HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1989-5-5 (2) v ...... .. RESIDEDiiIAL" " APPLICATIOl!ff>ERMIT 225 North 5th Street Springfield, Oregon 97477 Building Division 726-3753 /../P/!';:f Wr,,\# 'jj t:> tV '" d ''1 /) r lv'C.. \ f') n ~ ~ 'l \~ Taz Lot N . Job Location: 4.~K~ NIt.- AsoeBoors Map H Subdivision: l '" cJ, A.J <:. ro/ CUner: Lc:>c.H i>,oJeN ~.,.,...l-oIe.~ Addrsss: /'oJ . T of Q.Q,~~, \1 '19 _City: E' l.o\..'i etU~ _ 0 -r<2- . QN~., n Addition n Remodet n ,'.fob<{'l.B Horna Hcus,A.. SPRINGFIELD 1/ /.4 D3:[D 3n .Oy kJ1 11ft ela.t. # Phone: I:, gg-lobQ9 Zip: Q140:J... DSDcribe II'or~ 1 :')', 12.fi : x 6' VI1-\4.-<.. .iJ.Ll.ho~ Ctcc.e~Soncr'. See:.. j)\oT \l L",,,, l . '-/. 2s-g-7 Date of AppZiaaticn - Contractors Genera Z. P~wnbing el.6ctncal. Mschar:ic.:: Z. Va~uoX ..Y -2 ~ 1~ AddJoeD3 E~N\"-; -l.. SntJ'<' '-t:'9D fl)av-elj) 0, f....,. 1,:.).1>.\"1'"1 ~-r-z,/J \lIUMh. uJ '-/1035" LI+Ke..,J;j ~ ;:(c.lpn -p::ro..uV (J 1/130 W..nxfly H',rrto / t,1?Jre~ :::;/7'1-. M-fLJdlw, W . Rcoo;pt # . v{ 0-' I I ;=<"! 'Ii) . . " (~(~ ) v'Vlr1^<! ~ ~9 o Siqr:ad: Data: Li3C~iI E~t:r08 Phone UR~ x-A't,!1 lJ fflI,S7t7 :PC;t/--/!OlJ'D to 'i? 7' 7,?'?t,/J 1./11/'/1 ":;-;J.-70 5SU?tI. .:20 ~i3C.lqJ.fs;r Conatl'Uot1.07I Lender . It is the rosponoibi.Zity of tns permit hol.der to SBe that an 1.nDpect1.onB are mads. at :he propsr tim~~ tJ:a~.u::ch ::ddrllBs is roa.:a.b!, from tho stroot, and that tho pormit oard is Zocatsd at the frent of the property. - ""; ~Buit.di.ng D't;ui.:;ior. approL'od pLan shall J'emain on tha Building Sits at aU timBS. ,PROCEDURE FOR IN.~PECTIO/J R~QUEST"iCALL 726-3769 (recorder) state your City .:iosign.2ted J'ol; nw::ber, job address, type of in3poo:icn raquestad and w~en you will be ready for inspection, Contractors or Owne~s nome ~nd Fhor.e number. Requ€sts received befera 7:00 ~ r..>in bs made the same day, l'squssts made after 7:00 a'l'l LJitt b:z mldB ths Mczt :.JOl'king day. i ~l prJde;t ~or.d~tionsJ Duch as the inBtal~:tiO:-:f ~~et trees, c~~Lotion of t~ l'equil'ed<1.andscc.pir-.g, etc., must be satisfied before the BUILDING FINAL can bo r3t;UOSc3d. , ...lh~nuiri?ti TIj'lQtt.r..t1:C"1.Q [J o [K] SITE INSPECTION: To bs mads after e.:rcauation, but prior to se: up of forms. UNDERSLAB PLUMBING. ELECTRICAL & . MECHANICAl.: To bs mado betol's any wrk is ~ovcI'ed. . FOOTING ~ FOUND,1TION: To be made after tl'snoh08 ars ercavatsd and forms are ereoted, but pI'ior to pouring cencre to.. [i] I UNDERFWDR PW/.!BI,'IG & /./ECHANICAL: ~ To be made prior to installation of !toor insulation or decking. O POST AND BEAM: To be l1'.ade prior to instaLLation of [toor ins~Latior. or dsoking . D RoueR PUP.!BI!lC. ELECTRICAf. & UECR- ANICAL: No work is to be co~srea .ur.tit these inspsctions have beer. mads,"atJd approved. O