HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Signage 1989-7-28 ., '. . .. l ,j '" .f .'1 .. . j ) '. .~ l , I ! ~ . I I 1 I ~ j :: ; 1 , j ;; '1 :;j 'I u 1 ~ ~ ,. .' ~ I ~ , i d , JJ 'f ~ . :j I .1 " ) i t1 .i .i I 'a, ~ . ii .. 'j 1 ,. ,; ''; w .i .. jlii 11,,~.jl .....i'~d!.~i..:.i! ,,1(....., "" ,!, . r .:,', J: r.: " " i ~ '..~,~-.o:) ;:~ {1.. .. ( { - ~.. city of springfield 225 n. 5th street SPRINGFIELD INFORMATION: 726-3753 ~...... "J . . :! {i '" ::, .'\ '_1 I r, INS'P'ECTIONSI 726-3769 .'~ j -.., : . , .. 51 GN,PERMI T, APPLICATION. '.";"'.. i":' ',i.,j I'.. "', r .~. ". I 1 ,.!.}', ~'-hl~' ".J ': . -, "j ~ : :1. : ~ . J A. LOCATION OF' SI~N (ADDRESS) !. , ~{~.) "~e:.-S~~ I. 1?~:o.P" .:-'rr ,,[1',', i:(~ LECAL DESCRIPTIO~-1J'.OJ~~f77) ~/8Jti.JjV/) 1(JlJ;2. rl~-~~AX1bT3i iJf?V . " O\>1NER 'OR PROPERTY ,\}oJ \ t....- LP\-AA~~ ,t "....=:-',' (?,.,d s; .' ., , P~ONE" ~i2~ ..:. 4~~'" .~q( N. fOl~.:n-+ ,SPFl?,,' ,.I ADDRESS ,1 J : 'I ZIP' i Ii" :', ,I, OlJNER OF SIGH (IF OTHER THAN PROPERTY OWNER) .. $.~~' NAME OF BUSINESS, FIRM, ETC. W\l:l3L..-< :,;"~€:,,.,.':I i ~ f :.: . j .. i ',j ',,1 : ADDRESS .... I ,PHONE,~ j PAR~,~(~ ~~PE,OF'.BUSIHESS! ' ,'fbOL--(I~~'~ I ~.: '1rJ,,~1 :".... . ~~: Fl. TYPE OF WORK: v'ERF.CT . C. STRUCTURAL TYPE 'OF SIGN:, ' , . ,).\ : 1 , , V"\IALL FREESTANDING J 1, : . ROOF PROJECTING ". ". 1 i. t' INCIDENTAL '; , : . ,; r'1 ( i: !../DOUBLE FACE "" ,:',~. \,)./ ....,1 . ll_.: . .... (;; . '. 0 .. D.'USE; AHri' CP.ARACTER OF :SIGN: ,j,~ : 01 ~ . " 10 , ' 0 : l J ~. .. ,,} "'.,viDENTITY .:", :,..:r'"'J ..1 i.~ '~ H; A (.:" , i :'. . i ALTER .' ; I ~ RELOCATE OTHER 'I'. MARqUEE UNDER 11ARqUEE OTHER' " ~' 1 j , ! . ~ ,.: j. ~ J ,'11., I '0' o . . H ~, ': . SINGLE FACE , --, ,,' j MlTLTI--FACE" 'READER BOARD .I ," I J 0 ,~ A): 'i . ',..'; .~, ,I . " :,:;,! ('i ,..t".' o (r,,; , o' ..'., _ .:1 ,',J' .1.::' .ool' : 1',1 I> .;.. ,ii.' ": I: q '. 0' ': J' .,' ,0' BILLBOARD ,I, .', i 'I' . E. VENDORS, CONTRACTORS: SIGN 'ERECTOR "aA~" '-St~'S 1,'140 u)" (l~ ~aJe.. :"90<:9~4-l=S " " '.'" '" . . , : 'J . J ' .~ ,. I ,.'(]-; , ,J! -I 1'1 I' I CITY LICENSE t1U?1BER ' ",; riroNE' \~3~ ':"':..J-'4~' ~,'" '~ir ': q~1?-z..' . ~EXP:DATE ..1~ / ~olcuD I I " u. t..! \ ' .f.DD!'.ESS SIGN 11ANUFACTURER (IF :O~HER TFAN,E~CTOR) '<S~ CSaMe . ADDRESS PHONE 'S~AiV'.Q..