HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1987-8-17 '. .~ :"':'.:'..~..:'; ~-'."'J.': _,......'1'.: ".,':-:::'.. - '::';:-"'~~' ,,-:-. ... "~"""..'1:,~_..:; .'_'. to. ...,~.:....... ~. ........~_~:;.._~.~~.;f.:!lt~:","!>..(\,;.~......:".~~........:.;. . ;c:....::...-_T;;; ...-_.....-.,.:..',..:~j .. RESID. _JTIAL.. APPLICATION/PERMIT 225 North 5th Street Springfield, Oregon 97477 Building Division 726-3753 Job Loca.tion: Lf-37/ r--~~'a.J ! S' 0 2 05 d / (} T= Lot # Assessors Map # Subdivision: OI.mer: kiJA A L/3 7 /1 7Jim~ ck~ -1-h~~ Phone: 0 r.3 ;2 </Ot) Address: Ci'ty : I I 1'><1 I I I I NP.lJ Additien Remodel UobiZe Home 8:-3-~1 4 Date of Applicatien Con-cracr;ors General lri-f? Plumbing Electrical Mechar.icd Construction Lender 100 V-tJ() Zip: t2of~ Value $5,800 d- ~ Rcce-:pt #- )j031 JrU~O(C ~~ si~ed: ~ Date: Y --1"7 -8 "7 Lise. # Expires Phone It is the responsibility of the permit hoLder to see that all inspections are made at the proper time~ that each ~ess is readab"e from the street, and that the permit card is located at the front of the proper'ty. ~Bui~ing Divi~ion approved plan shall remain on th6 Building Sit2 at all times. PROCEDURE FOR INSPECTION RSQUEST:CALL 726-3769 {recorder} state your City designated job number, job aC!.6>ess, type of inspecticn requested ar-d when you wilZ be ready for inspection, Contracters or OI.mers ncme and Fhone number. Requests received befere 7:00 ~ :..'iZ'l be made the scone day, requests mde after 7:00 am wiZ'l bC! made the n=t :Jorking day, Reaui~qd InsD~ctiens O SITE INSPSCTION: To be made after excavation, but prier to set up of forms, 01 UNDERSLAB PLUMBING, ELECTRICAL & , NECHAIIICAL: To be made before any work is covered. [Z] FOOTING & FOUNDATION: To be made after trenches are excavated and forms are erected, but prior to pourir~ cencret~. UNDSRGROUND PLUMBING, SEWER, WATER, DRAINAGE: To be made prior to fil- lir.g trenchee. ::=J ~ ~ UNDERFLOOR PLUl.'BING & MECHANICAL: To be made prior to instaZlation of f100r insulation or decking. POST AND BEAM: To be made prior to instalZation of floop insulation or deckinq . ROUGH PLU/fBIlIG. ELECTRICAL & MECH- ANICAL: No work is to be covered ,until these inspections have been made and approved. FIREPLACE: Prior to placir.g facing materiaZs and before framing inspec- tion. FRAl!INC: Must be requested after approval of rough plumbing, electri- cal & mechanical. All roofing bracing & chimneys, etc. ~~st be : completed. No work is to be con- " cealed until this inspection has 'been made and approved. :=J ~ ~ Your City Desigr4ted Job Number Is: o INSULATION/VAPOr? BARRIER INSPECTION: To be made after all insulation ~~ required vapor barriers are in place hut before any lath, gypsum beard or waZZ covering is applied, and before any insulation is concealed. 