HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1980-4-13 "\, ''.. - . . ,~. , ""'" .~ ~ '..! LANE COUNTY HEARINGS OFFICIAL DECISION APPROVING GHEENWAY DEVELOPMENT pEHMIT (UNCONTESTED) Application Summary: Agenda Item #6 william A. McGeorge, GCUp BO-30, 121 Doris St., Springfield, Map 18-03-02-20, Tax Lot 2603. Greenway Conditional Use Permit for dwelling to be placed within wlllamette Greenway on new urban lot in a Suburban l\esidential O,A) District. Hearinq Date: April 3, 1980 Decision Date: April 13, 1980 Statement of Criteria and Standards: LCDC Goals Lane County Comprehensive Plan Lane Code 10.322 Facts Helied Upon (Findinqs): The initial Staff recommendation in this matter was denial based upon the location of the site within the floodway. At the time of the hCi.1r:ing th~ Staff \\',i thdrc\V its cccolfimcndation of denial if we were looking only at the G~eenway criteria and reservinc] the de tennI n" tion 0 f the floodway I oca tion to a. later time. 'l'hcl:efoJ:c, I .tlll tccatin(:J t.his matt(~r. as Dn uncontested one. Except for the floadway location, all factual s'tatements set forth in the staff report are adopted herein and approved. The Hearings Official hilS f-lcrsonally observed the site. There W3S no opposition to the ,application at the time of the hearing. The property in que,:tion is located across the r.i vel~ fl~OI\l tlll i.ndllstri.nl ~-;i 1:(: and just to the north of a very dense mobile home subdivision. Because 0 f the topography theu~ j s vc rcy 1i t tIc prope rty available for additional development 1-,0 1:11e north of thi,; parcel. Installation of the mobU e home outside of the 40 ,feet distance a<Jreecl Lo by the appl I ,':;1nL wi,I.1 not: i.nterfece wi th the existing vCgeta lion. 'J'he applicant docs require a Greenway develo}JIncnt pet~ll\it because of a pcoposed location within 100 feeL f':Oll1 t.he or:di,nilry 1Ii'lh ''1ilter 1lI.',lck. ~;peciill findings are required in r:e<Jau] to l:hc ,.:etbaek. T find that the pcoposed home ",ill not distur-b the existin'J ve<Je- tative fringe bet'.'1een the Clctivity in the river ilnd that the maximum open space is being preserved between the pro- posed mobile, home site Clnd the river by the proposed location. The activity is within an urban ar.ea ilnr] public access is not necessary at this point. I have examIned the compatibility CJuidelines of Lane Cor]e .10.322-1', (?) a'HI i.lfLcr du'..' con~;ider:at.i.on 1 - McGeorl]c, Gel/I' 80-30 ,...,oiiiM""~IU4""~ '"to ,'" I j..'\ , ',,' I .', ;: .~,. .~- .;;1' )-' the relative importance of the guidelines I find the proposed mobile home compatible with the \'iillamctte Hiver Greenway. In support of the special setback I find that approval of this 40 foot setback will not be materially detrimental to the purpose of the Greenway development permit ordinance in the area in which this property is located. Decision: GHEENWAY DEVELOPMENT PEHMIT APPHOVED with the condition that it be determined by whoever is responsible for admin- istering the flood management program in Lane County that the property is not within the floodway for the proposed location of the mobile home. Justification for Decision (Conclusions): I have reviewed again Lane Code 10.322 and the Staff notes and testimony in this matter. I find the Staff notes to be well reasoned with the exception of the floodplain analysis as discussed above which will be reserved for a later time. In regard to the Greenway permit only, I adopt the analysis of the Staff as set forth in the Staff notes. ;;/ '---.. -' "tc "~ rl/ ~ Larry D. \['homson lIear.Ln']s Official 2 - McGeorge, GCUP 80-30 , , STAFF REPORT . Applicant: William A. McGeorge; GCUP 80-30 Location: 121 Doris St., Springfield; Map 18-03-02.2, Tax lot 2603 Proposal: Greenway Development Permit to place a dwelling w~thin the urban section of the Willamette Greenway. Code References 1. LC 10.322: Greenway Permit Procedures 2. LC 13.085: Dangerous Areas Background 1. Applicant is involved with multiple applications in order to locate a mobile home on the designated property. The Greenway Development Permit in concerned with the placement of a dwelling within the Greenway Boundary. The applicant is aware of the need to have the following actions taken: (a) Zone change to include mobile home (MH) (b) Acquisition of "Gap" portion of"the area (c) Partitioning to create a separate parcel for the dwelling 2. Flood Management Unit has indicated that a preliminary study designates the proposed parcel as being within the floodway. ~ new construction may occur in floodways. Construction in floodplains may be required to meet adequate floor level elevations. ' 3. The 1990 Plan designates area as Low Density Residential use. Statewide Planning Goals Except for Goal 15, an evaluation of the Goals has been conducted in a separate document which is available for public scrutiny. Goal 7, concerned with hazard- ous areas, is not met by this application due to the projected floodway through the property. All other applicable goals are met by the proposal. Greenway Criteria 1. PROTECTS OR ENHANCES VEGETATION BETWEEN ACTIVITY AND RIVER Applicants sketch indicates a setback of 25 feet from the river bank. In existing subdivisions or small parcels, a policy to require a 40 foot setback from the river bank has been in effect to provide for sufficient vegetation and landscaping. 2. PUBLIC ACCESS TO RIVER Not appropriate in this urban area. Greenway Guidelines Compatibility of the activity with the Willamette River Greenway is based on the following applicable guildelines: ITEM :/1= 6 HO Staff Report 4/3/80 (MCGEORGE: GCUP 80-30) Page 1 of 2 . . , MAINTENANCE OF NA~L RIPARIAN VEGETATION . 1. A setback of 40 feet is the minimum necessary to maintain riparian vegetation and landscaping of a scenic quality. 