HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1981-6-29 (3) .e !)6RnfJCh ;:;~" XO~ ~ INSPECTION LINE 776>-3769 Job "'ddt~n 243~ Le901 Description ~ ~ Owner i< on J+ I ,.J (r;f'e../ An ci ~J .~.c:; . D""en()ck. Add,e" Con1truClion Lltnder Add,e.. DESIGN TEAM (no",e, Primary :'X::'-F Structural Electrical Mechanicol -:rfO;.SPAi;"OFIElD . I INFORMATION LINE COMBINATION APPLICATION/PERMIT. . 726-3753 I E"ERGY SOURCES, : Sq. ~ ~l~ Heat Sq.. . I Waler Heolerfft:...~T": Sq. Ftg. O,h., Ronqe _New.)lAdd)'AIt., _Rep. I Value of ~rk: 7!s-2. S'ri~ 1_._Fence_oemO_Chonge/U1. ~~ {~Al' _Olh., ""'4/ A, J>-1 Building Permit Info: oemiblll. Wa,k (i,CI.. Build Sing I. Phorll~~ T __ -L'''1.....J 7 Familv Aelidl!l'IclII With Attoch..d Gorof'O) I/zp ~..v ?\c>>M. -&.7W;q~ .pi .~~ ~~ ~74.v"~--=-.,y "~ I f ~ ::...n-;Z:;G. ~. " () ~ N "i) Phon. (address} (lies. no.) (upirel) (phone no.l , (address) (lies. no.) (upirul €M/'lL<>'-'e&- C>Y"". <Oir>OE<.L ~Er,' ~ (phonll no,) CONTII:ACTOII:S (nome) <:"..,01 \. /A<:..V - .t:O~,fI6(R '5' c;:: c.. r 5c-C::p <5<E'C-P . PlumbiM EIl'!ctricol Mechanical PLUMalNG NO. l foE: I CHARGE I NO. ~ 157-1 ~_ /:Y Eacn I;nqle fixture R"loco,.d building (new fiJt. odditionoil S.F. Re,iden!=. (1 bath) Dual... (l bath) .ach Additional balh Water ,.rvin "iJtw.t SIor,m Sew.r r I TOTAL CHARGES I , :"J~ ELECTRICAL MeCHANICAL I , I CHARGe.\ I :/ i 1 ,..-J I ] j FEE ;CHARCE NO. I FEE Re,idence of furnace/burner to "'TU', sq: ft. New circuill. alteration, or exlen,ionl ,s- Appliance vent ,eparoto Stationary evop. cooler Vent fan with ,inql. duct Vent system apart from heating or A.C. M.chanicol e.houll hood and d~ct SERVices Temporary Construction / Amps. Wood ,tove/heat.r FEECERS Heat PumD Air handler to 10000 CFM Air handler over 10.000 CF M Amp'. I IS-:-- i /~ ""J I"$. -I 1 " , I ISSUANCE ()F~PERMIT It::>. -I TOTAl CHARGES TOTAL CHARGES WHERE SlATE LAW REOUIRES that the Elettrital work b. done by the E!."'ricol Contrauor. the .I,ttritol portiou of this permit ,hall not b. valid until 0 lab.1 has bMn signed by an Electrical Contractor and attach.d to the elettrital pan.l. I HAVE CAREFULLY EXAMINE'O the completed applitation for permit. ond do hereby urtify that all informorion hereon is true and torrect, and I further certify that o"'y and all work performod shall be done in accordance with the Ordinances of the City of Springfield and tho Lo....., of the .Stot. of Oregon Pllrtoining to the .....ark delCribed herin. and that NO OCCUPANCY will b. mode of any structure without the permluion of the Building Oivl,io"', t furthar certify that my re9;,rrotlon with the 8uilder's Board is in full force and eff.ct os required by ORS 701.055. that if ex.~mpt the balis for exemption i, noted.' heron. ond that only s"btontractors ond employees who ore in complion~ with ORS 701.055 will be "..d on Ihis praj.ct. Bo,is for Build.r's Board e....mption' Unih f"ltty Load (1tty Group SIGNATURE ~~~ ~~~ fOR OFFICE USE ONLY Sq,Ftg.Mo;n4P,P .":l47 .~€~Volu. ~1/'2.."!> .c..,; Ftg.~C""~ 32-'. ./C>a Volu.--3:lYG..