11{) 5L/;;2 DElfOLITIO.',' OR :',WVE] BUILDDlCS :J Sani tary se'..Jer capped at p~opert-:i line ~ Septic tank p~~ed and filled with gra~el ~ Final - f>'hen Move ite,'71s are cempleted ;J 04-" .. and when ~emel~""or: "s complete or Svruc- ture moved and pr~ses cleaned up. Mobile Hemes ~ Blocking and Set-up ~ Plumbing connections sewer and water ~ Electrical Connection - Blocking, set-up ~ and plumbing connections ~~st ce approved , before requesting electrical inspectio:-! =:J Accessor'j Building I FilUll - /lft"r p:Jrcr..es, skirting, decks, ~ etc. are complet"d. o All Froject conditions, such as the installation of street trees, co~letion of the required landscapir.g, etc., must be satisfied before the BUILDING FINAL can be requested. :=J FIlJAL PLU/.fBI/IG =::J FIliAL ME;;HANICAL :=1 FINAL ELECTRICAL =:J o FINAL BUILDING: The Final Building Inspection must be requested after the FilUll Plumbing Electrical, and Mechanical Inspectiona have been made and approved. n DRYWALL INSPECTION: Te be made after aU drywaU is in place, but prior to any taping. MASONRY: Steel location, bond beams, grouting or verticals in accordance with U,B.C. Section 2415, WOODSTOVE: After installation is cemp leted. ~ALL MANHOLES AND CLEANOUTS MUST BE ACCESSIBLE, ADJUSTlfElJT TO BE ',HDE J!T NO reST TO CITY I Page ! of 2 o D D CURB & APPROACH APRON: After' forms a:r'e "pected but prior to pouring concrete. D SIDEWALK & DRIVEWAY: For aU con- crete paving within street right- of-way, to be made after all exca- vating complete & fo~ work & sub- base material in place. o PENCE: r.'hen complete -- Provide gates or movable sections through P.U.E. o I Zone: N ~P: C) C/ ~c:~a~:/R c:: ~c E S S i JOB i Lot Sq, Ftg. :% af let CQVerag~ : # of Stories I : Total Height iTopography ! )ITEJ.f SQ. FTC lMain I CcJ>ace I I l:;l~ C> ~ I I I I I i Carport iAccessorll , S.D.C. TOTAL {lAWE IVCI-UC) 1.5 x Building Permit State Su:t'ch,rrge Total Char>ges ITEt: NO, Pi:::tu:t'es Residential (1 bath) Sanitary Sewer dater> Plumbing Perr.:i t State Su:t'cr.CII'ge TotaZ Ch.craes lTEtf I iiO. Res. Sa, fto. N~/Extend Circuits Temporary Service Electrical Permit Stcte Su:t'ai-Jarae Total Charges IT'3;M NO, I FEE I I I Furr..2ce ETU' 5 E;:;haus t Hood llent Fan Woodsto"Je Permit Issuance Meahaniccl Permit State Su:t'charac Totc.l Charaes ENCROACHMENT -- Se~~rit~ Deposit Jtorage "faintenance "'cmi t Total Charoes -:urbC'..It ,ide-wa lk "once ,lectrical Label ,lobi le Home .,:;:rrii:, iu'.::Ju.",'1T [ii/i.': ~ LOTTYFE Interior Corner Panhandle Cul-de-sac x Value I I I ,I I~~.~ I I I I 15":"~~ / I 5"0. So '2-5"'3 :53. Os FEE CiiARCE C,l';'.:::C.-=i.' CiiARCE I I I I I I I I I I S-""3. 03 REQ,- L -co G~ Ti:1'pe/Cor.st: Be6'oo7:':s: I Lot Faces - I I P.L, Worth lEast IsO!< th IWest I I Enero:.o Sources j I Heat I I I I I I I I Ti.J~e Setbacks I House I Carace I Access. I I I I ~/atcr Heater Ha1!pc r'i rCD lace WooastoJ:e Fees Building Value & Permit This permit is granted on the express condition that the said,construction shall, in all respects, confom to the Ordinance adopted by the City of Springfield, incZuding the Zoning Crdinance, regulating the ccnGtm~ticn and use of buildings, and m~y be suspended or revoked at any time upon vic- lation of any provisions of said Ordir~nces. * Plan Check Fee: ~;;;),. ;<;3 Date Paid: 6:'" 3-rs1 Recc:ipt #: \-3, b '6 72.3 I Signed: if_ Plumbing Perrrdt No person shall construct, instalZ, alter or change any neW cr e=isting plumbir~ or drainage syste~ in whole or in part, unless such person'is the legal possessor of a valid plumber's license, except tr~t a pe~son may do plumbing WorK to property which is owned, leased or operated by the appli- cant. I I * Electrical Perm it Where State Law requires tr~t the electrical work be done by an Eleatrical Contractor, the electricc.l portion of this permit sh~ll not be valid until the label has been signed by the Electrical :7olltractor. * Mechanical Permit I I I I I I i I I * /?