HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1986-9-26 r -- RESIDE fIAl-- APPLICATIOll/PERl1IT 225 North 5th Street Springfield" Or'egon 97477 BuiZding Division 726-3753 SPRINGFIELD 71 ~~ L, .a.__ _ crab Location: (j~? ) ( Fa (! ,-q yJ TIf/A ,S7. AB:;esaOr$ Map # Ix 0;). O~-- c;) I T= Lot tI ()(!) Xf'cn Subdivision: LoT /5 I(f}UGAJ WOdO rBic) E;I)(;JMIJ,,\ 1_, <;?)I l-o~"r,//lfIA sfJrf? I/J 6 hc-UJ :Arncr: Address: City: I !If''.' ~en Phone: Zip: Describe 11'0rk: ~~ ~~- ~-M~ i I Reno.:::.c;:. :!Q:,:' Ie .:':c..~w 9~/z~f/; Date of AppZi:::atien ,:;r.::Y'::..:::a;:'2 ..enc!'~ :.. W. )Jb(/Jf~,rlf ?Lu"'I7birc Vatu" ~c20()() / ad Ac.:::.....,v,eS2 G::, Ai S y-, ----- -::Lc~t:rica z. 'Klll6\ E CGC-T. }'///l- I ":'2~;..:::r.i~.: : ~'onstr-..a~ti= L~ncier ~ "cce::>t. C) / /i J Iii tv 7 lJr,'9J\ \ \\\\ ~&@ ~~ V t'l oLt-- oc Siar.ed: Cf/ o -;~(p '-:-?6 Date: ~isc. .~ l:.=:"irc:: c..j ) {, 9 fn <1-9-11 ) }<j) -j J"'1 (. '7 '1' ;-- ;> <{? - J"'/~/ ---- :: is tnE" resr;cm:;ibi"Litu of' the Dermit hoi,dcr to see tha-: aZ?'" in:;pe-=r.ior...s are r.7aae a= the proper tiJn~, that c:::.ch .=.::..::.res:; is re~:; ''-'0''1 -che stre~t, an.::i th;;;t ~he pc~t_ccr'd is Located.::t the frent of tr..e proper't':j. :;u~!.:i"':'~~ D-ivi::ic"!': appro7:ea pLan sr..:;."Z l"er.-::.::!: 0-:: -;h.; au:.Z.ciin~ ~:.=:; c:; ::.Z7.. ,tim.zs. "::::.:::'"',::J~ FI1,'" 7',':'0'::::710'/ P::;:'.:ST:CALL 726-3769 (rc~orcier) st.::te your City desigr.::.ted ;lob n=:ber, ~CT..4:]$:::;a a;-:.::: :'-':-:en liOU ~:'i.':" De reaci";! .7~::JY' :.r:.s.'D:;cr;ic"'~, Cor:t::racr;crs QY' uw'71e7's r.c'"77e c.r.i ;;r~r.;: r..u.;'7U)cr. ~~Z be r.:aa.e "tne same ric.y, requesr;s r.1ccie cf"=.::::o 7: DO C':i 7..J....~l2 bc m::.:ie t:.'1e n::::.=:: :Jorkir..q c..:::.". 7~~i~ri !r.s~~~~~c~~ ] ~:-:~ T~.'~7~~~:]:.': To b2 rr:c:cie af=er excaV~t~v~, but prier ta se= up of formz. ] U,',1D~SSLt.'3 F~U.~.f3IJ'lG, EL!:';':'PI~I~r. 6 /'::;Ci-:'.~:.l-1.-::;":": ~o De rr.c.ae before eny worK ~s ~ev~red. J F:.::JT.n:c ~ ::]!};.lD..~TIC:/: To be made af=e:'" t;rer:.cr.es are e:::cavar;cd and jerm;; are erec-ced, but prior to pou~r~ ccn~rete. :71 U""~T1Goljr!":; =,rU''''I'~~ ~~~.i7'=> ul'!rrt""o ~ dfirIi/~"i5':.~.J D~LJ rr~i~ ;;i~~' t~.l;~i.i: L~r.g -cuncnez. Ir~~7-' ] U!/DERFLOC? !'LU.~r:.'G 8 t.:::CHAl.!ICA~: To be maie Drier to inG-caLLa~ion of j1oo~ inGuZc~ien or decking. gj P'JST Arm EEtJ~: To be made prior to ir.$talic::-icn of [loop insz.;,Zatiori. or' deckinq. c7J PO~'(;.:J ?[.[,~.'EI:.1G. ELEC'';.'!:!CJ~ lJ; lrEC.Lf- ~ A~'.'JCAL: j',o ~ork is '(;0 DC covered ur.til these inspectior.s have beer. made and approvc~. ] FI.DFPLACE: Pr>ior to plecir.g fecino materiaLs and before framing inspec- tion. !~ F?A.'