-O Sq. Ftg. Othllr . Value Co~ \ \'TV\ ,..l , DATE ~~'l-5? \ NAME (pl.oul printl.l"Vl l~ H ~"'I 'fZ:- N Type/Canst. Bedrooml "itori.. Zone Fir. Zon. Flood Plain / ." '7l:f. <S'~ -------- 1,7~ /t:)~ - .~C /5: .- ,~e> "___6~:O , f)7. BUILDING PERMIT Charg., and Surcharge, PLUMBING PERMIT Charg., and Surcharges ElECTRICAL PERMIT Chargll' o,.,d Surcharge, MECHANICAL PERMIT Charg.,. and S",rcharg.' I K...,:S '7~~")--:5 J I 1 1 t . TOTAL VALUATION Plan CII. Comm/lnd 65~../ BId" Per Fu Plan Ck. Rtu 30%/Alda Per Ff'r . -- /3. =ld ~~"'71> Systems Cev.ropment Chora. {1.5~..\ ~. Fence ~s: 28 Demo I Totol Comb, P"m:t Sidewalk A/e Pavin'1 ~67c...c: j ~ TOT Al/4-0 ,,, \ J., D-ls~~lf~r" I~-",Y;~i~'/ ..... - S~,~;:o>g .~~ ~ . . Curb Cut - .I....~ ~ i"'~ \, ./ " . ...., _..;....._;:~..:oil____.....-.w.:....... .' ...~ . COMBINATION APPlICATlON/PERI.p) . I. Applica~ to furnish' A, Job Address B, legal Description 1. examole.tox lot 100. lane County Map Reference 17 0343 2, examoie.Lot 1. Block 3. 2nd Addition to Springfield Estates ~ \ C. Name. etc. of owner and construction lender . D.. Energy Sources 1. examole-heat/electrical ceilinq/or forced air gas 2. exam ole-water heater.: electrical/or solor E. Square footage or valuation, etc. 1, examole-1250 sq, foot house. 500 sq, foot garage 2. exompie-if new project. check new-if addition, check odd. etc. F. Building permit inFormation: 1. examole-construct single family house with on attached gorage 2. examole-remodel existing gor09& into family room 3. example.convert single family residence into restaurant (change of use) G, Value of work as defined in Section 303 (a) of the Structural Specialty Code H. DESIGN TEAM AND CONTRACTORS To avoid. design-or construction delays, Building Division Stoff must be aole to contact appropriate persons regarding . design informcrion or job site corrections, etc. II. Abbreviated Plumbing, Mechanical & Electrical Schedules A. Except where blcnk spaces accur in the description portion of the Mechanical and Electrical Schedules, the applicant need fill-in only the No. Boxes adjacent to the appropriate ,item(s) to be installed B. Full Plumbing. Mechanical. and F.bt:trical Schedules ' .ore available at the Building Div:5ion . 1. To conserve space on the peni'\it form the schedules hove been abbrevioted 2. If the item(s) to be installed are not covered on the abbrevi- ated schedules you should consult the full schedules C. BUILDING DIVISION STAFF WILL FILL OUT ALL FEES AND CHARGES ON THE SCHEDULES III. Applicant to sign and dote Whenever possible, the initial application will be used as a worksheet only. Where possible. Building Division Stoff will prepare a typewritten copy and return it to the applicant at the time the actual permit is issued for his signaturE. IV. Fees and Charges Plan check fees ore due and payoble at the time of the application. and no plans will be processed until these fees are paid. All other fees and charges ore due and payable when the permit is issued. V, FOR OFFICE USE ONLY .,.,..-- PROJECT CONDITIONS TO BE SATISFIED BEFORE OCCUPANCY: ~ Additional projcci Information: PLANS REVIEWED BY: name~RN<!E'~~~ signotur... ..{ j'- .... e .MIT VALIDATION , -- , \ , -; Permit Clery < -tote C-"3'e:>-B / " .:~~.:....:,.."-t.:...., INSPECTION LINE 726-J769 r- i)6Rlltx}\ Jab Addr~n 2.41"5 7<"\-, ?,"O~ . Le9al Dettriotian J/)-t!:r::iJ~; Owner /(01'1 A- J d (rl'l)e/A ,'I [{ 2LI.~r.:; . !),,2i,M J" Addren Can,truttian lender Addr." DESIGN TEAM (namel Primary :5<:?c:..F Structural Erettric.al Mechanical ClfV OF SPRINGfielD' INFOIlMAflON LINE COM.::T1C-~'~:Pl';CA"ON/PEAMIT~ . 716-J751 I ~:::GY 50U'CES, i ~:: ~ -;lbir r:;J:J. I Water He,ater E'~f$ttC..T: I Sq. Ftg. Other ~. Ranqe _New .)...Add )CAIt.r _Rep. \J I Valu. af Work: 7,s:l. ~- _._Fence_Demo_ChangejU,e ~ J .'1? '.(....:.-0 'b W ,..-O.""d' S' I I N '711 'j ^CJ> UI .n9 ermit n a~ e,cr.. or 11.0.. u. .ng. ...1\ Phone -r"'" -L' .") 7 Fomil.. RIHidll!nee With Allnchcrd Goro9.!) ~ 111m ~N l\~M. '&r>>7?ee.M .yI I .5(~tE' ~,;f 3c~~,--=-#v '/bc.JE& li~~",::::,,....~G- Phone . (addr~nl (phancr no.l (Iin. no.) (upircrt) , " , j I i j j I (expires) ()hone no.) CONTU.CTOil:S (narne) Gp""O' \1A.c.M - /Or,M.6<1'> 5.:-c.F (address) (lies, no.) €MF'I<.O>V€C C>/'= ,o;,pea &""sr-, ~ ~ I NO. l fE= I CHARGE' NO. , I~ Eae" ,;nqle fiJlture Is:--I ~""'l I I R.laca'ed building I .e1 (new fiJl. additional} I S.F. Re,iden~e I I (l bolhl I Dual"" (1 both) each I I I Additionol both i I Water ,enic. I I Sew.r I I Storm Sewer I I I Plumbinq EIII!(lrical ,,-.. ~ ~ .L-L r- Mechanicol 'Sci':'LI""...._ PLUMBING I i t' I TOTAL CHARGES /~.- ~". elECTRICAL MECHANICAL p:;: , CHARGE CHARGE FEE NO. I I -I I R.tidenc" of furnace/ burn"r !o ~TU's Appliance vent separate . - --- Stationary e...ap, cooler V.nt fan with lingle dud Vent ,y,tem apart from heatinq 0' A.C. M.chonical exhaud hood and duct -s.- S~: h. New.circuits.olleration, or eAtenlian, , .'/-' --- - ,s:- SERVICES Temporary COnttruction / Amp'. Wood dov.,/hoat.r FEEDERS Hoat Pum'O Air handler to 10.000 CFM Air handlor 0....' 10,000 CFM Amp,. TOTAL CHARGES I / s-:--I TOTAL CHARGES ISSUANCE OF..PERMIT /tt). "": /3,-, WHEil:E STATE LAW REQUIRES tho' the Electrical war. be done by the E!.l'trical Contractor, the .Iedrical partiorl 0' thil permit .hall no. b. valid unlil a label ha. b_n si'Jned by an Electrical Contractor and attached to ,h. electrical panel. I HAVE CAREFULLY EXAMINfD th. completed application for permit, and do hereby certify that all information hereon i. true ond correct, ond I fu,ther certify thar any and 011 ....ork pe~form.d' ,hall be don. in accordance with the Ordinances of the City of Springfield and the laws of the Stat. of Oregon pertaining to ,h. work ducriDitd herin, and thai NO OCCUPANCY will be mode of any tfructut. without the permiuian af the Building Oi...i,ion. I further certify that my regittrotion witn the Build.r', Board is in full force and ~.d os r.quired by oas 701.055, that if .xempt the ba,i. for .xemption i. noted'. heron. and that only ,ubcontroctors and employ.., who are in compliance with ORS 701.0.55 will be used on rhi. proj.d. Ba.i, for Builder'. Boord exemptiolT. ~~""~ H r c~\\.;,.V\ NAME (pl.ale print) ;V~I Zone t:::=3 Fir. Zone Flood Plain '!Z:-N Type/Can't. Bedroom, "torier I ,. '1'7. ~t> .