HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1986-9-23 .. RESIDpa'TIAL" APPLICAT Iv.. /PER!1IT 225 North 5th Street Springfield, Oregon 97477 Building Division 726-3753 ~. Job Location: r,t} ) ! To 5) ~'q c,J T If/A SJ. A8~eSSOr$ Nap /I /~ o d-- 0 2>"""- ,~ I T= Lot /I (){[) g-on Subdivision: LoT /5 I!~UGI0 fA} 00 L) Guner: ~f.,) ElJu) Mil t\ I ' (l? ) I ra~ ~y TIIIA sfJ(J ;lJb h&(JJ Addxoess: ci ty : I NC'_' ~en Phone: Zip: Describe liork: ~~ ~~- M~ Reno.:.s: ..~O~~ Ie ;=-:"C,'712 tj,/z -f~ Data of Applic::ztien ,,:n:::!",::~::O':'.s ]encra. Z. ~. J,k() HiJldTll- ?Lu.'71biro.-? -- .:;Zcct:rica Z KIIJO'. 6LGC-.T. '..te:::r..=r:ic.: l _'ons~r--,ctian L;:r.ner }J / A I : is the res:cor.cibility of the Dermi~ hower to see ~om ~he s~reet, and that the De~t card is located 3u::'?di~=4 Divi::ic"!':. a;:rpro1.,,'ea ;2.an sr.::.Z.Z l")er.-:,::':>i. 0;-: r;h.z ~ 11 0-0 VaZu.s /;(,(JOQ Acs""'ess ~AJsJ, ~i3C.P <()(.91: " . ?ece';:-Yt ~ L) (/'J 1// 07 .' (J It f)5 \ \ \ \ \ \l-\ \ \ ~y ~ / juLJ - () t:- Siqr.ed: Date: Cf/ CI-~{p ---?'0 L;::J1.-i'CS i-,ce':~ <;:.9 -~ ) }'j?-] ~C{C ~l- :; <() - 1"'1,/ --- that aZZ inDpe~tions are ~ade at the p~oper timz, that ~~ch ~ess is rer~-~:~ ~t the frent of tr~ proDer~d. Eu~Zcinp si=~ c= ~ll ,times. ''':C::.::'','.'''E Ffl," T'i5?:::::'I'IO!! P::CU::ST:CALL 726-3769 (rc~ord.er) s::ate !lour City iesigr.::.u:d ,70:; nw::ber, ~o-w.:]s=ca a:-:i L'.~en l-"Oi.J. ;;;ii.. Z, De reaciy .T"'~Yr "':'r:sp~c7;ion, Conr;racr;crs ar uw"ne:-'s r..cme cr.i ;;r..or.c: nU~cr. i.2l oe made r;n~ same ci.c.y, requesr;s T:7ccie c.f=.-::r 7:DO a:n lu....~Z.Z. IX; made rhe n:;x't :JoT'Kir..; c.=:.'. ':CT'.A.i ""'('1.-1 Tr..S,,:)~~~~7:C'Y'..:=; ] S:::E I"/~:-2-:-:~J:/: To be maae cf:;er excava~~cr-, but prier t:; se:: up of form::. ] UtlDE.rtSL/..? ?~~'/._8ItlG,E:LE,~':'PIC::[ (J /.:ECi-:'.~;':I::;~:": ';'0 De maae before any worK is ~ev~red. J F:JDTn;G ~ FO!F/D.1TICN: To be made af~e;~ lOrer-cnes are excavated and form'~ are erected., but prior to pouF~r~ ccncrete. ~ U'rn"'RG"''1""n "ru,mI"~ C:"",'-":O f.I^"'r:''' ......... .,~~_..J _...J ,',,---, 1.L..-. .......,...~... ',1"~") (15!r!:17TJ..c91'o be maie DT'ior to f'i Z- hr.g t:rencnes. Ir#~T-'. ] U!/DE.'?FLOO? !'W:~r.IG f, t-:r::C!fAl.'ICA!o: To be mace Drier ~o ins~a~~ation of 11001' incuZ~tion or decking. ~ POST AND BEAI-!: To be made priOlO to ins~alla~ien of floor ins~lation or deckir.q . i7I PO~/ClJ ?DlF:?I,p.'G. ELEC''J'!?TC!1~ 8 lIECH- ~ A!iICAL: ;.0 :.Jork is 1:0 DC cot:ered ur.til these inspections have beer. made and apvrove~. ] FIPEPLACE: Prior to plccir.g facing ma~erials and before framing inspec- tion. 171 FP.A'~I!1(7: /1uct be requested after ~ approval of rough plumbing, electri- cal & mecr.:misal. AE roofing bracing f, chimneys, et~. ~-'st be ,completed, !Jo LJork is to be CGn- " cec.led until thin inspection has , . b€en made and approved. Your City Desigr~~ed Job Number Is: [2] ~l:SCLA7'ION/VI1POH P.4RPI~R I.