2. COMPATIBILITY WITH SITE AND VICINITY Adjacent mobile home subdivision is developed in a similar Setback Requirement Setback of 100 feet required; exception may occur with appropriate affirmative finding: Size and shape of parcel not suitable for a setback of 100 feet. Approval of a 40 foot setback will not be materially detrimental to the purpose of the Greenway in the area affected by the proposed exception. Analysis Proposal is in line with existing development in the area and with a revised setback meets the Willamette Greenway Goal. Recent information has indicated that the proposed property is in the floodway portion of the Willamette River. Neither a partition can be approved nor a building permit issued for property within a floodway. In the event of a flood existing buildings may be replaced but no additional structures may be placed in a floodway, Recommendation Denial. ITEM~b HO Staff Report 4/3/80 (MCGEORGE: GCUP 80-30) Page 2 of 2 ~,";::.~_~_ .__~____~.~ ....._.._u__ ~.Lvt If~!f-' .' . r-~ I? .,. Ic,<e.,t- 7:1<. L c>t '/01 TCi)( L+ 701 P. Irce./ 2... P,a v<.e.ll ,-" . i-\ d r- b 0.... D;1 U f' . VI';' .'}1.\-b . .. . ---...,--- --..-----....~ 1// II ,~o' ----,~ _, t/ I I JI!I; Ii G..p. .7~' ~-/ '~" , 4>. ' r\'l=>~d;~ .;:~~ ~~ I, ,/<~/ ~~~ ;:(I;; / ;/ %~i% '30' 8b' /\fXJS+""~ /. Mobl{~ )-Io....~~ - -I) :-J v.. I \"- '" Lot ].LO-+ ~ '-J 15'3'.8 d 'JIO 6 S' I " ,rIt1.U :ID ~ e, / ~ 50 HO Staff Report 4/3/80 lMCGEORGE:" GCUI 80-30) Attachment "A" Page 1 ofl 2. 500 6AP I ~.s DI2/UE. ~i?;~-. :' tJI.',"'" Q( ~ ~ ~ VJ ~ "t' " ~ :" '" Q./ 70/ :2 Q,/ if ~,> , . ;~. " 1\ 2200 , SITE. OF R.EQIJE~T , ~ DIV/'510N , 600 B02 - ....!.. -.....~ HO Staff Report 4/3/80 (MCGEORGE: GCUP 80-30) Pf!DPOSEO M08/1.-6 HoMt:. RA 1J\ I ~.I~''',,~ 0' lOa' 200' MAP ~, -, ~ ,'. of' .-,,"" '-'.~.,...'- . R.A ~ I , 1400 /5ot; . OoR.12IS ST, . 1.................................~ VICINITY MAP NO SCALE: :.; ITEM #. 6 - ^(EE.oWIT'j ~ ~PLICATION FOR COkDITIONAL US~RMIT TO: LANE COUNTY HEARINGS OFFICIAL: I, 'VJ,//,~"", A. Me Ce"....<;p USE PERMIT as provided in Chapter ~O, hereby request a CONDITIONAL Lane Code (Zoning Ordinance), for 1[" e<L./,/:,L"",,,t.1=... vu;J"...r, r;...->J;I, t,"!M~) o...J-l,.... ,r""H._t-L' of f-~. ).1 .1.<::~ (proposed use) .&vh....v .,l"'l'rc:L,) 0., ft., ~vJ,,,, \vkl1';H"J ku.,<..~;h Jub;ni.}" k>......t;+,~~ W""',,,/ '-'-'/1", Ck W,~\~.~, - ToAet<sw plGrn 1:..r M!1 c...J~'\)Uik. wi,,,", ASSESSOR'S MAP AND TAX LOT~S) VI f-. D 1 _ D J_. L _ ll. cd ~ ADDRESS OF PROPERTY: /)., Do/,-'" Sf, ZIP CODE: U 0- PRESENT USE OF PROPERTY: Hr_ j ; /, /.O~< "rru'" "'~_' ZONE: n A - r" 'O",:H< v~,j".. "'_"L""e"';",, . TOTAL AREA: 11h""/,PI. j f , SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS (may be attached) () Six (2) copies of a plot plan with scale, dimensions, and north arrow showing the boundaries of the property and all existing buildings, parking areas, and landscaped areas, and indication of use. () Legal description of the subject property. () $95.00 Filing fee (Make checks payable to: Lane County Planning Division). () A written, detailed explanation of the proposal including hours of operation, number of employees, noise or pollution factors and proposed methods of control, etc. J\n1L:.cc...J- ~"" ~~( . :"jJ ~ c<:.. ;2 (' ~~ H . I hereby certify that the above statements and other information submitted are true and accurate to the best of my knowledge and belief, and that I have the following legal interest in the property: owner of record; y contract purchaser; lessee; holder of an exclusive option to purchase; duiy authorized to act for a person who has the following legal interest: , and that the owner of record is knowledgeable of this application if I am not the l.llfl,l'am A. M~~c5e...LD/Al(-.;3pl) Applicant's signature: ~lJ!t;"NUfJ. 711..(~~l. Telephone: 7.lC, - 'if" 7/1 Address: /.2/ VrH/U~_ 'f ~n.FA ZIP CODE: ""ztrI For: A...~-+- (firm) R.A i'i\OtoIIlNDt1f~) .. 'M..._:'.~ Name: fI... .A fv1 "'- }r,4-1- TelepHone: '747 -3PL'\ Address:-1.P'IO J-f.....L _ n._ ZIP CODE: S ,o/,-f '" ~ c-l). D ~ "7') Ll '), RECORD OF ACTION :? Date of Hearings Official Hearing: ~~ Date Filed: I-Z4-&::J Received By: -t~-3 Action Taken: GIll- /JILl II/z,</CO Date of Appeal Hearing by Journal No. :lfupm,?T'l Board of County Commissioners: Action Taken: Order No.: Effective Date: Lane County Planning Division, 125 East 8th Ave., Eugene, Oregon 97401 687-4186 '--- '- lv, II .. '----_ 0 0....Yf...i -."----- r- e f( , ~ '<"0 ~, 'I , ~ 0." L 0+ ID' fd" L+ '/0/ IJ, \reel L P.. vce 11 ~.ar~ov DI~'UP Vi,..l ,fI\' b . 'il// / ~ 90' ;{f./ / <Ill;;' //I~/ ///' /_ I/~ / :' / ~ " "}.. / /, -, /; / I, / ) / ' , I ' 1 30' 8b' -, ill I // / / I /' C':ls-t"A9 MD/"{~ J-.lOl-V<t"~ - -I) :-l :", \'" '"-' Lot '2 LO-t ~ '-i 15'3,8 Sc~/e I";, 50' I r -', .t) I'" '~ , , ~.. . .. o .. .. .. .. .. II .. , '- , i. II 00 . . . l l! ~ ~ -> =->....a= " v-t ~ I: PROFESSIONAL . ~ 1....0 LAND SUp.V~YOR \ ~ I jZ( ! .~ i#At! ~ ij! a~~omJ \ Q: ~~ I' \S\ ~ t: gN It! \\~ ..i ~ _0' All ~., ~......~. ..."..!/OiI" ~ \..._ ~_ tr ;' . 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(~ I ~ ~ \lJ /?z/'ce/.Z ,,'0/{ ~. ~/f' ~ '" \}, t .? , ~ ./ /~ / V':~ /,,'0,":19' " \J ';, ~ 'v/.rvO .s c!J9"' S?' /7"0 " , (, ~ \t:J/1I:.', Il-, ~, . .\ I ~ ~v " (), ~ " "l ~ ~' /C;a/'cel -2 \) ,0 \; ~ " , " ,5' ""-".]...,']5'"0 /6,b, 20 . Cd R.J\- Y1H'\ ' ;';,,1.1-:: /" ~ 5<7' ;1/3 c 4. P 7k.....J:2-3 FILE NO: JJ2. ")lll/-7r;, " j C'k~_" "' :,IJHII,:C DIVISION i ENVlf10N1\.lfNT,'d i',',\fIJ,\GEMENl Dr.f';iHn.~ENr In:) r^ST GTH AVE. I EUGEI<JE, OR 97401 I PHONE (5031 E87.4186 I Q( . '\ . --. ! ". @) "' I agree to comply with the public hearing notice posting requirements, as provided on the reverse side, at the locations indicated on the above map locations between the dates of A-nv..-.R':/- and ~ P r-I (&j<1-r>. Also, I understand failure to comply wit~'se public hearing otice fequirements will result in an additional fe~ payment of $25.00. t\v~ Vy. I f\ Cfh/(~ _;.. v- J Name 1- u-r-.FeJ n;.lt&3 .J Lantllbunty Planning Division, ~ 125 E. 8th Eugene, Oregon 97401 JlY ORDER OF THE COUNTY COMMISSIONERS (Lane Manual 10.035) APPLICANTS ARE RESPONSIBLE !'OR SIGNS TO BE DISPLAYED GIVIN(; NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR: Un zoned Area Development Permit Zoning Rezoning Conditional Use Permit Temporary Permit Special Exception Willamette Greenway Use Permit Willamette Greenway Extraordinary Exception The following rules are established under authority of that Order. 