FrREPLACE~ mor to p1.c.oir.g faoing materials and bsfore framing inspec- tion. O FRA}!ING: Must be raqueoted afte1' approvaL of 1'ough plUffbing, elect1'i- ca~ & mochaniaa~. AH roofing bracing ~ ohimneys, eta. nr~st be .: completed. I/o IJOrK is to be con.. .. cealBd ,until thio inspeotion has ~be~~ made and approved. UNDERG80UND PLUl.f3ING; SEWER. W.1TER, DRAIIIAGE:: To bo ma:1o prior to fil- Ur.g trenohas. [Z] D o o FIliAL PLU/([JIIlG FINAL ME~HANICAL ~ PINAL BUILDING: Tho Final Building Inspaotion must bs requsotsd alter the Fi.nal Plumbi"J EZect1'iaa1., and Mechanical InspectionD haua been made and approvad. FINAL ELECTRICAL / Your City Deoigr~ted Job NUmbG1' Io: O INSULATION/VAPOR BARRIER INSPECTION: To be made afte1' aLL inBul~ti~n ~~~ . required vap01' carris1's ars in pLacs but cofore any lath, gypsW1l beard or wtz. covering i.s appli.sd, and bsfors any in3uLation i8 conceaLed. O DRYWALL I/lSPECTION: Tc be made after aLl. drywaLl. i8 in. place, but p1'io1' to any taping. O MASONRY: Steel looation, bond b2am3, gl'Outir/{J or vertict:Zs in accordance with U.B.C. Section 241E. O WOODSTOVE: After installation is ocmpLeted. O CURB & APPROACH AP.l?ON: After' forms are e1'e~ted but prior to pouring C'o~1'e to. . D SIDEWALK & DRIl'F:WAY: Fof' aLl oon- crets paving within st1'oct right- of-IiC.Y, to be mada after all 6%ca- vating oompLate d fo~ work & cub- - . '. base material. in p~.s. . D .~ENCE: When co.'Jlpl8ts -- Provide. gates or movable sections through P.U.E. . D RCfn~f) / . DGNOLITIO!.' OR NOVE; BUILDIi.'CS ::;:] Sanitary 86"..11111' aappsd at p~opcrt"i Iiroo =:J Septi::: tank p:''''::pcd and fizt~~ vith ;;ra~c :J FinaL - Ilhen aboV6 items are cc-':T?Ietcd and uhen :/emoli.ticn is conrplflte or st:ou:. tUl"'S moved and pr::r.ri.3e8 oZs.:zned up. I Nobile Remas ~ B~ooking and Sat-up lJ Plumbing connections -- scwer aro:! L.'a~Br ~ ELectricaL Conneotion - BLocking, oe:-u; ~ and plwnbing conneotions nr~st ~o a?pl'OI..'l'. bsforc 1'equsst~ng e!eotri.caZ inspac:ion ~ AOCSSGoJ"',i Building '""'J7l FiTL.:1I - After pOl'or.ss, sklrting, deoks, ~ etC. are oampletcd. o 'ALL UANHCLES AND CLEANOUTS I/UST BE ACCESSIBLE, ADJUST/fEIIT TO SE /.L1DE AT /I~ COST TO CITY I pa.o ! of 2 L-COG'i:' , I JOB No.B~~ '3 7/ SOLAR '~~-C.~~'~~-~Q:~.. IZone:LP,;t? N/f/5 Oa""pana, Grou~""l?/.cF bmc Lot Sq. Ftg. LOT TYPE I Lot, Faaes - I s of lot Coverage Interio" I P.L. g of Stories Corner I'yortn Total Height Panhandle ,E.'(1tJ F ISou th Topon~hy Cul-de-saa ,. -c IWest / '3"3. 70 I I I I?~-i I ,/- 75"1 I 1 tff'bO-Z. ~S-I A I lITE/-! SQ.FTG X Main Ca:race CQl'Vort IACaeSSOl"u ,;;z=. f577_5' I I TOTAr. VALUE Is. D.C. 1.5 " IvctUC) ~ ~6, 7$' Building Permi t State Surcharge Total Cha~ge3 I ITEM 1110. I Fi-.. .s ,I( '-n= ( . L-,"_ '..,-v/' I Rssidential. (1 bath) IsanitO.~ Sewer' I Water' 1")~A'm II 1/ 1 znA7~ Pbmbing Permi t .State Surar.a.rge Total Charao8 lITEM I Res. So. fta. IN3W/E"tsna Ci"cuits I r,,,,,,t'~,,~...service NO. /( -.'= ,.iv-~~""'- 1/ I 1/ I El.e~triaal Permit State SU1'~harqe Total Charces lITEM I Fur71.:Ice PTU' S I E=haus t Hood I Vent Fan I WoOdStO:J6 I NO. I I I Permi t Issuance M6~hanical Permit State Surcharoc Total. Charaeo - - -- E/lCROACH/oIENT -- Se~~ritll Deoo3it , 'Storage I ~intena:n.:!e I ptmnit Total CharqOB CUr.?CU: I Sidewalk #~ / '5""& I" I Fen::e I Electrical Label I Mobils Homsl),_J3( e ::::;'/-'"7> I ~t::> I I TOTAL AMOUNT DUE: A FEE Value I I I 1 I'/~C> -~ I I. I I'I~/./~ I- "'2 s:....o I /.:25"1 -:26.2S-!- CHARGE I /5. c-.. I I~<ll!:> I 1 I '7t>_-=- I -"3'~SOi 177-,<)01- ~.,..,. /,J' -;<.e:>,- - FEE CHARGE FEE /<;:- . /,c:;: -I 3'ttP. -=-j /-- 5'" 1 3I'-Spl - I I I I I I I I I I- I CIIARCE Ti1'pe/Cor:st: . Bedroor.:s: I EnermJ Sourees . I !leat Aeeess. j Water> H~t'1tpJ1 I I Rangs I I Fireplace I I Wc;od:;to1.:e II Tt/:'6 Setbacks House Caraqe Feas Building Value & Pern1it I . This permr;t ia grcnted on the express condition that ths said cons~l~cti( shall, in all "espaots, oonform to the Ordinanoe adopted by the City of Springfield, inc!ud~ng ;he Zoning Crd~nancel l'eguZatir.g the ccnctr~:ticr. and uce of buildings, and m~y be 8ucpended or revoked at any t~me upon vi lation of any pr:Jviaions of said Ordir.anCBS. ,j: : I I Plan Cheak Fes: 110. (,J .c:::, 10ate Paid: q--""()/'7~ IR~cdpt U: \~\ Q 1, Is'~ed:\ I r-(\, ) ~ f j Plumbing Permit No pereOT! chall constructl instaltl atter.or change any neu cr e=iDting plJrnbing 01' drainage syst~~ in whole or in partl unl.ss aueh p6rDen is ti legal possessor of a valid plumber's Ziaensel ezcept tr4t a perDon may dl plumbing work to property which is ownedl Zaased Or operated by the gppti ,cant.' '. .' . Electrica I Permi t 'Where State La1..J requires tr.at the electrical. lJOrk be done by an Elc=tri.:: Contractorl the electrical portion of this pennit shatz not be valid'wlt~ the label has been cigned by the Electrical ~ontraator. Mechanical Permit ~~~ T~~er . - ./ S. ;:)'-g-7. . JI':;;S I HAVE CAREFULLY EXANINED th2 completed application for pemtl end do I hereby certify that all i~fO:71lQtion h~reon is true and corrcetl and 1 further certify that any ar.d all work perfo1':Tled shatz be dons in OC::Or- 1 .. dance with the Ordinances of the city of Springficldl and th& La.:s of ti: State of Oreg:m p~rtail1ing to the work described hereinl and :hat NO oce PAllcr will. be nude of any structura uithout p3rmisaion of the Suilding [,' vision. I further certify that only aontra.:!tor8 ar.d e:npl"yeeB who are i co~plianae with ORS 701.05S will be used on this project . : / S\~ <( ~ Y\j\J l C ()~ 5-b-ti Signsd Dats