HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1979-5-10 . POST THIS PERMIT ON MAIN BUILDING AT SITE "- JOB ADDRESS:1211 Oondea, Eugene, Oregon CONSTRUCTION PERMIT # LC-1143-79 LANE COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT, 125 EAST 8TH AVENUE, EUGENE, OREGON 97401 TRS, TL: 18-02-06-42 Out of 2602 Subdivision: na This permit for the referenced property is hereby "pp..,,,,a,l, Setbacks and other conditions of approval must be strictly observed. Violation can result in revocation of this permit, citation under provisions of Lane County's Infraction Ordinance, and/or other remedies allowed by law. Applicant/Address: Owner/Address: Contractor/Address: Contractor's OS # Earl McEllhany, 2797 Burlington Avenue Springfield, Oregon 97477 **** same same I Total Construction Value: $36,606.00 Telephone: Telephone: Telephone: 747-1689 I I Construction approved by this permit: B . II 05-16-79 y. Roger L. McGuckin/ly BLDG, PERMIT - WHITE; OFFICE COPY _ WHITE; BUILDING - GREEN; PLUMBING - CANARY; SANITATION. GOLDENROD; A & T PINK . Water Supply: citv PLANNING DIVISION WATER POLLUTION CONTROL DIVISION . Setbacks Interior property lines Edge of road right.of.way Building foundation Wells, other water sources CONSTRUCTION PERMITS/INSPECTION DIVISION Directions to Site: Date Issued: C55-13 SFD: Main @ 1008 sq ft; garage @ 506 sq ft. Install SOS. Structures now on property: none # Bedrooms: 3 # Plumbing Fixtures: # Employees: D" 1 Zoning: RA Partitioning # na Parcel # na Minimum required structural setbacks, from: centerline of road, front: 50' side exterior: na ; interior property lines: 5' ;rear property line: 5' Special Instructions: na Parcel Size: ; centerline of road, ~ acre For information call 687.4394, Donnalee MetRs gal. min. septic tank capacity; Site Inspection # 78-204 Installation specifications: 1000 220 lineal feet of drainfield required; max. depth of trenches: 30" Special Instructions: Install an equal distribution system according to attached plot plan. Reserve replacement area for drainfield. Do not drive over drainfield area. the the Septic Tank 10' 10' 5' 50' Drainfield 10' 10' 10' 100' r.s. For information call 687-3962 between 8:00.9:00 a.m.,Greg Gray, Type of Construction: 5-N Gr.oup: R-3 Fire Zone: 3 Instructions: See reverse for required inspections. Use Classification: SFD/GAR For plans information call 687-3767 between 8:00 a.m. and 9:00 a.m., Jim Lamb For inspections (see back of this permit) call 687-4065 between 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. Main Street to 32nd right to Jasper Road, right on Dondea to the end. - "\-I..;~rl-~;.. CONSTRUCTION PERMITS & INSPECTlONS.