HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1987-9-14 (4) .. RESldrNTlAL" APPLICATION/PERMIT 225 North 5th Street SpringfieZd, Oregon 97477 BuiZding, Division 726-3753 . ...., " .. Rcce~pt f /0 ( C/o .' Job Location: 2'09"3 i?~..vd:'C ~ So' A.....ore Map # rJ ~o 3 ~;; 7 - /."3 Subdivi.ion: L n ~ h 0.. V -e V'i { or / ~/r7S. /l?""",,/~ .~ ~.-. ~ '..L~~ Jl:'r"'f"Z- ,'a,ue Adcb>ess =-J....y ~~ LG..-:..... """' " /' (:on'tractors Generat hl':?5iP7' Ptwnbing Electrical MecJrar.iaal Cims_otioft Lender It u tits I"flspOPUJi.bili.ty of tns pfn'mit hDldsr to sse that alt. inoPf'ctions ar'e r.radll at tM prOpsr t~, tr.at <<:en =ddrfl88 is rea.dab:{ from tlls .treet, and that ths perroit card is Located at tho front of the property. 4Bu.i!ding [}t;uid.or. appl'01:ed plan shall. remain on tha Bu-:.lding Sit:; at all. times. PROCSDUP.E FOn INSPECTION RE:QUEST:CALL 726-3769 (recorder) state your City designated job nur.:bel', job aC.d:rcss,' typo of in3pee~icn requested ar.d when you LJiZ. L be ready for inspection, Contztactors or OlJners name and phone number. Requssts received billers ?: 00 c:% L.~n be made the same day, requests made after 7:00 a:n L1i.1.l, b2 nr:uie the rn:zt :iJOrki.:ng day. CUnel'": R ~ h,pr + CC"JOK Address: City: n~~., n Additicn n 'Remodel f5Zl J. ..' UobHe Roma 1 ' Date of Applicaticn,-:",:":,,,:,. J.. ~.--., (/ It Rf!!"JJ'f:".f'1 T'lq;z"~~r.~.ct O SITE INSPEC':'rON: To be TTrlde after excavation" but prior to set up of . forms. O . UNDERSLAB PLUf.fBING. ELECTRICAL & . MECHA,'JICAL: To be made before any . IJOrk is .::ovcred. 1'Vl"~ ~ FO:Jm,1TION: To b. mIde ~ after trenches are excavated and forms are erected" but prior to . pouring ccncret~. UNDERGROUND PLUMEING. SEWER. w'1TEl!J DHAIlJACE: To be rrn::ie prior to fi l- .u,r.g trenches. D I !D I I iO : I iD i :0 UNDERFLOOR PLm~ING & MECHANICAL: To be made prior to installation of Jtoor insu~tion or decking. POST AND BEAU: To. be made p:rior to insta~z.ation of floor insulation or dsokinr; . ROUGH PUP-!BIlle_ ET..ECTRTCA[. & MECH- ANICAL: No :.JOI'k is to be cOL'ered .ur.ti~ thcse inspections have beer. made and approved. .. FIRF:PLACE: Prior to p~cir.g facing ma:terials and before framing inspec- ticr.. ~ ' ii7l1 PRAJ!ING: Must be requeated after . !L:..J approvaL of rough plwr.bing" eLectri- .cal & mechanicaL. AlL roOfing bracing ~ chimneys" et.::. Trr..lst be :' COl11pletcd. Ilo lJOrk is to be con- ........ceG.led until this inspection has ~ bee,n made and approved. D FIliAL PWUBIIIG ~ FINAL ME:CHANICAL :=J FINAL ELECTRICAL =:J It') (2) ~ Ta:r Lot # 6;?;0CD i!fc~ '7 , Phone: \I~ 1 II~-O Zip: Describe r..lork: " (/11,<1 (! 0 9~) G!f.!Ji1 ';1,4"7/) -- Cc- '1-!4-~7 Siqr:ed: Data: Lisc.1I E:mil'CS Phone 5"&$:;;'0/ ~_. 