d and there is it' ' . . ;'. . need 'created, Please confin,! tliahhis,wciuld be acc~ptaJ:>le. .' ',.' '.' " b,Y." . '. The Master Plan indicates twoopiions for cxtending-water t~'Lot #3, via a .' puplic e,asement across ihe.westsideofLot #4 or else viaa lilopedwater.: 'Iiny' exten<!ing throl1gh the drlyeway:'easenient'at the\vest.side'ofLot #5:.,... We propose to omit this'water line aUhis'time, since Lot #3 is not curre.ntly '. . , ' . . . . . _ . . . _.' l _ . ." ~ , : posed f~r development. 'Please confiml t,hatthiswould b~ a\ceptable" . .,' , .:,",' - . ~ 'V .', : .~'. ' . .. ., .' ~ > ".1' ,,- '. . ~ . < , , . .:' 'v' " r ~, '. : ,\".- ",' . . " , '.... ".--" . ,,' .', . ,;.-. . ; ~ '" '.-~ " "" , '. ~ . " . .," 1415,PearIStreet-Eugene. Oregon 97401; (54J) 686-2074. FAX (541) 686-2017 :. ,- ~~,....' ::. ;:." "~ ~:'~ ;.' \.,'. . -;. " '.' . . ,-' '.-".. ' -',' , , ~ ,'''I''' . , , . " . ' '. ' ". ',- ) " '. ,J' ..' " . '. . , .', 1-', . ' "., '.e' '....-.. . '.f. " . ~.<' ." ".,.- " .' " ',-, ~ " , ~, -")",: ,'. '", ~ ',. " i'" \~, ,~ ... .;. " ,.. " 1':." ,," " .,. -' -"', , . . . ~~~:;~~t~~~tis:s~;f~::e~gAP;h~a;['~l:",:~:, ", ',":',!', ',Decem,ber6,)()10' ',":, . ",.., , ,',;:,'" _ '" ".:r," ';' ,. "pag,e~. ",~:':. ':;'. " , ",' ,: .::,', ,., J. ." :~:', ',". ,\:,',; , 2:.Sjxlngfield Development Code Section 21.070 (3) states "Ther.e sh'all'ofpi;1I1ted., .. ' , ','setbacks:frol1)p;operty'lines of20feet in front, stre'et-side and thr,6ugh,16tr~ar.yaras '.' ::whereidfacent toiociil, stn:,ets'; and:30'feet wht;re adjacent to arterial' Oi:~oflector,,'; , st~eets":\,;:_':':"", . ~, ,\ ," I' , .: ".. ,,', "'-. ...' ~.. .'" ' ,I"~. .........., , ',' .. , "'-, " < : ',_ . . , .' .'~", ' \ _, ,i~' ,'. , ~., -' '. "~' .. '" " _. , . ,.'.::' " ,.... ':"",' ',,' '., . 'l.t. .' :: ,,:... - '. We,are'showing a 30 ft: setback along the'fion!yard facing InternatIOnal Way; and 20. . , ft. setbacks at each side yard. The rear yard is not adjacent to 'allY local str~et, and we : . ' the~efoie are showing oniy a I Oftwide setbackadh~rear: Pleaseconfin~1 that this' is acceptable, "" . .... ._., . '.' :.. '. . . .' " ,1" .. 3:, Tlie OregonSti~ct~ral Spe:c;~lties Gode Sectlo~'110.8.3,l,l all~'Ys anexceptio~t~ the. , . tecju(renlent foran'elevaior ih a building of,few,er thim 'three' stories, ~vhen the'upper' . . 'level'does not' exceed 300Cfsq. ft.The atiachedsketche~dep'ict'a:second floor 'plan ~ ' with at}' occ,tipied .at~a of approxiinatyly 24QOsq.:f,t.;..e,xc!udingstainvay and' " , mechanical areas. Please confihn that there is ri'o requirementfor an elevatorwitll' tlie ]Jropo~ea ~o~figur~tidn.,;;'; ...., '" ' '" .' ' . ..' "',". . . .... . :", J' ~---; :" .... ' . .~ ;.....\, ", ." .. . .. ..... . , . ' . ,"': .:', ' _ ~ r, ";1'.' Th6Master PEm states that exterior wall materiaIs'shaiI'be 'fire resistant. The Owner~.. ' . "\vo.Gld prefe~ to use ceda~ sIding" WO,uldcedar siding,be permitted by, the City?W~uld: , 'weneedtoapplifopi~arian6e? " ":"" . ,,' '" "" . "', .' -. .... -. . :- " . . ~ .' ,', .. \" ',. ~ \ ~:' . '. -,.' .,-"" ." ',.'<.' . ," ~<' '..' " , , I"' '..,:';....... , .' ,.,. , " ,. " , .- " " ' .> \j , ~<_J'." .., ". '," .' ,','~ ' " 'X " 'f:',". ,~, .. , , " :,.;- " '" ~ .". . ,', ., ..... ~! . ~ " .'. . . ~ ". . .... ., " ," , ~, , ..~ . , , . .,'. -. ~ , , "'. '.f.' '.._,.;'- . ." -.;y.., .' ". ,.,' '.'}. ,".,..- .:.' " :-.j,. ~ ','" ,." " :Aitacii~~ht:, " "".' . .> . ~ . .... , \.~ ., . ,-'''. \ ~' '.: ..' -'.- ~: . :.' " I.M.).. . '.",.' ., ,',' ,,' .. ','. .~~ '..... .'; :,' ..,., . ~:v. '" :. :.; .c , " , ..... ,.,'. .' .~ :':'Date Received:, ...... .... .' i. .,,'."' ~ . '1.. :. :. -". :', ~ .'l;' ..... ", 'l,.. , '. '. '. ., . 'l.'A<' "', l:,~' .-: "';:' '.' ',. "!'. ,. ".' " '.. '., ,', . . ,:~ . .',' '. '-'~::.' . , ' ~-"'. -.'r' :'" :--t 7, ....t .....':.:,.. ~ .', ": "".' ." .' ,. i :' '". ' ,., :,.:.~rigi~al'~~Rmittal.. ," ',' ", . .~. ' ., ,.;' , .' ,~ . :.. 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