-., ;." ~! t~ 'j,y or tI'aj'1"Tr, '-ri-f" -'........1 ., - , S,B,C, SEC, 302(d) EXPIRATION Every permit issued by the Building Official under the provisions ofrthe Code shall expire by limitation and become nv1t!lnd !!pigJlif, tbe:J.QuiJ~t1g Qr )york authorized by such permit is not commenced within 120 days from the date of such permit. or if the buikiing or work aut.horized by such permit is suspended or abandoned for a period of 120 days at any time after the work is commenced. Before such work can be recommenced a new permit shall be first obtained to do so, and the fee therefor shall be one.halt the amount required for a new permit for such work, pr'bvid'~fr-h'~/changes have been made or will be made in the original plans and specifications for such work; and provided, further, that such suspension or abandonment has not exceeded one year. ...1 S,B,C, SECc302)e) SUSPENSION OR-REVOCATION "1"'" ,. , ,- ", - .....(..J,.;,.. ........ ~,.\'. fO?',.s:r,. '. 6i.:,_-r'':l1.~ 0~lnsV~ (jo~'rr'.'f.I!. \~'\,' "JI--lf':). l'...~-' The Building Official may, in writing, suspend or revoke a permit issued under provisions of the COde' whenever tlie ~ermit' (s .issued in 'error or on the basis of incorrect information supplied. or in violation of any ordinance or regulation or any of the provisions of this Code. ',~ Fo[; . \ ~;.'1 La S,B,C, SEC, 304(d) REOUIRED INSPECTIONS (CALLED INSPE,~nON~I.,,;>. \ The Building Official, upon notification from the permit holder or his agent, shall make the following inspections fallow 1 to 3 working days). and shall either approve that portion of the constr~~tion!~s.~rr,p'~eted Qt:po~!fy jt~e perm}! h9.tq~r o~ qi~ ag.~~t w~e~ein t~e,~~me fa}!s~9 comply with this Code. (1) FOUNDATION INSPECTION: To tie maa. after "trenches are excavated: forms'\!reeted; and'steel reirifO,cement isin place lif required) AND BEFORE ANY CONCRETE IS POURED, 'JliO.' : I(j.l~C:'C)'1I, fiO UW, 39~H.:i:Hrrj2 (2) FRAME INSPECTION: To be made after the roof, all framing, fire blocking and braces are in place and all rough plumbing. rough electrical and fireplace. ;; chimneys and vents are complete, NO WORK SHALL BE COVERED UNTIL THIS INSPECTION HAS BEEN .MADE AND AP- PROVED. There will be no approvai for cover until the .plumbing and electrical inspections have been made and ap'p~ov~d. (3),-LATH AND/OR WALLBOARD (SHEETROCK) INSPECTION: To be made after all lathing and/or wallboard, interior and exterior, is in place; but before -.,.. . .. any plaster is appY~d.or the wallboard joints and fasteners are taped and finished. " (4) FINAL INSPECTION: To be made after t'~e building is complete AND ,B.EFORE OCCUPANCY, OTHER INSPECTIONS: In addition to the calledCinspections specified above, ~he Building Official may make or reW~ire any other inspections of any construc. tion work to ascertain compliance with the provisions of this Code and other laws which are enforced by thef.'Oivision of Construction Permits and Inspections. BLOCK WALL INSPECTION: To be made after reinforcing is in place. b~!,i?eJ~re:...I~Yc~rp!-lJ..is poured. This inspection is required for each bond beam pour. There will be no approval until the plumbing and electrical inspections have been made and approved. FIREPLACE INSPECTION: To be made after the damPer is installed, but before the chimney construction:"" s(arted, II ' MOB:ILE HOME INSPECTIONS: An inspection is required after the mobile home is connected to an approved sewer or septic system1or: setback requirements. block fng,?foo~iin9 @.rilieCtion, :tteoowns} ~t<iFt;n9f' and:plumbiiigrconnections1:1 ? J II wlj .,.ol.,~~"'J', jlJ::'L~~h~:<J ~AN'V9~E P!lOc'j{Ep;INbASl:T~i:lINT OF REOUIRED INSPECTIONS . '- .L....9L "do," "1"" 0 fJV [11 "n'. 0., WI'lc'DO-S'Q-A, HIS OWN RISK, You may make your request for inspections between 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. Monday through Friday at the Department of Environmental Management. Public Service Building, 125 East 8th Avenue, Eugene 97401, or call 687.4065, Outlying areas may call the following: Florence, 997,3461; Oakridge, 782-2258; Cottage Grove, 942.449;3,.. , . ., . ' { , ,~ ~, .c.. _ .~. .;.:...r.r ' ..(1 1._- \ (;1 THE BUILDING PERMIT MUST BE POSTED AND APPROVED PLANS MUST BE ON THE JOB SITE AT ALL TIMES DURING REGULAR WORKING HOURS_ ,.",\,::, C WATER POLLfl:lTlON CONTROL ,-I OAR CHAPTER 340 Division 7 Subsurface and Alternative Sewa~QU~s1Q,~n'Sa~diVf;i6~/Stah1tar1fs:for:slib~iY""jate!and Alternative Sewage and NonWater.carried Waste Disposal. 71-015 (7) A permit issued pursuant to these rules shall be effective for a period of one year from the date of issuance. 71.017 (1) UJX>n completing the.construj::tion for which a permit has been issued the per_mi!.. holder shall notify the Department. The Department shall inspect the construction to determine i(it:eomptles with the rules contained in this division. If the.coristt~Ction does comply with such rules. the Department shall issue a certificate of satisfactory completion to the permit holder. If the construction does not comply with such rules, the Department shall notify the permit holder and shall require satisfactory completion before issuing the certificate. Failure to meet the requirements for satisfactory completion within a reasonable time con. stitutesaviolationofORS454.605to~~~~.?43)a~db~!sr~~e;l.c ur, :.t:~'l:r .:......0 :... -'c..;-,t (,ij j:''':,,! 'Ju('[' (.J :J:-;.:..r.Jj~: Hi!'. . . Xl',.)":'.: :il.~-:..i :fa ': I~'\-vl-:"',_ ~ .(.) (I) lane co~nty ..-. HOLD SLIP @ APPLI CATION # 1I/-l~...1~ I M?~UA~I~ " " The above reasons: % Name Address Zi P Code being held by the Permit Processing Section for the following ~;; I 17!J ~T'I '''"k?{tL / r-:;/7 Date, I c-::7p~/ El : ae V,G\lvJ IAGI?':6>54 e 1 I .IJ n~ ~ \\ \V' Di vi s i on : Si gnature: Date This application will be held until ~/~) If the information required above has not been furnished by that cflIte your application will be cancelled. Fees paid for waste disposal systems (site inspections and/or applications to install the septic tank and drainfield) are nonrefundable. Some refund may be made on the building and plumbing portion of your application if cancellation is necessary. --~~ In the event a Planning or some other long-term problem exists over which you have no control we will hold the permit until the problem is resolved and we receive word from you as to whether to proceed with permit issuance or process a cancellation. C74-139 PERMIT PROCESSING SECTION - 687-4394 - I" .1 l-~~._ ''\. ,... TO: -' ..-'~' \ , - , ~...' '...' '... . .".~ ," ~..- FLOOD PLAIN MANAGEMENT Department of Public Works 125 East 8th Avenue Eugene, Oregon 687-4195 V PERi.lIT PROCESSING PLAimING PUBLIC WORKS SITE ADDRESS \ '2 \ \ PERMIT NUMBER I \ 4 ".J-,C) PARTITION NUMBER SUBDIVISION OTHER b 0 t-..1 \:) E.A.. "'OI, YES YES / NO ./ NO PERMIT VALUE IS A SUBSTANTIAL IMPROVEMENT. SITE IN FLOOD HAZARD AREA Me ([..11,' " . [I.' . $' SITE LOCATION IS WITHIN A FLOOD HAZARD APPROXIMATE STUDY AREA, EXTRA PRECAUTIONS MAY BE APPROPRIATE TO ASSURE THAT THE BUILDING SITE WILL BE REASONABLY SAFE FROM FLOODING. MOBILE HOME TIE DOWNS REQUIRED. SITE LOCATION IS WITHIN A FLOOD HAZARD DETAIL STUDY AREA. 1. MINIMUM FIRST FLOOR ELEVATION OF (M.S.L.) REQUIRED. 2. MINIMUM FOUNDATION ELEVATION OF (M.S.L.) REQUIRED. 3. MOBILE HOME TIE DOWNS REQUIRED IF GROUND ELEVATION THAT MOBILE HOME WILL BE PLACED ON IS BELOW THE REQUIRED MINIMUM FIRST FLOOR ELEVATION. 4. SITE LOCATED WITHIN A DESIGNATED FLOODWAY CHANNEL, BUILDING PROHIBITED. RECOMMENDATIONS: DATE C99-21 c:.:, - \0 -,C) BY ~VYlc.. ~ '"0 :y I ~ ~ I ~ I rJ -< ". x ,- o -< I~ ~ . .... - "'1" MGoEPARTriENT OF ENVIRONI1ENTAL t1ANAGEMENT () PSB, 125 EAST BTH AVENUE ~~ 11'1 EUGENE. OREGON 97401 ~ ~)}~"'~,~ '12 ...~o:-..~~\ ~'^~'-^ Application for S,N&'!.E ~l/..V I!Je.r/Ot;AlJc-t. ..' Structures now on the property ... 'r~ f- !!l~~ildl@!l~!.ii>.f911.l~titi;j /l'" iii!~tial! C/ rtilll1lllltclalj 0 fi]\l\!~!!:.1.~Jj 0 !l\\!l!lJ.Ql Affidavit: I, &-~R..L L, /YI C ELI-//l.vy , hereby certify that this information is true and accurate. tP-JlI~$!lipm Ma ' If this application is for an agricultural building it will be used for purposes allowed by the State Building Code and Lane County Code Chapter 10 (zoning) and for no other purpose. I have the following legal interest in the property: ~ owner of record; contract purchaser; lessee; holder of an exclusive option to purchase; duly authori~d t~as; for t~~o ner, who is knowledgeable of this application. Signature/Address jUU~(]J!IA~ 71l1~P~.v~I)"! /lvF_ -.rP~1J OIL (ZiD) tf7't77 'Telephone or":;'1.(o::13;>0 ~a; ~-Z$-79 When permit is ready notify: f~f Applicant ner ~ Contractor : ~~'~f phone Owner f' A.RL '- /YI ('lLH4AJ'Y' (ziD ~c ?v7-1t.,~9 Contractor S ~~ I (ZiD) Phone II Contractor's OSR# ~ Plumbing by ~ \!!~;~~~ L~tli9hijd1NOmtier$i " : = : = DO NOT WRITE BELOW THIS LINE . ,!,,~;~;~::;::,:,:;:,:::,:,.,,~!~~,~~,.~::~ ~"~::::>>:~"">>'>::m"~~~~ ~:s~:::~:;~l~*~!~'1t~ # of employees f~!I~~~1;:~:::~::~ ~'V _~ ~ Ifil~ I$!l';I1Ft'!~'ij~1 - !V#n.\ Q.ll.~1r:~ ~~~ li8$CI\lDt~~'("''A~'\(~~~!~~ 1tOitl Valuation S Fee ( 4-c-" \I a .sn (,., ~ (C,;l) t=i'l ~ ' $ W II S l '"...\'......t.~"'N~ $ L:(. Ss ------.) ~ Total Valuation: .~ ~~~ ~ !.~II~i'liii:~ : ::~~ : Subtota 1 $ $ $ ~ ~~<o / " . ",c ~I PERMIT PROCESSING Lone ..." _ _ :>....:.t.", # Parcel # - ~ ~ ,,,,", ...... ,( .L...\. Minimum setbacks: t,front ( ~"\L' \; !i., side ; in~ 2 )1:~ ~ ') -- CU'~'""" "'~ V'''ft-=- c-\~:<,,''''~,,_ ~"''l' (...c ~ ~) To be typed on permi~-a.. ~Y\r /~,1.'" /\n.^"~ \.. ') I - l...~ ~ ~te ~_-~~ CP&I Type ~l Group Fire Zone ~ Ose Classification~l't~_____ To be typed on permit Received by "Y'Y\ f\..... Water Supply Proposed Year Installed (" ,. ~ g- 4% State surcharge Plans check fee Change of Occupancy TOTAL : - For plans infonmation call {areaL inspector) Directions tQ Sit~n . ~ ~ \. '"T;-, ~^ c-G r? , ~A ~~f SIF Plans to: 'CP&I set(s) WPC ===== set(s) I~~ U(WPC Cf Planning o P~b~Works ~.9Pation Cf nfa !.-;,r-Address /~/ Facility Penmit /~/ Environmental Health By r... L.. M~.~ ~i-.~t Date 5"" -ll-1~ I, r:A~ PhDn("1 ~#I(O_'7-,-. - Tr') ~1"\.c\ 'f><.'~~ ~_C'.y\... ~ ~ \.~ I-",",c-\.~r.. __"'\?"\ 'F~ Date Hold Slip Date Date to 1!~ to PCC Completed PCC r;f'7 cd;/ . .J FOR INFORHATION about progress of your application call: C74-171 Permit Control Center 6B7-HELP (687-4357) -'. ...::> ~'" ~.~ ~ !t~, ~ OEPARTnEIH OF EIIVIRONI~EIHAL IIANAGEflENT PSB, 125 EAST 8TH AVENUE EUGEIIE, OREGON 9740l ~::O:::;~':'""' ;""oo\~3 7-,'~7~~'t. ., %~"^7~ Subdivision C;; ....{'. ~~ Lot Block Appl ication for S l,vt;U;' ~t<\ ILY Il'ii-.f,(l C;,.".J: Structures now on the property '--'., r~"" or Proposed use of property: 10esidential /~I COfTlllercial C-j Industrial f/llt L . " ~,-_F- tJ \ \ ~tf~0~4 Assigned Numb~s " " () Publ ic L (Y1 CELHAvy Iplease print) f If this application is for an agricultural building it will be used for purposes allowed by the State Building Code and Lane County Code Chapter 10 (zoning) and for no other purpose, I have the following legal interest in the property: ,~ owner of record; contract purchaser; lessee; holder of an exclusive option to purchase; duly authorized t9Jact for the/o)mer. who is knowledgeable of this application. Signature/Address ~...j{/yYJ "i JA..IlAllPl .17i7'7 RuPL.I""rn" III/t:' J"P':;1 Oft.. (zio) tf7l-77 , "Telephone 7C,,--d'-Jf_rx' or.....7l.(,,-I)/.RO' Oat: '::i.::-'lS-79 When pennit is ready notify: () Appl i~ant 0~er ' j;) Contractor br" 1j1...ff1m i IIi phone Owner I" /1111 L /YI ("(I,H4.vV ' (zi~ -P~e "'~7-1t...J;9 Contractor I;. _< ~L- I (zie) Phone 1/ Contractor's OSR# . _.:I.-- Plumbing by I, .~ hereby certify that this information is true and accurate. Affidavit: ~ 00 NOT WRITE BELOW THIS LINE If Corrmercial: # of stories Residential: , of bedroom,s ;;.r~- -?' ......- 51 test holes_r ady if of employees # of units 50S: () Existing, () Proposed, Unit Cost BP n, I SI # '1?,- ~(\"\ C\.4 c:- ,J,.:'~-0c:l Valuation Fee $ $ $ $ .,,,r' " , , \., ......., Fee Code , '- -, -'i.-..C......." ._. C':""-ro \. l""\ - ---.), I ( ',~ \. . ,_ ,. ,,--\-\. c>....-lc- ~ ~d.~ Sq, Ft. or Description ~--, # of Sites , \ ("V"'~"'~\ ~"::"), cic- c:....n r;::,~ ~") ;~;,,'--.:::::..... ,.,. I-I SIFO - ./ __..i::-MCR&Ic _.', /~/~C (:1 Planning C/ Pub I ic Works - ./ / ,/~Elevation C/ n/a /;r'$:ddress C/ Facility Permit /~I Environmental Health $ each $ each $ $ $ $ ~ $ '-::l.L-, f ~yo...,-: / / "-- 'J f \ ......:- _ '/.,.,_ PERMIT PROCESSING ZiJn"~... ~. _y--Pa,c.t. # Parcel # ,...