7"&;;. </?, ~" Your City' Desigr.ated -!ob Number Ia:' . O INSULATION/VAPOR BARRIER INSPECTION: To be made after aU insul..::.ti:m w.d '. required vapor barriers are in place .: . but csfops any lath, gypsum boa:rd .or wlZ covering is appLied" and before .any inauZation is concealed. &!7DbtC.. / I DEUOLITION OR ;'.:OVED BUILDI,7GS ~ San.i~ BeJel' :::app~ at rn:..opcrt::- lir.4 :=J Septi~ tank /T"""Pod and fi Had LJi th ;;r<rJ. Z ---, Pinal. - When above items are completed ---3 ar~ when d~litior. is complete .or 8tru~- t:a"e moved and pr::mis6s aleane:i up. O DRYWALL INSPf:CTION: To be made after all. dryl.Ja.U is in place" but prior to any taping. . O MASONRY: Steel location" bo1ul beama" grouting or verticals in accordance ~th U.B.C. Section 2415. O WOODSTOVE: After installation 1.S50 ~ Blocking and ~Bt-:l.p ocmpZeted. , S 5 LJ Ftumbing connection. -- .""er and water O CURB & APPROACH APR?N: Afte:o forms", -7T Elcctrical Ccnnectio'! - Blocking" 8e~-up. are crected but pnor to pourt.7tg ":J d LlJ and plwnbing connect1.ons m"..lst be appl'OVec . ~ncl'ete. ~ I . before requesting electriaal inspec:io~ CJ....SIDEWALK & DRIVEWAY: For atl. C01l- VI . . . . L6J. crete paving tJithin street right-<;l .LlJ AccessoI",i Bu1.ZC:.ng . . .of-way" to be made after all ezca- .. .. . vating c~let~ & form wrk & cub- _ \/I Final _ After p::lrc1:os" skirting" decks~ . base TTrltenal t.n p~e. SS ~ etc. are ccmrpLotf:d. I Nobile Hemes O PENCE: When co.'71pZoto -- Provide gates or movable sections through P.U.E. . o o -' " .... Az.z. project conditions" ouch as tho i.nstallation of streot trBes, cO.":1plotion of tits required Zandsccpir.g" etc." must be satisfied before tr.g BUILDING FINAL can be raqueBt3d. .... ri '. FINAL BUILDING: The Final BuiZ-ding .Inspection must be I'~e~ted aftel' the F~n.al Plumbi'9 Electrical" and Mechar.ical Inspecticnn ~o been .made and approv3d. 'I'. -Al.,l., MANHOLES AND CLE~NOfJTS HUST BE ACCESSIBLE" ADJUsniE:lT ,TO .BE !-fADE AT roo COST TO CI'!'r "pa!7e! of Z IJOB Izema: NO. 8'70(pfJJ I I fJ),r? SOLAR .ESS OcCUOO7tCl.( Grou.~: WT TYPE T:.{oe/Cor.at: I lITEM I Main I Cc:raae I CaroOl"t I Accessoru 1.:'-__; /h'4? f I I Iva./.ucJ S.D.C. 1.5:J: Lot Sq. Ftg. S of lot Cou.rog< * of Sto:ries Total Height Topography . SQ. FTC TOTAL VALUE BuiWing Permit State Surcharge Tota l Cha..~g'3 x _ ITEM NO. I Fi:::tur../I_..:....;:- GJ, ~ R..idential ([ bath) I Sanit:zry SelJel' I Water I 5~n/?7 FEE I I I I I O~~I I I I FEE I I I I I I I FEE I I I I I I I I I Plumbing Perr.:i t State Surcr.arge Total Charaes lITEM ., Res. Sa. fta. I NIJU}/Ertend Cil"cui ts 1_ . " - .......t"'.... --;:: Serv'tce I j/~ ->'7PjZ'> I ;VO'I I I I I I I Ele::trical Permit State Sur::harQ6 Total Charces lITEM I Purnace !!TV'S E:ehaust Hood Vent Fan I WOodStciJ6 I IlIc. I I I I I I I I 1 I I Permit'I3BUaTl.Ce He::hanic.:J.Z Permit State SUrcharae Tnt:nl Cha'rr:rtUJ -- ENCROACHMENT -- I S6C".,11'"itu Deoo3it Storage Maint~e Permi t I To ta l Charaes I CUrb",,: I SidelJa lk I Pen:Jo I Electrical. Label ; Mobil. Hom.V""u1'3c.l: <" ~ 7'-S-c:;;?e::" . I TOTAL AMOU.VT DUE:' E~/57 /&6r REQ.