HomeMy WebLinkAboutMiscellaneous Compliance Report 2010-4-22 ~ 5 P R I N G FIe: L 0 ';":c':k';;,c:c,"~''1 , , c J J;-:;'?;:f;":.~.::r'1'7'll"~~~~'f~~T{;~~~lji! 1,., ....J_ '~""''''~~"1'ii-~ ; c' 'r ,h,' !If .,.~~ ~ Li;f;.~7.J.,;.d..l I J J:::Jii1::{ ~ JJ'./'o$J fJ UJ.; "" 1 !,J-')J t-$:';;'.:E;~~';'>~S-'::'; --~'''~~":' H\"~.;:~~.';:~,~.'~~ifii;'f#~~~;C~f~~~ SE~otl'::;'~E~"T SEF~;ll~ES';-E;AT'n1~ ,. '~=$'~~"="~~~1l1\,;: ~~T! -~Wl 225 FIFTH STREET SPR:iNGFIELD, OR 974"t7 PHONE (541)726-3753 FAX (541)726-3689 v/ww. ci.springfleld. or. us HIGH-EFFICIENCY LIGHTING SYSTEJvlS 'OREGON RESIDENTIAL SrEC!i\LTY CODE (ORSC) Permit No,: SM' - afl'fG I JurisdictiUl! Site Address: X3 :> Afi~ Subclivisioll/Lot: /A 11 ;'IIHI/O r Map and Tax Lot: t..re--6f - tull""b B:,/ lTJY signature below, 1 certify tho't arninimum of 0 fifty (50) percent, *~ seventy-five (75) percent, of the penTlanently instailed lighting fixtures il) the above mentlOn'tcl building have been installed \\;ith compact or lilleal" flllorescent) or a lighting sour~'e th'at has a miniJ11llJ11 efflcClcy bf 40 lumens per input V{att. (Oregon Resiclentlal Specialty Code NII07.2)1 * Check the 75% box if the additional measure sdected to comply with ORSC NIl 01 I and Table NIl 01,1 (2) requires 75% of lighting fixtures to have energy efflclent lamps. Sighed: Dote: 1(- 22-10 COlltr2ctor/Authorized Agent PI'ill t a N~ll11e: T~Dy.(/Y,~ Contractor"s CCB H O:J5:2f(> Expi,'atioll D<1te: '!- 10 - It ! ()RSC Section I'-Jl lOTJQ. High-Efflciency Lighting Systems, ;\ minimum (If fifty (50) percellt oftl1f' l-'errn311ently installed lighlJng fixtures, seventy-iive (75'10) percent; if the selected arJdition~tI enel'gy code. IW::f\SU!"(:S in 11"1,:: Table N 1101,1(2) requires ::;,rt'Oli,,:r jigh1inS. tfficiency, shzll] be illslaiied \Vitll comp8ct or lineiH fluore.':cerJi, (11- <J ji:;:,htill~ ':ource that lias ,I minirl1unl crflcacy of ..!(IllIn'I,~ns pel' inplll walL Scrc'.v-in compact fluorescent L-lrnps cumply \'Jitb this I,tquir'.:menr. '\~ht Bliilding offlci"l s11<1\l be: )Kdlriecl ill ,-,...riling at the: (111{1'11I1SiJtct'lon Ill"" ,: mlllll"illlrn of the required jJ(:fCi.:nt:lsl.' or Ihe