HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1982-9-10 . .. RESIDENTIAL" COMBINATION APPLICATION!PEP.MIT 225 North 5th Street Springfield., Oregon 97477 BuiZding Division 726-3753 .rob locman: 2903 DON ST. A....""r. Ibp # \ ~\ Subdivision: a.m.r: ROGER LEAMING Addre.s: 2903 DON ST. my: SPRINGFIELD, OR a.., n Additicn n Rem0d8l n ,'!Dbi1.. ,9ama - SPRINGFlELD- ~. Ta::: Lot M f)~l1OJ Phon.: 747-1477 Zl;>: 97477 Dssari.b. Work: INSTALL SOLAR RESOURCES INTERNATIONAL MARK IV DOMESTIC SOLAR HOT WATER SYSTEM o.rt. of Apptlcaticn '1-/0 -8'--' Valu IJ 50 0 ~cntractcrs Adtbofl83 Gsnsmt CPD SOLAR RESOURCES 2150 PRAIRIE RD. EUG. Ptunrb1:ng DOUG RICHARD PLUMBING 29503 AUBREY LN. EUG. E:tsotricat ,'.I.o/rar.ic:;:t Canstrw:cian LondIno , Rcc:si:; t" .~ f) 50/(,7" Si4r.Bd:?-,)\I ilW . Dat.: 'v'--"f" Lt - /I ) .1,( 1/ L1.8e.1I 39272 20-162PB E::a:'rcs 3/83 3/83 Pr.onc 688-9419 688-3385 It is :JuJ r88'ponaibility of eM ptmrrit holdszo to ... tNrt an insp.ctions ar. r:mU at :ha ;;ropU' ti.mc~ 'r.at 4U:Cn =ddrUB 1.8 rea:a.;!. from the at,...t, and that the p......t oard is located at the front of the proper..". f/9ui.!di.:-v; rr;ui.::ior: crpprat:ad ;lan shatz. ~ on ~ Building Sit# at aLt :1.mBB. pnOaDURE FOR INSPECTION REJJtJES'f: cazt? '0.37" ~ccozocUa-) stat. your City ,usignatGd ioe nwr.bsr, iob at!dzocS8, type of in3pG'ccicn l"equ"stBd ar.d lJ}o.8J'l you :.n;l.Z. b. ready foro inspGcr..CPI, Contract:cJos ~r ~ name and phcne number. RSqw:stB r8csi...Qd a8ja%'e 7:00 a":"I :.n:a be mads the sam. dq, rsqusat. mads aft"" 7:00 a:If r.n:a b. mads the = "",rking day. :>I'Imri.,....d... r':G'.::nr.tlt'l . 0: SIT! IJVSPEC:I0.V: To be mr:uJ.. attn- . ......_",., but prior tc a.t up of fOl'flfll. . UNDERSLAB PLlIHBINC. ELECTRICAL & lofECHA.'IICAL: To ba mactiJ b'fore any fJQl'k is ':OV6l'fId. o D FCOT:tNG ! FOUNDATIO.7: To b. mads a['tw trench.es are &:eaVated and forms are .rect.d, but pr1.cr to pouring ccnars't.. UND!RGROU.lfD P!.lJM!l1NG, SEWER. W.1TE8. DRAINAGE: To oa rrrz.::u priOJO to f'i. j,.- ~",".g 'tNMM8. o o o o o o rJllIJG.....~J)()R !'r.malmC ~ MECHANICAl.: To bs .maa p:M.ol" t(J t.n:lt"aLlatloon of f7,c01' iMULa:tion or choking. POST A.ND BEAM: To ba mczd.c PM.o'l' to inataLLancn of f1.oor inn:.lation 07" dBoking. FI.ol1GFl ?UP..~BI.,,!G. n?CV!!C~!:...4 .