HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Correspondence 1979-12-11 \' , .~ . Joe Hudzikiewicz, P1anninq Mobile Home Permit #1061-78 Ma~ 18-03-02.2, tax lot 2603 rdl- . lane county ,.' "~. ca;.:'.' I MEM_ANDUM ,/ TO FROM SUBJECT Jack Boss & Janet Chase .. " DA TE December 11 _ 1 Q7q The above referenced permit was issued to Randolph Allen for William McGeorge on the basis of a replacement of an existing mobile home. It has 'come to our a t,tenti on that, the new mobil e home is on site but the older one has not been removed. At this point, there appears to be a violation of the zoning ordinance provi- sion of permitting only one residential use per parcel in addition to non- compliance with the stipulation of the building permit. Said building permit could only be issued as a replacement inasmuch as mobile homes are not permitted within an RA zone. We would appreciate your reviewing this situation and taking action to gain compliance. <",cc: Specific -- ene. propertie0-ne~ JH/jcb I, c - 53' Y TRS, TI I'iHB.- 2..'2. T~O> ..Jt-' '"' t () , ~I~";~' Job Location 12-1~ ,"-, '." \'- ....:. \(:.) , -~ "<lJ' ~ -S~Ll- ~ _'\~ .'l.-~ 'S.k +.-, J.. I 'Dc-v--a. - .~ ":'4L-..A- .. O-~......... . V1 l~,,^ ~ - ~ -it> 12.1 ~o.wJ ~ -,:;; SLU...t\.,":L 1< 0 ~2' a "'i .'\ ~. & 1 ~ ~ ----,\ 1 ~ Number of sites (owner, etc.) INFORMATION SHEET ) Building Permit ( ) Site Feasibility Study for Septic Tank. ( ) Would like to meet on site. Call Acreage or Lot Sizp 155" x 'DO Test holes will be ready Partitioning #, ( ) Completed Subdivision 1'f03' ).,;2. 7L '2.Go,. ;Z~- ( ) Pending APPLICANT'S NAME AND ADDRi=C::C:: D....~ 0-. C) ~ ~, 575 ~~ OWNER'S NAME AND ADDRESS, if differe~t from a~plicant's uh_L~ I,'^((....~ CONTRACTOR'S NAME AND ADDRESS ~~U 'm-~ c....J-.-. 57,- So-v..-K-' _Mail permit or results of site feasibility study to ( ) Applicant ( ) Owner (X) Contractor. ) Prefer to pick up. Call ?'fe-400B (owner,etc.) when ready. I U /h-v..iJ S, Lot Bloc~ "f\" $i- ~-!,~ /;1..1 ~~:.*'"' ,)~..J.iLl , - ',4" ~f- <-flU.~ Phono Phono Phono 74-7''I<!OF: 7<.l(, -zz~c; 7<l7-'1(JC~ STRUCTURES NOW ON THE PROPERTY t1~,t~-\~~- PROPOSED USE (this permit) i'l/ll3 ~ ~'-<r\fooU iJ {o..u-wJV,J:.. ~I\.t.. , -'fJ.~ <.0/(i... w,>..W rHOC4ll ~r=- d-~6. I A,<.JH,.., -''IXl~': / ~O.Ay0 \. ~~H- (existing or proposed well, etc, ~e of syste (existing or proposed septic tank, etc.) S.1. # WATER SUPPLY L~, (J ~";.\ , Cl ;7~& '.::Kr~ ~L ~u Address ~ 75 $,.,w.f{,.. If '1?f A-r.-//I'! /v SEWAGE DISPOSAl PLUMBING BY , (v1 PROPERTY IS WITHIN ONE MILE OF CITY L ~""'/J...Clt\! Ii- 11-1 ************..************"...*******..****OFFICE USE ONLY BELOW THIS LIN E *"f1...".* ** ***.. **.. ..** ** ** '*-....* **.... ** ***.. ** ** ** .( ) New Address Necessary ( ) Facility Permit Necessary ON I' SETBACKS: Front , Side Facing Street (FROM CENTERLINE OF ROAD) ) Special Permit Area. Minimum Elevation: Interior Side Yard Rear (FROM PROPERTY LINES) To: Planning/Building Inspector/Sanitarian/Surveyor. This applicant appears to have a problem with Your assistance will be appreciated. ResponsP' ..... ,;." By Permit Processing Section ~5.12 By ~. DEPAFlTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT Permit Processing Section 125 East 8th Avenue 687-4394 I'\ivision .. ......