------- 1.7~ /C).ora. .1(" Ie;-: ~ .6.:> .___r5'~ - . f)'2. BUILDING PfRMIT Charges ond Surchorg.. PLUMBING PERMIT Charg., and Surcharge. ElEORICAl PERMIl Chargltt and Surchargu MECHANICAL PERMIT Chor~.l and Surcharge, , '" " ('9 ~~c'---'-'. ~,,~~G.. \ I ., ~1/'2."i:~ b"{O. _0 I I 7-:orS2..}:5 1 DATE ~~'l-"??\ SIGNATURE FOR OFFICE USE ONLY ( ::: ;:::,:a~:~_~~:~';~ Sq. FIg. Orh.r Value Vallole Volu. 'Jnih '""lccy Laad ""ccy Group_K-:S TOTAL VALUATION Plan Ck. Comm{l"d 6s~:.1 Blda Per Fe" Plan Ck. Re, :30%/ arda PlI!r Fee 1"2 ;?d 7q "-"'3e> /' ~"P.. Sy,tltm, O.....lopment Chorqcr 11.5~1 /:U' Fente ~s: :lB Oema Tolal Comb. Potrmit Side.....alk A/S P,:,yi",:, ;p,.c./i7<..C;' --,~~ ~~;.- jC""n/ .' B~;::?~ ., 1'~ .~ ..c.-- ; , : Curb CloIt I I .. f )-\ ";"1'::::' ...1 -._~....:...._........._--..> COMBINATION APPLlC,A,TIONiPERMIT 6Pl I. Applica~ to furnish A. Job Address B. legal Oe~cription 1. examole.tax lot 10Q, lane County Map Reference, 2. exomo,e-Lol 1. Block 3. 2nd Addition to Springfiel C. Name, etc. of owner and construction lender D. Energy Sources 1. examole-heat/electrical ceilinq/or forced air gas 2. exam ole-water heater.. electrical/or solar E. Square footage or valuation, etc. 1, examole-1250 sq, foot house. 500 sq, foot goroge 2. examole.if new project. check new-if addition, ChE odd. elc:. F. Building permit information: 1. exomolp..construct single family house with an ottl garage 2. examole-remodel existing garagE: into family roar 3. example-convert single family residence into restaurant (chonge of use) G, Value 01 work os defined in Section 303 (a) of the Structurol Specialty Code H. DESIGN TEAM AND CONTRACTORS To avoid design or construction delays, Building Divis. Staff must be able 10 conloct appropriate persons reg . design informclian or job site corrections, etc. II. Abbreviated Plumbing. M~chonical & Electrical Schedule: A. Except where blcnk spaces occur in the description pc of the Mechanical and Electrical Schedules. the applic need fill.in only rhe No. Boxes adio~ent to the approF item{s) to be installed ---B.--Full Plumoi,;g: Me<:horiic~f.-and-F.b~:tric~1 ScheduleS ", .are available at the Building Div:'jior. . 1. To conserve space on the penl"!;t form the schedule have been abbreviated 2. If Ihe item(s) 10 be installed are not covered on the oted schedules you should consult the full schedule C. BUILDING DIVISION STAFF WILL FILL OUT ALL FEES At CHARGES ON THE SCHEDULES III. Applicont to sign and dole Whenever possible. the initiol applicotion will be used os worksheet only. Where possible. Building Division Stoff Yt prepare a typewritten copy and return it to the applicant the time the actual permit is issued for his signatun. Fees and Charges ,.' Plan chec~ fees ore due and payable at the time of the 01 tcr: and no plans will be processed until these fees are paid. ,-I- .~ .