HomeMy WebLinkAboutDeed APPLICANT 11/18/2010 -~.-._. . FORM No. 961 _ BARGAIN AND SALE DEED':' STATUTORY FORM (Individual Grantor). . STEVENS-NESS LAW PUBUSHING co., PORnANO. OR __s1~,oom NO PART OF ANY STEVENS.NESS FORM MAY BE AEPRODUCED IN ANY FORM OR BY ANY ELECTRONIC OR MECHANICAL MEANS. e ;NN __~~_11;_~__11~__~_~9_1/~_________________________________ _.l:L85-_i1a~_~tl'1!ect________________________________ _JE1L9eJlec_CUl_~7_4Cl1________________________________ Grantor's Name and Addren . _.JAMES_.M.__BROlIIN..__lRUSIELflLJ.HL________ _.JAMES_.M__BROlIIILRElIilCABLLIRUSL_______ _l3.B5-_i1aLStl'1!e.t..,_Eunene_ilL91!OL____ Grantee'a NaIM iU\'d-Add_ After I"9(:Ording, return ttl(Narne, Address, Zip': _llaJOiJ!JL_Jr_._Jll"llOLD__________________c_____________ __4o.a__CllUntl"~-Clllb.-Roa.cL..sLLit.e-.35!L----- _JEllgeJl~_!Ul_c9]_4Cl1________________________________ Untill"lllquested otherwise. .,.,nd all tax statemeR15 to (Name, Address, Zip): __~9_fD~_~__I1,__~_r!~'_~D_.__l~y~_t~_~____________________ __!J_~p__!lg~__~tr:~~_t________________________________ _JEiLgelle._!Ul_:9]_4Cl1________________________________ STATE OF OREGON, } ss. County of _________________________ I certify that the within instrument was received for recording on ________________________, at ____________ o'clock _____.M., and recorded in booklreellvolume No. __________ on page _________ SPACE RESERVED and/or as fee/filelinstrumentlmicrofilm/receplion ,. R Division of Chief Deputy Cle~k Lane County Deeds and Reco~ds , l~~~.~12~~~ 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 $71,00 00783924200600129090100106 02/27/2006 11:16:28 AM RPR-DEED Cnt=l Stn=5 CASHIER 02 $50.00 $11,00 $10,00 BARGAtN AND SALE DEED - STATUTORY FORM (INDIVIDUAL GRANTOR) __________;[~l1~~_l1<__~FlQ!i~_____________________________________________________________________________________n______________ _____~____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________, (Jranto~ v JAMES M. BROWN TRUSTEE :OF THE JAMES M. BROWN REVOCABLE TRUST con eys to ________________________~_____________________________________________________________________________________--------- ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ . ____ , (Jrantee the following real property situated in ____J-'!.n~__________u__________u County, Oregon, to-wit: ------- ---- , All interest I may own in any real property located in Lane County, Oregon induding the property set forth in Exhibit A (consisting of 19jparcel$). attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference. '-" Date Received: NOV I 8 2010 Original Submittal (IF SPACE INSUFFICIENT. CONTINUE DESCRIPTION ON REVERSE) The true consideration for this conveyance is $__-"""-O-"""_________~__. (Here, comply with the requirements of ORS 93.030.) i)~1iEi)-:::::~;;:~~~:~~~~::::::::~:::::::::::-:--::~- ------------------~-~----------------------------------- THIS INSTRUMENT WILL NOT ALLOW USE OF THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED IN ____ ~~u-uu------------------- THIS INSTRUMENT IN VIOLATION OF APPLICABLE LAND USE LAWS AND REGU- M. Brown LATIONS. BEFORE SIGNING OR ACCEPTING THIS INSTRUMENT. THE PERSO ACOUIRING FEE TITLE TO THE PROPERTY SHOULD CHECK WITH THE APPRO PRIATE CITY OR COUNTY PLANNING DEPARTMENT TO VERIFY APPROVED USES AND TO DETERMINE ANY LIMITS ON LAWSUITS AGAINST FARMING OR FOREST PRACTICES AS DEFINED IN ORS 30.930. .STATE ~s~:':~~'t ::~n~k~fo~7e:;;;b;f;;;-;;,-;~;--~ ss. _ u_23,,__~_6-__, by ____,LaUleSC_~._J6l'_OItD_________________________________________~_________________________. ~ N~~~g~-~&:---~:u---------------- My commission expires ---iL___L6.-:=~R-----m-- .. OfFICIAL SEAl. I~' TAMI G fGLI " ;. NOTARY PUBUC. OREGllll '. ,../ .. COMMISSION NO. S841ln MY COMMSilOO EliPIREB . . t.:, ~,:;;:~~~~~',:~._~;:,' 1::" .....;:,-- ....... ",. . :~.):.~:~.;.:~'.~;~.:~:~:-:':. ,. ;-'-. 1980 &.1986 MINDA EUGENE. OR. . ~..'. .. .. ~"', ". ".' . . . ." ..' 'tm 1. HIHi>lI.pm;:,lIS PLArrB!l J\ND,iuI~ XK Ji~~1i4; .'.ORllGOH lip''!:, .1!BCORDS..XK LlIKB .c:owrr. " ol13GOl'l.. ;. " PMB 20. LlIR3 "~ ....-;-- . ~ .... ,..' - ...... 2212 & 2214 DORNOCH ST ,'''' " Lot a. lllock 8. .F.I!lST J\DDITION TO KEN RAY PARK. as platted aDd recorded in Book"SO. Page :I.. Lane county oregol> plat Records. in Lane CountY. Oregon. ~ .; . f "\ " '. \ ,. Date Received: NOV 1 8 2010 Original submittal fY.H18iT~_ . . Parcel A Legal Description -,/L.J OYM; LJ< A PORTION OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 25, TOWNSHIP 17 SOUTH, RANGE 3 WEST OF THE WllLAMETTE MERIDIAN BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOllOWS; BEGINNING AT A POINT ON THE WESTERLY LINE OF BLOCK 5, MOHAWK FIRST ADDITION, AS PLATTED AND RECORDED IN BOOK 15, PAGE 23, LANE COUNTY OREGON PLAT RECORDS, SAID POINT BEING 180.00 FEET NORTH 0011'00" EAST FROM THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF SAID BLOCK 5; THENCE lEAVING SAID WESTERLY LINE SOUTH 89041'00" EAST 334.10 FEET TO A POINT ON THE EASTERLY LINE OF SAID BLOCK 5; THENCE FOllOWING ALONG SAID EASTERLY LINE, NORTH 29013'00" EAST 208.60 FEET TO A POINT BEING SOUTH 29013'00" WEST 100.00 FEET FROM THE MOST EASTERLY NORTHEAST CORNER OF SAID BLOCK 5; THENCE lEAVING SAID EASTERLY LINE AND FOllOWING ALONG A LINE 100.00 FEET OFFSET FROM THE SOUTHERLY RIGHT-OF-WAY OF 'M' STREET, NORTH 60047'00" WEST 100.00 FEET; THENCE lEAVING SAID LINE AND FOllOWING ALONG A LINE 100.00 FEET OFFSET FROM, THE EASTERLY LINE OF SAID BLOCK 5, NORTH 29013'00" EAST 45.86 FEET; THENCE lEAVING SAID LINE AND FOllOWING ALONG A LINE PARAllEL WITH THE SOUTHERLY LINE OF SAID BLOCK 5, NORTH 89041 '00" WEST 370.16 FEET TO A POINT ON THE WESTERLY LINE OF SAID BLOCK 5; THENCE FOllOWING ALONG SAID WESTERLY LINE, SOUTH 0011'00" WEST 271.09 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING, CONTAINING 2.38 ACRES, MORE OR lESS, AllWITHIN SAID SECTION 25, SPRINGFIELD, LANE COUNTY, OREGON. Date Received: NOV 1 8 2010 Original Submittal .E)(tlIBJI A- - . . Parcel B Legal Description /l/ o-r/4. cl J < A PORTION OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 25, TOWNSHIP 17 SOUTH, RANGE 3 WEST OF THE WllLAMETTE MERIDIAN, BEING MORE . PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOllOWS: BEGINNING AT THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF BLOCK 5 OF MOHAWK FIRST ADDITION AS PLATTED AND RECORDED IN BOOK 15, PAGE 23, LANE COUNTY OREGON PLAT RECORDS; THENCE FOllOWING ALONG THE SOUTHERLY LINE OF SAID BLOCK 5, NORTH 89041 '00" WEST 234.32 FEET TO THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF SAID BLOCK 5; THENCE FOllOWING ALONG THE WEST LINE OF SAID BLOCK 5, NORTH 0011'00" EAST 180.00 FEET; THENCE lEAVING SAID WESTERLY LINE, SOUTH 89041'00" EAST 334.10 FEET TO A POINT ON THE EASTERLY LINE OF SAID BLOCK 5; THENCE FOLLOWING ALONG SAID EASTERLY LINE SOUTH 29013'00" WEST 205.60 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING, CONTAINING 1.17 ACRES, MORE OR lESS, All WITHiN SAID SECTION 25. '. 1140 OCEAN ST EUGENE, OR \ L . a~tpi~t~~~~~'r~~~=~ r~~o~~ OCEANWAY INDUSTRIAL PARK, Oregon Plat Records in L C 46, Page 21, Lane County . ,ane ounty, Oregon. 1385 OAK STEUGENE Lot 7, Block 6, CHRIST:u.N'S 2ND ADDITION TO EUGeNE recorded in BooK: IIR" . as platted and . Page 350, Lane County oregon Deed Records in Lane Counl:Y I Oregon. ' i Date Received: ~.. NOV 1 8 2010 Original submittal f.XHIBITL . . .1 2525 ELYSIUM ST. EUGENE .Lot 2,: Block 8, FIRST ADDITION TO PARADISE PARK, as. platted ajnd i'record~d in Book 33, Page 10, Lane County Oregon Plat Record~, in i Lane County, Oregon j 675 HUGHES ST. EUGENE Lot 20, Block 19, FAIBFIELD EIGHTH ADDITION, as platted and recorded in Book 26, Page 26, Lane County Oregon Plat Records, in Lane CountY, Oregon. 1553 CHARNEL TON ST EUGENE ,:. ~ Soutli 24 1'e,t 01' Lot 3 ~d the North 12 teet of Lot 4, lllack 17, .Amended Plat :' of.: lIe11~e\ql Addition, as platted BIl.d :.eeorded i2I. Book 2, Page 52,. Lane oounty .... Ot:eson Pll1t'lleeords, in Lane County Oregon. .' rd ':.. \ . 1649 EAST 2JRD ST EUGE~ , '1 . #18 03 05 1 4 01700 ~eginning at the Southeast ~orner of Lot 5, Block 2, FAIRMOONT HEIGHTS, as '~'latted an. d recorded in Book 4, Page 33; Lane 'county Oregon Plat RecordSl unning thence West 50 feet; thence North '140~'4 feet; thence East 50 feet o the West line of the alley; and thence South 140.4 feet along theiWest. ine of the alley to the- place of beginning, being a part of 'Lots 3,: 4 and Block 2, FAIRMOUNT ~IGHTS, in Lane County, Oregon 1 . fl: .1649 East 23rd, Eugene. Date Received: >J' ,':,:'j.:j NOV 1 f 2010 If, ~!: . . Original Submittal EXHIBIT A- . . 