~ F.. . " DD1EUSIONS, . G. EXISTING 'SIGNS :-::. nlSTALLATIOl'T & CONSTRUCTIOn .' << 4~\\ I r"~ S~~ 1 ;:; 1 :t:. , t-' ~1-a lU " I ,. I ~ . ARE THERE ANY EXISTI!lG' ~IGl'TM .:--YES 'K NO '; m.n1BE~ SIZE IN SO. FTG. ; ':, TOTAL HEIGHT ABOVE GRADE VERTICAL DIMENSION OF SIGN HORIZONTAL WInn! OF SIGN . DIHENSION FROM GRADE TO BOTTOM OF SIGN :' 'T1IICI<NESS OR DEPTH ALL EXISTING SIGNS , FOR BUSINESS. ETC. ,j: i,' DOES SIGN PROJECT BEYOND PROPERTY LINE? ,___YES IF YES. DIl-tENSION BEYOND PROPERTY LINE NOTE: IF PROJECTIOn IS HORE THAN 12" : OVER PUBLIC PROPERTY TP.E SIGN ERECTOR I.ruST FILE WITH THE l3UILDING DIVISION COPIES OF HIS/HF.R LIABILITY AND PROP- ERTY DA}~GE INSUP~NCE POLICIES. X-NO '- H. UI~L SIGN HAVE ELECTRICAL tJIRING? 1'JO' . IF YES,- WHICH APPLY? ELECTRICAL SIGN . _ILLmlINATED' (INDIRf.CTLY LIGHTED) .. ELECTRICAL conTRACTOR ADDRESS LIse. NUMBER ': ~ :' PIroNE J. DESCRIBE TYPE' OR l-fATERIALS SIGN IS CONSTRUCTED o:r. . 'F~H~ ft.Ac;-nc. \IVOlVlDUAL- \..JC1~ <<uo hoJ~-to ~ WAU-- J. SITE INFOJUfATIOH (LAND USE) -- EXISTING USE OF BUILDING OR LAND (OR LAST USE IF VACANT) .' \, ~.' , . ~ i.-Mt-\..l...Jc:;... ~~(.c. ..A~U ~ ~ . 1. .J J " . d ~ 'i l. '.! .1 ,.::.....:...INDOOR BUSINESS'.::-.OUTDOO~ I>\ERCHANDISING,) If PROPOSED USE OF BUILDING OR LAND: ~ \.M M. l~C- pcOc:=:ll.- '1 1 j ot '~ ... K. VALUE OF SIGN: L~O~ 1 ,J " ~ . .: L. I HAVE CAREFULLY EXANINED the completed application for permit and do hereby certify that all information is true and correct, and I fu~ther certify that all work performed shall be done in accordance with the Springfield Sign Ordinance. the Uniform Sign Code as adopted by the City of Sprin~field and all other Ordinances of the City of Sprin~field and the laws of the State of _ Oregon per~aining to t~e work described h~L~~n. ! further certify that my ~~zn Co~tractor Li- . cense with the City of Sprin~field is in full force and effect as required by Sprin~field Codes 8-2-6(3) and 9-7-20(2).' I will request all required sign inspections listed on the approved Ii pe rmi t.' ~~~' M! ; ~ .,' "1 :.; \lo..rg" :\ i NAME (PLEASE..PRINT) .,-'-'€~U/~_.- si6tJs'--' "'''''''h__,__~.. ._. .,.:...,-_....~.-.._----_. ....... j' 1I " \" L2 ,," ) I ' "'~1 :'):1-:: Ii,' 1 SIGNATIJRE~' ~ I;~~"" .'. .0., DATE --,.' '1-'-~Y-N-;-'" J . ... {J' I\,L-"-'~"r ~'.'--__"',a"""",,,""~'.' ~.. ._..,,'~""= .. ~= J \ ,;'; L.. .'," .,); 1.d ;;'~,~'I ,.).1 ~ (.. , .\t/:-,'1: ~,; '.:' n_'."' .', i.i..,.:;\; ,.t,:';' L ~: ~r i };:$,ti ~ J9i,,~.i f~,,[..~:i,~,)t':~"';:';I:',:t,:., j' !f,:.fl~'..1~~' '~..,~ ',~ Jt'J , f.lr! PLEAS ER fA D~l . 