HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1990-3-29 \. -- 1:,;~H~i~'~~.~.ROPE~!Y,;\~E,~i~!rS~TJ,~~<~ I Customer Name<s) IWKY I, GRa.N mCKfY L, BRO<<N Legal PropertY Description 337 Scotts Glen Drive Lot 68, Block 5, Lochaven Subdivision 17032713 10400 The undersigned certifies that the aforementioned site is zoned to permit the placement of the manufactured home, that adequate public access from a public right-of-way is available to the site, and that other minimum local standards for site suitability are met. Title of Local or State Authority (or RegIstered Civil Engineer) ~ YDrn1 ft L. tlID+r ~r:lE 6JfnrCt'lYIdlt ISi."(I~iL j I1W I D3~C7-9{) The undersigned certifies that adequate water supply. sewage disposal, and storm drainage facilities are available on the aforementioned site. Title of Local or State Authority (or Registered Civil Engineer) I Signature I Data GT-12.00-012 (6/86) 100/Pk -- RESIDENTIAL-- . 'C APPLICAT.PERMIT 225 North 5th Street SpringfieldJ Oregon 97477 Building Division 726-3753 SPRINGFlEl.D ~ Job Location' csr;t) ~('~tt~ r.lo 0 \'\r, ' \ 1/ OOdti \::\ .. T= Lot R fPf'f) . ASDCSOOI'S Map I SUbdivision: City: {hA fflj} /!~ I Phon.: I Q.i~-GlIR.:) YArl Zip: L(14(){). . QJncci Addr.s-: I FJ. JO! VIP (\ I QNM" r7l Additicn n R~el' n !lobHe l1om:J I Data of Application rr-- I q - qV Valus Contractors ,Arlrlr.."" Li"". 1/ ..-ll'ldrs lIoarcl ,General ~.E.Q1Li.l::t-L~//f ~;i/ 1{ .-y1J. --~7 i Plumbing If ),4 I Hechunical 1//J I E~~c tri.!"u 1 ..0'.1 I Stll)eY;"Jc:~t.i;".lg, glectr:ic ii-In Describe I,'ork: smn08 ~ Rcce;pt ,f .. '-: CJ61.zr"' I r r\\~. \)1\~\-\ ~cli , , ie1fh1 ) Silmed : Dato: nee. I~XP:!.'l'(~H "'/7111.1;, . ) Phfln~ 7Zt'M9, It is the reoponDibility of the pB~it hoLdsI' to B86 that all inspections are ~do at the propel' time. t~at Dcoh =ddrssB is ,.aa~ab!. lrem th. streBt, and that the permit OaN is Woated at the front of the property. ABui!dinq ~vi=ion appro~cd plan shell remain on tha Duildin9 ~itc at all times. P.'~OCSDUP.E FOR INSPeCTION RSOUEST:'CALL 726-3769 (recoNero) state youro City deoign.:Jted job nlDl'iboro, job ac!drcas, typo of in3poc~icn rotlqLlcBtcd and when you win be roeady foro inspeotion, Contraotors Of' ll.mOf'S name and phone numbel'. Requests f'BceilJBd befcroB ?: 00 (:':'I r..'iZl be. made the samll day, requllsts made afteI' 7:00 am will ba madll the nat :JOrkiPlJ day. 1 i R~,,!li"'f'f! Tnpnp...tJnn.q D SITe INSPeC'1'ION: To .be mado afteI' e.xoal1ation, but priOl' to Slit 'up of forms. . O UNDE:RSLA8 pLl:~mrNG. E:LE:CTRrCAL & . MECHI1.YICA~: To be made before any IJOrk io .:JoIJcrod. d FOO'I'rNG & FOUND.1TICN: To b. ...d. I ~ after trenches are e%cavated and . " lorm3. are el'ected, but prior to pouring ccncretz. I 10 U.YDSRCROU.YD P~UM!JING. SEWER. W.1TE.'1, O.rlAIHAGE: To be nn:le prior to fil- Ur.g trenchee. o UHDE:RFWOR PLUI-!BI.YG & ME:CIIANrCAL: To be mado prior to inDtallation of floor inoulation or deckin(j. ". POST AND BEAM: To be made prior to installation of floo'/' insulation or docking. D ROUCfI Pf.UHRI!lC. F:TJ:CTR'!CA~ J MECfI- ANICAl~: No work is to be oovered ur.til these inspections have beer. made and approve:!. D FrHF.PLACE: Prior to placir.a {aoing materials and before fmming -inspeo- tion. . ~ FRA"1INr.: NuDt bo l'equeDted aftero --' appl'Oval of l'OUoh plwrbing. al,cctri- .. ~ ' CQ~ & mechanical. AU roofing : . bMaing & chimneys, et::. must be . completed. No wrk is to be con- : oocloff until. thiD inspoction has . be~n made and approved. o Your City Deeigr.atcd Job Number Ie: D INSULATION/VAPOR llAllRIER I11SPEC'rION: To be mads afto.,. all insula.tion a~.d '. .,.cqu-i-red vapo'/' barriers are in plaoe. but be{ol"e any lath, gypsum board 01" wll oovorin!J is applied. and beforo any inouLation i~ concealed. O DRYWALl. INSPECTION: To be mado after all drylJall ie in pLace, bu t priol' to any taping. . O MASONRY: Steel location, boiul beanw, grou ting 01' vertica la in accordance L1ith U.B.C. Seotion 2415. O WOODSTOVE: After installation is ocmpletcd. o CURB & APPl/()ACII AP!/ON: After forms are oreated but pJ'ior to pouring ""na,.ete. SIDEflAT.X & 'DRIt'EWJ:Y: For all oon- crete paving wit11in etreet nght- of-r.x:y, to bc mads afte'/' all e%ca- 'vating oompleto & [onm uork & Dub- base material in plaae. ~c'U\qq \, DEf.IOLITIO.'lOR MOVED BUILDINGS ~ SaniUlr1J setJOJ' ~pped at p:."pert!t. tir:o ::J Septio tank P""""l'cd and filled L>ith iI",ool I Pinal - Ethen ab:JIJo items aro ccmplBtcd ~ and ~hen demolition is complete or Dtru~- till'S MOped and pro~rrrises aleaned up. ,./obi Ie Hemes =:J Blockino and Sst-up =:J Plumbing connections -- SCUDI' and wa~Br --, 8leatrieal Connection - Blocking, set:-up --.J and plumbing conneotions nr'.J8t 1;e app"O\.',d bsfo'/'c roequeeting fllec~M.cal in8peo~ion =:J Ao:seGol";i Bui.lding --, Pin::al - Aftol" p=-rohOD, Dkil"ttna, decks, .--J eta. are oompleted. o o FIlIAL PUlMBIIIG o FINAL NE:CIIANrCAL o FINAL E:LECTRrCt.L o All project conditions, uuch as the installation of streot tI'SOS, ~lotion of.the require'.i i./.--~..':"-,;p{::-:g~ etc., muDt be Datisliad bcfol"e thll BUILDING FINAL .can b. r8quD8tad. d. ~IINALt.'.~tJILID!'!!!.~ uT1lehaF~tlall Bruildi"Ot. InsP/cctiobn mustdbe ~~quootedv "d!tS,. tho Final Plumbin.3 ~ &:. co rea ;~ ana l"Iec r.1.CQ napec 'tono taPa een ma II anu app~:..: , 'I I ; I ~Al.l. UMJl/Cl.C;. ANn CLF.Atlour= IIfI!:'1' /If: ACCF.EEIPLF.. Af)JIIsrUf.'l/T TO m: /.Mnf: A7' NO Cf.lST TO Cl'!'Y (':1:11" D D !'ENCE: lIhen compl..te -- Provide gates or movable sections through P.U.E:. ' o - ,'- of :! I JOB No.qO()7il.