HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Miscellaneous 1983-1-10 .. RESI~T1AL" APPLICATION/PERMIT 225 North 5th Street Springfield, Oregon 97477 Building Division 726-3753 d)l;35 JJ)~()d fl' \., n':\ ~ r'\ ~ ~ Ta: wt to fMf' (J A-f?-f--~-' r# r:J//3<: hio-~~ .d-t- Jpft/J dhed~ Job- Locati.on: ASDSSOOroS Nap # Subdivision: Q.mer: Addr683: City: n n ,Vtn,I w.o.o-& -,. Y'Y\.o- yY\..c.... Addition M Remo.::sZ. n ...'l H ,.,00-:' B omrJ !III G:ontractors i' I' r Data of AppLication .Ho-'63 Genara ! Plumbing - o-r ~A._ - EZsctrical. ufTl \of)~ Pr.one: Zip: Q7V77 Desoribe II'ork: f,.--t6-V-V " -:j<.!.:,/u,-v VaLue .& <gt)-{) . Rcoe"t.1 P, (" rJ 62.3 cJ Address Co () <' cP ~f~ 6?~t /:).00 '-rlo- .G 0 -- /j Is-. {,o Si.<med: Date: ;7't:.. /-/0 -J?:5 Lise.!! EroirDS Phol1C f.!8Chm:i.C~ 1. Construction tl!1td8r rt is the 1'6sponaibitity of eM p.rmi.t hotdc to Be. t:hat aU inDpections are r.:ads at ~hs proper time, that ~ch =ddr688 is r(!~,Jn;"~e J""rom ehs street, and that the permit card is located at the front of the property. .8ui?di~ [){,ui::iar: approved FLan shatz. ;emain on tha Bu:~Z.din.g Sit,; at aU times. pr?OCEDURE FOR INSPECTION R~QUEST:CALtLj26-3769flr.ccorderJ state yOUX' City designated joc number. J'ob address. typ' of ::n3pea~icn requested ar~ W~8n you wiL~ be ready for inspQction, Contractors or OWne~s ncms cr~ phone number. Requ&BtB recei~ed cefore 7:00 ~ :..'it.1. be rrr::dB tM Bame day, requests made afta'" 7:00 am Llit.1. ;'.3 mads the ncrt :.)Orkin; day. RRaui.,.p-d In.$op.~ticn9 D. SITE INSPEC":"ION: To be made after . excavation. .?ut prior to set up of forms. O UNDERSLAB PLU/.rBING. ELECTRICAL & . MECHANICAL: To be made bejor6 any work is ~ovcred. o FOOTING l FOUNDATION: To b8 r.nds after trenches are Uetr.;a tBd and forms are erected. but prior to pouring CC71Crst.. UNDSRGROUND Pr.UMBING. SEWER. W:lTE.q, D8AINAGE:: To be rTn1.e prior to fiZ- ~ir.g trenches. 10 0: UNDERFLOOR PLU/.!BING & MEC!iANICAL: To b8 mcui6 prior to in..:Jta~Zation of f7.0or insulation or decking. POST AND BEA.M: To be made prior to insta~Lation of [1.001' inst.;Zatio7'l or decking, ROUCH PLlP.mT:!JG, Ef.ECTP.!CAI:. Ii ,'fECS- ANICAL: No :.JOrk. is to oe cOL'ered until thess insvectior.s have beer. made and apprQv~d. FI.T?EPLACE: Prior to placr':r.g facing mctsrials and befars frcr.ring in spec- tier.. D FRAHINC: l'.fu8t be req'..LBDted after approvat of rough pLwr-bing. slectri- 001. & mechanicaL. A1.Z. roofi7UJ braai7UJ & chimneys, et~. r.r.J.st be ; comptetcd. No work is to be con- . ....cealed until this inspection has ~ b6~ rn::uie and approved. o D D Your City, Desigr.ated Job NumbGr [0: U iNSULATIONIVAPO.r? BARRIER INSPE:CTION: To bB made after aLL insukzti::m a:".d '. raquired vapor caITiers are in place . . but cefore any lath, gypsum board 01' waLl aov6ring is appu'ed, and bejo1'Q any i7IDuZation is conceaLed. DRYWALL INSPE:CTION: To be made aftero aU drytJaZZ is in place. but prior to any taping. O MASOYt'?Y: Steet location. bo1uI beam.:J, grou. ti7UJ 01' vertica La in accordance llJith U. B. C. Section 2415, 1\11 WOODSTOVE.: After instaLlation is ~ acmp~et~d. D D D CURB & AFP.f?OACH AP_f!(JN: After forms are erected but prior to pouri7UJ .:xm..."TBt6. SIDEWALK & DRIVEWAY: For al1. con- crete paving with~n street roight- of-LX:y. to be made after aU exca- vating complete & fo~ work & ~ub- base material in p~e. '2 3 ()/.;). f/ , DEUOGIT [ON 08 gOV!~ aUILDliiGS :J Sani tary slr..Jer capped .:::t P:.OPDrot-:i Una =:=J Septi~ tank p~~~d and fiZ.Z..~ ~~h gra~el =.J Pinal - r~'hen abeve ite.~B a1'S Cc.~lBt;ed ~ '... ...... and when ~e~l~y~r. ~s comp'6te or s~~=- t"'..aoB moved. ant!. prcr.r':3es :: Lsansd up. . NobiZs Hemes ~ BLocking and SBt-~p ~ Plumbing connections .- scws:" and wa:-er ---, Electrical Connection - Blocking, set-up -.--J and pLumbing conr.ectwns r.r~st cs approoJ.:ec before rBquest~ng eZectrical in8pectio:-: =:J Accessol".i Buildf-ng I Fin.a.L - t.ft;Jr p::Ircr.es.. skirtf-ng.. decks. ~ eta. are ccmpla;;d. D All prooject cOr!.di:wns, :Juc.Z: as the 'i.n.staLlation. of street :rses. C'o::?lotion. of tits required 'Landsacpir.g, etc., must bs satisfied before tr.a Bl/ILDII','C FI.VAL can bs rsqusst;:Jd. o FIlIAL PWIfBI/lG o FIliAL f.fE~HANICAL o FINAL ELECTRICAL ,0 o FINAL aUIGDLVC: The Final Bui1..ding Inspection ,"miSt be reqttsGted c[:aro tna Pinat Plurr.bir..; Electrical. and Mechar.ical InspectionJJ navo been mads ar.d approved. o o .r:-ellCS: Wher:. co."nOl.ts -- Provide gat6s 01'" ,7lOVabte' aecticns through P.U.!. . ~ALL MANHOLES AND CLEANOUTS HUST BE ACCESSIBLE. ADJUST,'rENT TO BE .~~1DE ..!T NO CaST TO CIT:! I P~~e of:1 ~ I JOB NO, 't')OI d-'I Zeme: Lot Sq, Feg, S ,r lot Coverage # of Stories TotaZ Height T"'t'...t1~ _e-hy I IrnM I ,~kzin I CcPace I Canel't I ~..l.caessoru I SQ,FTG I I TOTAL VALUE I S,D,C, (UCt.uc) 1.5 r Bui l.dir:g Permi t State SW'cha:rge Total Cha..""'ges lITEi'>! I ~r:'1--tul"es I Residential (1 bath) I Sani tar"-/ Sewer 1 Water Plumbing PerT'::"~ t sCats Surcr.arqe Total Charaes I ITEM Res.. Sa. fta. New/Extend Ctl'r::ui ts Tempol'ary Service E1.6~tM:cal Permit State Surcharae TotaL Charces lITEM I Furnace ETU' S E:::hau.s t Hood Vent Fan I . I W:.?OdStO"J6 Permit 13suanca Mecr.anic:zZ penm t State Surcharae T"t;n l C'harrum -- EllCROAcal1EHT -- lse~~ri~ Dapo3it I Storage I Maintenar.ce I Permit TotaL Chc:raes I CurbC'.J.: I Si.dew Lk I Fence I EZectroica Z !abe l I Mobile Home I TOTAL A.,\fOUNT DUE:.oI SOLAR ~ESS OccuoanclJ Gl'OU;'.- LOT TYPE Interior' COnte!' I NO, I I I !lO'1 I I I I Ne,l FEE I I I I I Panhandle Cut-de-saa x Value FEE CHARGE FEE CHARGE: C!lARCE I I:;. (!) 0 , (;0 )1;, (pO If{, &0 P"ge 2 . L-COC-{> REQ.- T:.:'Oe/Cor..st: Bedroor.:s: I I Ent1rou Sources I i Heat I I flatel' U4f1tpl" I I Range I! Fil'eoZace I I WOOMtove II T~r;Je I Lot Faces - I I P.L. INol'tft lEast ISouth IWest Setbacks I House I Caraqe I : I Access. I I Fees Building Va'lue & Permit This pe1"m'";t iD gronted on the 8Xpl'ess condition tr.at the sa"id. constr"'~ctior. shall~ in all l'espec:ts. conform to the Ordinance ~pted oy the City of Spr"'~ngfield, ;;nc!ud;;ng the 20n;;ng CPd:nance, l'eguLctir:g ;;he ccnst"::""..!cticn and use of buildings, and m~y be suspended 01' revoked at cr.y t;;~e upon vio- lation of any pr~visions of said Ord;;r4nces. I , . , I PZan Chp.ck F'(u'!: IVate Paid: .. /Receipt #: ISig>:ed: Plumbing Permit IVO person shalt construct, instalL, aUel' 01" change any 7'.etJ C1" e:isting plumbing or drainage systen in ~hole or in part, unless such person is trA legal possessor of a valid plumber's license, except tr~t a person may do plumbing work to property which is ow~ed. leased or operated by the appli- cant, I I, Electrical Permit Where State LcrJv requires tr.at the electrical work be done by an Electrical Contractor. the electl'ical portion of this permit shall roOt be valid until the. label has b~en signed by the Electrical Contl'aator. , Mechanical Permit PLan ExcnnneI' l.Iac€ I I, I I I I I I HAVE CAREFULLY EXA.J.fINED t,i,e completed application for ;?ermit, end do hereby certify that all i~fo-:'r.".ation hereon is tl'U6 and ~orrect, and I fta'ther certify that any c:r.d aU IJOrk perfo'r.1led shaU b6 do~e in accoI'- dance :d-th the Ordinances of ~he City of Springfield, and thE La:.;s of thG State of Ol'eg:;m ptZrt.::.ining to the ?XJr,l{ desc-ribcd herein, ~.d =hat .'10 OCCV- ?J.NCIIJ1iZZ be .'It:Zde of any StruCtur2 IJ1itho:.o.t permission of the Bui!ding Di- vision. I further certif:i th::z.t only contractors cr.a e.-:rpl..:;yees who are in ~liance with ORS 701.055 wiZl be used on this project , ~~y~ l-~D-~~ Da1;(J -