HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1986-12-2 (4) ----~._-----~_....._..._-_..__._._.._.._.---- r: : .__:...::lij-.::~ '. .~:.:. .~....::f1~~t:..,.- i' 97477 . , .'>~ '.-:'~-'. .. l .~ ~. '. , " .. ~:.. '. ~ t ....'.-:-. Receipt ~(j (,'7Y.~1 " , '- URmrJ~ Job Location: IL2/) P~N pC-A Aeaeeears Map N J~~2~6'~' ~9zJ7 Tao: Lot N SUbdivieion: ~rj'f. !?LV. 1... ~5';("Y~2'l> '?';;_N=.-~C:s;h" OJner: MA.ue/L~ ti ~.A?~ r-:. ..~ , . ~ . Addre..:~~;tn:,NJ=~L~O Phone: City: ~~..:.-Z). _ ~7? Zip: UNm" rYl Addi ticn n Remodel n Uobi.la Homa -/' l~\) \6i2GD vG~\)J~, , - . , ~e~ ~ 0r'0C2.- ~ ~e., '. ~\,\~e~, ~'a, ~ Describe flork: . " ' )pp 0~/'1?; ::z ~/3"" '1 >-...$; .' ," ~ N~ M,N?/~Y ;9~...A/~^-y , "1 p//)I~ 7P 71.~~4E'. Date af Applicaticn~/-7~' COntractors Val;'e:?/~ Address '. Siqr.ed: Date: ~ 12- 2- '{{,., Lisc. # . PhonQ Eroircs General Plumbing Electrical Nachar.ic:zl Constftl:otion Lenda,. It itt t1uJ NlIpcnuti.biZity of ths permit holder to ses that all iMpactions CD"e made at the proper tims.. t}-.at each .::ddrSBB is ,.ea:!aDZe from tlul etreet, and that the p8l'llrit card ie Loccrted crt the front'of the prope:rty. ... .Bui!ding Divi::ior: approved plan shall. remain on tha Building Sit~ at azz. times. PROCEDURE FOR INSPECTION RE:QUEST:CALL 726-3769 rrccor>derJ stato your City designated job number.. job address.. typo of inap6e-:icn l'aquestcd ar.d when you t.ri.l7. be ready for inspection, Contractors or Owners name and phone number. Requests l'eceivsd 06fcr8 7:00,.0?~ z.rl.ZZ be made th& same day.. requosts made aftQ' 7:00 am will be nrule the na:t :.JOrking day. ,.,::.... -.;,..'.... ~nui~~4 T~~p~r.ir."A D. SITE INSPECTION: To be made afte:r e:rcavation.. but prior to set up of . . forms. D : UNDERSLAB PLUMBING, ELECTRICAL & . MECHANICAL: To be made before any . work is ~ovcred. ',' rvt FOOTING & FOUNDATION: To be made L!:l after trsnchos aro excavated and . .. forms CD"e erected, but prior to . pouring CC7lC1'et6' rvI UND'SRGl?OWW PLUMBING. SEWER. W.1TE.'?,. ~ DRAINAGE: To be TTKlde prior to fi l- .Zi.r.g trenches. . m, UNDERFWOR PW/.aJING & MECHANICAL: ~' To bs mads prior to in3ta llation of floor insulation 01' decking. rv1 POST AND BEAM: To bs made prior to L:.J installation of floor insl4.lation or dscking . rYl ROUGH pr.WmIllG. ELECTRICAL & MECR- r:J ANICAL: No work is to bc cOL'ered ,w:ti~ thcso inspections have beer. made and approved. FIREPLACE: Prior to p1.acir.g faci;J,g materials and before framing inspec- tion. . FRAl1ING: Must be requeoted after approva.l of rough plwr.bing.. electri- .cat &: mechanical. AU roofing _' bracing ~ chimneys.. etc. nr.J.st bs :' completed. lIo work is to bo can- ......... asalsd until this inspection has ~b6~n made and approved. D IIZl ,".