HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Miscellaneous 1982-8-3 .. RESI~NT~AL" COMBINATION APPLICATION/PKP.MIT 225 North 5th Street SpringfieZd. Oregon 97477 Building Division 726-J75J .,,~ . - Rcce-:'::Jt i! 1..c:;-"1 ,;::::;; / () - SPRINGFlELD- ~.'=~ , . . 1%, Job LDc~ti.07I: -!)~jl6 X)!5JJ / ,~j-_,.!.__~ # \1 n~ ::J""\ Q \ ' nlqe>o \ Jl}\'~'Iv'l1'tf<t,l~ f\ r9c~~6 A')rm(~+-. -Phona: (47-/,~~ ~n.JOC1'~ - Zip: 9)),/7'7- i ASQssoor.s Map Subdivisi.on: CC:.mGr: Addrss3: City: Q,~, n Additicn nRerno.:!.L n ,'.!obila Yarra Tc: [,ot # DfUlaM.b. Work: r~~ r;'-/~ - ~.0 Da/;a of AppLicatic>t :,:ont:rac'tors h'-)(~~ ,~ Jn~l\1- i 0) - GanaraL PLumbing E1.ectricaL ,',Jo:har.ic.:L Construction l.1t1IIUno vaLCP;r; ?[1/)() ~ p,~~" ;.~ Y1:rt. Addrllss /5. ()() 6'60 ...-- . )5.60 Si.qr.ad: Date: fBk -l"9 -x tf). Lise.' EroircB Phone l~t'_: It is :hs rsspono1..lri.1.i.ty of tlw pGl'm'it hcldsr to 8.. :hat aLl. inapaatWns azoll r.Iads at :hs pro;;ar time, t1-.at ccch :ddr880 i.s r.a:!a.;~oil from tM str..t, and that" tJuJ pG7T1fi.t card is l..:Jcated at t:JuJ front of tho praputy. tSui?d.i.ng !Xvi.cior: approvsd Flan shalZ ztCft%'in on t;,. Building Sit:z at aLl t1.mss. P~tmE POR IlISPECTrON REQUEST: Caz.t.11 CrccordJut} stat. your Ci.ty a.signatsd job 1'fUlr.bIl1', job ati.drcS8, typa of in.:tpacticn reque.tstt a1".a w.io",," you 1Jf,~f bll ready fOl" inspect-.:m.~ Contractol"8 Ol" Q.mar" ncm6' cru:i. phana number. RSquB.CB r6'c6'io:Gd b6'fcre 7;00 a::'f '. .'iH !HI ntzdII the """'. ~. l'8qlUBtB mcda aft=- 7:00 "" LliH ba ntzdII tho = ""rkin;; ~. ~iIf,,,ui ,,=...t., T...I"''''~'1IO . 0: srrs INSPEC':'IO,Y; To b" fIadtI aftno cccaua~ but pM.or to .1It up of fo...... '0 1JNDF:FISLA8 FWHBING. ELEt:TRICAL & . MECHA.'JICAl.: To b. matU o.tor. any work is ..:ovarcd. o o FOOTING' ~ FOUNDATION: To ba ntzdII attar trenches are ccauatlld and forma arll ereot.d, but prier to pouring CCM'l"et.:. UND::RG.'f1OU,I,'D PtlJMSlNC\ SE:fIER. !'liTE:'?, D.~IflAGE: To be rrrz:U prt.C'l" to fi,/,.. L i,.".g tl"fmCMS. o UNDE!!FWOR PLW.'BING d .~fE~ANICAL: To "e .mda pnor to in3taL.Z4t1.Ol'l of {t.001' il'l8ULarion or tUcking. POST' AND BEAN: To be rr.atU pri.oro to inataLl..::t1.C1l of floor i1tBUZarior. or dacki.1Vj. .~Ilq1f PUr.~'lI"J.ti.. ~EC1'RTC,t!:, ~ ,\fEeH.. ARICAL: No :JOr1c is to oc COL'n-ea w:'ti 1. thes. inspec:--:.c,..s have beer. ntzdII and apJ'l'OV.c. ' FI!'.sFLACE: Frier to pZ=ir.g fccin(J mctert.aLs and before j'rarrting il'lspsc-- tior.. o o o D PRANfllC: Mu3t be rIICWlt1tsd aftU' approvaL of rough plWr.bing, BLecm- c:aL 4 :1'I.,chani.:uzL. AlZ roOfing bracing ~ chimrtcys, 8t..:. nr..:st :'8 camp Leted. No wl"k is to b8 con- c8cLlId until thio ins08Cticn has b881'1 ~ cmd approv.Ki. )(,!J/I/7 J - O IllSULATION/V/jp('J~ BARRIER .msP~C'1'IOlV: - DEUO::.ITIO!l OR .'o1Ot7' 3UIr.::.1GS To b. ~ aftD" aLL iNNL.::t"-::m ana: ~..Hd vapO'l" b~ aN in plac8 I:z<t bafera any Lath. fl1Ipl1U1ll board or wz.z. cove-ing is appt.i..d. a:1'ftI bafore any inauLation is ccm.c:sal4d. Y_ City Dari.grrt:tad .lob NumbIZl' Ia: O DR'!WALL IIISFECT~N: Te ba ntzdII aft8%" aLL dryt.laLL is in place, I:z<t prior to any taping. O HASlJNRY: St8d L........~.,., bond . b8Cml3, grou:i"'] or VlI"l"ticata in (L.._...:.,...,. tJith U.B.C. Section 2415. ~ ;/(JOOSTOn, AftlZl' instaLLation ia l,l5J ccmpL8ud. O CUHB of Al'PF?()ACH AP.f?O": Attar forms .::re er8ct4d but pl"":.or to pouring ..:on..."T6U. O SIDE',{ALK d :JRrIKWAY: For aU can- ~t8 paving fJithin strest M.ght- of-wc.y~ to be mads att.,. aLl. ezca.. va'ting cc::mpwt. d f'()"f"::t r.mok cf ~- bas. nct8:r'iaL in ;;La.:::e. o o t'ENCE: ~Qn oompL.i:t4 -- Provi.t!.s ga;;; or :TfOt1ab lQ' sections through F,U.E, ) :J Sani.~ SGJn' ~ar:pei =t ~&:"t:"i Zir." ::J S8pti.:: tan1c F"..;mpcd a:-..: fi.'L'Z.d :;ith ;rcr:;aL :J FinaL.. JIMn c.D:;ve it:~a artl ccr.rpLQ'tBd . ar~ when dGmC!ition is c~L.tQ or struc- turtl mD1J8d ar.d prcri.3n ~Z.4CD1C up. 'MobiL4 Heme. =:J Blocking and S8t-~? =:J Plumbing conn4Ctians -- st:.J81" art! :..ta:8r --, EZcotric~~ CC7'ln.ct~ - 8locki~4 ~ S8t-UP. ---.J and plUIftD1.11g .;om:.ct-:.al'lS ~":3t :8 f:l??zoovaa boforc requssting 8L4.::ricci. ::r.sp8c-:io:-: :J Ac~..sOZ'!,' Bui.:din: :J Fin:.zL - Aft~r.?:;rc.1:GS, sk:::rti"f. dscks, eeo. are ccmp~Jt~a. o All. projeat cortdi-:i.ons. such as tM ins:a:LUrt'::ol'l of Str'88t =rUB, c~LJ=i..:m of ;iuz rsquired l4w:isc:::pi.1-.g, etc. ~ nrust 08 satisfiad betore :Jo.s 3lJIUI.-:a FI.:'AL ~ =_ r3quast3d. ~ o FINAL FLlIMBIRC o fINAL llECHANICAL .0 FI.VAL ELECTRICAL o o FIN.a BUILDINC: 'n:a FinaL Building !l'lBp8crion ~t bo l"equaot8::! af":lll" :i-.s FinaL ?!wr.bin; nac't1"'ical, and .'!echar.i.caL Inspacticno kavo b881t mads and approvsd. .ALL UANHOLES AND CLEAIlOlJTS UUST BE ACCESSIBl.E, ADJUsr.fENT :0 3E MADE '/:1 NO cas; TO ';I'!! I F::';1l of.c I .. , _I NO. FEE I I I I 'I) IJ/5.M) I I I I )f) .(){) I !,L);()()! I ,/"n I I }, ~.I-. ()l - j.rOb Number: ~:2 / I J 7 I 1 Zona: I i[,ot Sq, Ft;g. ! ~, ;;[ Zat C3Veragc ! #' of Storiee I ! TotaL Haight ;lopography IITEII "Main ecra.ae i I Caroort I Acces80l'11 1 I IS,D.C. S~.FTG TOTAL VALUE fVCt.UCJ 1.5 :r BuiLding Parrrrit State suroharge Total. Cha.