~ .~~.e-J) ,Fj,4f1 Examiner v ? ' Vate I HAVE CAREFULLY EXANINED th.e completed application for pemit, and do hereby oertify that all info:omation hereon is true and corrcct, and I further certify that any ar~ all work performed shall be done in accor- dance ~th the Ordin~nces of the City of Springfield, and th~ Lu~s of the State of Oregon pertaining to the work described here~n, c.nd that NO OCCV- PANCY will be made of any struotUl'e without remission of the Building Di- vision. I further certify that o:1.ly contra::Jtol'S and e~ployees who are in co~pliance with ORS 701.05S will be used on this project I I I I I i . ,~/J()(j)n ~),11 ~ -{- , ~. ajqil ~ :}i11:WJJ;;" ..)Ii .:::tln:mll!~' <<.::. .::mrr~uln.'" c..>> ..::itlhUht:... <<.>>"'~HUl%lJ~iii~;\liUt:E!m~:.. c.~ dim:Um~':' <.. ',:iUU:UJW'" ...>> ':::H~:' <<.. '~Hn BeiJlilfi No. Amount Recvd,: $40. 00 Date: 880929 Unit: I 44 NEW LICENSE CITY OF SPRINGFIELD CITY LICENSE 'A 1'.'1- .,. I, ! ' i IN ACCORDANCE WITH EXISTING CITY ORDINANCE, THE FOLLOWING LICENSE IS GRANTED LICENSE TYPF. EXPIRES: . INDEFINITE ROY I EDWARDS 4371 FORSYTHIA STREET SPR.INGFIELD OR 97478 726-7090 ALARM SYSTEM ROY I EDWARDS 4371 FORSYTHIA STREET SPRINGFIELD OR 97478 726-7090 BUSINESS NAME: OWNER NAMI=. ADDRESS: ADDRESS: CITY, STATE, ZIP: CITY, STATE, ZIP: PHONE NUMBER' PHONE NUMBER: LICENSE APPROVAL ~E~ [) .A1tIk DDEAD -~~ 'iJ, ')/17 I DE AR MENT HEAD ~ /pftk DfJ~ IJ~4 /: DATE Approved by the Common Council of the City of Springfield, I :::::::: :::: :::: "NANCE D'REClOR . DATE ~ : ",,"'~.P .;i;"Ii~*~~il';,. ~.>>c,~:~:~~~C~:,,~~~~~: :::":~:~~~."""" ~..,,_ mom'", ! '. ... ....,..-;...:. ..9....;_.......: ..,.....~ l: -.,--_l.'\'. . .,::.;:.,...,.1..._.. ~'. .~....._":-~_.. . ~'~'. ". ...~.:._.. ~ ...'~,~~~~;"-~...:c;;.~~.:~..""~~..:.. .~~ ::...:.. __.r.;" .. _........_.......-r. . .. RESIDENTIAL" APPLICATION /PERI1IT 225 North 5th Street Springfield, Oregon 97477 Building Division 726-3753 Job Location: 4-37/ ~~~~ ! ~ 0;1 05 ;J I (f T= Lot # t()O ?[)() ASGessors Map # Subdivision: Ol.mer: , k!A}{ 1 C(3 7 I ~ fi~Wr ck~ I ~ -:f-k~d;L~~ o C{?;) d- WJtJ Add:ress: Cit;y: .1 I NI?L) 1')<(1 Addition I I Remodel I I Mobile Homa o -3 -~ 1 t!-J Date of Application COnT;T'aC-cOrs General I~ d- Pl.wnbinq El.ectrical. frfechnr.icd Construction Lender Phone: Zip: a(~; Value $SJ 800 ~~~e;: Rcceipt" ;t)t031 JpU-OfC \~ \ t~~~ Signed: ~ Date: ?! -/~ -8'i Lisc.