66 CENTENNIAL LP. EUGENE Beginning at an iron rod at the Northwest corner of Lot 6, Block I, AYRES SUBDIVISION, as platted and, recorded In Book 47, Page 17, lane County Oregon Plat Records, In Lar.e Couniy, Oregon; thence North 71 032' 5 0" East a long the Southerly right of way line of the Eugene-Springfield Highway 100 feet to an iron pipe; thence South TB"'2T"T0""East--160 feet 'to' ;,'poInt; tnence South 71 032'52" Wesl~ - - 100 feet to a point on ,the West."rly line of said Lot 6, Block I, ,AYRES_SUBDIVISION; thence North"lB~2rIO.-West.T60-reet 't01'!ie -place -of-beginning, in Lane Coatttr-.-Oreg6Iif'" ALSO;, Beginning at an iron rod at the Northwest'corner of Lot 6, Block I, AYRES SUBDIVISION, as platted and recorded in Book 47, Page 17, Lane County dregon Plat Records; thence North 71032'50" " East along the Southerly right of way line of the Eugene-Springfield Highway 100 feet to an iron pipe; thence South 18027'10" East, 160 feet to the true 'point of beginning; thence South 18027'10" East, 175.75 feet to an iron pipe; thence South 80012' West, 15.17 feet to ,a point; thence North 18027',10" East, 173.47 feet to a point which bears South 71032' 52 "rest, 15 feet from the true paint of beginning; then,ce North 7-l03Z'SZ' ,East, 15 feet to the true point of beginning, . " in Lane County, Oregon, ' Date Received: ji I "1 '-' ) NOV 1 8 2010 Original Submittal EXHIBII A- . . -r~5/~.:- .... . . . . <.' ,,'~'., ~ ..~. .j Beginning at an iron rod at the Northwest corner of Lot 6; Block: 1.; iAYRES SQBDIVISION. as platted and:~ecorded in.pook 47. paee 17. ~ane : County Oregon Plat Records, in Lai'fe County. Oregon; thenc~ North' 7:1. 0 '32' 50" ;East along the Southerly right of way .line orthe: .;' ,Eugene-Springfield Highway 100 feet to' an ii-on '.pipe; therige Sou!:1l 180 27' 10" .East, 160 feet to a point,' th.ence .South 71" 32' 5?"Weat" .100 ;feet to. a point on the Westel"ly U.ne of aaid..Lo.t 6, 'Block:.l, .AyRI!:S,.. :SUBDIVI$IONj thence North 18027' :.IO"l/est, 160 feet t:o t~e" p1a:c~ 'of : beginni~g.. in Lane . County. Oregon" .... ..' . '. . . ,.,. .....: ' : ALSO' a 15 foot easement f.or ii'ig~eisandegl"ess'."de,!3cribed. lis. follpws:.. . . BegInning . at .a.n iron rod .at the '.NCirthw.est ,corner. Of Lo.t. 6j. Blo.ck, I,'. - . AYRES SUBDIV.ISION, as p1a.ttedand.,reO?l"ded' in Book 47, Page 17. ~aqe ;County Oregon Plat .Recordsj thenc~ 'North 7.10'.32' :50" Ea8t~along.'t;he ; Southel"+y right .of way line of. th* Eugeri'e-spri.l)gfield Higoway 1,0:0 