-' '" y:.w. City' Designated Jab Nwnb<r Ia:~799 rv1 INSULATION/VAPOR BARRIER INSPECTION: LC.J To be made after all insulation w.d . . _ required vapor ba:rriers are in place . . but before any lath.. gypsum board or wll covering is applied, and bofore, al'!y irwu7.ation is conceaLed. [~ DRYWALL INSPECTION: To be made after alL d:rywatl. is in pLace, but prior to any tapir.g. O MASONRY: Steel location, bo7zd beama.. grouting 01' verticaLs in accordance with U.B.C. Section 2415. D WOODSTOVE: After instaZ,lation is ccmpletf:d. I DEUOLITION OR gOVED BUILDIiJGS :J Sani -:ary Se'..J61' ::apped at p~opcr~:J' lir:.s ~ Septia tank rr.il?6d and fi.Z-l~ f.1i.th ~~8l :J Final - ffhen. above ite:l1s aro CClrrpletcd and when demolition is complste or 8t1'U~- ture moved and pr~ses cls:l.1UJ:i up. . Nobilo Hcmes ~ Blookir.g and Set-~p I ~ PZumbing conns~tions s&Wor and wa~Br ~ EZ,ectricaz, Cannect:ton - Bleeking.. se~-uF -.-J and pLumbing connections nr~st po approved bsforc requ8sting oLec~rical insp8c-:io~ ~ Acaessol".d Building :J FinaL - After porcr.es, skirti.ng, decks, etc. are completed. D AlZ project conditions, ouch as the installation of street tr8es,'c~~tction of ths required tandsccpir.g.. etc... rmtst be satisfied before t"l1 BUILDING FINAL ..can bEl rsquestad. [XI FIliAL PLUMBIlIG [Xj FINAL ME~HANICAL [EJ FINAL ELECTRICAL 10 00 FINAL BUILDING: Tho Final Building Inspection must be requ60ted after ELectrical, and Mechanical InspectionD hava been made and approved. c..;~.,:. .:":'.. tho Final Plumbina o CURB & APPROACH APRnN: Afts..... forms a:re created but prior to pouring concrete. . . .-.... . , . 0' SIDEWALK & DRIVEWAY: For all oon- crete paving within street right- . . pf-way, to be made after all 6%ca- . vating cc;mpZeto & form work & sub- base nnterial in place. D PENCE: When compl6te -- Provide- gates 01' movable se~tions through P.U.E. ,'''. D ,'- 'ALL UANHCLES AND CLEANOUTS MUST BE ACCESSIBLE, ADJUST!tENT TO BE NADE AT NO COST TO crn I Page ! of 2 ~' JOB NO.~799 SOLAR ACCjiS REQ.~"'.,,~ :';:" "L:"cohot _ ZOllO: " Occu"""""Grou",.~ '.,'..',' 7',/pe/cor.st~-~~-.' ,'" Bedroome:.4:"p"2. Lot Sq. Ftg. LOT TYP!: I Lot Facee - t!;;~~ I I !:ner'll' Sources .': :r.,o I Setbaeks I Heat S of lot CJlJorag< Interior' ~., . I P.L. Houss Carage ~ Water" .q~atlfro , of Stories .~ ~ Corner' INorth Q~.' I Range TotaL Haight ::' ,\.i ' . PanhandLe I!:ast "27- I Fire,lace ',' 1.1 South ~~.,., Wo0d3tove Topography , ' ", ':;;:::: CuL-de-eac IWeet .2:lii'.f . I I -- Fees -- I 1 'I'" 1 I ~~...,~,.. , .. , , I #,/1. ,- I /97. s-ol 7.901 2t>S: ~ - , FEE I CHARG!: i I 5'2.5i' I 1 I I I I I I sz.s-~I I 2./t:' I I !;"~6t;:) I - I NO., F!:!: I ~-..I I I I I I 'I I Curbcu: I SidewaLk""""" . .. IF"""e i \r-Il~ ,II 1/\ Iof"'~: 14/.5 r€E ~c. ;Be: LD'S>~=Z> "'4-/1=t1ft;It1 ff '\0, _l I ?Cp~"f,.p.~r /0 p.c- ..sc..;YT 7"= ELectricaL Lobel _ '" , I ;(f 40&.#-'1' rr . I.;;;./:;e 5o/~72L'h7 A~;:l./2J':-'7 ~<A?_ K/7, ~-/...4N~~c.>#r--7- I 66J.-'" I ..~~' {;..J/ '3S,?