\tECH- APICAL: No :.JOrJc is to oe cOL'crea w:t:i Z. those insp8C:ionS haul bell7l ~ and apprcu..:. . FI.".EP!.ACE: PM.or to p1a:i.r.g faaing materials and bejo,.. f"ra1rring inspsc- :ior.. PRAHINC: Mu::lt Of' rsqus3tsd af~iI1' approva.L of l'OUgh pLurrbing# aLecm- cat & .7fechani.:uzL. ALZ roofing bracing ~ ehinDt.cys, 8t.:. m:.:st b. camp Lstcd. !lo wr1c is to be ~- ctlC.L<<i until chia i118~CtiC1l 1tas btltm nr:Jds and approved. lour Olty Ossignatsd ,Job Number I.: O IIVSUUTION/VAPfJR EAR.~R msP~C'!'IO,.,: To b. ~ aftsr aLl. i.nsuZ--ti.:m crtd zoeqIl";:..d lJtZf101" b~ ar. in place but before any lath~ gypsum board Of' wz.z. aovaring i. a;rpliMi~ and b.rorG any inm.Zaticn is conclttZl4d. O DRNALL IllSPEC'!:!ON: Te bG mad8 aftlU" aLl. arywU is in place, but prior to any taping. O NASONRl: St..t to.."Otion, bond . b<<lm3, grouting or 1J~ti.ccz.a in a...-cordance :Ji.th U. B. C. S8ati.cn 241~. D WOODSTOVE: Aft~ installation i.s CCmpL8tcd. O CURB " ,4J'P.rwAC11 _4P.r~:JN: Af'ta:o. ferms are U8Cttul but pl""..or to pourtng .:on..."7'8U. D' SIDE:WALK .f DRnWAY: For all eon- arete paving wtthin streot ~ht. of-u;y, to be mads af't~ aLZ. uca,. vat"';na ccnm1.ste & for::! t.m"k J ::ub- bass nmar1:al in pl.a.::s. O i'E/lCS: :Ihsr. ccmp~t. -- ProvidG gat;; or .~ovabZe SBcti-onS through P.O.S. o PLUMBING Xd. J<f90 I DEJ.!O:JTIO!i OR .v.t::.lt7j 3fJIr.: :.105 :J Sam.~ 1I11J.JC" ::~Fei ::t t"":'PC'"t"i Zir.D :J Ssp'ti..: tank pmpcd w.i t-:'1.i.ad :Jieh ifVJeZ --, FinaL. Jlhm c.bavtl it:::::s are cc!~rpltlt.d . ~ ar.d IJhen :!er.IC~itiar. ia eor.o14-:i or struc- ture movad ar..:: prcm.:us .:' LeanC up. NobiZ. RC:TIes ::J Blocking and SGt-,p ::J Pl.umbing connscticns .- BC,JU' c:nd :.Jato:, ::J EZcctriccl. Ccnn"ctwn - BZ.ack~r4, ,Sot-up and pZumbing acmr.ecticns m-':3t ;. a??roveci bGfore requ4sting eZ..:-:ricaL ~r.sp.c-:iorl ::J A.C:Z.8CO~. 8u.i:.di~ --, fin.:::Z - Aft~r4?:n'e.i-..s, skir'C';rof, dscka, -.J atc. al'8 ccmp:'Jt&a. o Al.Z. FOjaat ecmdi:ions, sue.": as ths -;ns:a:LZat--.:on of S~8t 'erGes, C'::-:p!..:~ of :itg required Landsccpir.g, atc., must oe satisf~od bejar-e tJ... SUIIJ:I.-:;; ?!::AL :an =8 1'3qut1sc:zd. o FIliAL PWM/JING o FINAL MEt:llANICAL o FI.7AL ELEC'11/ICAL ,0 O ..':'IN.4L BlJILDINC: 1'1:e Fina.l. Bui.lding !nspeotion must ba requflotea at:flr :h8 Pinal. numbing F:ZQomcaL, and .'