~ea I ITEM NO, 1,'Firturss I ReaidentiaL (J bath) Sanit::n-y SfllJ6ZO Wat:.,. I Plumbing Parrrri t State Surd".a.rge Total CharaBs iITEI! Rlls. Sa. '1;a. _NEJJiE:rJ;B1!d...ci.rauioZP I Temporary SS1*'IJiCB I I Els:::mcal. PtU'm'it S'tats Suraharqs Total. Chmo~BS lITEM IF'urn.::ce !!TU'S I E:::haust Hood I: Vent Fan IWoodstoV8 Permit I38ua:nca Me:::hanic::Z Permit State SUrcharae '1'rrto! Charop.lJ -- ENCROACHIlENT -- IS6~~t~ DeDOsit I. Storage l}!,fain't~e Permit Tetal Charoc8 Cul'bC"..4.:- SidewaLk I Pen:.::e I ElectricaL Labat I.l>fobils Homs I I "TOTAL AMOUNT DUE:- . Occmpancy Gl'OU_17: LOT TYPE Interior Corner PanhandLe Cul-de-sac x Value FEE CRARGE I NO. I FEE CHARGE 1 1 i CIIARCE I I I I I I I c.1J /1 ~I 6() Pago 2 --_....-....-,- I Referer:ce Numbers: . L-COG #,. Type/Cor.at: Bedrooms: I I Enel'au Sources I I ,ijeat I I Watel'" _l!f!'.n1;/?l" I I Range I I Firep7Ace I I Wo0d3tove II " Tu-oe I [,ot Faoes - I Setback11 I P.L. House Caraqe Access. INorth lEast ISouth jWest ..- Fees I I I I I I I. I, I I I \- Building Value & Permit This pel'mit io granted on the express condition that the said construotion' shatl, in all respeots, conform to the Ordinance adopted by the City of Springfield, incZuding the ZOning Ordinance, regul.ating the construction and use of buiUings, and may be suspB7'tlied or revoked at cny t"'.:.me upon vio- lation of any provisions of said Ordinances. IPlan Check Fee: I Date Paid: I Recdpt #: I Signed: I 1 1 I I I I I I- I Plumbing Permit No person ehazt construct, install, alter or change any n8Zl1 or msting p1.umbing or drainage syste:rr in 'whole or in part, unless such person is ths legal. possessor of a valid pl.umber's license, e:J:Cept that a person may do pLumbing wrk to property which is ownsd, Laaaed or operated by tho appLi- 'cant. . Elect.Lis.e1 Permi t I Where Stats La14 requirs8 tr.at the eleotrical work be dons by an El.llctrical --Can-tmotoJ'r-tft9 f11D""bt-r".fl.aL_par.tian_af_this_permi,.t shaU r..ot bs va_lid until. I tho LabeL hae bean signed by tho ElecmcaL Con~r. - ", . ,- , I 1 1 l ' Mechanical Permit Pl.an E:r:aminer va." I HAVE CAREFULLY EXANINED the oompleted appL.ication for permit, and do hereby certify that aU information hereon is trus and oorrcct, and I ".aoty..er certify that any ar.d azt lJOl'k pSl'formed shaH be done in acaol'- dance :.>i.th the Ordinances of tho City of SpringfieLd, and th. L=e of tha .. Stats of OregQn psrtaining to ths work described herein, c:nd that NO OCCU- PANCY !.Jill be nude at any structure IJithout permission of the Building Di- vision. I fwother oertify that o:tly contractors ar.d e:npz.:..,yees lJh9 are in ct:mpl.iance lJith ORS 701.055 wiU be used on this project - ~ ;AI ~O(f'C"+ ,,~.:&" "(1 ~ Signed V :5 J~ ~ ill"CJ.' Date '\I