~ I- ITEM . SQ.FTG Value x MIin Garaae Caroort ACnn1't80l"U (.pp~ TlP~ TOTAL VALU!: Is.o.c. tt)C.I.UC) 1.5 '" Bu.ilding Pernrit . -~.. State 5w'cha:rqe ,- Total Cho.."'fIes , . IT!:M Firtures I NO. I Reeidential 12 bath) -I sanitary Sewel' .Ir;at~ Ir. PLwnbing Pernri t , .~.~ . ." .'... ',"I' " . ~ : __ l.", ~ .' ~t. ~ . State Surcr.arge Total Charaes 11TI:/ol . l"Res. So. fto. . 'lNmJ/Ertend Circui ts ~~lTemporary Service CHARGE I I -:Z2~.Scl ~ ~ .... Ele~trical Permit State Surcharge Total ~ces "22.St:> _<9'bl 73: t,lG' I - I I ITEM I NO, FEE I Purn:lce ETU' S I E=ha-..et Hoed I I I Vent Fan 13 I ':? - I III00dstO'Je I I I I~,_'p pc..~k' I_~.- I I /,').- I ..~t:> I tS".60 . I, I I I I, I . CIIARe!: "'7.- .. Permit Issuance Mechanica. l Permi t State Surcharoe '1'ot:nl r.harr:um - ENCROACHMENT -- SBC"olM. 'tJt Dzoosi t Storags Maintll1ta1U!B I Parnri t I Total Cha'1'QCS TOTAL AMOUNT OU!::- "".. ,- " .' ~ ':.J .\ -/...' ')"\ \\ Building Vdlue' 8/ Permit' . _.. t . _' . . . . This perrr;{.t 'io gMnted 'On the express condition that thS- said, construction 'I shall, in all respects, conform to the Ordinance adopted by the City of Sp'Pingfield, including the Zoning Ordinance, regulating the ccnstruaticn and use of buildings, and m:zy be suopended or revoked at c:r.y time upon'vic-\ lation of any provisio1:s. of said ,Ordinances. , .'. \'~ . .' \ . .... _'J. .~ .. ,. ,.t,. '. ,1..-:" , " '! , , '~,"~ "~~ IPLan Check Fee: /2$"""":;>.$ loate Paid: /j-?-Stt:;; IRecdpt #: l5'L"7::?~ ISigned: : Ct.. " " " - ,.,. . . ~ ... -' .' .1.. ." ..... ." : Plumbing Permit No person. shall. construct, instal.!, alter or change any new or e--isting plumbing or drainage system in whole or in part, ur.less such person is the legal possessor of,a valid plumber's ticenae, e=cept that a pe:-son may do plumbing work to property which is oumed, leased or operated py the appli- cant. - . Electrical Permit Jlhere State Latu requires tr.at the elecmcal IJOrk be done by an Electncal Contractor, the electrical portion of 'this permit shall. not be val.id until the Zabel has been signed by the Elecmcal Contraator. , " Mechanical Permit ./?~~~-e"~ /' 6;1:. __ '7' xann.nel' .;. If? ,((;/9-.J9C I HAVE CAREFULLY EXAMINED ths completed applioation for permit.. and do hereby certify that all. info::omation hereon is true and correct, and I further certify that any ar.d aU lJOrk perfor:ned shall be done in accor- dance :.lith the Ol'dinancee of the City of 5pringfield, and the Ltr..;e of tha State of Oregon p~rtaining to the work described herein, and that NO OCCU- PANCY will be mde of any structure without permission of the 3uiZding Di- vision. I fUrther certify that only contractors ar~ ~~yees who are in compliance with ORS 701.055 will be used on this project i 12-./. 6{p Signsd Date ._;.'-........,..~._"!J::,.,...,c~._. . L. ,,~.~ .";~ "'1'-c<t . ,.....: