HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Backflow Test 1989-8-10 .. RESIDENTIAL" . APPLICAT../PERMIT 225 North 5th Street SpringfieZd, Oregon 97477 BuiZding Division 726-3753 . 20:2"/ V~H)vE~ <. 'Y 7b/'r? ,~7'?r/A/' -:;?e:;;> '/ ,&,..#~ c:..t-5' ~~. o/? , / Job Location: ASOeSOO1'3 Map # Subdiuision: CUrIel': AddrOBS: City: Taz Lot 6 Phone: Zip: 97~77 ~~J n Additicn n Remodel r---l :robile Homo De8cribe r.'ork: Rcce~pt ,II ,/3 ~/ r . ~: ;W5~?L ~f?r-?~--~ "Dcvrc:.E' ~?r Lnz~/9 ::?/8./#p:gj: Ce- /y sr5~ . '/rf)~: ~-/?>,...'fBJ<? ' Value ,5()V~ Oate of Application Contractors General I Plumbing D1~ I Hechanicai I E~"etrical Suoervi~ing Electr~cian ::~~-ib l Bidrs Board Rez. .<\ddress , .Lisc. II Exoires Ph It ill the l"S8ponDibil~t!l of the p.rmit holds,. to BBB that aU inopectio7tB are r.tads at the proper timc~ that Cl:ch .:ddrSBlJ is readabZe f1'Ol1l'tM Bte66t, and that the pDJ'lllit oacd ie located at thB fcont of the pcopeety. .4Bui!di!'t!1 Dividor: appzool:Bd plan B.hall remain on tha Building Sits at all times. PROCEDURE FOn INSPECTION R!OUE~~CALL 726-3769 (rccordel'J state YOUI' City designated job number, job a&ircs.~, typo of in3poc~ic'l requested ar.d w.l:en you uiH be ready for inspection, CcmtNctors or tl.mers name and FOOno number. Roqtu;sts r,2ceivBd bofcro 7: 00 a':'f L.~ill be mado the same day, requests made after 7:00 am Lrill be made the ncxt :x>rking day. Reouirp.d InsDp.cticnA O SITE INSPECTION: To be "",de aftee ezca~ation, but prior to set up of fol'f11S. D. UNOERSLAB PLUMBING. ELECTRICAL & MECHANICAl.: To bB madB bBforB any wrk is ':o~Cl'ed. o FOOTING & FOUNDATION: To be mule after trenches arB excavated and forms are erected, but prior to pouring ccncreto:. UNOSRGROUND PLUMBING/ SSWER. W,1TER, DRAINAGE: To bB made prior to fil- .Hr.g troncMs. . D, UNDERFWOR PLU~mING & MECHANICAL' . To be mado prior to inotaUat1.0n of floor insulation or deckinu. o POST AND BEAM: To be mulc pcioe to. installation of floor insulation or decki,,". l1DpCll PLCP.f8ING. El.ECTRfCAL " MECH-. ANICAL: No work io to be covered ,ur.til thesB inspoctions have 'beer. mads and approve.:!. . FIREPLACE: Pri,()r to placir.g faoing materials and befors framing inspec- tion. D FRAI~INC: Must be rsquooted aftor approvaL afrough pLwr.bing, alectri- cal d mechanica'L. AU roofing bracing ~ chimneys, et.:. must be ,: completed. No IJOrk is to be con- ... cea'Lod until. thio inspection has . be~? inadi: and approved. o [Z] o (2J FIliAL PLUMBING o FINAL MECHANICAL D' FINAL ELECTRICAL .0 Your City Dooigr.ated Job Numb€l' 10: O INSULATION/VAPOR BARRIER INSPECTION, To be made after aLL inBul::ti:m and. '. required vapor barrisrs are in p Laco . but before any lath, gypsum board or wzz. covering is applied, and beforo '~y inoulation io concea'Led. DRYWALL INSPECTION: Tc be made after a'Ll. drYLJal.L is in place, but prior to any taping. D MASONRY: Stee'L 'Location, bona beama, grouting or verticals in accordancQ Lrith U.B.C. Section 2415. D WOODSTOVE.: After installation io ccmplet€d. o o CURB & APPROACH APRON: Afte~ foems are cre~ted but prior to pouring co""rete. SIDEWALK & DRIVEWAY: For all con- crete paving within stroot right- of-way, to be made after all exca- vating ccmplete & form work & ::ub- , base rrntenal in pLa~e. ~7C> 28:<"9 DDIOLITION OR f.:QVED BUfLOINCS =:l Sanitary scnJer ::apptld at P~OpCl't:; Ur,;s ~ Sspti:J tank p:JmPcd and fiHa~ with 17ra~el :J FinaL - r/hen above items are ccmplstcd ar.d when dsmotitio;,: is oompLDtB or 8tru.J- ture moved and premises cLoaned up. MabUs Hamos ::J Blocking and Sst-:.lj1 ::J Plumbing connoctions -- sewor and ua~6r ::J Electrical Connection - Blocking, sot-up and plumbing conno.zHono nr..4st 1:0 appl'or.:ed . before requesting 8lee~rica'L ins?oc~ion :=J Acae8Gol"J Buil.ding :J Fina'L - Aftar p:)rc.'-:es, skirtino, decks, etc. are comp'Lotcd. D All project conditions, Duch as the i,nstaLlation of street trees, co::rpLotion of t~. required Landscapir:g, etc... must be satisfiod before the BUILDING FI,VAL can bo rsquest:1d. FINAL BUILDING: 2'ho FinaL Building I~opection rtlUst be requeotsd aft,~r tha FinaL Plumbin.] EleotricaL, and Meohar.icaL Inspectiono hava boen made and approlu~d. o 'ALL MANI/OLES AND CLF.ABOUT:; IIUST Bli ACCEsfrBU:, A[J.IUST/lEIIT TO BE ~MOE AT NO COST TO CITY I Pa~c ! of ,1 o D o !'ENCE: Whon compl~te -- Provide gat06 or movablo soctions through P.U.E. ' - ,.- I JOB NO. I Zona: Lot Sq. Ftg. s ,f lot Covecag= ,f of Stociee Total Haight Topogrophy I [TE:M I Main I ~J'l1aR I CarnOJ.t I AccessorII I I Is.D.c. S~.I'TG TOTAL VAWE: (oo"uCI 1.5 :r: Sui l.ding parmi t Soots Surcharge SOLAR AifESS Occuoancu c. Total Chacge. I ITE:M 110. I FE:E: I Fixtures I Reeidentiol () bath) I Sanitary Sewer I Water I I ITCM Plumbing Permit State Surcl-.a:rge Tota Z. Chargos Ratl. Sa. ftq. N~/EXt8nd Circuits I Temporary Servico IITSH furnaCB l!TU' S Exhaua t Hood Vent Fan Woodstovo Electrical Permit StatB Surcharae Total Chtzcoe. Permit 13suanca Mechanical. Pel"mit Stato SurCM'f'Qt; Total Charaeo -- ENCROACRM/iNT -- Sn~Jrity D~po3it Storage Ma.intenancg Parmit I Cucbcut I SideuJa lie Fenca To ta 1 Chal't7cS electricaL Label I Mobile Home I I I TnTilT. AJll)JIN'l' TJlJ~~" (0' I NO. I FEE x FEE WT TYPE 'Interior Corner Panhandle Cut-do-aae VaLue CRARGE I I I I I I lCi.M I -76.1 IS- '76 I. CHARGE: I I I I I C/lARGE It::;, 7~, . REQ,- L-COC'" Tuve/Cor.st: . I Lot Facae - I I P.L, INorth East ISouth Went Bedrooms: I I Enert711 SO:41'cns I iieat Access. I I I II f 1,\ TIIT"l(! Setback8 lIou,ne Ca11Q(l8 hiatal' !ltmtn1' Ra'tge Firopl.aca Wood:Jtor.:e , Fees -- Building Value & Permit This pe~it in granted on tho express condition that the said construction shaU, in all respects, conform to the Ql'dinance a.dopted b'y tho City of Springfield, including the Zoning Crdinanco, regulatillg tlte CCI18tructtCn and UGe of buildings, mu1 m:lY_ be Buc;pended or~relJoked at cny time upon uic- lation of any provisiono of iJaid:Ordinanc6o. >"', ~ " " " , . I I I 1-" . .... -... ""'\ .... " I Plan Check Date Paid: ,IRecdpt'N: ISig"ed: F~M: ."" ~, Plumbing' Permit No person ohall construct, in8tall~.alte! or change any new cr ezisting plumbing or drainage oystam in whole' or in part, unless Buch perno'l La the legal poooesnol' of a valid plumber's licanoe, except that a p6:'8011 may do plumbing work to property which is olUned, leased or operatBd by tho appli- cant. Electrical Permi t Where State Law requires that the electrical work be done by an Eleatrical Contractor, the electricaL portion of this permit shall r~t be valid until the ~el has been signed by the Electrical Contractor. . Mechanical Permit I I. I, Pi.an EJ:amLn6r UQt;6 I ,. I I I I I H,1VE CAREFULLY EXAMINED the completed application for permit, and do hereby certify that all. information hereon is tru6 and correct, and I further certify that any ar.d all work perfor:ned shall be done in accor- dance fJitll the OrdinancB8 of tits City of Springfield, and th;: Ur..;J8 of tho State of Oreg.:m psrtaining to the work dB8cribod here:'", and that NO OCCU- PANCY will be made of any 8tructura without parmioaion of the Building [)i.. vision. I further certify that o:1ly contractors and e-npz..:,YOI;S who are in compliance with ORS 701.055 witl be used on this project x:0o-rr; ?rlrr~/ Sionad Date