HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1982-4-22 (2) ... . . L ,"; .. -. <r::;,xq~a, - .I?ccS-:':::lt " - SPR~GFlElD- Buil di ng Permi t $52.00 IIIL~ 4 % 2.08 Electrical Permi t 15.00 4 % .60 Mechanical Permi t 15.00 1 4 % .60 I .$85.28 7610 I . . . .. RESIDENTIAL" COMBINATION APPLICATION/PEP.MIT 225 North 5th Street Springfield, Oregon 97477 BuiZding Division 726-3753 Job Loc.::ti",,: 2267 Dornoch Street Aa.aa.ora Ibp fi 17-03-27-22 ~i~a~n: Ken Ray Park B1k 3 Lot 7 a.m.,.: Ray Haase Addzosso: 2267 Dornoch Street City: Sorinafie1d. OR Q,~, CXiI Addition nRB1fftX!4! n Hobil. Flomtl Tc: Lot , Plums: 726-7094 Zip: 97477 DUmbB Work: Adding a custom solarium on east side of exist- ing house 14' x 16' DatB of Apptication "'on~a 4-19-82 ~t SDl~r ron~pnt~ Ptumbing I.1.sctl'icat Preferred E1 ectri c .~!lIehar.i.c.::L C01tOt:1'!lotion Gendsr Vat.. $10,000.00 A.dd:rG88 211 Wes t 6th 36214 ~~,L~');;>5~ Li$c.1I Ez:<irCB Phone 91010 Sunderman 201666 3-15-83 345-0208 9-31-82 747-0876 It i.a ~n. respOJ'Uti.bitity of tJuJ plmfri.t hDIdeo to ~.. tht:zt all ...._y..._..:-'"B 1%2'. r.ftZI14 at :Jw prope ti.mc~ tr.at ~h :ddr.so is rea.:a.;~, fr'<m tlls '_Bt, and that ths p"",,, t aard is l.>cated at ths front of ... prop.....". '9lli!di.'lg Vi~~" appl'Wed pZ<m ahatt _ on lM Ilwi!ding Sit. at a.. tima.. .. "'1.~.~"'~'1 __~_ . '--'__...1. b .. . b -,,-- ~ . . PROCEDURE POR J./f"rc'-J,rDN ~QueST: CaU. -r c.rlJUU~.) state yCTUl'" C1.ty .;.uj"~I""'__ JO mm-.oel", JO ~B8, type oJ 1.napactt.cn . rsqzutJt<<t ar.d w...." you ~Li b. ready fop iPlBpcct"'..on, COPIt:ractora or am.rs name and phaM nwnbcr. .r~aqus8t8 1'8cai.;;ad cofere 7:00 a':'l . wi.. !HI mads the samB dt:y. rsqusata mads afia' 7:00 om Llin b. mads tlls nat ,-",rking dt:y. P"~i".Jt r"iII'l't","~' 0: SITE tNSPEC':'10,V: To b. 11Gd. af't#lZ" =u.::~ bl<t ~ tt> aBt "" of flmfr1l. .0 UNTJE'RSLAB PWHBrNC. ElZCT'RICAL of . MECHANICAL: To be lfI'J.fi4 before aJ'qJ work is .::C1t1dl'cd. [MI FOOTING J FOUNDATIC.V: To b. nads attar tNmcMII are e:ct%DtJtlld and forms azoe flncud.. but pzoicr CO pouring ec1lCt"et.. WtDERCROU."!D PLUMBINC, SE:fIKR. W.1TE."rf, DRAINAGE: To be mcz..:U prim- to fii,,- l.i..r.g trcmcMS. o O cmDE!?nooR PLm!SnlG .4 ,'.f~C!JANrCAL: '. To bfJ nrzd8 pnor to inotal.Zat1-On of ftoo,. insutation or docking. . 0 pOST AND 3EAN: To b. nads ~ to inataLl.....--ncn of floor inn:Lation or dooking. ~~ U ~ 'F'J.lP.1BI'''fiI.V:;~'H. ,'.fee":' lUJ (Al/reAL:) IYO :.Jarlc ..... ~... ..... - n".. .'. tzr.'t"Ct'"'" those inspec:--.:o,..s have been tfI:UitI and ""'t-:<....".......:. . O FIREPLACE: Pr-ior to pl.acir.g facing mc:tariaLB and before [rami.ng inspec- tio,,_ @j FRAJ.~TNG: Mu3t b. raqutr.Jtai af~Q' __t'o........1. of zaaugh pLwrbing, deem... caL d :1f8oharti.