1. (a) One sign shall be posted age on any public street street or road, at least street or road. for each or road. one sign 300 feet, or portion thereof, of foot- If the property abuts more than one shall be displayed along each abutting (h) If no public street or road abuts the property, signs shall be displayed in such a manner as to be most noticeable to the public. The manner of posting shall be determined by a member' of the Planning Division and given to the applicant in writing. 2. Signs will be prepared by the Lane County Planning Division and provided to the applicant. 3. Signs will be displayed in clear view in such a manner as to be visible to an automobile traveling on the abutting street or road at a normal rate of speed. The signs shall be readable by a person standing at the edge of the street or road. 4. Signs shall not be displayed in such a way as to obstruct views or cause traffic hazard. 5. The signs shall be displayed at least 10 days but no more than 15 days prior to the date of the hearing as shown on the sign. The signs shall remain on d.isplay until after the hearing date and removed within 7 days of that date. Placing and removal of the signs is the responsibility of the applicant. 6. If a sign is displayed on property not under the ownership of the applicant, permission to post such signs should be obtained from the property owner. 7. Failure to comply with these requirements will result in the cancellation of the scheduled hearing. Rescheduling the hearing will require payment 'of ad- ditional fee of $25.00. 8. The applicant will not be held responsible for removal, loss or damage of the signs through vandelism or similar acts. The applicant should notify the Lane County Planning Division if such problem occurs. 9. The applicant must sign a receipt for the signs and an agreement to comply with these requirements. ~, 11/2179 Phone: 687-4186 or toll-free 1-800-452-6379 rJ ..~ . . ').' . . COAL FINDINGS AND CONCLUSIONS 6cuP ~o-3o SUM1,IflKY llased on the following filldin~s and conclusions: L J This application confonns to all applicable goals. LX] This application conflicts with Goals No. 7 L J Additional infonnation is needed to address Goal r~os. [ ] Goal Nos.3-5", lj-/c) do not apIJ1y to this application. 1'311'1.1(,-19 GOAL iil Fi ndi nq_ rlo. 1: Statewide Planning Goal ~!o. 1 requi res citizen involvement in all phases of the planninl] process and coordination with other affected governmental agencies. Conclu'Sion No.1: [;ased on Finding No.1, since notice has been siven (in eompliance to County ordinances) to IJrovide for citizen involvement and agency coordination, Statewide Planning Goal No.1 has been cOlllplied with. GOAL #2 Findinq_ No. ~: Statewide Planning Goal No.2 sets forth general requi rements for the preparation, content and adoption of comprellensive plans and implementing measures. The except ions process is also i dent ifi ed. The proposed 1 and, development now considered is not a comprehensive plon fJr implementing measure. Conclusion No.2: - -- ~ased on Finding No.2, Statewide Planning Goal No.2 relates to legislative planning matters and does not apply to this specifie land use proposal. 1I00iever, the,exceptior,s process still applies when it is not pOSSible to apply Coal 3 or Goal 4 to the subject property and proposed land use request. 141' 20569-284 I r . . UJAL #3 Find i nq flo. 3 : Ayricultural land is defined ily State\,idc I'lanning boal 1'10. 3 as lands having pr'edul1linantly Class I-IV soils, or lands in other classes \'/hich are necessary to pennit fan, practices tu ile undertaken on adjacent or nearby lands, or other lands suitable for fann use considering the factors set forth in the Goal 3 definition of "agricultural land." Conclusion No.3: Based on Finding No.3, the subject property -i-!;/is not agricultural land and Goal No.3 therefore ~..>:~~.'does not apply. --- Findin'l No. _: Provided Goal #3 applies to this request, the applicant must bear the burden of proof to sho\~ that the proposed development eonfonilS to this goal. Goal No.3 n~quires that agricultural land ile preserved in lIIini"iuni lot sizes appropriate for the continuation of the existing eonllilereial agricultural enterprise within the ared. Uses of agricultural land are restricted to those uses which are cOllsistent with ORS 215. An exce~tion is required ~Ihtn proposed uses are inconsistent \tith OKS 215 ur when proposed lots or parcel s are not adequate for the continuation of the existing eommercial agricultural enterprise in the area. WP 2()569-284 2 I' . . Conclusion ~!o. -- Based on the facts and discussion in the above finding, the proposed development [ ] confonlls to Goal 1i3. L ] confl icts with Goal if3. GOAL #4 Find i nl! No. <f Forest lands are defined by Statel'lide Planning Goal No.4 as lands composed of existing and potential forest lands which are suitable for forest uses and are lands for special ized uses as defined in Goal #4. Conclusion No. V: -- nased on the facts and discussion in the above finding, the subject property _i~/'is not forest land and Goal No.4 therefore a~~lie3/does not apply. Findillli No. _ Provided Goal #4 applies to this request, the applicant must bear the burden of ~roof to show that thE: proposed development confonllS to this goal. Development of forest land is 1 imited to forest uses as defined by the goal. Residences are normally not pemissib1e, except if accessory dnd necessary for forest uses. WI' 20569-284 3 ,.' . . Cone 1u s i on No. -- lJased [ ] [ ] on the facts and discussion confonllS to Goal #4. confl icts with Goal #4. in the above findin9, the proposed development CO^L 115 rind i n~ No. .s-: Stdte\~i de 1'1 anni ny Goal rio. S requi res the conserva t i on of open spaee and the Ilrotection of natural and scenic resources. Open space consists of lands used for agrieultura1 or forest uses and any land area that ~lOuld, if preserved and continued in its present use: "a. Conserve and enhance natural or scenic resources; b. rrotect air or streams or water supply; c. rranote conservation of soils, wetlands, beaches or tidal marshes; d. Conserve landscaped areas, such as public or private golf courses, that reduce air pollution and enhance the value of abutting or neighboring prope rty ; e. Lnhance the value to the pub 1 i c of abut t i ng or nei ghbori ng parks, forest, wildlife preserves, nature reservations or sanctuaries or other open spaee; f. Pranote orderly urban development." Conclusion No. .s-: Dased on the facts and discussion in the above fic,iing, the subject property -h/~ not open spaee and Goal Nn. 5 thdrefore ;c;~ :~,/does not apply. Findinq No. -- Provided Goal #5 appli::, to this request, the applieant must bear the burden of proof to sho\~ th~t the proposed development canp1ies with this goal. WI' 20569-284 4 ., . .. Conclusion No. : -- [lased on the facts and discussion, in the ahovc finding, t.hc proposed developmcnt: [ ] confonllS to Goal #5. [ ] confl icts with .Goa1 #5. GOAL #6 Findinq 110. ~: Statewide Planning Goal No.6 requires the maintenance and ilaprovement of the quality of the state's air, water and land resources. This goal sets forth <)elleral requirements which must be considered during the comprehensive planning process. For site-specific decisions involving residential development, this <)oa1 rec;uires a means of sewerage approved by the Lane County Water Pollution Control. Conclusion No. '" : [lased on the facts and discussion in the above finding, proper sewerage will be provided and, therefore, the proposed development complies with Goal #6. GOAL #7 Findinq No. L: Statewi de 1'1 anni ng Goal No. 7 requi res the protect i on of 1 ife and property from natural disasters and hazards. Areas of natural disaster and hazards are " . . . areas that are subject to natural events that are known to result in death or endanger the works of man, such as stream fl oodi ng, ocean f1 oodi ng, groundwater, erosion and deposition, landsl ides, earthquakes, weak foundation soils and other hazards unique to local or regional areas." WI' 20569-284 5 . . Conclusion No. ~: oa sed on the facts and di scuss i on in the above fi nd i ng, the subj ect property i s/ia I,al subject to natural hazards and Goal No.7 therefore app1 ies/d-~ ~~ ;'1'1'1,..- Findinq No. L; Provided Goal #7 applies to this request, the applicant must bear the burden of proof to sho\-I that the proposed development campl ies with this goal. Development in hazard areas is prohibited without adequate safeguards, and conditions should insure that adequate safeguards are provided. ...J' I- r1cJ4tL f../~ -s...,....~.........;t- r-r&.C.:-.l I.,.;,J,I'"'-r ..;_~........ :- , 1/wIT ~4.,... t-4._ 'f J'1e....-r-.'...t . IOu '1&..... P.l.o~. (.c:. 1"3. ",.r !,,0J... '.:j.r b"",~/cll~ d...r&l.al'w,...;;t ,.... H_.J..,~~. . Conclusion No. rr- ; Based on the facts and discussion in the above finding, the proposed development L J conforms to Goal #7. L~J conflicts with Goal #7. GOfi L #8 Find i nq No. -1....: Statewide Planning Goal No.8 requires that the recreational needs of the eitizens of the state and visitors be provided for. This goal sets general guidelines for inventorying recreation opportunities and needs and general guidelines for designing canprehensive plans to provide for the recognized recreational needs. Various implementation techniques are eneouraged in order to implement the comprehensive plan. Planning Goal No.8 applies to site-specific development I>.'hen the property and development under consideration is located adjacent to or within a planned or existing reereation area. !.Jhen the property and development are located within the Wi11amette River Greenway, the provisions of Goal No.8 are satisfied by adherence to the implementing Willamette River Greenway Ordinance. COJlclusion No.9; -- (jd,ed on the facts and discllssion in the above finding, Goal #8 2;::"306/does not ~ to the proposed development. WI' 20569-284 6 . . Find i ng No. Provided Goal #8 applies to this request, the Hpp1icant must bear the burden of proof to show that the proposed develop~ent complies with this goal. Conclusion No. -- Rased on the facts and discussion in the above finding, the proposed development [ J confonns to Goal No.8. [ ] conflicts with Goal #8. GOAL #9 Findinq No. 10 Statewide Planning Goal No.9 requires the diversifieation and improvement of the economy of the state. The primary means of accompl ishing this goal is to designate within the comprehensive plan suitable areas to meet the need for commercial or industrial development. In addition, plan poliCies should provide for necessary sewer and water services to land planned for industrial or commercial uses. This goal appl ies to site-specifie development to the extent that the proposed development is for commercial or industrial development or to the extent that the proposed development would affect existing or p1an- des ignated commerci a 1 or i ndustri a 1 areas. Conclusion No. 10 : Rased on the facts and discussion in the above finding, Goal #9 2~~"~/does not apply to the proposed development. Findinq No. _: Provided Goal #9 applies to this request, the applicant must bear the burden of proof to show that the proposed development complies wi~h this goal. WP 20569-284 7 " ',.'" . . Conclusion No. Based [ ] [ ] on the facts and discussion conforms to Goal #9. conflicts with Goal #9. in the above finding, the proposed development GOAL #10 Findinq No. J.L Statewide Planning Goal No. 10 requires that the housing needs of the citizens of the state be provided for. Buildable lands for residential use must be inventoried and residential development accommodated as much as possible within urban growth boundaries. Buildable lands include land situated within an urban growth boundary, an area for which an exception has been taken and committed lands or nonresource lands inventoried and designated for rural residential development. This goal applies to site-specific development only when an exception (as identified in Goal #2) is necessary to allow for residential development. This is a proper application of Goal #10, because the exceptions process requires an inventory of buildable lands which is consistent with that same requirement in Goal #10. The requirement in Goal #10, for the proper phasing of public facilities and services to support housing development, is properly addressed in the findings and conclusions under Goal #11. An exception for proposed residential development [ ] is necessary (as identified by Finding No. ). [)C] is not necessary. ---- Conclusion No. ~: Based upon the above discussion and facts, Goal #10,~n-"~/does not apply to this request. Findinq No. ____ Provided Goal #10 applies to this request, the applicant must bear the burden of proof to show that the proposed development eomp1ies with this goal or that a proper inventory of buildable lands is provided. C0nelusiun No. - ---- Based on the discussion and facts in the above finding, the proposed development [ ] conforms to Goal #10. [ ] conflicts with G0ai #10. WP 20569-284 8 , '. . . GOAL #11 Find i nq No. 12-: Statewide Planning Goal No. 11 requires the planning and development of a timely, orderly and efficient arran~ement of public facil ities and services to serve as a framework for urban and rural development. This goal further provides ~enera1 and specific guidelines for locating public facilities and services. These guidelines must be considered during the formulation of comprehensive plans and, prior to the adoption of such plans, during site- specific planning. Existing and proposed public facilities and services for the subject property are: ~ The foregoing facilities and services are/are not appropriate for the proposed development because: The foregoing facil ities and services are/are not appropriate for development for adjoining areas and the planned density of the area because: Conclusion'r'lo. ,'Z,.;: -- Rased upon the discussion and facts provided in the above finding, the proposed development [~ promotes proper public facility and service planning and therefore conforms to Goal #11. [ ] does not promote proper public facility and service planning and therefore eonflicts with Goal #11. GOAL #12 Findinq No. .JL: Statewide Planning Goal No. 12 requires the provision and encoura~ement of a safe, convenient and economic transportation system. The transportation p19n must address facturs which are of local, regional and statewide significance and WP 20569-284 9 " . . which require various inventories. Because of the scope and inventories refjuired, this goal can only primarily he accompl ishec1 c1uring the comprehensive planning process. Application of this goal to site-specific c1evelopment is limitec1 to the extent that c1evelopment woulc1 impact existing or planned modes of transportation and to the extent that any proposed means of transportation l~ou1d provic1e for orc1er1y neighborhooc1 c1evelopment. The proposec1 development conforms to the transportation element of local and regional comprehensive plans. ~ Yes '- ] No [ ] N/A Explanation: The proposec1 development utilizes existing transportation systems to the fullest extent. [)c] Yes [ ] No [ ] N/A Explanation: The means of access for the proposed development promotes orderly neighborhood c1evelopment [x-] Yes [ ] No [ ] N/A Explanation: Conclusion No. /;) : Based on the above discussion and facts in the above finding, the proposec1 development ["C'] conforms to Goal #12. [ ] conflicts with Goal #12. GOAL #13 Findinq No. ~: Statewide Planning Goal ~;o. 13 refjuires eonservation of all forms of energy hased upon sound economic principles and through the management and control of WP 20569-284 10 ; . . land and uses developed on the land. The economic rrincif)les mentioned are to inventory and reuse vacant land, to encourage use of renewable energy resources and to minimize use of nonrenewable energy resources and to promote dense and comratihle deve10rment in appropriate areas. After these principles are ineorrorated into the comrrehensive rlan, then certain implementation techniques are suggested for adortion into (ountywide ordinances. The r1anning and imr1ementation measures of this goal are not site-specific, but can only effectively be accomplished after Countywide inventories and policy formulation and application. Until such time, applicants should be encouraged to utilize various energy saving techniques in their developments. Conclusion No. ~: Based on the discussion in the ahove finding, Goal #13 does not apply to this site-specific land use proposal. GOAL #14 Findinq No. I~ : The rurpose of Goal No. 14 is to provide for an orderly and efficient transition from rural to urban 1 and use. It requi res the establ i shrllent of urban growth houndaries and stipulates criteria for the establishment and change of that boundary as well as conversion of urbanizable land to urban. The app1 ication of this goal to site-specific land use proposals is limited to those areas which may be defined as urbanizable lands. "Urbanizable lands" are those lands within the urban growth boundary and which are identified and (a) determined to be necessary and suitable for future urban areas, (b) can be served by urban services and facilities, and (c) are needed for expansion of an urban area. ls the subject property considered to be urbanizable land as defined in Goal /lI4? [ ] Yes [.c] No [ ] N/A Explanation: (onclusion No. I~_: Based upon the facts and discussion in the above finding, Goal #14 ,::'fI:":,/does not ~ to the proposed deve 1 or;;~ent. wr 2n569-284 11 .. " .. . . Findinq No. : -- Provided Goal #14 applies to this request, the applicant must bear the burden of proof to show that the proposed development cOlllpl ies with this goal. The concerns for type, location and phasing of puhlic facilities and services and transportation facilities within this urbanizable area have been addressed in the findings and conclusions for Goals #11 and #12. The only other identifiable concerns within Goal #14 that relate to site-specific development within an urbanizable area are that any rlivisinns of land or building development be so designed as to not preclude possih1e further development of the property. The proposed division of the suhject property provides lots or parcels that confonn to the ultimate density projected by the comprehensive plan, or the proposed lots or parcels are of such size that they can be further divided to conform to the ultimate density projected hy the comprehensive plan. [ ] Yes [ ] No Explanation: The proposed bui 1 di ng development on the suhject property substanti ally provides for the 'ultimate density projected by the comprehensive plan, or is so designed or situated to allow for future orderly development of the entire property and adjoining areas. [ J Yes [ ] No [ ] N/A Explanation: Conclusion No. Rased on the discussion and facts in the above finding, the proposed development [ ] conforms to Goal #14. [ ] conflicts with Goal #14. Findinq No. If. : The location of the subjeet prop~rty has been thoroughly identified and discussed in this report when ad~re~sing the first 14 Statewide Planning Goals. The subject property is not situated within the Hillamette River Greenway, an estua ry resource area, a coastal shore I and area, a beach and dune area, or an ocean resource area. 'Z'S lJ,o:., (.;... W :,~..-rte fr-,;'tV\. <O...&&.....r...y . ~Jr 20569-284 12 .. . I .-, . . . Conclusion No. II:. : Therefore, based on the ahove discussion and facts, Goals No. 1~19 do not apply to this request. 6,.,o..-t IS;- 4-<J"O"A't,~ w.L.{ ~ Cct\(.d.....:t~.! ;~ ~..,.f ;~-r-. wr 20569-284 13 e. . . r: - , : .. , , . . , . , -.. ..' VICTOR ATlVeH -- . . Department of Transportation PARKS AND RECREATION DIVISION 525 TRADE STREET S.E,. SALEM, OREGON 97310 February 27, 1980 Mr. Harry Sickler, Zoning and Subdivision Section Lane County Planning Division Public Service Bldg. 125 E. 8th Ave. Eugene, OR 97401 Dear Mr. Sickler: RE: GCUP 80-30 Although it is difficult to evaluate based on the information provided us, this proposal would appear to be acceptable to this office. Key considerations from our perspective are the maintenance of existing vegetation, and the allowance of an adequate setback from the edge of the ri verbank. Very truly yours, , J R JEL:ma cc: Roger Ellingson Wa lly Hi bba rd 10' ., , ,. , : \ " " " . . , ORroO" 5""-[ "IGul"'" CIII'S n" \(u " !.11 II :11' 1.1 ,! lUll ....l. . , ~ IJ ,- I':I( COU'I-I V .J."l I" '~pro" sr". 1" '00' III J It i,. "HL~: 'I. 'rn!'l ~'n',"rn' 'J"" 0' OChenr" ln73 j, ( II.., II: J' oJ"; .\.il II r ( J J Li (!I, J S[O-IO'" "~IrS ,p,-OV nOSI"'O" L~' I I, L II. L I, t'1i II I II' I. DI"[D "II' 'DIlROY POSITIO" II , 1\ t I , (/~ 1 I 1\ . I. s;,m 120 OF 10) .' ." ~ W;;..~.f.~' '---,;;. Certified, ~rn Receipt Requested . Idne county ~ t!-:~ ~"'1 ,', "il, Date: 2 - 2..0 - ~ 'I,,~.., State'Department of Transportation State Parks Branch ' 274 High Street S.E. Salem, OR 97310 , ,. , ~.J , ;,..Jl , 1"l'~ 'ill:" '1"'-",.1 J , ,",:, I' -~ .' '..11 ,. ',. i, ,':;~L 1 ;.t~ Attention: Greenway Planning Project Manager ., Gent1 emen: . This is notification as required. by Section (E) (F.5) of the Preliminary Wi11an~tte River Greenway Plan that applieation for a permit has been' submi,tted for property within the prel iminilry boundary. A copy of a map showing the boundary and location of the proposed use is enclosed. The permit appl ication is for d&Je-ul~ """" (o,..e.e...w/J..y , ' I' . , ! -'1"; .' Action on the application will be as follows: I/' The per-ll1i tis exempt from Greenway I'egu 1 a t ions, and wi 11 be released after nonna1 building permit processing. The permi t requi res Condi tiona 1 Lise Permit ~hoo..dL,o'-r ~:P'E:~ processing, and will be considered by the Hearings Official on A. .~~ 3t...!.-Uo 1 . i' '" .. ~~ ," .. ,r:~. ....j..'I '~. :-.; ~ App1icant:U,tlla..:... A. A./cl:,ets?#._ 12-1 Q,..-,:c J"I', s,,,.. ~_G~I.J Map # I i'-o :3 - ~ '). . 2.- Tax Lot( s) 2.."":3 Appl ication #bCUPfb-30 " Very truly yours, ~ De.f4.'-J Zoning & Subdivision Section "l Enclosures " LANE COUNlY I'LA~ING DIVISION / COUll "'OUSE, f'uUUC SlIiVICr BUILDING / ':>1; I. 81" AVENUE / EUGENE, 011 g}t.()1 I 15031687.4186 I, .------_.... , ... ':'.$ ,.,. ' I .' TO: Land Division Section ___Regional Planning ~Planning Research Zoning Enforcement -Environmental Health -Water Pol lution Control Soils Data [--:Fl~~d~~~~na~;~~~-t~__) . v Transporta tion Pl anni ng Assessment &'Taxation Parks Division Lane Real Estate Div. Lane Public Safety Lane Public Lands Lane Legal Counsel m_Housing & Comm. Dev. ___Neighborhood Group From: . Lane Extension Service Lane Transit District Lane Reg. Air Pol. Auth. Water District School District Fire District ___Boundary Commission Port of Sius1aw ___Plan Dept ___City of EWEB N.W. Natural Gas Pacific N.H. Bell Pacific N.W. Power ___Tri-Agency Dog Control LCDC LANE COUNTY PLANNING DIVISION 125 East 8th Avenue, Eugene, Oregon 97401 Phone: 687-4186 or (toll free) 1-800-452-6379 .Date 2-2..o-~(J Sta'te Forestry State Highway Division State Environ. Quality State Dept. of Lands State Fish & Game State Geol. & Mineral Indus. State Veterinarian Dunes Nat'l Rec. Area Sius1aw Nat'l Forest Wi11amette Nat'l Forest ___Bureau of Land Mgmt. Soil, Conservation Service' ___Corps of Engineers ___Fed. Aviation Authority Fed. Communications Comm. Other Other A request for land use action, as described on Data Summary and attached schematic has been received by the Planning Division. If significant impact is evident, please send comments to Land Controls Sect i on by 1 - 3- f-c> Specific concerns of your agency should be addressed in addition to adverse impacts on general livability of the area and its future development. For additional information, contact Li..u...- r;e/&"J ( DATA SUMMARY: Journ.al No. kcup YO-1() Applicant iJ;tl(~..... 'A'. AAefi:,Qo,,!,L 'Property Address 1.2 I A.r,'.r ,s"1'. S....:. C~I"/ f ,p. PROPOSAL: "l..J L-Ltu_ ,:. 16/1 u.. . ~ .J.L I ~ ~I Zone District RA Lot size I/~ .dl.... .. Map I ~-D')-Oz..-2.. Tax Lot 2 t.tJ :1 COMMENTS (Reverse Side May Be Used): ~ \ -- 'j'-I' '@ . :.'lv, I{ d ~f-{.-< " ~. /(" ~~,. Q . -' ~ 7:", L ,,f '/01 ~ I)JA- j f \ 00 ,// ,./ ~ -------- ~, -.--------- ..--'~:::-;--' -- - -- ~-----.~,~-'-:>--..,.. -- ~ , . ZZ- / - ~>-Cfo--:':--:--:--<_ -) _ L + 701 I/', ~ _ ___/_. _' T" " ~~ 1f17!j, '1f!5c7/ >-~, ce-: I//'E/y _ 't~:cc~ . / ~(~l-~-I- ~. _~/~~__ ' :-:~-7b j's ~ / - - -=--~A~ ~~~&?: ~~~ ~CP7 ,_ ,/,.....- ~~ ~I . " .-- - - . C-/ .. , ...\ '- / ~ . ' ../ '1--_ -' '~,( ~ --/,1 7-1-~ _ "" ~ - ~~ .- / - - . ~------ - - ~ c_ . _ ~ --II :#;, ,1'1 ~ ~ I ,'lL--~/}_____~ ~ . , 86' '->~~ . "'30' . /, ' '.- ~- ~. /~~ v~ /~~.., ' ~.. J.......-... '. _ ::- ~'~/~, ......