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Permit Correction Notice 2010-11-12
, ',~",-" ~,_"'". ~ ,'" '0', ',.,. ~ - ",,~'~, " ',' '.~... "., ~ ..j.:..., _,~,_"/"., 'If "...... " ".... """, . ',., -'"'. ."" .'. . __. "...<'...~ "{::... ,...,.-,-,-~.......:..""......~~"_.......,,- ..' City of Springfield/Development Services Building Safety 225 Fifth Street ,~ . f' Date:L/I2-/ /0 Job# C 7 - 803S' Address: 117 51 '7 1= ~-/. Inspection Type: M'-~.f~v fJ(/r /YI:';. TO: O!.0l1ev Pt'(S~ Pro.rt':c+: J/EtAlN: UNfvr) / fJ((l1e/ lI~t'I/S tlI[?lllJ,Z.t.'Ale~r! -10 denl; 17 /11 a f It-[C. ?'tlr. PIS! "'.,,., UlH t4-1 a,"" Dlj!p""H&.J fe' (,,,!vol 11,,10.)4'. Aft{. 7"Z5"; lIe~,) -b ~afJ ~e~vt<"+/Ov1 ~f"lJw' ~OWt. W,;"<. IV, rt-<. c1"y; 1,2. n 0..(1.'; { {A-C/'r;. 1Vk.2t:;()/rb: Lf6f 16",/ JM-r of ~VJt/~SV<K H;~..fs -It, t~ 6"..,.1,/ Jrc>" Corrections and reinspection request shall be made within ~('\(~ I~f~alendar days. Call for reinspection ~yes DNo Inspector)' y~~ t.1' t,,, v.u 0V1 . Date: II-I Ii! - It) NNNNNNNNNNNNNCal1 for inspection 726-3769NNNNNNNNNNNQuestions 726-3759NNNNNNNNN