~.iS?:::C'J'IC:.:: To be made af~er aU insu~ation <r".a rcauired vapor barriers are in place but before any lath, gypsum beard or wal~ coverina is aPDlied, ar.a before any insulation is ~oncealed.. - .~ JCO a~css, r;~;e Reques~s recei~ed ~ . . . 0.- :.r..:pe~::t.cr. i;c::-~c!,g 7:0:: :::.-: f?1o 005 ~ ! :::~.'.:]LI~:C.~,; c_=? _~_'Jr~:: 3:JIL!)~:.'-:5 ~ Sani::ar;; se'.Jer sapped ::t p~opcrt;: linC! ==:J Septis tank p~~ec. ~.a: filled ~~th ;r=~~: I Final - r"'hen cb::ve ite:'1s are cc,=letc:: ~ a~a ~nen iencZition is ca~ie:e or s:~~~- ture ~cved ani pr~mi3es ~Ze~nei U? , I'obi Ie ficr.:es :=J Blocking :=J Plumbing ~ and Set-up connections sc::wer err"::' L..'cter [RJ DRYr~;/i.LL L.;7SPECT~ON: J'c be made after a~ l =YLJai-" 1-S in place, but prior ~o cny taping. MASONRY: Steel location, bond oeam3, grouting or verticals in accordance witn U.B.C. Section 24]{; . WOODSTO:'E: After installation is compleud. I Electrical Connection - Blockir~, set-u~ I and plumbing connections ~~st c~ C??ro~~i ; before request~ng elec~ri~al ins?e~:cio~ I :=J ACSeSSD1":1' Builc:.ng Final - I.ftcr porcr.es, skirting, de~ks, etc. are cQmple~cd. D All pr~iect conditions, $UC~ as the installation of street trees, co,~le:iDn of the required landsccpir.g, etc., must be satisfied before the BUILDINC FIRAL can be rzquestsd. ] FIIlAL PLU!,~BI!JG ] FINAL /.fECHA.'lICAL ~ FINAL ELEC7'SICI.L ] @ FINAL BUILDING: The' Final Building Inspection must be requeated cfter the Final Plumbir~ Electrical, and Mechar.ical Inspections have been made and approved. o D D CURB & APPROACH A?'OON: After' forms Cll'e crested but prior to pouring co=rete. SIDEWALK Ii DRIVEriAY: For all con- crere paving within street right- of-=y, to be made after all exc;a- vating complete & forr.-z work & sub- base material in plase, "ALL I1ANHOLES AND CLEANOUTS nUST BE ACCES$IBLE, ADJUs::r::,.'T TO BE /~1DE !.T /:0 C;:OST TO CI':'Y o D !'ENCE: k'hen comDlGte -- Provide gates or movable' sections througr. P.U,E. o :'=:::e 1 of 2 JOB ~-lO, ~~D ~~ SOLAR ACCESS REQ,- ~onc: !-1/;z? :.-ot Sq. Ftg. ~ "f lot C.:roerag.:: l of Stones ."otal Height :"opography Occu~ancu Grou~: 7-?--""5 'i'i:ope!Cor.st: <!" ? Beiroor.:s: 1 Lot Faces - # CS> 7i' / /.;/ - LOT TYPE I Enernu Sou.rces Interior I . Sethacks . hea: I P.L. I H014se I Caraae Il'.ccess. I Water- Hr:atc!' COMler INorth I I Hanpc Panhandle lEast I I I I I FircDZacc Cul-de-sac ISm; th I ~ <5'/ I I , wcodstoz;e jwest 1~"7'Z ,I I I l-CO G~ StJ-5'7 ~ Ti.J';1p '-7'~.'.! I SQ.FTG I X fain naee I ~a~crt I ,ccessoru , I ~/T/~A/ ~'f?j'rl TOTAL VALUE IVC~UC) ;.D.C. 1.5 ::: F;ws ~=-" NO, I i..=r--..a' e s FE I I I I I Ii? ~....-e> I I/';~. q Z~S-C:>I ?-7~ 7'6,201 * j I J This permit is granted on the express condition that the said. construction shall, in all respects, conform to the Ordinance adopted by the City of Springfield, incZuding the Zoning Ordinance, regulating the ccnstructien and use of buildings, and may be suspended or revoked at any time upon vie- U7tion of any provisions of said Ordinances. Value Building Value & Permit * Building Permit CHARC:: Plan Check Fee: 66, /:3 Date Paid: ~- /< ~8G. , IR~cci~t #: r3 0?O'7!!f- IS-z-gnea: Cc-- Plumbing Perrrdt State Surcharge Total Charges Plu:~:J:-r:;: Perr::i t I I I I I I No person shall construct, instalZ, alter or change any new cr e:::istir.; plumbir~ or drainage syste~ in whole or in part, unless such person is tr.e legal possessor of a valid plumber's license, except tr~t a De~son me! ce pl~bing work to property which is ow~ed, leased or operated by the a??Zi- cant, esiCzntial (1 bath) ::;-:-:. t::1T'"'d Sewe,!l ::.te'!' State Surcharge T:;tc: Lr.::.~aes I :.v, i I j 2?,-S-C- Electrical Perm it :$. s::;. f"!:~. I I I 12 ~h7~ I I Irnere State Law reouires tr~t the electrical worK be done DY an ~Zectrica: Cont;rac-:or, tne e/...ec-=ricai ;:orr:io'r:. of -:nia perr;zit sri.C.7.i r:o~ be ;;.::~ii U}::::~ tne ~Dei has b~en signee ~y tne Elecrrical ~on=T'CQ=O~. ~/E=ter~ Cir~~its ~crCTY Service .. 'J"r.::.ce ETU'S I ;.c, ~ a1'..... .- -I '" , I I I ~,.-sz>1 I . p -'70 I I 25'< 0/"0 I * :::'''~'':~ ~ J ---- - - I\l\echanical Permtt Electrical Permit State Surcr.a:rae Tota l Cr.:rr>ces :ha:ust Hoo.::. 71t Fan Permit Issua:nce i 'I I I I I I I * l I ! I , ~ <-->~-r"'" . ,. ~ a:=n-z-ner ~- '7-Zb-8'b J.Jare 'oasto:Je Meciumical Permit State Surcharae Total Ch.arap~ El.'CROACHI.~~ENT ~_,.ritu D2Dosit JT'aae ':ntenar.::!e I HAVE CAREFULLY EXAMINED the completed aDDlication for permit, and do hereby certify that all info~ation hereon is true and correct, and I further certify that any ar~ all work perfor.ned shall be done {~ n~Cor- dance :dtJz the Ordin:mces of the City of Springfield, and th2 Lo:..;s of t1:e * State of Oregon pertaining to the worK described herein, ar~ t;~t NO CCC~- Pt.NCY will be made of any structure without permission of the Building Di- vision. I further certif,i that only contractors a;:d c~ployees who are in ca~pliance with CRS 701,05t will be used on this projsct --mi t Tota l CharaeE' 'bcu:: ieLJa lk :ce ,ctrical Labd ,ile Home 4JN q-2f,~gb D.:zte ,'"AI. ANOU.'lT DUE:' tlll~. 6e> Sig'n:;d C I T Y JOB ADDRESS OWNER OF SPRINGFIE' RESIDENTIAL 4":5 7/ .F~7<"s'y' r-'/-/A </ r>~r- :7?a~ FpvV:A:rrp5 ~o~ N-?V;;/J-f?T8 ~~Sr: P LAN 1ECK/CORRECTION L~;\ r.TTY ,lOR # ~6,<)'2 PHONE: CONTRACTOR PHONE: 7517--:;?SSl6 -Items checked below indicate corrections or clarifications of that item is required, Additional information may be found on ___ the reverse side of this form. A corresponding number will be marked on your plans. 'Your'signature on this form is an agreement that, all items'-checked' hereon will' be corrected, and that all work on this project will comply with applicable codes. Signed ---r--fCORRECTIONS REQUIRED - PLUMBING & MECHANICAL- Water heater location MSC 508 Furnace location MSC 704 Appliance protection MSC 508 Fixture clearance 1711 Duct work MSC Ch. 10 Exhaust fans 1205 Wood stove location MSC 502 Combustion air MSC Ch. 6 Showpr - flow control 5308 I Gas meter -'location MSC'2203 1 Ga<; PiQ.inp MSr. r.h, 2? I Cross-connection PSC 1003(;) I Drains PSC Ch. 4, 6 Seweraqe pumps ESC 500-4(a) I I I I -ELECTRICAL- 66 I XI Receptacles ESC 210-52 67 I I Li qhts ESC 210-70 68 I I Panel location ESC 110 69 I I 70 I I 71 I I I I -FIRE PLACE - 72 I I Clearance to combustibles 3707 73 I I Chimnev Anchoraae 3704 ' 74 I I Chimney termination 37-B 75 I I Hearth 3707 76 I I Combustion air 3707 77 I I Rei nforcement 3704 78 I 1 79 I I I 1 - ENERGY CONSERVATION - 80 I I Floor insulation 5303 81 I I Wall insulation 5303 82 1 Y I Ceilina insulation 5303 83 I I Vapor barrier 5303(f) 84 I I Water heater insulation 5308(e) 85 I I Duct insulation 53-F 86 I I Heat loss calculations Req. 5303 87 I X I Hz::,if1T/~ S"Y'S/ ;.-:"-...>.l 88 I' I. /' ' , - I I - MASONRY- 89 I 1 Heiaht Table 24-1 90 I 1 Rei nforcement 24l8,i 91 I I Bolts Table 24-F-6 92 I I 93 I I I I - GENERAL - 94 I I Fence Zoninq 6.09 95 i I Swimminq Pool City Code 7-1-3 96 I I Trees City Code 2-8-5 97 I I Curb Cut 98 I I Drivewav approach 99 I I Manhole - cleanout I I I I I I I I CORRECTIONS REQUIRED 1 2 3 4 5 6 , 7 8 .' 9 ': ',10 >11 12 13 . 14 15 ,16 17 18 19 20 , 21 22 23 ,24 ;/5 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 , 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 ~ .~~l Soil Report 2905(a) Enaineered Foundation 2905(c) 302(b) Engineered Retaining Wall 2308(b) ISpecial Inspection 306 Property line setbacks (Citv Zoninq Code) )( Footinqs - Table 29-A Foundation (Stem wall) Table 29-A IPier size & spacing 2506(a) IFireplace footing 3707(b) IAnchor bolts 2907(e) I IWood foundation 2907(a) 1)( IUnderfloor and roof drains 2910 I I Ground cover 5303 (f) I ICrawl space access 2517(c) I~nd earth <;po~ratinn ~) I~nd beam svstem 2506 IF100r ioist svstem 25-T-J-2 Y IBearina for beams & ,ioists 2518(c) I I Foundation cripple walls 2518 G-6 1 ISubf100r Tables 25-T and R-l 11Craw1 space ventilation 2517 I i 50 51 52 53 -54 55 56 57 I 58 I 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 Stod <;ize and <;oacina 2518 6-1 Bracinq 2518 6-5 -- Headers 2518 6-7 Beams 2506 Cei1inq joist Tables 25-T-J-6 Rafters Table 25-1-1-14 Trusses 3202(a) & 302(b) RoofSheatinq Table 25-R,0 Siding Table 25-M Liqht and Ventilation 1205(a) Glass and Glazing Ch. 54 Exit Facilities 1204 )( Stairs 3305 )( Handrail and Guardrails 3305(j) Chanqe in floor levels 3303 Decks 2517 Attic ventilation 3205 Attic access 3205 Fire resistive const. 