!schar:ical. Insp6ct::Cno hava besn madR and approvad. .ALL ,'.fAt/BOLES AND CrEAllOmS nUS'!' BE .4C~SI3LE, ADJUST!fEllT ':'0 3E .'-t.4CE .1~T NO COs:' TO :rry 12;8 af 2 _ . , .-.. _\ I l.rob I/'oimbcr: &21 L{q 0 , : Zone: OcCUDanc1f Group: !Lot Sq. Ft{;. ;~ ~f lot CQVerag~ !., of Storiss . jTotal aBight ~ ~.""t""'t14""t'hy . P"!IO 2 Ref€'1'er.ce Numbers: . L-COC M: ~.;oe/Cor.st: Bedrooms: I Ene1'lJ]l SOUl'Ces I Heat I I Water' .q~.ntP7* i I Range I I Fil'sr;"lace I t- W00d3tove I. I I -1 I Lot Faces - I I P.L. North. ~ast South IWest T1(oe WT TYPE Interior COr1lsr Panhandle Cul-de-sac I Access. i I I IITEN 1 !Main S~.FTG x GcPaca earoort I AcceB80ru 11 I TOTAL VAWE Is.D.c. IVCt..UC) 1.5", Building P......t State Surahargs Totat Chargea lITEM I Fi:z:ture8 I Residsntlal (1 bath) I sanitary SBWBr I Water I I /10. I FEE I 1 5.00 I I .1 I I I I I PllllllbVlg Penr:l t State Surcr.arge Total Cha:toaes I ITEII I NO.' FEE rRes. Sa. fta. I _1.N<lJ/E:l:tBn<LClrauit"----l_ I Temporary Sl11'Vics I I I I I Ele~tri(!al Permit Stats SuroharQQ TotaL Cha:rt::6. 1.i..'"TSM I FUrnace BTU'S I E::haust Hood I V61lt Fan I WOOdatoV8 liO. FEE Perrrrit Issuanca Ms::hanic:zZ Pemt State BUrchcrae 'Thtal CharORIJ -- ENCROACHNEHT -- I SSC".lritll Dzoosit I Storaqe I tla.inttmanc8 IpC2'I>tit I~ TotaL Cha1"O(!1f j Cl.a>bC'.l: i SidsJ.ia lk l.r;>un::s L~18ctricaz. Labat Mobile H:xne I I TOTAL AMOUNT DUE:' /' Value 5.00 5.20 CHARGE 5.00 .20 5.20 I I I I i CHARGE C!lARCH 10.40 Setooaks Houss Garaqe ?() ..- Faes I I I I I I I l * I I I ,. I Plan Cheek Fee: D<rte Paid: IReceipt N: I Signed: Building Value & Permit This permi t is granted on the ezprSS8 condition that the said aonstruation' shall, in all 1'6Speats, conform to the Ordinance adopted by the City of Springfield, incZuding ths ZOning Crdinance, regulating ths aonstructicn and use of bui7.dings, and m:zy be suapended or revoked. at cny t":.me upon vio- lation of any provisions of said Ordinances. I I I I I i I I 1* I I Electrical Permi t I Tlhere State LaLJ requires ~~1rrt. electrical work be done by an EZscmcal ---6_...:..__:....., :~NJ-el.6ot1"ica1.._p01!.tim1....a!-thi8_permi.t_8hal'L_r.o~.~.~ valid Wltil the Labet has been ai.gned by the EZectriaat Contractor. 