HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Miscellaneous 1988-11-17 .. RESIDi.NTlAL" APPLICA'i./PERMIT 225 North 5th Street Springfield, Oregon 97477 Building Division , 726-3753 .lob Location: } 1170 \) ~cU....c0 ? 0 ~ f) (" (3) Taz Lot # Q'd.(l AB~e830r~ Map H Subdivi8io~l: QJner: ~_ ~ \ ~~~ Addre"": \ M 0' \ \) ~ <L.. oJ (j Pl:one: 1 Lt 1- (Q ~s '7 City: n n n n Nm,) Additicn Remodel :!obf.le Homa Date of Application Contl'actOl'S Cenel'al Plwilbing Elec trica 1. Mechar.ical Construction Lender I~-Il-~<b Zip: ~ Descr:bc fl1ol'k: t0~o..L,t~ ~1'&_Jl~ ~~ 0- Value Addres::; c;o~ / , V _/ _ l!~ / rJ~/ (/JV.21~ V ,--I ---.. Rcce-:.pt !I r J.7( ~ ?j~1 III \ I ;/-;l Siqr:ed: Date: CL. U-(1-'t/S Lisc.# Expil'CS Phone It is the responsibility of the permit hoLder to see that all inspections are ~ade at the proper tim~~ that each ~ddre88 is l'cadab:e f1"Om the stroet, and that the pCr'mit card is 'Located at the front of the propel'ty. .t!Jui!dirzg lJi.ui::ior: ap?1'OI.:ed plan s1u:.H remain on the:: Bu::.lding Sit::: at all times. PROCEDURE FOR INSPECTION RE:QUEST~CALL 726-3769 (recorde!") state your City designated job numbcr~ job add.rcsD~ typo of in:;pae~i.c" l"equcDted a!':d when you /Jill be ready fol' in.!Jpcction~ Contl"actors or Owners ncme end Fhone nwnbc!". Requests recoi1.'ed bafcl'c 7:00 C":7 :..'ill be made the same dcy~ requests mczde after 7:()O am wiZZ be made the next :.JOrking day. RRnpi.,.,yJ. ht!'mp(!ticrt.q O SITE INSPEc~nION: To be made after exeavation~ but prior to set up of forms. O UNDERSGAB PWl,fBII/G, EGEGTRIC,1L & MECHANICAL: To be made before any work is covered. o FOOTING ,~FOUNDATION: To be rrude after trenches arc excavated and forms are erected~ but prior to pouring ccnerete;. UNDSRGROUND P:"UMBINC. SEWER. W.1TEH. DRAINAGE' To be made prior to fil- lir.g trenchee. o D' o UIIDERFWOR PWI.$ING & NECHANICAG: To be made prior to instalLation of f!oor insulation 01' decking. POST AND BEAM: To be made prior to installation of floor ins~Zation 01' deckinr;. ROUCH PLU.'.!RJ!JG. ET.ECTR!CAl. I) MECH- ANICAD: No work in Co bc COL,tn'cd untiL thosq in8pectior.s have beer. made and app)'oved. FIREP~ACE: Prior to plccir~ facing mater'ials mul before framing innpec- tioY!. FRA'~[Nr.: Mu:;t be requeatecl after appl~vul of rough pLwr.bing~ ~lcctri- cal & mechani::al. AU rooring braeing & chimncys~ etc. nr~st be . completed. tlo /XJrk is to be C01't- , cealed until thiD inspection has . been made and appl'01.'cd. o o o Your City Desigr4tod Job NumbGr Is: o INSULATIONIVIlPOR BARRIER IHSpr::CTION: To be made after all insulatiQn a~~ rcqu:.red vapor ba:rrier:J a:re in place but ceforo any lath, gypsum board 01' wall cove1'ing is applied~ and before any insulation ia concealed. 0iS'I03b I DE/.!OLITION OR ;~:OVEC BUILDIilGS ~ Sani~ary se'Jer :.!apped ~t p~opc~.t:.; lir:o :==J Septic tank p~~cd and fill~d with gra~el ] Final - mien above items arc compLeted and when demol:.tior. is complete 01' stru~- ture moued. and pr~r.ri3es cLeaned up. . Mobi Le Hemes :J Bloaking a>ui Sat-,p :J Plumbing con.nections scwer ar~ Wa~e1' --, Electrical Connection - 8locki,1{j. set-up ~ and plumbing connections nr~Gt te approvqc before requesting eZcc=l'ical ir.s?cc~io~ ~ Accessory Build:.ng ] Final - Aftcr porc~eG~ skirting. dccks. etc. are comple=cd. DRYWALL INSPECT!ON: Tc be made aftor all drywaLl is in placo~ but prior to any taping. MASONRY: Steel location~ bond beamG~ grouting 01' verticals in accordance with U.B.C. Section 2415. KIT WOODSTOVE: After installation iD ~ ccmpleted. ?7 O CURB & APPROACH AP.WN~ After forms are o'1'e:.!ted but Pl'ior to pouring "oncrete. o o o SIDF:rIALK & Dl?Il'l-:WI',Y: For all con- crete paving within at'f'cet right- of-wc.y~ to