't' ",,,,~ I ~l\'l C;) i J~"::i q ;:;."! j~.~ ~'.\ ~.- ",;;,\ ,; . ii~, 1) Separate Sign Application: A separate application,'iis "required for each separate sign as defined in the Sign Code. . , . . .. .' . '. , :; '., . .,., 'S~'" ',I' ':""'jl .::"1 e'. . "~.. ~ r,. m ,;, 1\ ~.v \q! t .Ii' ''''',; ;! .';' ':., ~ 2) Electrical: Any permi~ i,ssued lunder' this "appli'cation will' includ~ wiring in or on sign structure, i~ . the supply wires for.:c~nnect~on must ~e covered .o.n ,an electrical pe7'mit.,. ...ElectricaL..connection..~i;.I....m """""'-',..,,, must be'made"only bya State Licensed Electrical Contractor. Illurrunated signs (both intern3.I,~Y': I and externally) must conform to ' Sections 9 -7 -4 (4) Ex (5) ..:1l~9 :,7.~.~,~\ .~,~l1F.h~<.Sp';r.i.ngfield~Si:gn\;.Or-' . 1>J "" dinance. "",.,,",,,,,,,.._,..,.", ....C>.......... ,",-,,,,' "'; ....'",-" .',..."... . '.-" ...-,.. ,.:-....'..........'...-. ,..... , ' .'iJ 'it, , ",'. l" -,..... ~.1;'f;~'\.~t~'J.!H:);;.\:,:~_J IJ:A'OJ1.l ~'f 3) Plans Reciuired:-..."This'~applicationis, ,to.'be"submitted with two'complete""sets" of plans showing di- ' mens ions and height oLsign; advertising message on sign: location of sign O~',p,rop.e.rty,' wi'th'~:di-;* .mensions'" to" property, lines.. 's tructural. details','of"support"framing ; bracing'" and footings; materials '~ ", of construction,.for sign and sign structure; .electrical equipment and lighting: size and}llocation, &! "."..,of existing"signs on property'for"the'same busienss, all" as required"to'determin~'-com!>li.ance with M I , the Springfield Sign Ordinance (Article 7 of the Springfield City i Code) '.!",Also,.:show .'the':?follow- 1;; 1 ing informati?n on th~,'P.~~t'Plan '(plan show~,ngproperty lines and location of signs): ;':e;1i;~jGu.i\ !I ,a) Show"the-Iocation of"all exis,ting'.sign(s)'ras:w~llas proposed sign(s)~-""""""""""'-'" 0 ~ b) S~ow t~e length' of the street fr?ntage taken up by, the business! 'or bu:lld:lng'.\'\ l"Fo~ "~"ai'l~fu~ m Sl.gns, show the length of the bw.lding frontage. ... .. .."...... ., '_'. . , . ......__....".."._ ...._,. .~._....u~_...""_",,.~i , ,.""...,_.."". ".'"".. . ,..'-....",,,",......'...... "','," " , ' .. f . ,",'" We'- :::;)c>.;~.Sh~~;~~'e';~oc~~ion.o.f;entranfesopen to\"t~~ publ~c:: a~R-c;1rb{eway~; i :,;{i:,q "f;J ~1Ti1: .