-;; ", -,- ~'/ , \[;>( /...+,',,~ / Mo!,,.I, / )1o~., PI. v-ce./ L '. I D ;IV P ~.ar-bo..... ~" '"" /' - .., -J W - ('- '^' ~ '-J Lot}. Lo+ 15'3, B Vi. 'J. ,1\\ -? ' /" ~ 50 S'c.., I e ~ ',.' ,.<.. . . FLOOD PLAIN MANAGEMENT Department of Public Works 125 East 8th Avevue Eugene, Oregon 587 -iCM5 4357 TO: PERMIT PROCESSING y" PLANNING PERMIT NUMBER PARTITION NUMBER SUBDIVISION OTHER (",U P ArJ - :5 D Mr (:;/&Pf") ra e.- '" PUBLIC WORKS WI II lA-Ai ~ APPLICANT'S NAME SITE ADDRESS PERMIT VALUE IS A SUBSTANTIAL IMPROVEMENT. YES NO SITE IN FLOOD HAZARD AREA YES V' NO SITE LOCATION IS WITHIN A FLOOD HAZARD APPROXIMATE STUDY AREA, EXTRA PRECAUTIONS MAY BE APPROPRIATE TO ASSURE THAT THE BUILDING SITE WILL BE REASONABLY SAFE FROM FLOODItlG. MOBILE HOME TIE DOWNS REQUIRED. ~ SITE LOCATION IS WITHIN A FLOOD HAZARD DETAIL STUDY AREA. 1. MINIMUM FIRST FLOOR ELEVATION OF <; e.e 8.... L.1Jb./ (M.S.L.) REQUIRED. 2. MINIMUM FOUNDATION ELEVATION OF (M.S.L.) REQUIRED. 3. MOBILE HOME TIE DOWNS REQUIRED IF GROUND ELEVATION THAT MOBILE HOME WILL BE PLACED ON IS BELOW THE REQUIRED MINIMUM FIRST FLOOR ELEVATION. SITE LOCATED WITHIN A DESIGNATED FLOODWAY CHANNEL, BUILDING PROHIBITED. RECOMMENDATIONS: THE FOLLOWING NOTE SHALL BE PLACED ON THE PARTITION r~p NOTE - ALL CONSTRUCTION AND DEVELOPMENT SHALL COMPLY filTH FLOOD PLAIN MANAGEMENT REGULATIONS. . " DATE ? - ) 2 -ff 0 BY /YY(f( C99-21 3: ". -c 1):;- :), J.J ~ \'-.I \'1 -I ". >< ,.... o -I t'J b' ~ 'V\l "' . }~ -.. ~ . TO: Land Division Section _Regional Planning . i-?~_lanl'lin~_~esear:ch .1 - Zoning Enforcement' ~Environmenta1 Health ~Water PoHution Control Soils Data ~F1ood Management v,Transportation Planning Assessment &'Taxation Parks Division Lane Real Estate Div. Lane Public Safety Lane Public Lands Lane Legal Counsel ..-._Housing & Comm. Dev. ___Neighborhood Group From: . Lane Extension Service Lane Transit District Lane Reg. Air Pol. Auth. Water District School District Fire District _Boundary Commission Port of Sius1aw _Plan Dept _City of EWEB N.W. Natural Gas Pacific N.W. Bell Pacific N.W. Power _Tri-Agency Dog Control LCDC LANE COUNTY PLANNING DIVISION 125 East 8th Avenue, Eugene, Oregon 97401 Phone: 687-4186 or (toll free) 1-800-452-6379 .ate 2. - 2..0- ~CJ Sta'te Forestry State Highway Division State Environ. Quality State Dept. of Lands State Fish & Game State Geo1. & Mineral Indus. State Veterinarian Dunes Nat'l Rec. Area Sius1aw Nat'l Forest Willamette Nat'l Forest _Bureau of Land Mgmt. Soil, Conservation Service _Corps of Engineers _Fed. Aviation Authority Fed. Communications Comm. Other Other A request for land use action, as described on Data Summary and attached schematic has been received by the Planning Division. If significant impact is evident, please send comments to Land Controls Secti on by 1 - 3- f-o Specific concerns of your agency should be addressed in addition to adverse impacts on general livability of the area and its future development. For additional information, contact~ .r:J&.u . DATA SUMMARY: Journal No. kC-l..Lp YO-1cl Applicant LJ:/l("a...... A. Mt:.GQ,,.."!'f2.. Property Addres s 1.2 I Au,,'.r ~"1'. S .cUJ~~.J I ( " PROPOSAL: "w dt~...... ,:._ tbA u. .~ -'" I ~ -I Zone District Lot size Map Tax Lot RA I/~ lit.. . I f--O:l-oz.,-:z..' 2i'A(t~ ~ po~ '1 L.s {' ('~ COMMENTS (Reverse Side May Be Used): rl..,,\'" -b; Y'YV>.1u, C'..M'ttt'JI'\ Q.[rpc..,<. ~ Hn..--~", "\:::vr"I~. ~ W\('-'-"-'\ feu 0..... S.'\-Y':l~ ~l"r-\AAff ~ L '/"'\'~\J- -~+'- ~ - C.~.~ ~ ~~ #.,. "lv If 0 . - '~"'~ 'J /. , "-"-7".,... (~ f/'''' I V ~;. w . ,.7' -,:." L ",t )01 -------&; ,Az.t 1)0 -7b ,r':;' yV' A,?c;.~>~ ~./ "r~ ~J'r A ~" - err- ..._ VV' ... e-> <IV' 1/1.-'> r. d o.l sfr~p v- _______, ' ..----- t5..d~ (H.. "2- 1I~ pr'l'/ler \' rI\O"'\ ~ . ~ ~~eJ. ~ ~\f? , ~.-------- , ~ -----.----- ., ~/.I/ 1/<< !/ 7;~~j'~ -. , ~/ //I~I/I / . ~~/.. %/1; //~I I ,// _ /1 ~I/ / /// 11/ I / / I /1 /1/,111. / 8,-' . 3D' <:> Tel>< L+ 70/, PI, vce./ 2... P.. .....c..e.ll ~drbo... D;,uf' /' ,\ [;,,,s+..,,~ // Mob,-I, }~o....n - -l) -.J v.. ~, I l. c- <.v ~ '-1 Lot 2 La1- IH.8 Vi.'J.,,\-, . S'c.c.l e /" ~ 50 ~ .. \"r~ o. I, 'II ~: , , Land Division Section _Regional Planning """-P1 anni ng Research __.._,zon i ng Enforcelllen t 1~~~~lr,o~ment;~Y HI~5~] .......Water Pollution Control Soils Data ~J100d Management ,yTransportation Planning Assessment ('Taxation Parks Division Lane Real Esfate Div, Lane Public Safety Lane Public Lands Lane Legal Counsel u___.flous i ng & Conun. Dev. ._.__Nei ghborhood Group From: .a te Z - 2. (J -l?-O/ LANE CO. ENV. HEALTH DlV. , _Lane r:~~1s10n rervite _Stilte Forestry L,", ~i~;:r 0"";0' 'to" liigh", Oi i;ioo - I IT-R 2 <) 1QRO - Lane. . ir:I'b1~'f\ull1. ~tate Envir'on. Quality - \ - Water' leI State Dept. f Lands -- - -- PERM- _School ~~" TEMP_ State Fish' & Game Fire District State Ge . & Mineral Indus.' _Boundary Conuni ss i on Sta te Port of Siuslaw Dunes . _Plan Dept _City of EWEB N.W. Natural Gas Pacific N.W. Bell Pacific N.W. Power _Tri-Agency Dog Control LCDC LANE COUNTY PLANNING DIVISION 125 East 8th Avenue. Eugene, Oregon 97401 Phone: 687-4186 or (toll free) 1-800-452-6379 A request for land use action, as described on Data Summary and atta received by the Planning Division. If significant impact is evident, p to Land Controls Section by '? - 3-f-o Specific concerns of your agency should be addressed in addition to adverse impacts on general 1 ivabil i ty of the area and its future development. For additional information, contact..il~ .r;~ DATA SUMWlRY: Journal No., ~c..u.P YO -10 Zone District Applicant W;,(("e........ A. Me.foQtu."J'fl.- Property Address 1:2./ 2>t>r,'.r S'I. ,c. . , S.cL.1... 1"._'(,./ I ~~ Jiw d..l.L'a- U. {oil u., . ~ . I ~ /n i~ PROPOSAL: " \"" (Reverse Side May Be Used): ~,. ID'~""....+-, ~:: " _Sius1awNat'1 Forest Willamette Nat'l Forest Bureau of Land Mgmt. ' _Soil Conservati on Servi ce' _Corps of Engineers _Fed. Aviation Authority Fed. Communications Corrrn. _Other ,~\ II~ __0 attl\Vtt~ ~~'l) s .. rEB 2 5 1980~ . LANE COUNll PlAHlI11IG -11 Lot size RA I/~ ",... ( f-03-0:z.,-2.. r~ap Tax Lot 2t.1L3 . ~ ' .h ~ _._-~ ~ ~! , [ f. . ' . '~ _4. ',.. . /' r TO: Land Division Section ___Regional Planning ~P1anning Research ____Zoning Enforcement ~Environmental Health ~Water Pollution Control Soil s Da ta ~F100d Management V'Transportation Planning Assessment & Taxation Parks Division Lane Real Estate Div. Lane Public Safety Lane Public Lands Lane Legal Counsel ____Housing & Comm. Dev. ___Neighborhood Group Lane Extension Service Lane Transit District Lane Reg. Air Pol. Auth. Water District School District Fire District ___Boundary Commission ___Port of Sius1aw ___P1 an Dept ___City of EWEB N.W. Natural Gas Pacific N.W. Bell Pacific N.W. Power ___Tri-Agency Dog Control LCDC From: LANE COUNTY PLANNING DIVISION 125 East 8th Avenue, Eugene, Oregon 97401 Phone: 687-4186 or (toll free) 1-800-452-6379 .a te 2. - 2.." - g..u St&te Forestry State Highway Division State Environ. Quality State Dept. of Lands State Fisn & Game State Geo1. & Mineral Indus. State Veterinarian Dunes Nat'l Rec. Area Sius1aw Nat'l Forest Wi11amette Nat'l Forest ___Bureau of Land Mgmt. Soil. Conservati on Servi ce ___Corps of Engineers ___Fed. Aviation Authority Fed. Communications Comm. Other Other A request for land use action, as described on Data Summary and attached schematic has been received by the Planning Division. If significant impact is evident, please send comments to Land Controls Section by 'i - ~-.Po Specific concerns of your agency should be addressed in addition to adverse impacts on general livability of the area and its future development. For additional information, contact 1/.0..., J:c./&.u . DATA SUMMARY: Journal No.-,~)c.Lc.P rO-1() Applicant_l.J;{{(;.,.... A. Ue.~Q"_L Property Address 12.1 '}).,r"~ .s"!'. S.d..: ~..'(.J , , PROPOSAL: J;\w e..J_t~., u.. U,J\.LA . ~ Zone District RA Lot size I/~ ...... . Map , f-D'3-0z..-:L Tax Lot 2t.tJ ~ COMMENTS (Reverse Side May Be Used): ~, ....... -. -- - '-t.v II. . - , ~~f..f:e. fl-c I(..e.,t- ,. 1:7\. L,A. '/01 Tcl" L,+ 70{ Pl vce../ z... P.. V'<:.~ 11 I D;,vf' ' i-I.ar-bo;- Vi. ':t .f\,\- :, _ . . /' ~'------"" ~~~~- G.p" ~~ ?/~/ .. %//" /I~/ I /1.. /;'1 / //1 . 0/1///; 1/ If/; ;/ II //'/ . II; I 8b' /' .. JO' / . \[;.;IA,',,~ // Mobl{~ J-tOI.+\t'.5 .-l) :-l w - '- SLot 2LO+ ~ o,J /5'3.8 " , S'c~le / :50 .. , , " . . -\,; . CERTIFICATION OF MAILING . THIS IS TO CERTIFY that I, Jana Johnson served notice of the proceedings to be held before the Lane County Hearings Official in the matter of a Greenway Conditional Use Permit initiated by William A. McGeorge: GCUP 80-30 by mailing a copy of the attached NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING to each of the persons listed on the attached sheet, who appear as record owners of real property within at least 250 feet of the property described in the said NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING, by placing said notification in envelopes addressed to each of said persons and delivering said envelopes to the duly authorized postal agent for the Lane County Courthouse on the 12th day of March ,1980 tr~~W\ SUBSCRIBEV AND SWORN TO before me, a Notary Public in and for the State of Oregon, this -12th day of March ,1980 <::ii$~L M , or: ~-"'AJ' " - MY COMMISSION EXPIRES: . '-'\0/18/80 " Hear"ings Official Publiceearing . Lane County Time: 7:00 P.M. ta Date, ,,"H 3, >980 ~ I~ Place: Harris Hall, Lane County Courthouse, 125 E. 8th Ave., Eugene, OR 97401 Applicant: Location: Proposal: ' Cl( ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ "< -..J :c::! "" " Cl.! 701 2 Q,/ /! William A. McGeorge: GCUP 80-30 121 Doris St., Springfield; Map 18-03-02-20, Tax lot 2603 Greenway Conditional Use Permit for dwelling to be placed within Wil1amette Greenway on new urban lot in a Residential (RA) District. ,\ I 2200 R.A /400 15CJ() ST. Vlel N ITY MAP '~ --1: 6AP ~-= J SITE. OF R.EQIJEST . ~ DIV/'5loN , NO SeA U:: ~ 1.11...'I......IIII..I.,I.llal...I......,I~...I.,I....'.~..I...,I.I...........,..,...~,.........UI..'ll1.I.'...I.........'1............1 "NOTICE TO MORTGAGEE, LIEN HOLDER, VENDOR OR SELLER: ORS CHAPTER 215 REQUIRES THAT' IF YOU RECEIVE THIS NOTICE. IT MUST PROMPTLY BE FORWARDED TO THE PURCHASER." ~CJO 902 I.D.......I.I...~...I.I.IIJ..I.....I........a......I.,..................1,......,1......................................,.............~I fOR ANY INFORMATION ON THE PROPOSAL CONTACT THE PLANNING DIVIS/flN COURTHOUSE PUBLI C SERV ICE BU ILD ING/ 125 EA.~T IlTH AVENUE/EUGENE, OREGON 97101/PWli'!E (:'')1 5.,7 -41 %) peDP05EO MOBIUE HoME:. RA W1 r.....~-.,.~II:J!1...~.J 0' 100' Zoo I l' ......._'_.~u.. " 11. '1.....1...... . l~.,.,.,...,.,......,.... r~~]~!!I!iljlllllll~111 I . :"".""":"'1':':'4:"1 tl.......:......:.C.:.lt:CI( : ~~~mmHt~Hff:~Ui:. ,J~'.I .......\..!...t...i:l. Itl~ii;W~HE;~.mrm;l: ~~1@~~@@[!~!111 '," , ~ia~r~~"l ,~~~ ,;!L'I'(~""'~. .j 1..~.;..";.:.~<()ll:7:"'.:;.;;:;:.j ',- . l '1~!1~1~tf:r:ll~ -- . -t',,--' . ~ . '_' .. ' I '1 jmll~~jlij~llijij:):I!~i \\~rlli'~\:I\I[@ ",.d ~H~nt ....... ....... ....... :1 NeCEORCE: ceu!' HO: 4/3/80 80-30 . Lane Coun ty Lands Dep t. PSB COURIER William NcGeorge 121 Dorris St. Spfld, OR 97477 Domingo & J.R. Chavarria 1362~ So. 2nd St. Spfld, OR 97477 Earl & Frances Forrest 2045 Ilarbor Drive Spfld, OR 97477 Harold & J.L. Calvert 595 Dartmoor Drive Eugene, OR 97401 Reynold & Eva Briggs P.O. Box 420 Spfld, OR 97477 Willamalane Park & Rec. 765 No. "A" St. Spfld, OR 97477 Orvil & Doris Nitchell 1354 So. 2nd Spfld, OR 97/.77 '" ..',," - - l'i~~mm~(]!mili~l!i~('lli11~I!il~~!I~. , \ ~ . ,- ~1[im~~~~!~~1~1~mll!i!imlI11IillllI11111m~~].~ - .. ]!-r'!.r"I?j"!;~~~Il.~:I~i.;:!I..~%:'[I~'[:l1111~j::'lil.l~'~Jrf~~~1~1.~11~~!~1tj~~ .... ,<- .'. .,."...- _j~~~~i.tllliftflr'J !'Ii .... it.%III'~'~!~lm~lr~f@li];~~'~w,~J J,jl:I"~~I~~~mlll~~~fl~~!:imllfi~~t~~'I.~ ~lllill~!~1~r~!!~1~!~]!'::m!!1~;1:!'i:IMlllillllllllrr!llillII!rl~I~~1 .... ". .. I ~, , JOURNAL NO. {;CUP r:2tJ-,~_1 I I I I i ,[ I IN RE MATTER OF: W'I-UAM A. Mc.6E()R..f::s€ 18,63.{)2.2 #2~D3 118 .1},3 .()2 . 2 -#=- 2fc 0 I 2200 2fo05 2~o4 2~02 2500 --- -..-- I~ .()3. {)Z -::II=- 860 A>02. M14-01 Assessor's Map and Tax Lot Numbers I ~Mo,(\.t")\.",,-hO I)b...\..~'\)_'_\\"":^ ~l-oQ2.)~o;;;-L\ c:.. ~~\\~\~ , IA)I"V\ (>)<;c;V'~1rl \ \ ~\ ~~. ^ <::::...\..\ ~ ~ . 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