bc made af'teI' all exca- vating complete & for;" lJOrk & sub- base material in pln~c. o IIll proJect condition3~ :Juch (IS the "!',nstaLlation of st).cat troes, co.'71ploti.:m of the .required landnccpir:(J~ etc. ~ Tmalt be satisfied bcfore the BUILDING FINAL .can be r~qucst:::d. o FINAL PLUMBWG D FIt/AL ME~HA,'/ICAL o FIIIAG UECTRIC/,G D O !'RNCE: h'Jwr. eo.71pl,;tc -- Proui(!c gates 01' movable scctions through ,p,u,e, n ' ~ ~f\JL-~ ~-.1 o PINAL BUIDDINC: The PinaL Building Inspection must be requested aftor the Pin.al Plumbing E~cctrieal~ and Mechar.ical Inspections have been made and approv~d. *Af,L MMlllCLES AND CU'ANOUTS NUST ~F: llCCF.SSIBLF., AD.JUST!fE.'lT TO BE /.fllDF. I!T 1.'0 COST TO C['!'Y I Pa:-:.~ 1 oj' :l iz~n~:B NO, ~&! ()30 Oc::~::G:.ESS LOT TYPE Lot Sq. Ftg. '." ~ ~f lot Coverag~ !I of Stories Total Height Topography lITEM IMain I Gerace I SQ, FTG I I I 1 I Carnort IlaCeSSOI'l1 IS,D,C, TOTAL VALUE [vaLUe) 1.5 x BuiLding Permit State Su:rcharge Total Cha;:oges lITEM IFixtures I Residential (1 bath) I Sani tary Sewel' I Water I NO, I I I I Plumbing Permi t State SUI'cr.arge TotaZ CharGe8 I ITEM NO'I I Res. Sa. fta. lnaw/Extend Circuits I I Tempol'ar!{ Service I I I Ele~tl'icaZ Permit State SurcharQB Total ChaI'r;es ITEM i NO'/ FEE F'urnace ETU' S &:hau.at Hood I I Vent Fan : I I I Woodsto"e L I {J < I I /lQ- PaM t I:3Suanca Mechanical Permi t State Surcha:ra6 Tntal CharO(!fJ -- ENCROACHMENT -- Se~~rit~ Deposit Storage Maintenan.:!c Permit Total CharQC8 f Curbcut fSidtMO.Zk Fence Electrical Label [Mobile Home ~ f TOTAL AMOUNT DUE:' Intel'iol' Cornel' Panhandle Cut-de-sac x Value FEE CHARGE FEE CHARGE 1 I i 1 I I I I I Ils,ctfO I \8,00 I 1"3'0, <m I ,;51 1'3'0:')5"1, I I 1 I I, I I CHARCE I I I I I I I I I JrO .751 ' - -,,~ - REQ,- L-COC'" . Bedroor.:s: T~ipe/Cor.st: I Lot Faces - I I P,L, INorth ,lEast ISouth Ir,eat I Access. I I I I I II EneY'nll SOUl'C(W !leat Water' !lrm tn'!' Range Fi rep Zaer? Wo'od:.; to,;.; TilDe SetbackB I House I Caraqe ii' I I I I I I -- Fees Building Value & Permit This permit is granted on the eXpress condition that the said. construction shall~ in all respccts3 conform to the Ordinance a.dopteJ h'y the City of Springfield, inc!uding the Zoning Crd-:.nance, regulc.tina the ccnotF..l.::ticn and use of buildings, and m:zy be cUlJpended 01' revoked at C.I:y time upon vic- lation of any provisions of said Ol'dir.anccG. I I I, I Plan Check I Date Paid: I Ree.ipt 1/: I Signed: Fee: Plumbing Permit , No percon DhalZ. construct, install, aZter 01' change any ne/J cr e:::isting plumbing or drainage syste~ in whole or in part3 unless such pe~son is the legal possesso~ of a valid plumbe~'s license3 except trAt a person may do plumbing work to p~operty which is owned~ leased or ope~ated by the appli- cant. , Electrica I Permi t I I I I I I, Where State LaM requires that the electrical. wor'k be done by an Electrical Contl'Qctor'~ the electr'ical pOr'tion of thia permit shall not be valid until the label has b;Jen lJigned by the Electr'ical Contl'actor. Mechanical Permit I I !-\.(l t-L.\,~ I I Plan Examiner' [jate I HAVE CAREFULLY EXAMINED the completed application for permit~ and do hereby certify that all ir:fo:>mation hereon is true and cOr'rcct~ and I further' certify that any ar~ alZ work performed shalZ be do~e in accor- dance :Jith the Ordinances of the City of Sppinaficld3 and thz La,.jS of tha State of O~egvn p~ptaining to the work described he~ein~ end that NO OCCU- PANCY will be made of any structure without permission of the Building Di- vision. I fu~ther certify that 0:11y contractor's a;;d e:T/pl.:Jyees wr.o are in c~pliance with ORS 701.05S will be used on this proj~ct ,~j ~ /( i!~MlI 7iJn:r;t (J /l//7/<jy D"tf I