--Parcel S,i ze ->--<'-;-'. C ",-.l.. Minimum setbacks: t, front (.:::-r-_~__=> t. side ~ ; in~~ );lr~_""""'" ) -- Co~ents---v----..~_ """.._ r" ~... \..., ,,-,.~_ \::-1.,'''''( 1...0 /<. C"'Q..o-\ J To be typed on permitr.-.,o"<2 ('1t\ po / '\=\ ~" n', ~. '. __.It , - \. "'1 ~. -7 ~ _ ~VVY"""'-... Me \"-' _ - ,"3 '.:, WATER POLLUTION CONTROL / ' Installati,~n specifications: 17~al. tank; ~.,..2D rlt. f draillfield;..!lIa~epth of tl'c!lt;h~~: 4 ~.... ;;. . To be typed on pe,:",~ (~ .~,.p.. .,6;;t;.,)l...J, ~ .J ~ r~/','1 $' ~ -' 0 7-- _ /U.ti"I Ma-, 1~ ~n . ,,........(j~ r---- -zG.Y A!... -:..eUf i& ~/~ ...-r.A/ d!..----t,7.I ~,. . Telephone _ By 4 ~~-....... oate\~-/ ""7~ Directions to sit~ \ "'\.n . _~ :-:~.. _ I.,..." .-=2..:........'Y;I,c\ . Co' 11\ "'-- 'T';. .., ---..;.." ~ ....;. .-?R~ \..-l.. ,"" II\. 4.. ~ \. }-....... ,.~a,...., ___~....; E.,.R-. ~ans U;-; 'er&I set(s) Date Hold Slip 'Da~e Date to I,-,lrC set(s) ReqUIred ,.,__--. ..._.~to. P..CC---o.'. - Completed 4 'PCC.-------. . - -" ~. -' --'- ~ / ~) /' ,rj ....) ,;/.y " I I-I Cash; ~/--C;;eck # Received by ~ Total Valuation:; $ Plumbing fixtures at $ Sewer/water conn. at $ . ( ~ Water Supply ("'.' ---- Proposed _ Year Installed \,.. . EXiS~9 '--' f~' f 4% State surcharge I Pl ans check fee Change of Occupancy Subtota 1 \""\\ '\, I\.. '. TOTAL \ .--"- - ....... (..; i, I ) --'/ FOR INFORf.1ATJON about progress of your appl ication call: Penni t Control Cente'. 681-HELP (687.4357) ,: LANE COUNTY APPLICANT MCELHANY, E.L. SUBDIVISION NEW BLDG TYPE CODE APPL NO BP BP \,' BP BP BP BP -BP PL MECH SUI< PCK SDS . -'" - . . . . .. --..; -. ~.u c.....: c'- ~J. ...s , -' , ~ ~. , ~ . le '. . ~ ~. . . \ ,-_...- ") ~ TAl~L_O_T_t89,2G_6~ LOT BLK 03 NO UNITS 001 NO STORIES NO BLDGS 001 SO FT UNIT COST VALUATION FEE_DAXS__ 1008 32.25 32508 506 8.10 4098 DEPT ENV MGT RECEIPT ___I!ATE_ 042579 SFD USE R NO BDRMS ACTION DESCRIPTION MAIN GARAGE LC 114379 NEWR NO. FIXTURES: . . . SIFO CPI . NO. CONNECTORS: 2 MECHANICAL FEE STATE SURCHARGE PLAN CHECK FEE 7 SDSI WPC PLAN ELEV ADDR FP CO-MF'LETEif--BY-051279 ENVH TOTAL -,-------- - 4.00 36606 EACH = 148.00 -----3 36.00 4r. 50r. 7.36 92.00 25.00 10 8 o o o -- ------ o V ~0;J FEE~ 308~ , .n"l.~.r ~. ;::_..~ ..,_ .. .......,..".~'~-.f.~.:~.~~;::,. to' :::;-::--,-:- "" "".~....,.. t ~'. . ~."t.:\... ' ...."'.-! 7.'" r; -: ..- "";'~'f""'-:~~:'!i"~jf-'" :~~ r"f"..i!";t;"'~'-11i0!~"~1W~R~......J; '!"'.f":-"W"'~~;t1i\:j~~.it.~t1'~":'~I.......:-".J ...: '\. ~~~'H; i:;:1:~I;;:::Y:ft'i:: . : '~';~;~(~1t:i~;':~~~~:~ r:;j.i1'j1~ tf;~!.f:L~~i1fti~*i!}j?;.t~:I\~i{t:~~{SIi~~~~~~~~~I;:~~~' ~.~:l :1i~' !~.ifg/~~L~ ~~~~~.:~~~~i~\:I~'~~;~~~~~{t~t.~ ~:'rr;/ ,':;:,.;' ,.. ~ '9 --.h.!'i- ...... 4_ I ~..tJ -,,' it .:c...., J..r. 1"'2.'1'" ..~ ~i:U ....,-,;.::1::,\ '" j!c:'1';-......j;1Wl~"'t Uij... f~~';!_:''''' ~f:.1t1J' ., .." . 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