~j ~" 4) When required, because of- design, size, etc., enginee.red drawings and! calc,u~o!1tions must""be pre- 1$. J pared by a '{~ice~s!!d engineer or; shall conform: to:' des ign standards on file'1 at l.;the...Building .Di vi- ~; , sionOffice. .""., . . 1 ",,,..,,,..,.' r;1 . "1\' .'.-. , . '-,'jl t~~.",~ ':''-lfJ.1 i . "_ j, l\.1(.. J.''-!--1 ..~ : 5) Plans of,Jinsufficientclarity or detail will"be returned to the appli~ant with no pe.~~:~be"ing Wi issued . \ ...,,, '''I I " ,..! J '1 ", .. . ::!:-:-\ \ ',!. hL \ Vi ;JI>": ;1,,0 u'. . . ._ f ..!.~.-. " .... ,~..._........:. . i': ; 6) Signs must meet corner vision clearance requirements as described in Figure 9 of the Springfield J: Comprehensive.':Zoning Code. 'f' ";:,U)i,!',/-..! ;;,:':nio_....._'" I ",""""'.._...,,'.,,..""........... ,'._~._,_,._ ~.~I' '," ..,.. , .~ 7) NOTE:. No ;~\ign Tl13-Y. be ~rected w~ich is less than 12 feet,r;hp'rizonta~lyi or .vertic~ll!. fro~' overhead M electrical'conductors"l.n excesslof 750 volts, or less than 5,feet ~n anydirectl.on fron overhead ~ electri,5~l}",li,l1M,:!:~hich are ener~ized a~ l.~ss ,t,ha.~.!.~,O ":~~.~.s ~. I..",., ..__ ......,-_..". ti 8) If a sign is not installed within 60 days after the date of issue of this permit, the permit shall ~ be void..-;~ni/,'f.!,J.J}r._..."..~....... i ."", "... .~_._.,,,...~,,,_:....." i .,..............~..,.. ._...............""'.......... l~ i. ' "...""...",,,,>L,~.__,,..,,,,",,,.,,...,,,_.,, .,..~, .~...., /l.....,.,._._ ..,. .-,.,..,,,,, ,..' ,~.'1-.,...... .....,.",..... , . '<" ...., .~." . ~., ' 9) Inspec tions :.. ,,,....". ..'"....." ,,,,,..-...,,..', ...'..-'.M'7......'::-~ .,...-' ',",;,:. J -,.,""'~-.,-,,,..-..- ,.' a) Site Instlection - to be made before the sign is place,d. Usually, the,:Footing Inspection' ~;: I (if applicable) may be made at the same time as the Site Inspection". The .foo,ting Insp~~- :.~ ",,,...til?tl..:!.s....to b~~mage'after.hole(s) is"e~avat.eci, but prior to.the.placement.of.concrete.' ,., ,':I b) Final Inspection: - to be .mad~ up~ri ~~mple,fi~n of all work. ... ,",,-;r:"'i j! .. 'c) '''. t:le'ctrical - all" 'electrical signs must be inspected for electrical hook up - after the sign ...".1s erected. and 'before "the sign is ...turned on. , ' " , CALL FOR THE. REQUIRED INSPECTIONS, ON THE 24 HOUR INSPECTION LINE AT 726-3769 " t ;t:i , : i'\ (,~I : "; FOR OFFICE USE UNLY SIGN DISTRICT ZONE DISTRICT' Pl]() TOTAL_' SQUARE.: FOOTAGEr OF, SIGN' Jk.