-- TRS, T' 18-03-02.2 TL 2603 JOB LOCATION 1061-78 PERMIT #, 121 OOR.'US ;:"H<<""" SPRIN"",.u:;UJ U&kJU.,j cur SCXlTH 2nd ill DORRIS 'IURN RIGHT HARBOR DRIVE FOI;IJ:JiJ 'ro 121 DORRIS S',I"""'" . , -I I , Partitioning # LANE COUNTY PfRMl-; NA NA , 155 X 300 Acreage or Lot Sizo Contractor's O,S. # ) Completed Subdivision Lot Block APPLICANT'S NAME AND ADDRESC:: OWNER'S NAME AND ADDRES~ CONTRACTOR'S NAME AND ADDRI'C::C:: Mail permit to ( ) Applicant ( ) Owner RANDOLPH A. ALLEN 575 SCUl'H A ;:"HU"''',T SPRIN:;FIErD <.Jt=,u-l Phone W.J.LW.I\101 JI>X,; liliUJ:<tili LlL W!ili.L::> ::>TKl:J;T ::>t'Kli,^-",.u:;.u) Ul<tloU., Phono EIolERAUJ TRAILER SALES 575 SCOTH A ::>'n<<.","' SPRINGFIErD Phone ) Contractor. ~ ) Prefer to pick up. Call 747-4008 (owner, etc.) when ready. ~ EXISTlliG PUMP HOOSE MOBILE HCME 747-4008 THIS PERMIT IS FOR STRUCTURES NOW ON THE PROPERTY REPJ:ACEI.lli..'NT MOBILE Her-IE ;i i'"" SINGLE WIDE # BEDROOMS2 -. # PLUMBING CONNECTION~ - NA-. EXIST:rn::; WELL EXI;:'T.ll..u SDS WATER SUPPLY SEWAGE DISPQSAI S,I, # THIS PROPERTY IS WITHIN ONE MILE OF THE Y OF SPRllG'IEID QREX.;(N, PLUMBING BY EMERAlD TRAILER I hereby certify that the above statements are true ~ccurate, and that I have the following legal interest in the property: _owner of record; contract purchaser; _ potential buyer, VA Cflllltor or agent. I further~ that (if not the owner) I am authorized to act for the owner of record, and ~hat said ~ner is aware and approves'o( dHS ac;tion. I hereby agree to ~myfy wi all ap licable Co e relating to this permit. e Paid <l: \-\\.C\! Signature, ~ 0- ' Date \-\ \\~ \'\~. cf:!jW ADDRESS ( ) FACILITY PERMIT TO TRANSPORTATION DEPT, ) SP CIAL PMT, AREA. MIN. ELEVATION: TATION 4t- Minimum Septic Tank Capacity (Gallons) Drainfield Required. Lineal Feet Maximum Depth BUILDING LA]\Tk' COT77..T~I'-;l' "'~~i"T" L _'..1..;.1 -"""_i _..l.. ..:;,,.: .-~ Type of Construction - -r;roup Use Classification T:;L!:':1'~1' .J:I '11<''' .... ..l.t..'P;r"e Zdne!:.r.t"'\. Comments: . Comments: By: Date: ~ ~ Date: PLANNING REQUIREMENTS SATIS'FIED. Bv:' ~(~ (. . __ Date: \-\~\ ~f'\ Date Issued: ~ONE: KPr- SETBACKS: FRONT ~niSID lACING STREET _ (FROM' C/Ll "NT. SIDE YARD~' REAR .!i' --r -- LANE COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF'tMVIRO"N'MENTh't1.o^N GEMENT 125 EAST 8TH AVE EUGENE OREGON 97401 ~ E:>t W'(), '::.::s' '" ~iJ'N .~;::t!--; ~POST THIS PE IT ON MAIN BUILDING AT SITE ~-1~.1 , ~~~:';f6T -~H'TE' BU,'LD'NG -GREEN, PLUMBING - CANARY, SANITAT>ON - GOLDENROD, OFFICE COPY - WHITE .- (FROM PILl PHONE: 687-4394 ., . , "\, . N < ~ )Jj(, Geor.3e-. -Pro~~ ~"03 t),(,oS- , '=--i:--t--, , -..... " / . l t A(as-~%V ..?9>.eo',,~ -;; ...t.< J --, '<4.U; ." II:' I~..."..';t,,;,. S.pbc.HooItUp ~ ''On", .!t' " ... }! ~~ , ! <~'''' ,~< U " . '~11 jJI' "'~ l' ", '_,-' , , " I.. (/~~, O~I~:~:: -- ?b' Ofp ,nl! WR6 " " V I;; . I , ~ ~ S- 89 ~~l-';-/..~, '7- ~/' , 'sot LbJ'cU cf~-" '\,. "-. o.:I-e" .....,,, . 'v ~/""S'8o' - V {.. ,," ,,';;-_ ST " ~.. p "-, , <~""r DoRRI, ~' <--S", '1"'1 "lies -~---- I ( ," ,. 100 S c.o. e If"',.f. ~ ,~~ r ~. 79-b56 .', ~s2v ~ ?r I~~~ ~ ~ ~ Mil u....- I IU/l -n~~ . , I 'i/3P'" /06/-76' ~ ~I "CS~~~1~- , l~o I , , ~ I ( , f " . ..