~, other fees and charges are due and payable when the permit is issued. IV. V. FOR OFFICE USE ONLY ..-- i PROJECT CONDITIONS TO BE SATISFIED BEFORE OCCUPANCY: I , Additional Prolect Information: PLANS REVIEWED BY, nome~M'Ne ~&:;~ ,~g.,:-q!~re . I ".,..-'j' , i -~ ." --.; e .MIT VALIDATION I 'I .! I I 17 03 43 CITY OF SPRINGFIELD ( City Hall Springfield. Oregan Department of Public Works OFFICIAL RECEIPT ( ( No. B 5 6 8 2 9 '7-1- 19ft Rec'd From evnoJ.ct 6J.pt.iand Address d. L/.3 'S (.1J y n()('j---.. Date ( (" (' ,( Received For: ( (. ~p L/L/ OD I. 7& 10, ()() . iji) /S~, ()o ,(gO I :<, , co I.~d- ( LIto C" ( ~e , /l./) I 7 / iC, "'--f'/O ( '" fJn ( L/Cj" (: /f1..A0 (: (' Amount Received ?; ~~d, B (!hJ.cJc (l~ <: " CI ,.,,,., '. AUTHORIZEO SIGNATURI: 'H~~TO"'TU""'U~~ ~"""l'" ' lUO....... 0" tlUOI , ().1 .. Permit Clerk .-........"'"_..-......'""---._..----~-,. r .. ..- ~ --,~- C-;;'e:>-B / dare ,.....,.. ....-......-..-- . INSPECTION LINE 726-3769 IR ; Q U ',...;-1':..... ..'.... t;S'P E C TI 0 liS' INFORMATION LINE 726-3753 YOOR CIlY DESIGNATED JOB NUUlER IS: R/I)'! <~ The following indicated inspections are required for your construction at 2t(~~) ~Je~h It is the responsibility of the permit holder to see that all inspections are made at the proper time. that each address is ,readable from the street, and that the permit card is located at the front of the property. ~ SITE INSPECTION: To be made atter excavatlon. but prior to set- up of forms r--l UNDERSLAB PLUMBING. ELECTRICAL & MtCHANICAL: To be made before any worK lS covered ~ FOOTING & FOUNDATION: Tobe made after trenches "are excavated" and forms are erected, but prior to pouring concrete ~ UNDERFLOOR PLUMBING & MECHANICAL: . To be made prlor to lnstallatlon of floor ins~lat;on or decking ~ .POST & BEAM: To be made prior to . installatlan of floor insulation or decking ~ ROUGH PLUMBING. ELECTRICAL & MECH- " ANICAL: No worK 1S to be covereo ~these inspections have been made and approved r==l FIREPLACE: Prior to placing fac- .-- 109 j,13tcrials and before framing inspection ~ FRAMING INSPECTION: Must be re- questea atter approval of rough plumbing, electrical & mechanical. All roofing, bracing & chimneys, etc. must be completed, No work is to be 0 concealed until this inspection has been made and aooroveg _. . lEI FINAL PLUMBING ~ FINAL ELECTRICAL BUILDING INSPECTItrts: IRE D INSPECTlOII PROCEDURE FOR THE CITY OF SPRINGFIELD BUILDING DIVISION 346 MAIN STREET [&:I INSULATION/VAPOR BARRIER INSPEC- TION: To be made after all lnsula- tlon and required vapor barriers are in place but before any lath, gypsum "board or wall covering is applied, and before any' insulation is con- cealed /P ~1If" D WOODSTOVES: After installation is completed [RJ DRYWALL INSPECTION: after all drywall is prior to any taping To be made in place, but SPECIAL INSPECTIONS: When re- qUlred by Bui Id1ng Code, special inspector to be present when work is in progress, A copy of the special testing report to be furnished to the Building Division D ~ D Structural Concr.ete: 3000 p,S,I., In excess of D MASONRY: Steel location. bond beams. grouting or verticals in ac- cordance with U,B,C, Section 2415 Structural Welds: the jOb Performed on D D D D FIRE & SEPARATION WALL: Located & constructed according to plans ATTIC DRAFT STOPS: ROOF SHEATHING AND NAILING: to installing any roofing Prior Glu-Lam Beams: Inspection certificate (by approved agency) supplied,to Build- ing ~ivision before beams,are placed Fire Retardant Roofing: Before Instal- lation SIDEWALK & DRIVEWAY: Required for all concrete paving within street right-of-way, to be ~ade after all excavating complete & fonn work & sub-base material in place D .OTHER INSPECTIONS: May be 'in accordance with Building be indicated in plans or by fro~ Building Inspector requi red Code, to notice f. D CURB AND APPROACH APRON: After torms are erected but prior to pour- . ing concrete D ~ FINAL MECHANICAL SIGt.5-Your Job # is; D D D D Site/Location Footing or Method of Attachment Electrical <:)Rough <:)Final Final - After Installation is com- pleted SEWER. WATER & DRAINAGE LINES: Io'nor to tllllnQ 1n trenches FINAL FIRE DEPARTMENT All project conditions, such as the installation of street trees, completion of the required landscaping, etc., must be satisfied before the BUILDING FINAL can be requested, ~ Construction projects that required approval by the City1s Site Plan Review Board shall be inspected by the Review Board before requesting a final building inspection. Requests for inspection by the Site Plan Review Board must, be made 2 days . in advance of the date you wish inspection. ~ FINAL BUILDING: The Final Building Inspection must be requested after the Final Plumbing, Electrical; and Mechanical Inspections have been made and approved. No occupancy of the premises can be made until the Final Building Inspection has been made and approved. and a CERTI~ICATE pt)OCCUPA~CY NAS B~N 'ISSUED BY THE By<\DING DIVISION AND POSTED ON THE PREMISES, Signatur~: K~o..J!...l)( ~~A. Q~ Phone: , Date: 11JBlLE HCf.1:S-Your Job' is: o Blocking/Setup ~ Plumbing Conn~ctions Sewer and Water ~] Electrical Connection . From Service ~o Mobile Home D'Electrical se~vice Pedistal c==J Accessory Building - May require Inspection as Buildings - See Build- ino' Insoections Above . ~ Final - After Porches, Skirting. Decks. etc, are completed 51gnature Date ~lg':lature Date OTHER-Your Job # is: D D Fence - When Completed Demolition - When Completed Slgnature Date BU1LDING DIVISIOII APPROVED PLANS SHALL REMAIN ON THE BUILDING SITE AT ALL TIMES, AND ALL WORK MUST BE COMPLETED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THOSE APPROVED PLANS, NOTE: 'All manholes and cleanouts are to be adjusted at no cost to the City". PROCEDURE FOR INSPECTION R~OUEST - Call 726-3769 (recorder) state your City designated job number, Job address, type ot lnspectlon requested and when you will be ready for inspection, Contractors or Owners name and phone numbers. Requests received before 7:00 a.m. will be made the same day, requests made after 7:00 a.m. will be made the next working day. D