~ . ~ ' REQU.IREO" INSPECTIONS ;.iT'i!" i: ~.,-1:J~\~//; ',:;, ." , . \' VsITE/LOCATION ~OOTIN~': 'OR: METHOD' OF: ATTACHMENT ELECTRICAL ~INh OTHER JO~ f}. :~,qoJ7,7':', , SIGN. PERMIT FEE: ' ~~' '..' '.,,'. ; 'nt...riL /tJ1) , .) ','t" ,I ., ""',1 " .'t. ELEC~ICAL PERMIT. FEE : "fi:\ ~ '(;,'j', i ," ~r .:, " " " ., ;t i l; 1 i"~. ,d '.~" ,1' 1:':'':1. 41. STATE SURCHARGE: " , . : t !,; if,; '/ ::.i_"\ '::. <:)1 ~.";..; r :'. '"if ~' . t1;'1. " r r j ... " . 1 ~. i r . ',';- I; '~ "::";,1, :f',\\';.:!~,;;~ " . ..' ",' TOTAL: ,rfl.;r" m' ',:'." l' L"\.l'L.ii\1 <. ," .c.. '. ~. . :.' I' _ ' . ,"'. '. . ...~..- "--'i( V!': '!..,;;~ ',' .~:"~1 :::'.,.;'t DATE. . , 'd:'" d-:~ Pl:1O ': . ~c~~p~ . 'Ii i' ~t?}'#J.. . I~'~" CLERK O. 0" ' '. ' ',' '.'... , .' '" -' '. .~ to' I ".' .' '., I .'>.-; \ ..;: . '. ~--.-, '" 'i) '\"' 7, ,I; I" .j SPECIAL CONDITIONS TO BE "SATISFIED BEFORE' ERECTION OF SIGN: ~; : ADDITIONAL'INFORMATION NEEDED'BEFORE'PERMIT. MAY BE I~SUED:" -,' '! . {~ I ,.... \ ': ;.r ~.1 !:' . 'i ;"';. :.( I ;", ''( . c . i.' '. ~ _i i.. ,) :~' i ; . \- . f' . t l n , .,',..'.....r-'-" :, APPROVE'~" ~~~.'~.Z j~;: ;j' ;~'-:] :::/;:":, SECT~~~:'" ..': ';$.?J ;.()!i;..... "../..".. ,. .-. i. .,'''''''''' "" 'j,':" .,,",";", ,,,:J 0,. \.1''':';1~J ;'r;;:;!j\:,;',;;::<;,!'i'" ~-!! {"':I"i' ',..!' '~.1.' J;.;~ (,c',;":;:,:':' ..t~:,h.t "~':~::";''f'.' 'f;,,:': .:' :'".!, f ~'.,'-~ '~';'. ,", ~..\ . i'.'.~'.',I:.,,~'~'I,,:,":}:'~"~~ ~.'_:,-~,'.~:,~'1~':':,:,;'~~; . ".l.'~'l -/.! ~ .','~.i;\ .;{ ~'>.;: ~'.<.-:;, 8L,,-,'L'~', l$, ~:~,';i,:,;' (~ r.' ...!'j~~,I..ii, . . . ~".t.f~i t.] t:;; ~,-?~\.:'>-~~;~~.., ~_:~; ~)c. -',: :;:',~:~'. ';~;'1",..t "':r. r ~'li.j hnt" f,')l)~.n,;"~.';;"~ :~'.., \; i i,) ~':'li 'j!~ ~:..~ -"f?i,'!.th'!',~ 'J/:",'d',; JJ!;: I:.f-::ft, l..',~~!:,j ~,,:\(:; ri~::~ \ i:';'/,:!t .:,/:1 ,~~.:.I:... .....1 .;,t,:,\;; ""~~"I:)""::):" b;f;,:~.I'f':~;,.i'" T .'';':'.'::' ,"1\'1 1~',<'-:' ',: :.':) ~;!>.:.1' ;.'it:) r.,'~ :i!~Jt,:1'J1:;:i~.'" ;'\.~.t"~rO ',1:,~',~/,'1 J) '. ~ i:,;. ;._ :;::U::' :~E.:~ ~,",~: J'.~,;. ~~~::',Ji:ki .;~'; ~'~:~:.~,:.~.-;:; r, p' : i,' . ''':]''''',' , I ~ J",; rf.tY''1::::Ji I,ll"!; 1 f, \."'...,;,., t. -- .""" ',. - D~TE ~i?jff7' . .. .. ':\,...:<,:~ . .,... _ : '" __.."...,( .l.., C!:':ii:~,ft '1 :"""\,,,,(,,"0 :1 HJ,ii SPRINGFIELD SIGN ORDINAN~E . . i! I' 1 !; i : { ! ~'.. ...! } ~,'~! . . ,/ ;1,; . ;/ :~:t;' );y' ;.;~\ ~ ~ ~., l' ~;-} . -. \ -,,~,'Ij',~ ,.".~ . ,,~:';'~O;;,,!~}'~\~.\~!;'~1;::!~!.~..iW';J1~~r:;'~~.'i" -:-."" ~':i~'!~;~~~):'~~\:.Wtf' ~