HomeMy WebLinkAboutMiscellaneous Compliance Report 2010-11-22 SPRINGFIELD ~::3~.::';"'I::.':! , , ,;-.:niiJlJilj]JJI!1}E"t' ~:[;fJ -.;:y;,~~ T ,_~":' f:' (:fi ~~ Ci) l;$'~j . ! { II L ;;! t. q ; ~::s v / ~ ., .:j, e-( :J Dt~~."tt~;~E-~~ s'~r:~r-ltES-D,:~."'R'T\'lEl~T . - - - j11.J~~~i~~ii'~:' , ,,,'tJ,,,",i~~k,'l,,,,~$,:~,%'_~ _ ..,~"",-r.'..~'::'-Qr,f ",'-"~*W~~~'-~-'"'.it'~~~ .~~:~mtl- - -~ '- ~~ .;r" - _.~':;~P;tJ;~ ;, ~A~ --\A 225 FIFTH STREET SP,c~'INGFIELO, OR 97'{77 PHONE (541)726-3753 FAX (547)726-3689 \-',II\lV/. ci. springfielo'. or. us HIGH-EFFICIENCY LIGHTING SYSTEMS OREGON RESIDENTIAL SPECIALTY CODE (ORSC) Permit No.: 5~(O - (Jot"!) Jurisdiction Sire Address lftt4"!J t:::,/qC(Cf Vie0 (.)r SuIJclivision/Lot: L6J- ~ '63 :Iud/or iVlap and Tax Lot: f W~:)-- t../r",ts. , By n1Y signature below, I 'certify th8t a minimU111 of 0 fifty (50) percent, *(3. seventy-five (75) percent, of the penTlanently instalied lighting fIxtures in the above mention'ed louilding have been installed with compact or lineal" tlllorescent, or a lighting source that has a mininHlIn efficacy bf 40 lumens per input watt. (Oregon Residential Specialty CDde Nl1072)1 * Check the 75% bDx if the additional measure selected to comply with ORSC NI 101.1 and Table Nl 101. I (2) requires 75% of lighting fixtures to have energy efficient lamps Signed: Date: 11-;1)...-- /() OIII":1ctodAuthol"ized f\gtnt PI'in! N,II11e: ;; , r:-'-' Oloi'roj'" Contractor's CCB # nJ5;)i(> Expiration Date: g-Io -/2, i ORSC See (ion NJ 107_2 High-Efficiency Lighting Systems. j\ minimum of fifty (SO) percent of Ih;:=- jJennanenlly lnstalltd lighting fixrures, Sf:vtllty-five (75%) percent; if the selected additional energy cock measures in th,: Tab)e N 1101.](2) rtCJl1irE:s gre::llci" lighting efficiency, skill be il1stJiied with compllct or lIne,lr flllore~celli, or;J 1iglllill~ ,::,:;urcc that h8S 8. rninimurn e:f!iGiCY of -.10 IUITlens per illplll wall. Scrc'.v-in compact fluorescent ],tnlPS comply with this J'tquir::ly,enl. rhe Building offici,ll sho:l! be !ic,lii'iul ill \-' riling 8t the flll,l1 illSiJtClicJIi 11111',. i: minil1lllm of tilt lTqulrtiJ pe:rcenl;\g(' lJi"iht