HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Mechanical 1989-11-6 (2) ... .. RESlDalTlAL.. APPLICAT./PERMIT 225 North 5th Street SpringfieLd, Oregon 97477 BuiLding. Division 726-3753 . Job Laaation: / () '-I '-I Drmd1.tL Sf-. Aoaeoooro Map H ) f.- ();;) -0 (p- /3 - Tax La t II DJ.I /) {) Subdivision: CUnel': .J(,(Uifl lJ(Jh(l~Y1 I D44 .bon~ Sf. AddraD3: City: UN"", n Addition n Remodel n .'!obi.!a lloma Phone .' r/1-f1-- ;}7-3 J q1Lf1J Zip: Describe fl'ol'k: (I \DDcl j n ~(Y ~<;r-uJ-i fIY\ ~ (1)1l<-- / k u -t~ Date of Application Contractors General i Plumbi.ng I t'lechanical IE~"ctri.cal I Superv1."8ing ElectrJciiH1 Value s OOoJJ. ~~--~- ,.. ~ Hcac:pt fi I tg;)-q 5 Sigr:ed: Data: !W- 'I_If) -y~' ,'+-l-. I Add re~~ Li~c. II ".l.drp l'clurd Rec. I~XDires lll,nn~ o INSULATION/VAPOR lMRRIF:R INSPECTION: To:bfJ,made after all imwl,-:tioll a~:.d required vapor carl'iara aI'e in place but cefare any latll, !Typr.wn beard or LXltl covcl'ing is appliod. anli bafol'a any in3u la tion i:; COl1cca led. It 1.0 ths 1"6oponcibility of ths permit holdnI" to Bee that all incpactiomJ are r.ladc at ~}ze proper timE;, tr.at <;c.ch .:ddr683 is raadab:a from ths streot, and that the pc.rmit' card is 1.ocated at the fl'Ont of tll(! propl1l'ty. ~8uiZ.ding DitJicior:., approl,.'ed plan shatt. remain on t}/..S Bu.-:.Z.di'l~ Sit,; at all times. I' ,. , . , PROCEDURE FORI INSPECTION Rs..QUEST:CALL 726-3769 (recorder) state yOUI' City dcsign..1.ted job m~;:ber, job ad6cGs, type of illspec~icll l"atpAestcd al1d,lJhen you /Jill be ready for innpcation, COlltl'actol'S 01' OrJnerlJ name l:.nd phonel number. RQqucnts received befera '1:00 a-:: ;..'UZ be made the same day, requests made after '1: O? ~ will be made Hie next :xJl'kin; da6/J.,) ^ \7/ You~ City Dccig/:atcd Job NwnbGl' 10: 0', U D .r?{!n.II1:~I'!r1 T"PT?",(!Hrmr: O SITE INSPECTION: To be nr.zde after e.:ccavatiorl.. but pnor to set up of forms. D UNDER5MB PLUMBING. ELECTRICAL & . MECHANICAL: To be made before any . ~rk is ~ovcred. o FOOTING ~ FOUNDATION: To be rmdo after trerlcheG are excavated and forma are erected.. but priOl" to 'pouring concret~. UNDSRGROUND PGUMBING~. SEWER. W.1TE[l. ,pRAINAGE: To be made prior to fiZ- Ur.g trenches. D. U/lDERFLDOR PLUMBING & MECHANICAL: , To be made prior to in3taZlation of floor inau1..ation 01' decking. O POST AND BEAM: To be made prior to instaLlation of floor insr.:.lation or decking. . o o ,ROUCH PU.i,A,.'BltlG. Er.ECTRICAL ,I; MECH- ANICAL: No work is to be cotJered ,ur.til these inspections have be~r. made and 'approved. . PIREPLACE: Prior to pk:.cir.g fac~ng materials and before framing inspec-' tion. t FRAMING: Must be requeated afte~ approval 'of rough ptwr.bing.. alectI'i- cal & mechanical. All roofing 'bI'aaing ~ chimneys.. etc. nt"..Ist be .'completed. /10 work is to be can- , cealed untU this inspection has 'been made and approved. D o I,. o DRyr"ALL INSPECTION: Tc be made after'all drywall is in place.. but prior to any taping. I r DE/.10LITIO!} OR ;'.:OVED P,UlLDIilGS =:l Scmital'Y GC".JC1' ;:apped ::t P~OPC}.tii l.ir:a :=] Septi~ tank p:"<',"?.:d and fi Zl~d with gra;;d --, FinaZ - r\?ten axvu it;a.~s are cc::rp'Latcd .--J ana whon demolitior: ia completo or st1'U":- ture moved ane p}'.:r:ri3os cleaned up. Nobi le Flcmer. :==] Blocking and Set-up J Pl.umbing connections sewar ar.d wa ;01' I Electrical Ccur.oction - Blocking, Bot-up ---.J mui. plwnbing com:cctions TTr.ist CO approt:od . before }'equelJting eZec:rical inspac:io:: ~ ACCeSGOl'Y Bui lein.g ] Final - After p~rcr.es, skirting, decks. etc. are compla:.:d. I o , . MASONRY: SteeZ beqma..' g1'OU ting accordance ~th 2415: i 'Loca ti01l, bO;ld 01' verticals in U. B. C. Saction I o All. project conditions, $lwl: Wl tile i.nstallation of sf.}'aat tZ'(J(lS, co:~plati.vn of the required landsccpir:g, etc... must be Gatisfiad beJoI's' tho BUILDING FINAL can be raqueot.