- L-COG"l! . Bearoor.:s: Enera;.J SO"~roes Heat Water Heatf'''f' Range Fireplace Wood.:; tOL'e T'iJ~e Interior Corner Panhandle CUt-de-sao I Lot Faa.. I S.tbaak. I PoL. House Caraae Aocess, INorth lEast ISouth Iw..t II II II II Fees I I This permit io granted on the express condition that the sdid construation ' shatl, in all respects, conform to the Ordinanoe adopted by the City of I "20'" ~ Springfield, including~the Zoning Ordinanoe, regulating the ccnstru.:ticn I .~~..I':.:.J. I and u~of buiLdings, and m:zy be sUDpended or revoked at cr:y time upon vic- "<;IB.~ .o/~~n of any provi.ion. of .aid Ordinanc... .' ' I /OQ2,-}- I (l6~c>. ~~"' ) 0/>10 It( 7'2. -'5' l& ?lPi , 5CP. ~oi ' :2. $31 :l. 6".3. 0:31. I h).' 1 "::('~4' t'~-I <=~ -! ?0,......1 ~_'5"bI ~ 6-'1 71"..:>4. I I I Value Building Value & Permit CHARGE .IPlan Ch.ak Fe.: ~'2 .g3 I - Date Paid: 9~B ,g? R.adpt H: /oltf>'2. S;.g,:.d: 9-8~/Z~ Pe r m i t Plumbing . , No pereon chall. construct, .instatz., atter 01' ohange any new or e-.-isting plumbing or drainage SY8t~ in ~hole or in part, unless such person is the legal possessor of a valid plumber's license, except that a pe~son may do i plumbing work to property which is OLJned, leased 01' ope1'ated by the appli- 1 cant..... I .J CiiARG2 Electrical Permit /':"); - Where State ~ requires tJ..at the electrical work be done by an Eleetncal Controctcr, the electrical portion of .this permit shall roOt be valid until the label has been signed by the Electrical ~ontractor. L::> -: c-c:> '5P."""" /.5'01 -S) 5/.s~l. / CHARCE Mechanical Permit 3?- , . I I I " I HAVE CAREFULLY EXAMINED ehs completed application foro permit, and do I hereby ce1'tify that all. ir:fo:m:ztion hereon is true and C01'l'cct, and I , further certify that any ar.d all work pel'foP.7led shall. be done in accor- I dance idth the Ordinances of the City of Springfield, and the: La:.:s of tho. ... State of Greg:m pCl'taining to the worok d.esoribed herein, end ~hat NO OCC!J- PI:NCY r.ri.Zl be m:zde of any structure LJitho:J.t parmission of the Suilding Di- vision.. I fU1'thc1' certify that O':1Zy cont1'actol'S ar.d e:rrpl..Jyees who are in compliance with ORS 701.0SS will be used on this p1'ojeot ~,~ .Lp/'f rt'~ P7.an Exanl1.ner ?L c=z;,.. ~ <7-//-8-) va.. 1 -?''5'.... --I~ n . /.;>">1 I 7tJ~. /3 I. 1-/V-g? CI. c. l:~ '-' Signzd -- ./ .~.,,-~ ./ ~. D;:t.