~I!:,'7: Must be reque:Jted after approv~l of rough plwr.bing, alectri- cal & mecr..2ni:::aZ. AE roofinq bracing ~ chimneys, etc. ~~st-be ,complcted. ~o work ir, to be con- , ceded unti l thin inspection has . been made and approved. Your ::ity Denigr4-ced Job Number In: [ZJ ::.~:s~rL.';''!'ICi'''' /VJ1P;~.~ PA.~.~I2.~ I.~.;S?:::;~I'::.:.: '].'0 oe n:a.:ie af-cer alZ insi.J.~:.=r;i:Jn ~.Li reauired vapOl" ::CI1'Tiers are in place but before =!! latiJ, gypsum beard Cl" w.::ZL coverino is CDvlied, ard before =y ir.:;uLaticm is concealed.. .. jcb c~css, ~~=-e ~e~~~s=s rece~~e~ - , . 0.. ....r:=;;c:::=:.cr; ce:.:'::"!,~ 7:[>~ =-. e~, O~S d r ~2:::~I~~~:: (.=! .~~'':;~:::: 2:.:'I:":;~::;: ~ Sani::ar:; Se"..;er ccrpped. ::t p~c?;:r;;;. lir.a ==:J Septic tank p~~2a a,-.~ f~ll2i ~th --........., -.. -......... [R] DF?Yk/LL It.TSP~CT!"O!}: Tc be made afr;cr at" c.r.~'L.,'a~z. is in place, DU-C prior -co any taping. ~ PinG& - ~~en CDDve ite~s are c~~le=c= c~d wnen ie~cZ~tion is ca.~i~:c O~ S:7~~- z;uY'e r.:cve.i ar.::: pr;:m3es ~i.~:;]':c.:: U::i. o ~~SO~~Y: SteeZ Zo:::ation, bond D2aff.:J, grouting or verticaZs in accorciance with U,B.C. Section 24lS. f..4:JDi Le fi:;~e~ ~ ~ Blocking and S"t-~p Plumbing connec-cicns S;::we:- c:r..:: t....:::er D WGODSTD:'E: After installation is cemp Le-ced. I ~ Electrical Conne~tion - BZOCKir~, oc:-u~ r ~ and plumbina ccnnections r.r.-~st ~~ ~~r~~z~ ; before requ~st~ng elec=ricaZ ir.s?e~~ic~ i i I I I ==:J Ac~eszor-;,,' BuiZcing ~ Final - I.ft~r F~rcr.es, skirtir.;, dc:::ks, ~ et~. are comple:~d. D All pro.iect conditions, sue.'; as the ~'nstaLla-cion of street trees, co~le:i,:m of tit!: required Landscaping, etc., must be satinfied bcfore the BUILDI~C FI~AL ~an be rccuestcd. -1 ] FINAL PLU!!BIl/G J FINt.L 1.fE::HA:1ICAL >Sj FINAL ELEC7'RICAL ] @ FINAL BUILDING: The Final Building Ins~cction must be reauested aftcr the Final ?lu~bir~ Elec~rical, and Mechar.ical Inspections have been made and approv2d. D CURB (J APPROACH AP.'::'JN: Afte;-o forms ill'e erected bu-c pr~cr to pouring concrete. SIDEWALK ;; DRI!Tr-!c~Y: For all con- crete paving wi~hin street right- of-way, to be made after all eX~a- vating compZete & fo~ work & sub- base material in place. 'ALL /1A!:P.CLES AlID CLEANQU':'S .'fUST BE ACCES~IBLE, ADJUS::!2,.'T TO BE /,~1DE t.'!' /:0 ::'::'5'1' TO C!,:,y I ~--e ~ of 2 D D !'ENCE: ~'hen compl<:te -- Provide gates or movable' sectienn through P.U.E, o JOG NO, ~0D~;;) ~r:mf!~ / jjc:; . ::.at Sq. Feg. ; .:Jf bt C.:J1Jerag:: ; of Stories 'otaZ Height 'opogra;:hy I SQ. FTC I I , , ;fw/T/~// I q'ltff, -7'~".! !~in :crace '::!r='crt ,ccessor:J '.D.C, TOTAL VALUE ( vc;,/..uc) 1.5= BuiLding Permit State S:il'cha:r(Je Totc:l Cha:>ges Oc=r;anc:J Gra'.. SOL A RAe c: E S S R E Q,- p. L -CO G~i ife::roor.:s: 8t / ~ 7' :~ x 1','" ,...... . ,,-::E~ I I I 12 ~h7~ ,[ I I I , I I I ~=-.a'es ~3idzntial (1 beth) :7':":":;'::~:! Se/.;}e;t :~e'!" Plu:c:::-:.r.; Perrc:i t State S:aacr..arge '!'