# Erpircs Phone It is the responsibi7..ity of the permit holder to see that a7..7.. inspections are made at the proper time, that each ;;:ddress is rea:iaD:e f1'Om thE street, and that the permi t card is located at the front of the property. ABui!ding Divi:;ion approved p7..an shaU l'emain on tha Buil.ding Sit:: at aU times. PROCEDURE FOR INSPECTION RE"QUEST:CALL 726-3769 (rccorder) state your City designated job number, job a=ess, type of in.:;pec-:;icn reques~ed ar~ when you will be ready for inspcction, Contractors 01' Owners ncme and phone numb cr. Reques"s received cefcre 7:00 ~ :..'iZl. be made the same dc.y, requests mc:ae after '7:00 = wi7..7.. be made the n=t :Jorking day. Reaui~ed TnsDections O SITE" INSPSCTION: To be made after excavation, but prior to set up of _. forms, 0', UllDERSLAB PLU!1BING. ELECTRICAL & !-!ECHA:IICAL: To be made before any work is ~overed. 1] FOOTING!! FOVND,1TION: To be made after trenches are excavated and forms are erected, but prior to pourir~ cencret6. UNDERGROU!.'D PLUMBING, SErlER, W,1TER, DRAINAGE: To be made prior to fil- ,l.ir.g trenches. ~ ~ UNDERFLOOR PLU,','BING & MECHANICAL: To be made prior to in:;tallation of f700r insu7..ation or decking. POST AND BEAM: To be made prior to installation of floor ins~lation 01' deckinq. ROUGH PLU!!BIlIG. ELECTRICAL & MECH- ANICAL: No work is to be covered ,ur.til these inspections have bee~ made and approved, FI,"EPLACE: Prior to pl.acir.g fc.cing materials and before framing inspec- tion.. ,~ :J ~ ~ FP.A.'!ING: Must be requeDted after approval of rough plumbing, el.ectri- cal. & mechanical.. An rOOfing bracing & chimneys, etc. ~~st be ;' camp l.etcd. No work is to be con- ~ eeal.ed until this inspection has .been made and approved. =:J ~ =:J ~ ." Al.l. project conditions, Ducn as the installation of street trees, co~l.etion of the required 7..andsec.pin.g, ete" must be satisfied before the BUILDING FINAL can be requested. FIllAL PLU1,!BIlIG FIlIAL MECHANICAL <2> FINAL BUILDING: The Final Buil.ding Inspection must be requeDted after the Final. Plumbing Electrical., and Mechanical Inspectionn hava been made ,and approved. FINAL ELECTRICAL Your Cit;y Desigr.ated Job Number ID: O INSULATION/V/lPOR BARRIER INSPECTION: To be made after all insul.ation ~n , required vapor CCUTiers CU'e in p7..ace but before any 7..ath, gypsum board 01' wall covering is app7..ied, r:md before any insu7..ation is concealed. ~ DRYWALL INSPECTION: To be made after aU drywaU is in p7..ace, but prior to any taping. %1IJ stf;;;; DEI10LITIO!o' OR !,:OVE:J BUILDI;/GS :J Sanitary sC'..Jer capped at p~opcr<C-::f 7..ir.e ~ Septic tank p~~ed and fil.l.ed with gra~2Z I Pinal. - r"hen above ite.'7ls are cOIITPl.eted ---l and when demolition is complete ~r stru::- ture moved and premises cl.eaned up. , Nobi le Hemes o MASONRY: Steel location, bond beamD, grouting or vertical.s in accordance with V.B.C. Section 2415. ~ Blocking and Set-~p ~ Plumbing connections sewer and water ~ Electrical Connection - Bl.ockins, set-u~ ~ and plumbing connections ~~st b~ approved , before requesting electrical. inspectio~ ~ Accessord Building I Final. - After porcr.es, Skirting, decks, ~ etc. are cvmpl.eted. D AALL MANHOLES AND CLEANOUTS NUST BE ACCESSIBLE, ADJUST/fEllT TO BE 1,!~DE !.T NO C:JST TO CITY I Page 1 of 2 D WOODSTOVE: After instal.7..ation is ccmp leted. D CURB & APPROACH APRON: After forms are erected but prior to pouring coru:rete. o SIDE"WALK & DRIVEWAY: For aU con- crete paving within street right- of-wc.y, to be made after aU exca- vating complete & form work & sub- base material in p7..ace. D !?ENCE: ~'hen compl.;;te -- Provide gates or movabl.e sections through P.U.E, 0' ; JOB No.)(7n ,1Lf~ SOLAR Ar fA":>R E S S R EQ,- . Zorzc: Occu~ancu Gr~~J: :Lot Sq. Ftg. ,% of let CQVerag~ '!! of Stories Total Height i Topogr;zphy LOTTY?E Interior Corner Panhandle Cul-de-sac ITEN , SQ.F'!'G I I I I-;i'~~ ~ I I I I I s;~.~ I I s:-~- I x Value 'Main , Gcrac e , CarDort Accessor~1 TOTAL {'AWE S.D.C. 1.5 x {VCLue) Building Permi t ~O.S?/ '2>-S3 153.0:>1* CH.AF.CE J I I I I State SUl'ch,'lT~e Total Char>ges ITf:!.: NO, I P{::'tW'es FEE Residential (1 bath) Sanitary Sewer ;,'c:.teY' Plumbing Per.::it State SUl'cr.aI'~e Teta! Charoes ':"1'::'/." 8t:!s. Sa. ftc. I ;,D. I I I i..,;1r.:.~':':' N~/Extend Circuits Temporary Service EZe~trical Pe~it State SUl'cha:roe Total ChaI>ces -; 7" :;-,,,~ I i/O. I FEE I I I I I I C.:j,';J..r'7;J2 Furr.ace ETU' S Exhaust Hood llent Fan ;,r::lOasto"Je Permit Issuanc<! Mechanicc.Z Permi t State SUl'chc.roe Totc.l CI->,araea -- ENCROACH/,!E!iT ,e~~rity DZDoait :;toraae "~ain tenar..:Je ~crmi t Total Charoes :urbC"..I t ;ide".JQ lk -='(!n~e 'lectricaZ Label lobi le Home I I I I- 5"'3. 03 ,",~'A':' iY'.~'::;iJ.._;" Cui::" L-COG~ Ti<pe!Cor.st: Be:::.roor:s: Lot Faces - I I Enzrou Sources I I Heat I I I I I I I I T;J":"c P.L. North lEast /South IWest Setbacks I House Carace I t'irCD&aCe WaoGe tOl;e I Acce:;:;. I I I vlatr.r- .lfea.:c!' HQ'~Y"':: F:zes Building Value & Permit This permit is granted on the express condition that the said.conatruction shall, in all respects, conform to the Ordinance adopted by the City of Springfield, incZuding the Zoning Ordinance, reguleting the C!onstF~cticn and use of buildings, and may be suspended or revoked at eny time upon vic- lation of any prDvisions of said Ordinances. * Plumbing Fee: -=?;;) ,. 9:3 3~ 3-fSrl \-=5 b ~ 723 if_ Perrrdt Plan Check Date Paid: IRec<:iDt #: ISigy:ed: No person shall construct, instalZ, a!ter or change eny new or existing plumbir~ or drainage syste~ in whole or in part, unless such person'is the legal possessor of a valid plumber's license, except tr~t a pe~son may do plumbing work to property which is owned, leased or operated by the appli- cant. I I * Electrical Perm it Where State Law requires tr~t the electrical work be done by an Electrical Contractor, the electricc.l vortion of this De~it shall not be valid until the label has been signed by the E7..ectricaz" Com;racr:or. * Mechanical Permit * /?~ ~1 Exc:miner ,~~~ C/ / IJar:e I HAVE CAREFULLY EXA.MINED the completed application for permit, and do hereby certify that all info::-mation hereon is true and, correct, and I further certify that any ar.d all work perfoMled shaZZ be done in accor- dance ~th the Ordinances of the City of Springfield, and th~ L~~s of the * State of OregDn pertaining to the work described herein, end that NO OCCV- PAllCY wiZZ be made of any structul'iJ without p.:mnissioy: of the Building Di- vision. I further certify that only contractOl's and e:npbyees wr.o are in co~p7..iance with ORS 701.05E will be used on this project ,viNJfiJn\ L~--f, I A au f /7/ q! 7,