~,SOLAR ACCESS I ;~O"c: ' ~ 6ccuDanc~ c" Lot Sq. Ftg. LOT TYPE S tJf lot Caveragc Interior N of Storioo Comel' Total Height Panhandle Topography CUL-de-eac I lITEM ' SQ.FTG X 1"'111:11 I~aae 'I Caroort g t:7~ /01'0 I AccesDoJ"l, I I TOTAl- VAWE Is.o,c, 'IJCt.UCJ 1.5 r Buitdino permit State Surcharqe Total Charogea I ITEM NO. FEE I Fixtures I HeeidentieL (1 bath) I Sanit..'1l"Y Sewer> I Wat~r PLumbing Permi t Stats Swocf-.aroge Tota l Cham6S ITt'H NO. FEE ROB. Sa. rta. NllIJ/Extend Cil"Cui to I Temporoaroy Service I Elo:1tricat Permit State Su:rcharoe Total Charc;os lITEM I Furnace ETU' S E%haust 1/00.:!. NO. FSE Vent Fan ll00dstOU6 I Pernri.t Issua1Ioa Meohanical Permi t State StdCMroaC Total CharalJo -- ENCROACHMENT -- IseC"oI.ntl/ D3DOsit I Storag6 I Maintenan::e I Permit Total Cha'M08 Curbcu~ I Sidewalk I"Fcn::e I EZec'trical Lab61 I MoM I. H""e I PL.[j(, ~ .JrtJjS-nnL I 1 ""..",,tr. ,Ull'lll>>'1' nflt'.... "'___ ,_.:'.__=~f!l!L;,; Value . I I I 3' 0 ~o1 I I ~t110,") I N/A I. I 44,6"0 7-?-~ 4tP.13I. CHARGE CHAHGE CIIARGE 0,7" 55 5"( . -;1- - REQ.- L-COC-{t -~"- . Bedrooms: Ener(1.1J Sources !leat Water Uf'!ntpr Rangl! I Fireplace Wooda tove TIIC'O' Type/Cor.st: I Lot Faces I Setbacks I p, C,,' House Carage INorth lEast ISouth IWaot Access. I II II II BuilcJing Value &, Permit This permit io.gronted on the express eondition that tIle said construetiorl shall~ in all respects, confonn to the Ordinance adopted by the City of springfield, inc!uding the 'Zenina Cl-dinance, regulating the ccnotru.:ticn and use of buildings~ and may ~c suspended or revoked at cny time upon vic- lation of any provisions of said Ordinances. 28; ,9) Ze,/r, ~,7& P~..cK, FEG L.e'!! ,.A+r,,) "fj.MTEiiJ ~77d' ~ e IPlan Check Fee:d,(). 1 n I Date Faid: l () -rZJLo - q ( ) IRecdpt I{: \ r-J t\C)4- I Signed: t\00 (\ f\f'I\) Plumbing Permit No percon ohall construct, instal!, alter or ehange Gny new cr e.ioting plumbing or drainage sY8te~ in whole or in part, un leGs sueh peroon is the legal possessor of a valid plumber's licenoe~ except that a po:'oon may do plumbing IJOrk to property which is oLmed, leased or operated by the appli- . cant. l. Electrical Permit Where State lAbJ requires tr.at the electrical IJOrk be done by an Electrical Contractor, the electrical portion of this pennit shall roOt be valid until the label has been signed by the Electrical Contractor, I l. I Mechanical Permit I. I /i //_ 1.w1f!tS;?j /)JU _$ /list) var;el ~." I //.1VE CAREFULLY EXAMINED the comp~eted application for permit, and do hereby certify that all information hereon is true and correct, and I further certify that any am all IJOrk performed shall be do:1e in accor- dance lJith the Ordinances of the city of Sprinafield, and th& !..a'..:s of tho ... State of Oreg.m pzrtaining to the lJOrk described here:.n~ and :;Itat NO OCCU- PANCY !Jill be rrade of any structura without pannis3ion of the Buildin(1 Di- vision. I further certify that o:1ly controctors ar.d e'flpz.,yees who are in compliance with ORS 701.0SS will be used on this project :.../2~~ 7- /9-'70 !Alto , II ~, 1~:4 ? _ \I"\~ " RESIDWTlAl" UJU. APPLICAT./PERMIT 225 North 5th Street SpringfieZd, Oregon 97477 BuiZding Division 726-3753' , S~715 J./ / A- . Taz Lot # #/.4 ' J 0Q~0 }~of;b~~~ (J I'W-I Jl.le "-S AI I 7Trz.~ o v-e. Job Location: ~37 Asoeso.ors Map fI Subdivision: h9r:.h~tJb'v1 Address: tJ.!LQo City: ;C:u.qe,vr;; I ame:r: / n n n n nv. Phone: ~B'5r- 9;),..::2. .::; 7 C/p:J.. Zip: Dsacribe II'ark: nwh:l.e .~ ~""~ Addition Mrcu:b ~ RemodeL fk~: ~ 4'1<< UobilR Home N"M c1 r Xc.f.lf ril 17t.f~. - p~ jp Date of AppLication VaLue 1/ ,::LO, / tJO, oy Contractors Address . 'Lise. II Bldrs 6(L),Ae...-l. ~S tJ.'Yto MuJ"~/~ C/.$..7' . C..em.vw PtWAt.h~7II_.1I t:Jwrf- May ))-e.'f.dhAwt j 12..14-1./) h , General i Plumbing Il1echanical I EJ,ec trical Suoerv~.:'Sinp; ..~ 1 Siqr.ed: Date: ~(~ ~ . .:!J.:J .q() Board Rec. Exoires ..:J... J.-'2:J J>hrpi' I, r:,o.g-d'8~~ 71..;."7..~ ~ 'Pf--/s;rW I I .:.1~'f.:UP {:../t:)9,7 !?S"r i.<J '7 ,l & ....-fP:,..u/l..<NL.-/ Electr~cian ~.. C;:2'2r'}O .. :26:' 2..&OC/""137 It is ehs J"ssponoibi1.ity of tM permit holder to 868 that aU inDpec:tions Cll"6 made at ths proper ti.m~~ that tu:Ch ~eBB is r6ada.b!.s 11'Om ths street., and that ths pormit card is t..ocat8d at the front of ths propepty. ~BuiZding [)t;vidon approved plan, s,hal.'L pemain on thE. BuildinB sit:; at aU times. PROCEDURE FOR INSPECTION RE:,QUEST:CALL 726-3769 (rcoordezt) state your City designated job ntonbel'" job address" type of in3pea~ic'l requested ar.d when you win be l'eady for inapcction" Contractors or lA.mers ncme and phone nwnbcr. Requests received befcl'e 7:00 c::I r..'iZZ. be made t.he same day" requests made" a:~er ~~ao .(Q1I IJitt ba. made the nc:ct :xJrking day. q , Your City Desigr.atea Job 1/wnbS1' Io: (1) 141 ') ReauiJ'fld r"Gn,.e<1#cYlU D'SITE INSPECTION: To be l7rUIe aft81' ezoavation" but prior to set up of , fo_. O -- UNDERSLAB PLUMBING. ELECTRICAL & . MECHANICAL: To be made befope any . LJOpk is .:ovcred. ~ FOOTING & FOUNDATION: To be l7rUIe r:::::J after trenohes are excavated and forms are erected" but prior to . pouring concrete. . . . r-1 ~SRGROUND PLUMBING, SEWER. 'w'ITER, U DRAINAGE: To be mtUf.e prior to fi!- 7.ir.g trench6s. D, UNDERFWOR PW~mING & MECHANICAL: , To be made prior to instaHatt.on of , ftoor insulation 01' decking. D D o O FRAMING: Must be reqW3Dted after approval. of rough pl.wr.bing" al.eotri- .oal. /I mechanical.. A1.1. roofing braoing l5 chimneys" et.:. 17T'olSt be :',compl.etod. No tJOrk is to be CDn- ."<....ceal.ed until. thio inspection has '.~.be~n made and apP1'C?ved. POST AND BEAM: To be l7rUIo prior to installation of fl.oor insz.:.lation or decking. ROl/CH PLlP.!RINC. El,ECTRICAL & MECH- ANICAL: No work is to be covered .ur.ti~ those inspections have been made and approved. . FIREPLACE: Prier to pl.acir.g facing materials and before framing inspec- tion. -....-. D INSULATION/VAPOR BARRIER INSPECTION: To be made after aLl. insuLation w.d , . _ roquired vapor barriers are in place ,. but before any lath" gypsum board or , . w:U covezting is applied" and before ." '. . ~y i~uZation is concealed. .', O DRyWALL INSPECTION: Tc be l7rUIe after all dryw1.l. is in place" . but prior to any taping. 0, MASONRY: SteeL l.ocation, bona beams" grouting or vertioal.s in accordance with V.B.C. Section 2415. D WOODSTOVE: After instal.lation is completed. D CURB & APPROACH AP.:ON: After" .forms are crected but pM-or to pounng , ' .::onozrete. , ~DEWALK & DRIVEWAY: For an ~on- ~ c~ete paving within strect right- .of-way" to bc made after aU exca- vating cmrpl.eto & fom wrk & zub- . ba.se rmterial. in p'Uwe. D !'ENCE: When oomplGte -- Provide., gates or movabl.e sections through P.U.E. . ~ 61b.e/lre.6 ,-Z- ,'- 'DEMOLITION OR "lOVED BUILDIN(;S , , ~ Sani tary se:.Jer capped at pr:.opert":i l.ir:e :=J Ssptia tank p-.o;rped and fina~ r.n.th I1ra~el ] Final. - rVhen ah..,"'Ve items are compl.eted ar~ when demolition is complete or 8tru~- ture moved and premises cleaned up. Nobi 1.e Hemes ~Cking and Set-:.lp 3-lwnbing connections -- SaJer and lJa~el" ~~ectricaL Connection - Slocking" set-up ...=:::J""" and plwnbing connections rrr..st ce approved. before requesting el.ec:rical. inspectio~ :=J Accessory BuiUiing ---, Fi~- After p::Jrcr..es" skirting, decks, ~. are completed. D AU project conditions" such as the 1".nstal.lation of street trees, cO:7rplotion of the required Zandscapir.g, etc." must be satisfied before the BUILDING FINAL can be rsquest3d. r-\.~ BUILDING: The Final Building Inspection must be requested after the FinaL Plumbing ~ \..2 Ei~~trical." and Mechanical. Inspectio1UJ havo been made and approIJed. o FINAL PLUMBING o FINAL MECHANICAL o FINAL ELECTRICAL o 'ALL MANHGL8S AND CLEANOUTS I/UST BE ACCESSIBLE, ADJUST/lENT TO BE NADE AT NO COST TO CITY I Page 1 of 2 I JOB NO.QOO}4() SOLAR ACCESS REQ.- L-COG~ ., Izona: Lot Sq. pt{;. S of lot Cave~ag~ ,II of Stones Total Height Topography I 'IT!:M 1_ VY\ N SQ.FTG II r.l"'1"t'1I'7P'; : I ~~~~~t I l ACeeBBIll"U J) TOTA~ VAW!: s':-6.C. {VC"UC) J.5 " Building Permit State Surcharqe Total Charges I NO. I I 1Wc.t....- ~DUY\ I \L.>cD:1' fG I IITt:M Il:i~to'FB. I'Yl hJ 1 ResidentiaZ (J bathj I Sani ta-ry Se7.JBl' Plwnbing Perrr.i t State Supcr.aroge Tota 1. Charaes lITEM /&... ou. "c. m N I New/Extend Cif'cui ts I Temporary Service I (llp~1 Ele~tl'ical Permit State Surcharae Total ChaJ"t;es , lITEM i I Furnaae ETU'S I E:rhaus t Hood I Vent Fan I Woods tave I I 'I Permit Issuance Mechanical Permit State Surcharae Tnt(Jl CMratUJ -- !:NCROAC/lMENT -- Secunttl Dar>Osit Storage H7:intenance Permit Tota 1. Charqas Curbcu-: Sid_Zk Fence Electrical Label 1:Y\10, S:vY) S0r1 TOTAL AMOUNT OUr... ~ Occurxmc,l.I Groue WT TYP!: Interior Cornel" PanhandZe CUZ-de-saa x wn:Z;oeJ i I I I I I I 1Jf)4 ;).cq m 'K'4~ ,I, I ,'-VJf I.(/)~ . c-')c{ .W - )A~ 3nQ9,' P!:!: CHARG!: I~OO NO. I~O,LU 1::9() 00 Ir~.oU I Iv'lD ,UVI I 2> . 'SUI I'} ~ .:)0' . P!:!: I CHARG!: I I/~.OU: , '-1<.' I . -If~ .00 I I,~.OQ I (. SU 1~/,Sq. I I I I NO. CfIARG!: FEE l\(()..../ Islj / I I 1 I I I I I f) 1r1--P. I r I I I 1 , )1 I ruo. I (25' la.ou I '6~,~r 1_~,1') I I S,~'SI 81G ,C1..\ I I Lot Paces - I Setbacks I P. L. I Houss Caraqe INorth lEast ISouth IWast . Bedrooms: I EnSl'q,u Sources . I Heat I Access. I Water Yp.atp.l' I Range I I Fil'epZace I I Wood; to"e II TII'08 T:..Jpe/Cor.st: -- Fees Building Value & Permit This permit io granted on the express condition thatl the ea"id construction shan, in an respects, confo,," to the Ordinance adopted liy the City of Springfield, including the Zoning Ordinance, regulating the construction and use of buildings.. and m::J.Y be suspended 01' revoked at any time upon vio- lation of any provisions of said qrdinancss. IPlan Check Fee: \ Ivata Paid: 0. (~ ) IReceipt H: \ \ V I Signed: Plumbing ,Permit No person shall const:Puct, 1.n8OO21., aZter 01' change any new 01' existing pZwnbing 0.1' drainage system in whole 01' in part, unless such person is the legal possessor of a valid plumbel"s licenseJ except that a person may do plumbing ~rk to property which is owned~ 'leased or operated by the appli- cant. . Electrical Permit Where State LalJ requires that the clectr-ical work be done by an EZeatrical ContractorJ the electr-ical. portion of this pemit shalt not be vdtid until. the label has been signed by the Elecrncal Contractor. Mechanictd Permit \wCl P7..an. ExaJ1l1,.ner )~&~ !J .(q() uate I HAIT CAR!:FULLY !:XAMIN!:D the compZeted appliaation for pernn:t, and do hereby certify that all information hereon is true and t!orret!t, and I further t!ertify that any ar:d all work perfomJed shalt be done in accor- dance with the Ordinances of the City of Spr-ingfietd, and thz Lcr.JS of tho A State of Oregon pertaining to the work described herein, and that NO OCCU- PANCY will. be mds of any structure lJithO"..lt permission of the Building Di- vision. I further certify that ~ly contractors and emp~yees who are in compliance with ORS 701.055 will be used on this project ir;,b. <L t1ktOoAd ,51-;;2-90 Date j S1%1nad ,j