=aL. At! roOfing braei"'l ~ cJrinm.cys, at.,:. m:at be ~L.tcd. .'10 t.X7rk i.s to b. con- coal';' until thio insoecticn has b.an nads and appl'Wod. TOlD' City DBsignatsd. .ob Numb... Ia: o INSUl,ATION/VMf!R BMRrrR r.'ISP~CTION: Ll(KJ To bs nads aftn' att _......_ a.'lIi zoeqsr...Hd 1JaP0P ban-i.Iln are in p Lac. bl<t bBfo,.. any tath. gvp.... board or ~l.t 001Jar1.n.g i. appl.l4d, CDft1. befoN any i,1UJIlZation is concaa.t.<<l. r;;;;J D.q"!llALL msncrEJN: Tc bB nads ~ aft... an """""n is in p/.oc., but ~ to <:1'If taping. O MASONRY: St.et L~"''''''''''-J boncJ . b~ J grou.ting Uf' vartical.a in a....'..... .:.....~. IJith U.S.C. Saation 2415. O WOODSTOVF:: Aft... instattation ia CCmpl.lltcd. D CURB & APP!?OAC11 AP_~R: AftII:' .torms are srected but prt.Or to poLU"'tng ~""2'8t.. O SIDElIAU( · DR:rVF:WAI: For a.. """- erst. paui.ng lJ'Lthtn streQt reight- Of-WQb to bc mr:z:i4 aftw all. uca- U4:'ting cctlTpwta If ft7r::1 work &: ~- baSil mc:teiaL in pla:8. D;:rgg: Whsn camp tot. -- Provids gat.. ur :1fctJabl. sactians tJrrtcugh P.U.E. o 820362 DEJ.fOUTIO.1J OR .~t''!:? 3i.JI::':::IGS ::J Sani:ary flCJC =ypea ::'t ;::,p&!"t":i tir.. :J S.pti.;; tank F..mrpcd ar.i fitZ.d :"";1:11 ;ra:Jd --, FinaL.. .ilhan ai:x;VIl it&.'%S a:r. ccr.rpllltsd ---1 ar.d lJJum dIzr.Jc~i.t'":.or. 1.J a~r..~. or struC- ture r.lt)t)fId ar..: pr~3.1I ~z..t:nC up. . ""'bi.t. Hem.. j ::J Blocking and S.t-"P ::J Plumbing aonnsctiana - SaJeJ'" ~ wa:sr ::J E1.QCtrical CCMlfction .. Sl.:;cer.g, sst-up and pLumbing "cmr.ecticl'l8 r::".:at :. c7?Provad DBforc reqtUsting el..:mcai. ir.sp.'l":i.o:t ::J Ac:..aoro:i 8u.i :.di.n: --, Fin.::l - J'.ft~r .?orcJ-.Il., sk::rei"e'. dacka, -.J lite. are cr.:mp~Qtcd. o All. FOjB~ aondi:ia1l8, such as eJuJ ins'taL~.:on of S":N.t t:rflflB, C'~l.:!'C'i"," at ;iuI rocquirfld La1uisccpi,..g, t;tc., must be satisfiod bofoN :J-.II BC!ILCI.'":y F!.:'AL :an' =-. r~cr.uB'C3d. 0 FINAG PWNBING tnI FINAG ME(;[lANICAG g FIlVAL eLECTRIC!..L 0 , @ :"INAL BUILDINe: Th8 Fi.nal 8ui.l.ding Inspection must btJ l"flquaatlla a..f";lIl' :i:. Final nwr.bing eZ~c~a.t, and HQchar:i.ca.L Inspec:tiona kava bsm mads and apFzoo1Jsd. ~ALL MANHCLES A.ND CLEANOUTS HUST BE AC::ESSIBLE, ADJU$TJfeNT ':0 SE MADe '/OT NO CDs:' TO ';!'!Y I F::;;8. of Z ~.__ _._...___'. ..__._u. .__ __._....'_...-".. I . ._.._1 --~-",,'<-''''''=--''' ~----.. IJOb Numb.,.: , : Zone: R i Lot Sq. FOg. ,~ ~f wt C""emg. !" of Sto1'ie. . I ! Tota' Height i Topography I , ! o?n'1t:::? . OacuOO1lCt/ Group: R.1 roT TYPE Interior Corner Panhand.e Cul-de-sac n_ Fees I I I I I 320131.25 $10,000.00 I $10.000.00 I, I lITEM I iMain I GaNzeQ I Cal'OOl't I ACCBSSOru SQ.FTG Addition TOTAL. VALUE Is.D.c. 'vat.U~J 1.5 :r: NA llwi!di7lfJ P_t Stat. Surohtzrog. Tota 1. Chcz:tg88 lITEM I, --... .. I R.eidsnt~. (1 bath) I I/O. I FE:E I Sanitary S6LJBl' WatRl' I Ptumbi7lfJ P_t Stat8 Suror.a:ttg8 Tota 1. C'ht;raes lITEM I BRS. Sa. fta. I 1/..,/E:J:ttmd Ciroui.. I Temporary S~o. I I NO. FEE ? EW:ltroica.l Permi t Stata Sureh:1rt.'ul Tota. Char<<:.. 1.i.~SM I F'urnaCd !!TU' S I E::haust Hood. I Vent Fan I WOOdstOV8 l NO. FEE I ., 1 I Perrrrit 13suanoa Meehanical Pem t Stato SUrch~~ T(}tn Z Char-ORO I' -- E/lCROACHNENT -- SBC"m tu [)3oosi t I Storage I Ua.intenan:::B Iponrit I Total Charaas I CW'b",," I SidBwa!k I Pen:::8 I Eleotrica l Labe l I Nobi.~ Hom. , I ,I TOTAL AMOU/IT DUE:' x Value , . $52.00 I 2.08 $54.08 . CHARGE I i I I I I I I I . CHARGE ~,~ nnl I I I $15.00 I !;n ~,~ !;n . . ~~- -- --........""-'">.----.--.- Page 2 . G-CDC #: Referer.ce Numbers: I Lot' Fac.. - I I P.L. jNorth IEa.t South West Typ./Cor.st: V-I Access. l i I I I Bedrooms: I Enerau SO".a'ces H.eat I Water HRntp.r I I' ;~:lace fXX Wo0d3 tave T'.rDe Setbaoks I House Caraqe I I i Building Value & Permit This permit ia granted on the express condition that the said construction' shaH~ in all respcots~ oonform to the Ordinance adopted by ths City of Springfield~ incLudi.ng the Zoning crdinanoe~ regulating the construotion and use of buiZdings~ and may be suspended or rBtJOksd at c:ny ~.:me upon vio- lation of any prOtJisions of, said Ordinances. I P!on Chsck P..: i 15.60 lvat. Pa-'.d: 4-19-82 IR.odpt #: B58901 I Signed: Dan Smi th Plumbing Permit No person shaH oonstruct~ install~ a1..tsr or O'hang8 any nerJ or eriBting plumbing or drainage systs:n in'1Jhole or in part~ unZsss such person is ths legal. possessor of a vaZid plumbB1"s license~ e:z:cspt that a psrson may do pl.umbing WOl'k to propBrty wlrioh i. owned. .BaSed or OpRl'ated by ths app!i- . cant. . Eleclricgl Permi t WhBr. Stat. La1J rsquirs. that ths .tsctl'iaa. WOl'k b. am.. by an l.1.satrica. Contractor~ the electrical. portion of this permit shaH not be valid until ths tab.. has be"" .ignBd by ths Et.omoa. C071tl'aato,.. CBARCE I Mechanical I Permit I I $ 5.00 I I 1n nnl ~,~ nnl Iifl t1~ "n . .... ~ 4-U:..a? PLan Exarm.ner ""te I RA VE CAREFULLY EXAMINFD ths aomp 18ted app Ucation for permi. t ~ and do hereby oertify that aU information hereon is true and CO"cct~ and I f".uotr.er oertify that any ar.d aLL work pBrfornted shaH be dons in aooor- I done. with the Ordi>zanoe. of ths City of Sp1'i7lfJfie!d, and th. l4:J. of tho 'A State of Oreg~n pertaining to the work dascroibcd herein.. and that NO OCCU- PANCY wizz. be rrrzda of any structura lJithtr.J.t permission of the Building Di- vision. I further oertif"i that only oontractors and e:rrp'Lbyees 1Jht? ars in compliance L1i.th ORS 701.055 1.JilZ be used on this project I I I ~1$1L I ./ Sigfsd / (j $85.28' / rlJ.-A /&/