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Permit Correction Notice 2010-12-3
)- . ~rI'1('O ,'II Date: /2-- /l/ 10 lob# C7 - Is?." Address: ~ 7'6~ tJlvM//,".: TO: (0 Will (t'~d~ e:lr<-Iy,~ Inspection Type: 6;".1 Gk",';",'c. A/{C//(J./Z IfCrJ,IO: f'/u/ (Onn~, Iv.,. ~ ~.,. ({Py,/-, OV1 t.;'ld< /lEt. 1f~/J.r;(jU)(!) .' (ovJ u5r) ~.,. 1/.0-1 /AI<^-1 IV IIr..-IeVo (lfc..-'ZI().B!J, : Y('(f ,It lAJl~l, ,'", ,,,,It. f.1NA -fD 6 ~tlltJ.') (): Ivv(J c6'1'/...,-/.?,~ ",.,J,,- t)11~ c,,/,"';! i?'<~J..<~ A/€t.2117.4 r;: J11wlll"v/~<- (,,-,...), "',0/ /.,{J~Jlc -It;.., + WI~~\ qr,..",.,../ !tf?tt/l1. /I/{,.J -10 Itle,,'!,!'! {)t!n(' I w/J.lo of{-<v m~t<..,l H.,,,,,, #-('~<;/ , . . '~ 41[cZl~,1'1: let If/MjJ5 OM t'- UJ ~1yI/ /'-lyM0 (/V(...., t 41!c..lZOy.j.' Ikd -Iv. & t~1 flo1 w,,~.(v c;"c'...,I.f /vov,-'/< 8""",,1-, c/o":"! (,,-It ~ lI- t<- D,.)" ~.f.J (.tI'(,,; -I. ,c-. ","" .. ~_" __' '~"{~~ . '-. City of Springfield/Development Services Building Safety 225 Fifth Street 7. ~""""~"""''''''-'''_ ....;~'\...' ,_ ....;: ."' ,.' ~ -<.' 'i:::- ~;"r.:""":"',.:; ;...;.,-~}.:..,\oP"""""""""<' ''"f'l'l:rlHn '.-", " q....c.. "., frfc 1 f'o7,,,,I,). w.../" II"".;,... " .;- Corrections and reinspE;ction request shall be made within Zl) calendar days. "- Cali for reinspection&es DNa Inspector~".., /1',,/,,> /,-0"'0/1 Date: 12- j-/C) ,...,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,...,,,,,,,,...,,..,,Call for inspection 726-3 ^'^'''''''^'''~'''''^''''^'^'Questions 726-3759IV"''''''''''''^,,^,'''^, , . 7'1/ -6?Or{ '.\. ',\