$d. D .FIIIAL PLUMBI/Iq o FINAL MECHANICAL D FINAL ELECTRICAL D o FINAL BUILDING: The Final Buildirlg Inspection must be raqwu}tod a/tel' t.ll0 Final PlumbiH[} Electrical<, .and Mechar.ica.l DmpcctiOlUl llaua berJrl,mada arui approv.:-d. o WOODSTOVE: After irwtaZlation iG ccrrrpteted. I . :' , I ~ALL MANHOLES AND CLEANOU,TS If1}ST BE ACCESSTBLE, ADJUSTNEUT TO BE NADf. AT NO C:}ST TO CI'!'Y PagD! of 2 o CURB & APPROACH APRON: After' forms aPe erected but pI.ioI' to poul'ing C!O~rete. SIDEfYA'LK & DRIl'Efv/lY: FOl' all C011- crete paving within Gt}'cct r>ight- of~WGY.. to be made after aZl exca- vating complete & form work & sub- base material in place. ! I II . PENCE: r..?ter. compZ;;tc -- lTovidc ga~eG .or movable {JecticnfJ t1u>ough P.q.E: , .! o D o " ~- ~. I JOB I ,one: NO. , SOLAR A'CCESS , \ \', : OCt.'Upancl/ GI'. - WT TYPE wt Sq. Ftg. $ .;Jf lot CJt)erag~ .1/ of Stories Tota~ Height Topography I lITEM I Main I Ga:raae I Carport l,1aCC880f'lf , SQ. FTC Is.v.c. TOT,1L VALUE {uct.UC) 1.5 :r Bui lding Pct'nrt. t State Surcharge Total C1/fl.'l'ges lITEM I Fixtures I Residential (J bath) I Sani taMJ Sewer' I N~. I I I I r{r.t..?1' Plumbing Pel'r..i t Stato Surcharge Total Char-rW8 jl1'/!.'M I Res. Sa. I NO'1 I ,. I fta. NeLJ/Extend Circui to Temporary Service Eleatl'ical Permit State SUl'cllarqe 'fotal C}1llPC:cs ITSM I NO. n:e I FUrnace ETU'$ Il:xhauB t Hood I I Vent Fan I I Woods tave I I Permit Issuance! Mechanical Pel'mit State Surcharae Tntal Char>aen I -- ENCROACHMENT -- I SecuntlJ Deposit I Storage I Maintenanee I Pcrnri t I Total ChaPQcs I Curbcut I SideLJa ~k Pence Electrical Label 1 Mobile Home I 'f'{J'1',1L AMOUNT DUE: ~ ~.'~1: .. REQ.- I' L-COG'l' , T!iP~~COr.8t: . 1 Setbacks I I House . Carage "Access. I' I II II I : :.' II .1 Bedrooms: I Dot Faces - I I P.[,. [Not'th lEast ISOIdh Ir,ent Intel'iol' COl'nel' Pan hand le Cul-de-cac x 'Value , I & Perm V i I This penn"a ia gronted on the express condition that the sa'id 'conBtrruction shall, 1:n all l'espeqta" conform to the Ol'dinance adopte'd bOy :the City of Sp~'inarield, incZuding phe Zoning Cl'dinance, regulating' the cOl1stl'Uction and use oJ' building8~ and may bC\Duopended 01' revoked at any time upon vic- tat"ion of any provia'ionk of oaid Ordinances. I' , I I" II ~ , ! F:JetJ Energy Soul'ces Heat Tl(oe Water Yeotf'l' Range Fireplace Wood3tove I, lj , ,. . Building Value , . 'i f , , " -I I ; I PI~n Check Pee: ,I I I Date Paid: ., I 1\ IReedpt H: , i 1 I Signed: II 1 PEE CllAllr.e p"'e CHARm; I: I I I I I I I I J :;,{)D I I I/S,{)O I I I I .7'i I I It;'~bl I I I I I , ' I I I I I I I 15,751 CHAliCE" ;P,lumbing Pe'rmit I No pcr:;on ahall cons'trubt, inotaLZ, alter or change any nelJ or existing plwnbing 01' dl'ainage system in\lJhole 01' in part, unless. such person i~ the Zegal p03SeSSOl' of a valid pllunber'o Zicense, except that a pe~Don may do plumbing LJol'k to propel'ty which is or.med, leased 01' operated by tho appli- cant. I, , . I, 'I EI~ctr,ical Permit IlheI'e State DmJ l'equire.8 tr.at the clectI'ical work be done by an Eleatrical Con-tl"Qctor', the electl'i,ca1. portion of this permit shall roOt be valid until the label has been signed by the Electl'ical Contr-actor.1 ' , , ' 1 I I I , ' I I I I Mechanical Permit Plan EXc.m1-lWl' Lla1:e I /f,1VE CAREFULLY EXAMINED the completed application fol' permit, and do he~'eby certify that all. ir.foromation hereon is tl'Ue a1t[l cOl'rcat, and I [w'ther certify that any ar.d all lJ01'k pcrfol':1led shall be done in; accor- dance :.nth the Ordinances of the City of Springfield, and th:: LcT..JS of tho State of Oregon p.cl'taining to the lJOr:k described herein, and that NO accu- PI.NCY will be made of any otructUl'Z without parmi8aio~ of the Building Di- vinion. I further' certify that o~ly .contractor's and empLoyees who are in c~pliance with ORS 701.055 will be used on this project j~~ OJ D~~ :;lUn."xi / / / - c::.. - tf"'CJ Date