~t:;:.. Cr..:::::y:cs 1:....,1. j ,-'. :::. f=~. ~/Z=:er~ Cir~~irs ~~r:::r'!1 Service Elect~icc:l Pe~it St:::te Su:!'crarae TotaZ Ct-~C'a.~ ETU'S I ;':'.k,JIl ~'_ I "'-"j ... r.aust Hooe. nt Fan OGsto:Je Pel"'n7it I:;suanc2 Mechanic:::l Permit State Su:!'clu:rae Totel Chnro"'" E,'/CROACHgE'.'T ~..rr7_t~ DZDO:;i-t 'race 11 t r.T'..ar:~ p ~t TetaZ ('naror." .bcu: :(!'..).:llk :cr' 'ctrica l Label ile Home LOT TYPE Interior Corner Panharulle Cul-de-sac I I I I /</~4 I. V'aZur. /..;-:/ . <7 Z~S-C> -:s"-7~ 7'6,26 ~ Ci:.4.:::C=.- I "2 <.rS-~ I j --:z<: ,.sc- . p ~e:> 27< 7"61 · -- - - --. ., . -'-1 - 1 I I I J I I I ~ -AL ~'.!OU",'7 DUE:" 411~.cbO Lot Faces T:;pe/Cor.st: - /I ~/l'7!7 Sethackr, T;J':"r' EnC!rrrJ SO:J.rcr's heat I I P. L. Worth lEast ISOk th jWent , House , Carace I I I I I:? $""/ I I%'t.-;;'Z' I I !.ccess, I I I I WatC"f" Hcatr'!"" Hance FirCDLacc Weoa;; tOl:e Fees Building Value & Permit This permit is granted on the express condition that the s.:lid,construction shall, in all respccts, confo~ to the Ordinance adopted by the City of Springfield, including the Zoning Ordinance, regulating the censt1'"~ctien and UDe of buildings, and may be sUDpended or revoked at cr.y time upon vie- U7tion of any provisions of said Ordinances. ~ I Plan Check Fec: c;O, /3 I Detc Paid: <t- /'< -8G IReceipt #: 1:5 0'?Oi7;%f ISig~ed: Cc-- Plumbing Perrrdt No person shall construct, install, alrer or change any new or c=istir.; pZu~bir~ or drainage syste~ in ~hoZe or in part, unLess sucn per~on is t~e legal possessor of a valid plumber's license, exceDt th~t a r;e~son may Ge plu~bing,work to property which is owr.ed, leased or operared by rroe a;?Zi- cant, I ; Electrical Perm it Jvnere State Law reauires rr~t the electrical worK be done cy an ~lectric=: C~n~~a~=~r: tn~ eiec~ric~Z_For~io~_cf ~~i3_pe~i= sr~Zi ~o~ =e ~~~~ ~,:=~= tne ~De~ nas D~en z~qnec ~y ~ne E~ecrr~caL ~on~r=~~c~. .- - - - fv1echa n i CO I Permit ~~-'Z~- ~~~ PZq;t[ i:.xa17l'z.ner ~ I --- po' , "7-Zb'-2'b: l)ar:: I · I I I HAVE CAREFULLY EXAMINED the completed aDDlieation for pe~it, ad de hereby certify that all i~fo~:;.tion hereon is true and corrcc::, cr..:i I further certify that an~ ar..:i all work performed shall be do~e {~ n~col"- dance :,;{th the Ordin:J.nc~s of the City of Springfield, and the Lc-..:s of tr.c State of Oregon pcrt;.:lining to the work described herein, ar.d ti;.::: :;0 CC::~'- PJ'.!lCY will be mae.e of any structure without pSl"missio~ of the 51/iZding Di- vision. I further certif,; th:J.t o~ly contractors a::d e:npbyecs z.;1:0 are ic: co~pZiance with CRS 701.05~ will be used en this project ~av~ Lv~ q-2.b-gb fure Sig'ri~d , .