feet' :to an it'on pipe; thence South 180<27" 10" East; 160 feet. to the.itrtie ., )point of beginning; thence South tSo 27' 10" East, 175.75lfeetto an ; il"OIi pipe.; thence South'Soo 12 ,. \rI~st ,: 15.17 .fe.sCto'. a' point; thence . . iNorth 180 27' 10" East, 173.47 'feet to a .point,whiclj l;lea"~ South: 7.10 : 32' 52ft: West, 15 feet fl'?m the t,.':'e .point of besinninSj thence N:orth ;710 :32';52". East,.15 feet to thetrue:;po"int or..beginning,"in Lade. . 'County, 'Ol"egon. . '.:;.' ..... '.' . .:". ; '.",' ",!"! . ,'. ,. " ..,.--' ,. ; I c. " , . !. , !i ',' '''::'. ;.. \ ii" .,,' .. -:~' . , ..~. f . .~. " - :.: . . . r.o';' ::~., . t?" .: ".', ,;;.:.-;::" . ! . Date R~ceived:' .: NOV 1; 8 2C:0 : EXHIBITL Original Submittal . . 1126 TAYLOR ST 'fhe East 73 feet of Lot 2, Block 5, CHAHBERS ADDITION TO '.!:!!f1.E!!~,...as platte<l .an<l recor<le<l),n.lIcok.J,_.F.a<}e...4.l.,J.llne.., c~unty Oregon PletReccrd., .I.n.I:'":n~..~,:n:!--,_~~~~n.. :': . . 3800 BARGER EUGENE The land referred to in this policy is described as follows: Beginning at a point on the North line of Section 22, Township 17 South, Range 4 West of the Wil1amette Meridian, 29.0 feet South 89' 35' East from the quarter section corner between Sections 15 and 22 of said Township and Raoga; running thence South. 310.2 feet; thence~outh.89' 35' East'95;O"'fl!e.tflhence.. North 310.2. feet; thence North 8g-'''35~:West 95.0 feet to the point of ""be;gj.nning, in Donation Land Claini"No. 44, Township 17 South, Range 4 West of -the Willarnette Meridian, in lane County, Oregon. 2282 FOUR OAKS EUGENE gegi.nna,,,, .t. tile tloctbt.st,; corner of the J.ctaon "d9b.t'..~ Donation und Cllilll No. ,n. in '1'bW"S~tp 18 South, Ra."9~ 4 tIe.~ " lel!. t~. Wi}loaette Kcr1.d1,1n in ~n. Coo;n~.. OCe<9',~.1 tb.n~ .~~. ..4 ,-5O>\;1th (10 d-egr.ces 02'~ '45" .tA:Sl:-,dQtt~ tli'i'" E"iitTLne of G.u.4 cur. RO. 41..a 61staDce of 1623.12 feet; theftce lC4vlng the ~It line Of\sa1d claim Cftd cun North', dogcet~ 38' 45. We$t '0.0 teet. to .,ih~,1'C-'l,Ie point of 8e91Mift9 'of- Ult hereln--'d-=sCTiba4 ~ra.ct;"~:"-:-:-: .. tbence' Horl:tl 89 dcC;t.ea 36' 4'- We~C 'llO.~50-"fe-c~..; t.benC\lC $oat.!t ' ..00 de9'rees o~- 45. ~,,_~. po(,aUel vith ttle S..-5tnl'ine .ot ...l,r --:-;:-. Claim ~o. 41. a d1st~ ot 86.$4 fe~t: t.h<enc:e Noeth et 4egreQ . 38' 4S. We5~ 74.0 feetJ tft~nee Norc~ 00 degreeS 02' 4S. .oet parallel with the te:t 11ne of =4i~ Cl~i. No. 41. a 41atonce of 201.$4 t~c~: the~c~ SoQ~b " d_9cees )0' 45. ~b~t 184.$0 teet to -a po.ift~ that is 15.0 f-eel tl'octJi 00 4e'ilr~& 02- 45- Ifcat of tile etue poin'- ol...beginniftg: Iohencl!! soutb 00 deg.tecs 02' .cS" &aat. 15.0 feet to ~hl!! tfu~ point of o-gLnning, 1n eugeae~ L&a~ COUn ty, Ote901l. \ Date Received: NOV 1 8 2010 Original Submitt,,1 EXHIBIT A- . . . 815 & 825 EAST 35TH EUGENE St;lnl'lln; ..t 0& pO~M 10 ...., 101.I'''.13,dl1.......SG': 1!...~\.,-,.otil:,"'.'..t...W.....,y(..":' ..."..., 0' I.e' l~l' TKl~.~~~ITICli TO IUrf<V .HCI.Lll~.' .,'pl"a".il .1\lI..Utl'1l"",.ln'V:. ,'OOk lO. paDQ &, l.aM ~O\loty ClI'a;on p".,'ftacord." ,.htne. r.....h "'~'Il"...'~"" C.... parallol wnh"ha _h.,ly 11M o',odd 1.0' I~ 0,41.101'0' .,..lilS"",1' \1'\1f\ea Sloutt\ 23 Gao:,.... 1:5' tn, aaraU.1...U:h .'he 1!4.".rl)" .Una 0' Mid L.4" . Af'\.:I Lat II., . .L"'&."~ of 11.i!C f...c '" th. Sov'h~h':'U". 0' ..ld,t.ot 1'1 ~h.~. lo~thwe.t.~1~ A10ft1 ..id ~ow~~'~'r Ji~,.O':.4J4 Lo\ &61 .'4l.t.~. 0" \0=.6-lI fl" tD 'h. uo.t SCl\lUurrh' ~I" or Hid L'ot '61 'n.n". "nQ"h t.I . , d.R~... l~t ~..t &'.7S taet, .. .~. Pi.e. 0' "g~~n'~a, &n ~.~ tou~~. Ol"'.~n. 1541 MCKINLEY cr iQtkgi581~ek 52'SBERKELET PARK AODITION. as platted and recorded in OOQ . .~e . Lan. County Ol'e9on Plat Records ;n Lane County regon. .. 1247 WD..LAMETl'E ST EUGENt Comm.nclas a' a point in 'h. llet l1n. at Vll1a=.tt. Stre.e 1n tt", cu, ot Buseno. tone Coll/l'" oreson, 509.71 rut SOuth ot It. lator.,otlon with the Bouth l1no or 11th 'tre.t 1n .ald CSt" and I'IlMina theno. South &1on8 tll. tilt 11n. ot V1l1uGCto Stroot 67 t..tl ~lnOI Ba.. parll1.1 with tbo North l1no of 13tb Btre.t In .a14 Cl., 161 t..t. mor. or 1.... to tb. v..t l1n. ot Ch. &1h,: th.ft" Ilor'" &1oll& lobe v..e 11ne ot thO allo,. 61 t..tl theae. Vo.t parallel with 'hI Borth l1ne at 13th Str..' 161 r..t. mort or 111.. 'to tho PlIO' at b'a1nn1ns. In Lan. COunt,. O!y!t.!'1 '. ' \ Date Received: NOV 1 f 2010 Original Submitt..i EXHIBIT A:: " . . .....:- HIGHWAY 99 PROPERTY: - ;, Beginning at a point mar-king the 'Northeast corner of Lot 3, Block 1, WILKERSON PARK, in section 26, Township 17 SOuth, Range 4 West of the wil1amette Meridian, Lane County, Oregon; running thence North 870 15' West 314.7 feet to the West line of the solomon ZUI11'Jalt Donation Land Claim No. 41 in said Township and Range; thence North along the West line of said claim 101.0 feet to a point marking the Southwest corner of that certai tract of land conveyed to Harry S. Brownfield, et ux, by deed recorded,SoPtember 24, 1962 ReceptionNo. 84365, Deed Records of Lane County, oregon: thence south 87 03' East 262.8 feet to an annle corner in the SOuth iine of saia llwwnfield tract: thence North 500 48' East 104. 89 f~et to the Westerly line of the Pacific Highway: thence SOuth 340 01' East alO.og~' t8e Westerly line of said llighway 155.32 feet, more or Isss, to .a point that is North 71 22' East from the point of be<Jinning; thence South 71 22' West 125.25 feet to the point of beginning. --------- ------ -~_..~~--- ._---. Date Received: ., 'j NOV 1 8' 2010 Original Submiti<il EXHIBIT ....i1::-