1214 )( Smoke Detectors 1210 Roofina Ch. 32 x V , . ....:.:.~... ~')~l ,~1. r; ,:',' .', ,~ -'CORRECTION/ALTERATIONS REQUIRED .: ~i j , , , } ...... . ~.. __._.: ... ~_~___..__ ...;._~.L.._ .~.' _'~...___. ._ _. __ . , '. - --_.._~ - . -.' _.-_.-- .-.. '.li' .j.....f.,. , The corre~tions/alterations listed by numbers below will correspond with the numbers ' .:,,;';:,; , ~:~--1isted on 'the reverse side and the same number wili'appear-ln the p~oper'location'n:a~~ed "'~;::-';~;d;~~}tCJ., '~#_ in red, O~)'ou_r.plans. ___ __ '. ,.... '.:"_::,:::-__:~::--="":::::'~' ,--::',:, ':::, ," ..:.:,:::',:_" __:,~'..' ..~__:,_=:_ "'_'-:==--'.=-:::"-::'::::": , , ',~, 'Fo?n'~, ~,!?~~~~, ,'~~)-'~~?'l :~Yf:i~Pf~~~"'O~:; ,/-.i4lfti;w '4~;~ u -:'/2' ~J:Ti~ ;";;7-:~ ~;~/~~A-~'ab:;; ~~~~":4;;D:~~l)ii1~N;~~ . 7,-P.- . - - / ~ -- , - c-' - ~ ; :~~~- :~4~;: ~:~:;;'7:~~~~d~:~~;;:~:r L~~~._p_ (7 JY/;F/.----~R/;V'-"#-' ':~~-;-~~?0 ''''75F' 7~.~1 ~tP/~ " 76' ~~R; ;;>!T/?'-/?~ 1 ,'/','-'7'/:'.,-. '/ ''/' .,If/, , '- - '., '}'';. r _'-'~~-::~-1R-~--~47F.B~~.s,:"7e-'; c-~~/~ ~._----' ..,:;-:0'-'-.., ...:::-:----'~'.'.:-:':':' :..:~::7.-"..- -'i,-: '~;$-r . ?c:R-7/;~fi~'- ~4:/ ..j--~':-4~2C ~~~45;g.. 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'11-'/1</ /'<;- --(/~T/c~76"h _..~??~~ "'-?~2L-- -:~~- ~~~/; M~}7?--:'if,/b-#' -~-:"/r --/Ios-r;1;"d:%~~~)-. 2~c>;q}j6 ~,;~;---,:;P,~~~; -~;6 't::Y>>-- V '. ~, - e ' -- / _/ / ; tC.~- / I' -. -- ~----v4'~p /h-"c..~~ 25;T:../,~~~~~~L'- '" , ,.-, .'!,/-..-lftptO/AI: ".~--5~~:~/ ~T~-/N' ~:&~~ '6~v:~~f/,&~p?~:,:,' -- ,..~ -5Z-~eff~/U;?~'5 /; &7- ~;.;w;'-67r;;5r~-."-':,' ..~"~, ..".--'--,- a1'6?I'C~hjH~~::'fjpk;;k:'/~'-" E6=c-;77/~~""J?;"&LJ/~~~~h/ 9 'WF7h' :.,-,"'-1 C/r9'&~//-r/c#c.;;"-:/#~~/~~. &.~;r~~~ ~T~/_~~~~ .~, I;gE ~.-?d.7~z;.~ ,~~'~~~~/~~'7~R~ /~:;Z::-r~~~/ ~;---- ," - I..~{_"~c-~o:;.?- t,/~~'~ .. ,.. -.. ,.., - ':- 'ii?L'ILE-/L/)o/~ ',/ij5/v':pr/d-;:-.--'.~ ?g- ?f~~B;,,~~~-.:?o,4s ~~/ ,:-!5'. f57 I ~ Liv/ ~ /fi-~-E' -:",' _____~~<:L. ~E ?.q~V/L'~ ~T#.L~' '~frr:";-' ,--- , I S ~?/ ~/n' ~?~9~; ~/77H;~,7;?T-/h-/~~ 'e;;:g c:z:-. ~ A ,--,Z:-~~~ - ~ -, . .- , -/ - - -" '"' -, I, ' I _. ... -.... - -. - .. . - . Any changes or alterations made after date below Must be approved by the Building Official. I . .... _.. .- _" ,PLANS EXAHINER:, ,'~17N5~~(O~~d,-'=~' ~-~, :--, , DATE: 9-U~.,g'b .. .-.----;-.;...- ... ... :.~~. .:'...... ......, .:...... - . ....... -. .~_..._. .:'. '. ."" ~ '. .. .'.' . ." .".-' ~. !'i~~,ri...;