'u_ Plumbing Permit No person shatz. construct, instat..l., az.tsr or change any nezu or e::isting plumbing or drainage system in "whole or in part.. unl.ess such person is ths lBgal. possessor of a valid plumber'8 license.. e:cept that a pBrson ma':/ do plumbing work to property whioh is owned, leased or opemted by the appti- "aaJ'It. I I , ' Mechanical Permit I , * Plan E:carm..ner uat;e I HAVE CAREFULLY EXAMINED the completed application for permit, and do hereby cqrtify that all information herS01'I is true and aOl"l"cat, and I further aertify that any ar.d all. lJOrk performed shall. be done in ac~or- dance with the Ordinances of the City of Springfield, and the La::Js of the ,. State of Greg:;n pzrtaining to the wol'k dsscribed hel'ein, end that NO OCCU- PANCY lJi ll. be rmde of any structure lJJithout parmission of tits Building Di- vision. I fu:rther cwtif'iJ that o~ly C01'ltractOl'S and employees who are in cur:pUanae with ORS 701.055 lJJill. be used on this fTl'oject I Y7'1~ ~OJ/1~ I ' sigf.a~' - V j/ C;-/6I~ Date ,- A \ Q. '.lw.lr [\ :-'1":~""" to .-_. <:::::::-~J ?:.?~s# . .' '0; , . ... _~ TPI\ -'~ TEfo'\?~R"~S Vfo:.L.V=. ~IV >-J'~' :11--- -::;- ,- ----- TPR. ,~E.l.I!: r ",oLAf( ("G'.TE' 1 ~' ',: '! VAl..../.. (e.~1::'1,:) 5101:1',;E "A'-'I,"-~ Tf:rJK ___po" I DIP ! (NO AU~ll~t"~ I.... TUe,C. (JiP) V1J:Dtl>. I I " I I .e:- EXISn...c. ,~AS ot1. ,,-"e:c.r, wArm HE:ArE~. AlJJMltJU(^ 'S6L-R,-Do:;p.f',' CO\...t,.Ec..rOR~' G'.rj\;.1~6 DII<(.<;,cr OQ.\V;; Moro('_' ~ L.O~ I C. COI\lT.r:..C>LS , ~ 'e,lI'.CK OiR.C^\s" AC.Y.l1l.6f.Q. PIPE. -t- ~~ A'...!Jlf,I.JU'1I ,C,OL!... :FQN'\E: -4- '\NAn..~ f'fl..rJ r. Gl.:/ct.,- .~.-'l.f:'-"TUe.-e. C.Ol-l-~t:.TOIt l2.~rur..~ .t..INe. --{Jo '-0.,-0. wArm \1.01 IJ.JA~ ,"I o<Jr " 001;;'. CONTR.ul.$ CH~C.!< r"t:!.!:L.va f'fl,.l)W J i "'''TER. 'I I I I I . , ,'. 1 ~ 1 L.2..\~ vA.c. ~_SS.IJl:?E . - -c Cl GF,'.'<>"- - - - - - - ~ T'" ;::=:=_-_-_1 l. ,I ~:v:.l.II',-------t!< P\J,^~ Of'<!.~ , :I" l:so~Arlo';}" / DnI\.t'OCB'-. WALL FL/t~M;$ FlL.'- ",.,0 ,HEAr qi::-;/VJ~~ Dr-A.I ~ '/ ~,L.'l;.S ; UST" OF PM~. TS ,. s~/'J..t!.J-:~aE""""': <';::It..l,..~cro'-,, MOD(~:":;; I 5T-:'N~ L/N'f:.O s:.u>:r.. .si::.e.;t~ TMU:' (':=!.E ~J:lT'!) J GR~~F"O-:' '.Jps ~'J-7.z.F PlJ1'4P I .AM TRoL. E:.I,Pr...r.s.JCN TAtJ1C.. (0"_ ;'Q'}A!-\ J ~....""Trs L 70,"" TEMrD?'PJG. VAL.VI: (on.... EQ:,I.r!t..) I \NArI"'S 10,:)'10, t.. PI,; ~~U:F IIA:..~(rr.IJ<'C~E~~) / wArrs FR.SS. RL""'lIf.r Vl\l:It (SOL,4,r..-OI'!. E';>'~~;), . ,:",r? :5/5 ,.:)......../'\Ju crCC.c.. ~A!.V~ (J!.It.~nZE) IJoJC!. f~.vpAfJ;- ~"'E.ftGy (.30 {),r-,.. Co~rP"(J~ ~P'-:.,'JZE GMr=. vA.,-'jt= ~ SOt..Ai:::. L.ooP 2>RfJ~J2~ GAr!: V"LV~S . c......:w (S J:C To ,,;"r:l";rCff\ J'3.ft?oJ'af.. 'PitAI~ "^~Vt..s. w/H.c'"iG. c.o.....NEc.ro'=. WA,;"o;..l':./Pl'1...:f:. ~YC()L VoI/COi'l.C65\OJoJ _/l'JrlIUJClrolt. y'2. oft 3/'l TirE M oe. L cop(Jr;;:(2. TVGIrJ" Z!\PCOTE (&J'E.~IOI"_) .."'JO 11\.4, c.oAl'),/~ \NA~ Ip.JSULA ne- rnEfVw'iO COr.tpc..E:. .:sro~ seNSoRS MI~<. capO?. Flm,.J~S '. OLOE. ~ V"IHIlc.. 11J,~ LINt. FL4)vv /"'t.12!J2. . Iw- LINe i11fEl'_tv:OMe;-rt..1't. tCr...Ll.. l!EIVIt.,J LUJe:) ~MrI(OL. Ft.oJl..T .rYK ~l.e. V~Nr (~n..EQ'J^L\ /'IoT~: r~/'JK.S VSED ARE: FORO rc.F ~'5-15V). rC.p 80..2.0 LO oR 5EPCC. bO'SNR-IOw--'J5t..D eo SNR ./Ow-LoI..D . I I '3 1> .<( >< " )( ", I . I " 9. PI<OP. Gl...Y (,0'- (VOLI~^,E) SO Fi?E.E:ZlNC, polNI ("F) -')'1 , " PISTRle,Un::O 6i: CLOSED LOOP SYSTeM Cpo SO,-1'I1t RE:5llur1Cf:$ , SOL-R.-8EAM PtSo PQAli?lE RD. EuCoEO.NE.') OQ.EG;ON NONE ?r\: €'88-q't,q ..' ___u 0_ ...._ ... . - -... -- ~O~ :(I)Oo-Jc.'-_~ ,c-;ALL- ,:Sov'J~ .. WITH ~EA1~ OClcc:r:o,.,,), ~) t:OR'\rJ:. SC>:J:H '\R.:.-::';1tJ':; SCAU Si~<.;\~:: \'1'\N'5-. us_~O. -'.'.,-.::-:;::.-.-...__.... \.,},~_L5'; D".101.1.......nSE: r-brc.-O .... .:. ..:sH<::vv.",;' rC~ c:~t,!r...;..J'J\E.Nc..€. c.~f~1 ... , " , ,1 '. " Manufactured by: (Name) Solar Resourcei International (Address) 1735 E. Indian School Road " ' Phoenix. Arizona 85016 " , Model ~ SOL-R-BEAM (SB201\ Serial ~ Gross collector Area '.3113 (14.~]}1\2(ft2) Cover Plate '1 .249 (13.44) Collector Dimensions: Length 2 ;436 (8. 0 ) m (ft) width .558 (;.833) m (ft) . Collector Weight Fluid Capacity Maximum Flow Rate: ".338 (25.0' kg (lbs) L (Gals) 2 .781 (.735 \ Liquid " 47.36,(0.75\ mLls (gpm) Lis (SCFM) Air Max~um operating Pressure 689.3 (100' kpa Gauge (Psi G) Maximum Operating Temperature:. 204.9 (400) oC (OF) Maximum Loads: Wind ',97 (25.0\ Pascals (psf) Pascals (psi>. I , " Snow Thermal Efficiency: i , I il 'i, Slope -1.773 (-;'3129\" W/m2.OK (BTU/h.r.oF) Y Intercept 0.607 '.001_1.262*P+.565*p2 9rp;.,.~I,", - - 1.~ Incident Angle Modifier Use Restrictions: .. -NONE- '" <'i' ~;. ' ,. " (Attachment IV) . , '. . e c..' C.OLLEC.iClR. lILT ANGLE. I DEGf\EZS. ?. f\aai'",ANGLc/ D~G"'EE S p..L; f.,Ei\f\ LEG LENGi\-l1 !.Nc..\'\ES L~" LONGiTUDINAL e.AAC.E U.NGTl-l') I. NCH::S ' 5 :: 5f'Ac'Il>:G e.E1'WE.EN :.L..E.E.PE.P.;. r I~\o ' ," , J,I .' \ ~ ~ ::-.," ,C> ;:. (J.<<7 , I RL , , ~c/ !v SlEEPEl<?':> MI,J':Ji e.E IIlCSTC\.\EP 'To ':>ioP 'NA.'\E.R D,I>.M PRDl'Ol "", ,I I ,I - ,~ ___ -j1-":'.1\ =-- 5:I~ -~\ ' ~::;. , . . . i i /' '- _ LB Y' :;\JS.~ lOP c.1'l0;>'0 01\ A.A;.-"~ ... .' t:: I"" l' SUo" 0 ,=,.,.1 C' ",""" U C "j"' I '=' r= - S' D r=. V I 50 W: ..\.;ii .. ".' ~... \,,1..- .- . :.. . C5oASi-WE S T', "rRAC:, lNG) . ,~. .. . ' .,. , ' .. .' . ' -..0 ROOf e II\CUNT PETA IL ':> . :":',1 I e, . .. ( ) \'.' '. " I ,i:I' " ~ AL..VMltJU/Yl r I.C:G suPPofl,i i -..-- . . i ;"'; I ...-V4\IYz."I..AG I iJiUl,-----~ .sC~EWS ("Ie....) : 1.1......;; /" i .2)(,LJ :............, K' ..Ml>u.H1NC. e....oc."- 'CEO/l~ o~"?-l" ,~ ~ . i ~EI\TE () " '~~ I I; 't>RA 11..1 , , __u___.._,__' 4-:~..~1::=:.=~.::.~r CHIINNtLS i,'V4 ')(;i:'l./jG~'CRW:W ~l'~-...... ::~:;i'~C;- '. , II r -r.;' . '~on: \.i'I" eo..." ,/1,' HI'I';.,SIWC.ONI'i. ' I' ~ I I S,E.IILIIN. i: /, I' 1.-', ~~^~i'E.R~R ' ,>l I,', ,:''liTR\lC.TIlA,...1. M"'M~E.Il." ',' 11,1 ','",'",."" '.,,' .L- II ' Ii I I i I, I,. (All ~c.n:', (tOClr Armc..r1M\,:,""\lT "S\'tf>>1.l.. P..-= l::)nl~ M81tc ,,' ,,'" LA'J on.. [&] i='Qa.. A,oomclN/ ,'II\\\""\)fl.MM"\C'N S~"'E. 'WI!'lO \.CI'ID', C.AI...c..\'H.^"no~~' '" ':',;/>: :.' ,',' ", . ", ,..., .,,:'. ,',- .":, . " ,,' '"" '::',:', .'... '...,",. , '.' ,.' .... ,';. " " .,". ,,'. , ..... I'. 'f!;!Ji:, ',^{<; . . .' .~ ': i : t ~ .: . ':' .,.., ';'" -'..' I: I. ., '. ,. . ' .,'. ," ,":1 . ";'~>'::":":'i';''''; ~',. . : ..." '," I . ~ " , ~ i il I ',:_../ :... .. ..~. " 'i '. ,:,:1 "ii"i:;::':;" \',::,:r'::;";:,: . :?t:;:::;.'1 SlJf'PtI>(l.T' :- ":,", I I, I: I: , ',.", .... . '.,' ,!'..:.f..... " ~ ',' ',': , " \ ~ ~ .1 'I AUJM. II 11M" ~JJ., '---- --- eI..Oc.\'- - 11.001'" '" (, _SHc;'/\Tll"'''''' \.... "^,,""'" _ i~ Icd ^lAI (rvi".') ....... ':, ~I"'('.:t", ~~l III " ' " ..,' .- ';.:,.:' .'. i'.".. ".",'. ':--...... IlII " It.' I II )11 , , ~ I : f I 1 I: ! ' I ~ : '.:., !,..\ . Jf ../ I ~"L -- I 'J " ,.... , ". . "[ ~... I " r:: \\ ~.. MNI'I C"R.. 'N~n ...l"I\c.~ : '..' y .2.'lJ~i~ 'W/W"~I~CYl.. ':o,~t>> '\"(> FI'I" ' ' i ' i; I I, I ',' I , ' 1 I I ,I , : ( \ , " .), I' .: \ 0'1> SOL.I\It. (U:. :'01,/ Il.c.c.... el~O f"~,n.lr;: (4ol\~ e:vvENt:,~. otl*()~ 7/101 a"'L. NOt" ,,"l:> ::41\1.e: